2020-2021学年高中英语 综合素养提升一 Unit 1 Science Fiction学案新人教版选择性必修第四册_第1页
2020-2021学年高中英语 综合素养提升一 Unit 1 Science Fiction学案新人教版选择性必修第四册_第2页
2020-2021学年高中英语 综合素养提升一 Unit 1 Science Fiction学案新人教版选择性必修第四册_第3页
2020-2021学年高中英语 综合素养提升一 Unit 1 Science Fiction学案新人教版选择性必修第四册_第4页
2020-2021学年高中英语 综合素养提升一 Unit 1 Science Fiction学案新人教版选择性必修第四册_第5页
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1、2020-2021学年高中英语 综合素养提升一 unit 1 science fiction学案新人教版选择性必修第四册2020-2021学年高中英语 综合素养提升一 unit 1 science fiction学案新人教版选择性必修第四册年级:姓名:unit 1science fiction. 在空格处填入适当的单词或括号内词的适当形式1. his work is to test out new designs of cars before they are put on the market. 2. he is a man of integrity(integrate); we all a

2、dmire him. 3. ill send a telegram to churchill making an appointment (appoint) for tomorrow morning. 4. he declared (declare) himself a philosopher, who had given up everything, glory included. 5. were having problems calculating (calculate) the area of a circle. 6. the individual asking the questio

3、ns is understood to be in a position superior to the individual being asked. 7. the teacher dismissed (dismiss)the class 10 minutes early. 8. the vacation is coming and i have an urge to travel(travel). 9. please move the desk a few inches (inch)to get better light. 10. he walked out of the room, fl

4、ipping(flip)the lights off. . 用下列短语的适当形式填空science fiction, test out, on a daily basis, pros and cons, superior to, take over, conflict with, turn out, have an urge to, fall away 1. after testing out the new way to make paper for 3 months in all, he eventually succeeded. 2. she reminds me that life g

5、oes on on a daily basis. 3. before deciding whether to accept the suggestion, we must weigh the pros and cons very carefully. 4. it cannot be questioned that the new method is superior to the old one. 5. in terms of accuracy, the movie is more science fiction than fact. 6. the house owners believe t

6、hat the new law conflicts with their property rights. 7. the visit to the great wall left me a good impression, so i have an urge to visit it again. 8. after his defeat, many of his supporters fell away. 9. it turned out that wed been at the same school, strangely enough. 10. i took over most of the

7、 housework while mother was ill. . 完成句子1. it is more like (更像)a childrens game than a real issue of life and death. 2. he was pleased that his father was being taken good care of(正得到很好照顾) in the home of the aged. 3. it was ridiculous(荒谬的是) that caldwell, who used to work for me, was suddenly above m

8、e. 4. she is now about her mothers height, or rather(准确地说) taller. 5. she suggested that the meeting (should)be put off till next week(推迟到下周). . 完形填空jarrell little road was testing his mountain bike outside of columbus, georgia, when his riding partner, chris dixon, stopped suddenly. something in th

9、e distance 1 among the trees caught her attention. it2 to be a sandy-colored five-month-old great dane mix. he was skinny, and had a lot of road rash and a 3 leg. the cyclists fed the friendly pup and 4 their water. they were more than seven miles from 5and riding bikes. “we couldnt 6 him, ” little

10、told his partner. he 7picked up his new friend and slipped the dogs hind legs into the back pockets of his cycling jersey. then he put the dogs8paws over his shoulders. the 30-minute ride into town9at a bike store, where they got more water and 10 for the dog. that was when andrea shaw, a woman from

11、 maine in town on business, 11 by. the dog made a beeline for her, licking her. shaw was 12and, after learning what had happened, declared her 13: i am keeping this dog. shaw called him columbo 14 the town where theyd met and scheduled an operation on his leg. today, columbo is living a high 15 on a

12、 farm with a horse, a pony, a six-year-old boy, and two coon dogs to keep him company. 【文章大意】这是一篇记叙文。jarrell little和搭档去测试山地自行车时, 发现一条腿受伤的小狗。他们把它带回市中心, 碰巧遇到了女士shaw, 小狗和女士很投缘, 所以女士决定养它, 并以这个小镇的名字给小狗取名。现在小狗在伙伴们的陪同下在农场里过着幸福的生活。1. a. callingb. movingc. standingd. sleeping【解析】选b。句意: 远处某个在树丛中移动的东西引起了她的注意。结

13、合下文, 可知, little看到的是小狗, 故此处用“移动”符合语境, 故选b。2. a. turned outb. lookedc. found outd. figured【解析】选a。 turn out证明是; look看; find out查明; figure认为。结合上下文可知, 此处是指最终发现那个在树丛中移动的东西是一条狗, 故用“证明是”符合语境, 故选a。3. a. dirtyb. brokenc. burntd. beaten【解析】选b。句意: 他很瘦, 有很多路疹和一只受伤的腿。 dirty脏的; broken受伤的; burnt被烧的; beaten被打的。根据下文t

14、heyd met and scheduled an operation on his leg. 可知, 狗的腿需要做手术, 故推测他的腿受伤了, 故选b。4. a. sharedb. drankc. pouredd. finished【解析】选a。 share分享; drink喝; pour倾倒; finish完成。结合句意可知, 此处是指骑车的人把自己带的少量水分出来给这条小狗, 故用“分享”符合语境, 故选a。5. a. schoolb. homec. villaged. downtown【解析】选d。句意: 他们离市中心超过7英里, 而且还骑着车。 school学校; home家; vi

15、llage村庄; downtown市中心。根据下文可知, 他们骑了30分钟才到市中心, 故此处用“市中心”符合语境, 故选d。6. a. takeb. carryc. leaved. keep【解析】选c。句意: little告诉他的搭档说: “我们不能留下他。” 可知, 他们带着这条小狗, 故此处用“不能留下他”符合语境, 故选c。7. a. quicklyb. carefullyc. naturald. finally【解析】选b。句意: 他小心地抱起他的新朋友, 把狗的后腿塞进他的骑行服后兜里。 quickly快速地; carefully小心地; natural自然的; finally最

16、终。根据前文可知, 狗的腿受了伤, 故此处用“小心地抱起他”符合语境, 故选b。8. a. frontb. otherc. hurtd. injured【解析】选a。句意: 然后把狗的前爪搭在他的肩膀上。 front前面的; other其他的; hurt受伤的; injured受伤的。根据前文slipped the dogs hind legs into the back pockets of his cycling jersey. 可知, 此处用“前爪”符合语境和逻辑, 故选a。9. a. turnedb. reachedc. arrivedd. ended【解析】选d。turn转弯; re

17、ach到达; arrive到达; end结束。结合上下文可知, 此处是指他们30分钟的骑行到一家自行车修理店结束, 故用“结束”符合语境, 故选d。10. a. medicineb. carec. foodd. rest【解析】选c。根据上文the cyclists fed the friendly pup可知他们给这条小狗喂过吃的, 故此处用“更多食物”符合语境, 故选c。11. a. happenedb. madec. stoppedd. moved【解析】选a。句意: 那时, 来自缅因州的女士andrea shaw来这个小镇出差, 她碰巧经过。 happen碰巧; make使, 制作;

18、stop停止; move经过。结合上下文可知, 这位女士的经过是一个偶然, 故用“碰巧经过”符合语境, 故选a。12. a. excitedb. touchedc. shockedd. annoyed【解析】选b。句意: 在得知发生了什么之后, shaw被感动了, 并且宣布她的计划: 我准备养这只小狗。 excited使兴奋; touched感动; shocked震惊; annoyed使生气。根据下文i am keeping this dog. 可知, 此处用“感动”符合语境, 故选b。13. a. luckb. wishc. intentiond. mind【解析】选c。luck幸运; wi

19、sh愿望; intention打算, 计划; mind思维。根据下文i am keeping this dog可知, 这是shaw的打算, 故选c。14. a. atb. inc. fromd. after【解析】选d。句意: shaw以这个小镇的名字给他取名为columbo。 结合句意可知, 此处考查短语call. . . after. . . “以的名义来命名”, 故选d。15. a. friendshipb. wayc. lifed. chance【解析】选c。friendship友谊; way方式, 方法; life生活; chance机会。此处是指小狗在女士的照顾和同伴的陪同下生活得

20、很快乐, 故选c。. 语法填空good morning, everyone. this is chris at the school radio station. as we all know, psychological health is as important as physical health. however, its quite 1. (worry) that many of us are suffering from poor psychological health. weve interviewed some psychology teachers at our scho

21、ol, and theyve given us some advice on how 2. (improve) psychological health. firstly, you can share your concerns with people you trust, 3. support and care may help you get 4. the difficulties. besides, learn to view trouble 5. (wise) as everyone meets with difficulties now and then. remind 6. (yo

22、u) that only those who are confident and determined can go far and be more 7. (prepare). lastly, when 8. (feel) sad for a long time, youd better go to the mental guide room without 9. (hesitate), where practical advice will 10. (offer) to help ease your pressure. the world is just what you think it

23、is. learn to control your own world! thank you for listening. 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。主要介绍了一些改善心理健康的建议。1. 【解析】worrying。考查形容词。句意: 然而, 相当令人担忧的是, 我们中的许多人正遭受着糟糕的心理健康。根据句意可知, 这件事令人担忧, 应用worrying。2. 【解析】to improve。考查固定结构。句意: 我们采访了我们学校的一些心理老师, 他们给了我们一些关于如何改善心理健康的建议。本句为宾语从句, 且为“疑问代词+不定式”结构, 表示“如何改善”, 故填to improve。3.

24、【解析】whose。考查定语从句连接词。句意: 首先, 你可以和你信任的人分享你的担忧, 他们的支持和关心可以帮助你克服/渡过困难。本句为定语从句修饰先行词people, 且先行词在从句中作定语, 故填whose。4. 【解析】over/through。考查固定短语。句意同上。固定短语get over/through“克服; 熬过”, 故填over/through。5. 【解析】wisely。考查副词。句意: 此外, 学会明智地看待问题, 因为每个人都会不时地遇到困难。view为动词需要副词修饰, 故填wisely。6. 【解析】yourself。考查反身代词。句意: 提醒自己, 只有那些有信

25、心和决心的人才能走得更远, 准备更充分。根据句意可知表示“提醒你自己”应用反身代词, 故填yourself。7. 【解析】prepared。考查形容词。句意同上。根据上文be more可知应填形容词作表语, 故填prepared。8. 【解析】feeling。考查省略句。句意: 最后, 当你长时间感到悲伤时, 你最好毫不犹豫地去心理辅导室, 那里会提供实用的建议来帮助你缓解压力。在when, while, if, as if, though(或although), as, until, once, whether, unless, where等连词连接的状语从句中, 常省略跟主句相同的主语和be动词。从句完整句为when (you are)feeling sad for a long time, 故填feeling。9. 【解析】hesitation。考查名词。句意同上。without为介词后跟名词作宾语, 故填hesitation。10. 【解析】be offered。考查动词时态和语态。本句主语与谓语动词构成被动关系, 且will后跟动词原形, 故填be offered。. 微写作假定


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