1、西安邮电大学 毕 业 设 计(论 文)外文文献翻译学 院: 经济与管理学院 专 业: 市场营销 班 级: 营销0802 学生姓名: 薛春林 导师姓名: 欧晓华 职称: 讲师 起止时间:2010年 12月20日 至 2011年 6月20日英文原文overview of business modela business model describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value1 (economic, social, or other forms of value). the
2、process of business model construction is part of business strategy.in theory and practice the term business model is used for a broad range of informal and formal descriptions to represent core aspects of a business, including purpose, offerings, strategies, infrastructure, organizational structure
3、s, trading practices, and operational processes and policies. the literature has provided very diverse interpretations and definitions of a business model. a systematic review and analysis of manager responses to a survey defines business models as the design of organizational structures to enact a
4、commercial opportunity2. further extensions to this design logic emphasize the use of narrative or coherence in business model descriptions as mechanisms by which entrepreneurs create extraordinarily successful growth firms 3.whenever a business is established, it either explicitly or implicitly emp
5、loys a particular business model that describes the architecture of the value creation, delivery, and capture mechanisms employed by the business enterprise. the essence of a business model is that it defines the manner by which the business enterprise delivers value to customers, entices customers
6、to pay for value, and converts those payments to profit: it thus reflects managements hypothesis about what customers want, how they want it, and how an enterprise can organize to best meet those needs, get paid for doing so, and make a profit.4business models are used to describe and classify busin
7、esses (especially in an entrepreneurial setting), but they are also used by managers inside companies to explore possibilities for future development. also, well known business models operate as recipes for creative managers.5 business models are also referred to in some instances within the context
8、 of accounting for purposes of public reporting.over the years, business models have become much more sophisticated. the bait and hook business model (also referred to as the razor and blades business model or the tied products business model) was introduced in the early 20th century. this involves
9、offering a basic product at a very low cost, often at a loss (the bait), then charging compensatory recurring amounts for refills or associated products or services (the hook). examples include: razor (bait) and blades (hook); cell phones (bait) and air time (hook); computer printers (bait) and ink
10、cartridge refills (hook); and cameras (bait) and prints (hook). an interesting variant of this model is adobe, a software developer that gives away its document reader free of charge but charges several hundred dollars for its document writer.in the 1950s, new business models came from mcdonalds res
11、taurants and toyota. in the 1960s, the innovators were wal-mart and hypermarkets. the 1970s saw new business models from fedex and toys r us; the 1980s from blockbuster, home depot, intel, and dell computer; the 1990s from southwest airlines, netflix, ebay, a, and starbucks.today, the type of busine
12、ss models might depend on how technology is used. for example, entrepreneurs on the internet have also created entirely new models that depend entirely on existing or emergent technology. using technology, businesses can reach a large number of customers with minimal costs.business model frameworkst
13、here are various ways to define and conceptualize business models. in the following some of these conceptualizations are introduced.business model canvasbusiness model canvas: nine business model building blocks, osterwalder, pigneur, & al. 20101osterwalders work 16 propose a single reference model,
14、 called business model canvas based on the similarities of a wide range of business model conceptualizations. it is nowadays one of the most used frameworks for describing the elements of business models.with this business model design template, an enterprise can easily describe their business model
15、. aspects of the template are infrastructure, offering, customers, finances, etc.other approaches business reference modelbusiness reference model is a reference model, concentrating on the architectural aspects of the core business of an enterprise, service organization or government agency. compon
16、ent business modeltechnique developed by ibm to model and analyze an enterprise. it is a logical representation or map of business components or building blocks and can be depicted on a single page. it can be used to analyze the alignment of enterprise strategy with the organizations capabilities an
17、d investments, identify redundant or overlapping business capabilities, etc.although webvan failed in its goal of disintermediating the north american supermarket industry, several supermarket chains (like safeway inc.) have launched their own delivery services to target the niche market to which we
18、bvan catered. industrialization of services business modelbusiness model used in strategic management and services marketing that treats service provision as an industrial process, subject to industrial optimization proceduresbusiness modellingbusiness modelling is an important tool to capture, desi
19、gn, innovate and transform the business.7 however, in order to transform ones organization and align them to ones business model, a business model should not be seen separately, but in connection with8:a step-by-step roadmap that describes the synergy and context between business model and alignment
20、 of strategy map, scorecards, etc. into the organization. the main business goals of the organization, e.g. strategic business objectives, critical success factors and key performance indicators, which a holistic business model approach should include. the main business issues/pain points and thereb
21、y organizational weakness, which a holistic business model approach should include for they represent the threat to the companys business model. a clear cause and effect linkages between the competencies, desired outcomes and performance measurements e.g. scorecards. an emphasis on business model ma
22、nagement and thereby a continuous improvement and governance approach to the business model. the business maturity level, in order to develop the organization representation of core differentiated and core competitive competencies linked to strategy, which is a basis for building a business model as
23、 they the represent some of the most important sources of uniqueness. these are the things that a company can do uniquely well, and that no-one else can copy quickly enough to affect competition. linkages among competences and competency development. the possible value creation and realization of th
24、e organization. the information flow, and thereby information need for effective and efficient decision making.such a holistic approach would help clarify both intent and sources of synergy and disconnect between business model, strategy, scorecards, information, innovation, processes and it systems
25、. this includes architectural alignment as well as business transformation and value and performance views. such dialogues allow executives to use the business model with their business alignment.theoretical and empirical insights to business modelsdesign logic and narrative coherencedesign logic vi
26、ews the business model as an outcome of creating new organizational structures or changing existing structures to pursue a new opportunity. gerry george and adam bock (2011) conducted a comprehensive literature review and surveyed managers to understand how they perceived the components of a busines
27、s model. in that analysis, these authors show that there is a design logic behind how entrepreneurs and managers perceive and explain their business model. in further extensions to the design logic, george and bock (2012) use case studies and the ibm survey data on business models in large companies
28、 to describe how ceos and entrepreneurs create narratives or stories in a coherent manner to move the business from one opportunity to another. they also show that when the narrative is incoherent or the components of the story are misaligned that these businesses tend to fail. they recommend ways i
29、n which the entrepreneur or ceo can create strong narratives for change.business model 2.0chen (2009) pointed out that the business model in the twenty-first century has to take into account the capabilities of web 2.0, such as collective intelligence, network effects, user generated content, and th
30、e possibility of self-improving systems. he suggested that the service industry such as the airline, traffic, transportation, hotel, restaurant, information and communications technology and online gaming industries will be able to benefit in adopting business models that take into account the chara
31、cteristics of web 2.0. he also emphasized that business model 2.0 has to take into account not just the technology effect of web 2.0 but also the networking effect. he gave the example of the success story of amazon in making huge profits each year by developing a full blown open platform that suppo
32、rts a large and thriving community of companies that re-use amazons on demand commerce services.9complementarities of business models between partnering firmsstudying collaborative research and the accessing of external sources of technology, hummel et al. (2010) found that in deciding on business p
33、artners, it is important to make sure that both parties business models are complementary10. for example, they found that it was important to identify the value drivers of potential partners by analyzing their business models, and that it is beneficial to find partner firms that understand key aspec
34、ts of our own firms business model.11 applicationsmalone et al.12 at mit found that some business models, as defined by them, indeed performed better than others in a dataset consisting of the largest u.s. firms, in the period 1998 through 2002, while they did not prove whether the existence of a bu
35、siness model mattered.the concept of a business model has been incorporated into certain accounting standards. for example, the international accounting standards board (iasb) utilizes an entitys business model for managing the financial assets as a criterion for determining whether such assets shou
36、ld be measured at amortized cost or at fair value in its financial instruments accounting standard, ifrs 9.13141516 at least two members of the u.s. based financial accounting standards board (fasb) have expressed the position that the business model of an entity should be used as a criterion for th
37、e classification of financial liabilities.17 the concept of business model has also been introduced into the accounting of deferred taxes under international financial reporting standards with 2010 amendments to ias 12 addressing deferred taxes related to investment property.181920both iasb and fasb
38、 have proposed using the concept of business model in the context of reporting a lessors lease income and lease expense within their joint project on accounting for leases.2122 the concept has also been proposed as an approach for determining the measurement and classification when accounting for in
39、surance contracts.2324 as a result of the increasing prominence the concept of business model has received in the context of financial reporting, the european financial reporting advisory group (efrag), which advises the european union on endorsement of financial reporting standards, commenced a pro
40、ject on the role of the business model in financial reporting in 2011.25examples of business modelsin the early history of business models it was very typical to define business model types such as bricks-and-mortar or e-broker. however, these types usually describe only one aspect of the business (
41、most often revenue model). therefore, more recent literature on business models concentrates on describing business model as a whole instead of one most visible aspect. following examples provide an overview for various business model types that have been in discussion since the invent of term busin
42、ess model:中文译文商业模式概述商业模式业务模型描述了如何创建组织的理由,提供和捕捉价值(经济,社会,或其他形式的价值)。商业模式建设的过程,是业务战略的一部分。在理论和实践中商业模式是用于范围广泛的正式和非正式的描述,代表企业的核心业务,包括目的,产品,战略,基础设施,组织结构,贸易惯例,业务流程和政策。文献提供的商业模式有着不同的解释和定义。系统回顾和分析的一项调查显示,作为组织结构的设计,用制定一个商业机会来定义的商业模式。这种设计逻辑的进一步扩展,强调叙事的连贯性,或在业务模型描述的机制使用由企业家创造非常成功的增长企业。每当一个企业成立的,明示或暗示了其采用的特殊商业模式,介
44、一个非常低的成本提供一个基本的产品,往往处于亏损状态(“诱饵”),然后充电笔芯或相关产品或服务(“钩子”)的补偿经常金额。例子包括:剃须刀(饵)和刀片(钩),手机(饵)和空气中的时间(钩);电脑打印机(饵)和墨盒笔芯(钩),相机(饵)和照片(钩)。这种模式的一个有趣的变种是adobe,软件开发,其文档阅读器的费用,但其文档作家的收费几百元的免费赠送。在20世纪50年代,新的商业模式来自麦当劳和丰田。在20世纪60年代,创新是沃尔玛和大卖场。 20世纪70年代从联邦快递公司和玩具反斗城看到新的商业模式; 20世纪80年代,20世纪90年代从西南航空公司,netflix公司,易趣,亚马逊,星巴克一
45、鸣惊人,家得宝,英特尔,戴尔电脑。今天,商业模式的类型可能取决于如何运用技术。例如,在互联网上的企业家们也创造了全新的模式完全依赖于现有或新兴技术。利用技术,企业可以用最低的成本达到了大批客户。商业模式框架。有各种不同的方式定义和概念的商业模式。在下面的这些概念化的一些介绍。商业模式的分类:九个业务模型积木,osterwalder,pigneur,与人的。 2010osterwalder的工作提出一个单一的参考模型,被称为商业模式帆布基于广泛的业务模式概念化的相似之处。这是时下最常用的框架描述商业模式的元素之一。与这种商业模式的设计模板,企业可以很容易地描述他们的商业模式。模板方面的基础设施,
46、发售,客户,财务等其他方法。业务参考模型是一个参考模型,专注于核心业务的企业,服务组织或政府机构的建筑方面。组件的商业模式由ibm开发的技术进行建模和分析企业。这是一个合乎逻辑的陈述或业务组件或“积木”的地图,并可以在一个页面上描绘。它可以用来对准企业战略与组织的能力和投资分析,找出重复或重叠的业务能力,等等。 北美超市行业disintermediating目标虽然webvan的失败,一些连锁超市(如safeway的公司)纷纷推出自己的送货服务webvan的照顾瞄准利基市场。产业化服务的业务模式在战略管理和服务营销提供服务当作一个工业过程中使用的商业模式,产业优化程序商业模型商业模型是一个重要的工具,捕捉,设计,创新和改造业务。然而,为了改造的组织和调整他们的商业模式,商业模式不应该被视为分开,但在与一步一步的路线图,描述商业模式和战略地图,记分卡等调整到组织之间的协同和上下文。 该组织的主要业务目标,例如:业务战略目标,关键成功因素和关键绩效指标,其中一个全面的商业模式的方法应包括,主营业务问题、痛点和弱点,从而组织,一个整体的商业模式的方法应包括为他们所代表的公司的商业模式的威胁、明确病因的能力,预期成果和业绩测量与效果之间的联系,例如记分
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