



1、Unit 4 Wheres my school bag?第一课时SectionA1a-1c1 学习目标(树标) 1.能正确使用下列单词 table, bed, bookcase, sofa, chair, desk 2.能够正确使用where引导的特殊疑问句(难点) 3.能正确使用介词in,on,under描述物品所在的位置(重点)二. 自主、合作、展示、点拨(学标解标)Step1.强化并巩固本课单词的“对号”以及拼写Step2.介词in,on,under的用法 1.用法点拨(take examples with things) 2.小试牛刀:在沙发上 _在床下面 _在书柜里_在椅子上_在桌子

2、下_在你的书包里_Step3.where引导的特殊疑问句(Wheres my schoolbag?)1. where是疑问副词,意为:_ 2. Wheres=_3.Where引导的特殊疑问句用来询问_?4.构成:问句部分 _答语部分 _eg 1.Tom在哪里?他在教室里。_ 2.我的书在哪儿?它们在你的书包里。_Step4.情景对话操练(situational conversation practice) 1.帮助图中人物Bob找到他的下列物品。(books, pencil box, schoolbag, computer game, keys)eg 1: - Where are Bobs /

3、his books? - They are on the sofa. 2. Write down the conversations.Step5. 听力练习(Listening practice) 1b Listen and number the things in the picture(1-4)三当堂检测(检标)一单项选择。1.-_ is your key? -Its on the chair . A. What B. How C.Where D.Who2. -Where is your book? -_ in my school bag. A.Theyre B.Im C.Its D.It

4、3. My books are _ my schoolbag. A.an B.in C.for D.of4. -Where_Linda and Mary ? -_in the classroom. A.is ;Its B.are; Its C.are ;theyre D.are;Theyre2 句型转换 1. are,the,desk,on,they (连词成句) _ 2.is, computer,my,game,where (连词成句) _ 3.The books are in the bookcase.(对画线部分提问) _ _ the books? 4.My keys are on th

5、e sofa.(对画线部分提问) _ _ _keys?四、课后反思Unit 4 Wheres my school bag?第二课时sectionA 2a3c一、 学习目标(树标)1、掌握介词in, on under的用法2、掌握句型Is the baseball on the sofa?Yes, it is./No,it isnt(重点)3、能用一般疑问句谈论物品的位置.(难点)二、自主学习(合作探究) 展示点拨(学标+解标)Step1.Review1.在背包里_2,在沙发上_3.在椅子下面_4.在书桌上_5.我的电子游戏_Step2.prepare for 2a ,2bStep3.Liste

6、n:听录音完成2a,2b。Step4.Work in pairs.就2b图中物品的位置,仿照2b练习对话。Step5.展示对话2d。先自读对话一遍,再与同桌分角色练习朗读对话(直至能够脱稿),最后抽小组成员比赛朗读Step6.finish 3a and 3b三、当堂检测 1)Wheres the schoolbag? Is it _ (在下面)the table?No, it isnt. It is on the table.2) Where is the soccer ball? Oh, its _ (在上面)the table.3) Where is the pencil box? Is

7、it _ (在里面)the schoolbag?翻译句子1)我的数学书在哪里?_?2)他的棒球在哪里?在桌子下面_?_.3)你的电子游戏在梳妆台上吗?不,没有_?-_.4)我的书在哪里?它们在沙上._?_.句型转换.1)My schoolbag is under the chair.(对划线部分提问_?2)The plane ison the table.(对划线部分提问_?3)My dictionary is in the schoolbag.(变为一般疑问句)_四、课后反思Unit 4Where s my schoolbag?第3课时section B 1a1e一、 学习目标(树标)1.

8、掌握本课单词及短语。(重点)2. 用方位介词及where句型表述图画中物品的正确位置.(难点)二、自主学习(合作探究) 展示点拨(学标+解标)Step1.根据汉语写出下列英语单词及短语并展示单词:光盘_录音带_帽子_收音机_ 短语:闹钟_在床下身份证_ 飞机模型_Step2.独立完成1aStep3.完成听力1c、1d,第一遍学生独立完成;第二遍听录音校对答案。Step4. 结对活动。结对做对话练习,仿照1e中的例子。每组抽一对进行展示。Step5.完成2a。独立完成,看谁写得又多又快,组长检查完成情况。三、当堂检测 (一)英汉互译一个钟表_他的书包_in my bookcase_一张床_在我的

9、帽子下面_在椅子_ (二)单项选择1. Where is Jinan? Its _ Shang Dong.A. on B. in C. to D. under2. Is your photo in the desk?_A. Yes, I am. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it is.D. No, Im not.3. Where_ your books? - _are on the chair. A. is, It. B.are, Theyre C. is,TheyD. are, They四、课后反思Unit 4Where s my schoolbag?第4课时section

10、B 2b3b一、学习目标(树标)1.掌握本节课的新单词及其用法(tidy,but,our,everywhere,always)2.阅读并理解短文2b。(重点难点)二、自主学习(合作探究) 展示点拨(学标+解标)Step1.巩固记忆新单词。Step2.Read 2b for 1st time and answer the questions.1. Are Kate and Gina sisters ?2. Where are Kates books ?3. And where are Kates keys?4. Where are Ginas books ?5. Is Kate tidy ?Is

11、 Gina tidy?Step3.Read for 2nd time and finish 2cStep4.短文点拨Im Kate, and my sister is Gina.Im tidy, but Gina is not.以上两句中的and和 but均为连词,把两个独立的短句并列连接为一个较长的句子称之为:“并列句”其中,and 表示“和,并且,而且,同时,”等;but 表示“但是,然而”等。Step5. 叫每一小组的成员翻译短文并讲解一些重点内容。Step6.完成3a and 3b.三、当堂检测 1 are my keys?They are on the sofaA WhatB Where CWhy2 What are those? are their books AThatB TheyreCThey3Pleasethese things to your brotherHe is at school Abring B lookCtake4.This is my_ room. _ room


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