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1、20152016学年度上期月考(二)八年级英语试题一、听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分)第一节:听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。( )1. How often does Mary go to the movies? A. Once a week. B Twice a week. C. Twice a month.( )2. How long did Jack sleep last night? A. For eight hours. B. For seven hours. C. For six hours.( ) 3.

2、 Who eats junk food twice a week? A. Jack. B. Alice. C. Mary.( ) 4. What did .the girl do yesterday? A. Looked after the boys mother. B. Went to the park. C. Stayed at home.( ) 5. What is Bill going to be? A. A policeman. B. A doctor. C. A teacher.第二节:听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每

3、段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话回答第6至第7两个小题。( ) 6. Which cinema is the cheapest? A. City Cinema. B. Showtime Cinema. C. Dongfang Cinema.( ) 7. Why arent they going to City Cinema? A. Because its too far from their homes. B. Because its seats arent comfortable. C. Because there are too many people there.听下面一段独白洄答第8

4、至第9两个小题。( ) 8. Who is shorter? A. Ann. B. Tim. C. Tom.( )9. What do Ann and Tim often do after class? A. Play the guitar B. play football. C. Use the Internt. 听下面一段对话回答第l0至第l2三个小题。( )10. What was the boys dream job last week? A. To be a football player. B. To be a musician. C. To be a computer progr

5、ammer.( )11. What does the boy think of computer science? A. Easy. B. Difficult. C. Fun.( )12. What is the womans advice on the boys dream job? A. To ask his teacher for help. B. To find a dream job. C. To make a resolution.听下面一段对话回答第13至第l5三个小题。( )13. Where did Alans brother go yesterday afternoon?

6、A. To the hospital. B. To the cinema. C. To the library.( )14. Who did Alan go to the park with yesterday afternoon? A. His cousin. B. His classmates. C. His friends.( )15. What does Alan want to be when growing up? A. A soccer player. B. A basketball player. C. A tennis player.第三节:听下面一篇短文。根据短文内容,按照

7、你所听到的先后顺序将下面图片排序。短文读两遍。 16._ 17._ 18._ 19._ 20._二单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )21.Jim wrote_article about how to English well,_article was very useful to Students. A.an,an B.an,the C.the,the D.the,an( )22.Whats your New Years resolution? Im going to_a hobby like swimming or taking photos. A.come up B.take up C

8、.dress up D.get up( )23. _ hours do you read every day? More than one. A. How often B. How many C. How long D. How far( )24.Will there be a volleyball match in the School tomorrow? _.It will start at 3:30 tomorrow afternoon. A.Yes,there was B.Yes,there will C.No,there wont D.No,there isnt( )25.He is

9、 only a middle school student.He is_young_find a job. A.so,that B.to,too C.too,to D.such,that( )26.Can you go to the soccer game this Sunday afternoon? Im sorry._. A. I m not available. B. How about you? C. I d love to. D. How come?( )27.All of people were_at the_news-about 500 people died in Ludian

10、 Earthquake in Yun nan. A.surprised ;surprised B.surprised;surprisingC.surprising ;surprised D.surprising;surprising( )28.Lucy has to take acting lessons_the morning of Sunday. A.with B.at C.in D.on( )29.The blender is dirty.Please_it after dinner. A.cleans B.clean C.cleaned D.cleaning( )30.For this

11、 reason.Well have to wait_three weeks for the results. A.another B.more C.other D.much( )31.We danced to little Apple to_Jims birthday. All of us enjoyed_. A.discuss,ourselves B.share,ourselves C.celebrate,ourselves D.improve,ourselves.( )32.To save money.We have to ask_people to do_things. A.more,m

12、ore B.fewer,more C.more,fewer D.fewer,fewer( )33.Mr Li will come back from Beijing_. A.for two days B.in three hoursC.during a week D.three hours ago( )34.Spider-Man(蜘蛛侠)is very exciting.So_People like to watch it. A.hundred of B.hundreds of C.five hundreds D.five hundred of( )35Can you tell me_? Su

13、re.In Beijing and zhang jia kou.A.Where will the 2022 winter olympics be held?B.Where the 2022 winter olympics will be held?C.When will the 2022 winter olypics be held?D.How will the 2022 winter olypics be held? 三完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) Today some students get together to talk about the future. 36 will the

14、 future be like? The students make 37 about it. Listen to them: “ 38 New York City keeps going the way it is, it will be more crowded and polluted, with worse air and more litter (垃圾). We need to learn to 39 the environment, so we will have a good place to live. New Yorkers need to love their city.

15、Linda, age 11 I think the future will be 40 .When your house is 4l , you just need to call your robot to help you do the housework. 42 will be different: all the classrooms will have computers, and you 43 have to take your schoolbags.When you want to travel, a flying board (板)will take you anywhere.

16、 It will fly very fast, and it will only take you an hour 44 to China from the USA. Dorian, age 8 I think that if we walk or ride bikes more,there will be 45 pollution in the world in the future. Then we will live in a better environment,Riddhi, age 10( )36. A. When B. Where C. What D. How( )37.A. p

17、romises B. predictions C. resolutions D. improvements( )38. A. If B. Before C. Though D. Because( )39. A. take up B. look for C. take care of D. play a part in( )40.A.hot B. cool C. boring D. terrible( )41. A. old B. full C. dirty D. dangerous( )42. A. Schools B. Stations C. Factories D. Hospitals(

18、)43. A. will B. wont C. do D. dont( )44. A. go B. went C. going D. to go( )45. A. less B. more C. worse D. better四阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)A Baseball is my favorite sport. It is fun to play, and it is fun to watch. I went to my first baseball game at age 6 with my grandparents. It was really wonderful.We had

19、 a good time. I was happy to be with my grandparents. My grandfather made me love the game. My dad knew I loved baseball, so he gave me a baseball on my ninth birthday. When I was 12, my friend came to me and asked me to join his team and play baseball. From then on (从那时起), I got to learn more about

20、 baseball. I practiced a lot and learned how to play better. My favorite player is Derrek Lee. Derrek Lee joined the Chicago Cubs in 2004. That year was a good year for him, but 2005 was.his best year, One of my favorite things about Derrek Lee is that he is a very nice person. He never shouts at ot

21、hers. He always has a big smile (微笑) on his face.He seems happy all the time.根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。( )46.Who made the writer love baseball? A. His father. B. His friend. C. His grandfather. D. His grandmother.( )47.When the writer was_years old, he got a baseball. A. 6 B. 9 C. 12 D. 15( )48.The

22、writer thinks Derrek Lee played best in_. A. 2003 B. 2004 C. 2005 D. 2006( )49.The writer thinks Derrek Lee is_. A. careful B. nice C. serious D. hard-working( )50.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Derrek Lee often shouts at other people. B. The writer went to his first bas

23、eball game at age 5. C. The writer joined his school baseball team at age 12, D. Derrek Lee joined the Chicago Cubs eleven years ago.B A long time ago, the Sun and the Moon shared a home in a cave ( 山洞 ). I need to live by myself in this cave. Go to find a new home for yourself, one day the Sun said

24、 impatiently. Where can I go. asked the Moon carefully. Just go into the sky, answered the Sun.There is lots of room there. The Moon felt sad and scared, so she decided to leave. She shyly stayed behind some clouds Little by little, she showed more of her face each day. Everyone began talking about

25、how beautiful she was. When the Sun heard this, he was jealous (妒忌的). He ran out of the cave and jumped into the sky. When the Moon saw the Sun, she ran to the cave. Now the Sun had the sky to himself. He warmed the cold Earth and helped green plants and beautiful flowers grow. People began to like

26、the Sun.But soon, he felt very lonely (孤独的)with no one to talk to. So the Sun decided to look for the Moon. As the Sun came near the cave, the Moon ran away. Oh, Moon, shouted the Sun. Please wait. I m sorry.The Moon did not believe the Sun, When the Sun came into the sky, the Moon stayed in the cav

27、e. Even now, the Sun cannot catch the Moon.The Moon stays in the cave when the Sun is in the sky. She jumps into the sky before the Sun goes into the cave. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。( )51.What does the underlined word “impatiently”mean in Chinese?A.不小心 B.不耐烦的C.失望地 D.惊讶地 ( )52.The Moon left the cave

28、because_. A.she didnt like the Sun B.the cave was too smallC.the Sun asked her to leave D.She wanted to live in the sky( )53.People thought the Moon was_. A. shy B. scared C. unhappy D. beautiful( )54.The Sun jumped into the sky because_.A. he was jealous of the Moon B. he wanted to warm the EarthC.

29、 he felt lonely to live in the cave D. he wanted to stay behind clouds( )55.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. The Sun and the Moon lived together happily at last. B. The Moon felt very lonely with no one to talk to. C. The Sun said sorry to the Moon. D. People said the Sun

30、was bad. CLindaI dont know what job I will do in ten years, maybe a reporter or a singer. But I can tell you what I 11 do next week have a birthday party with my friends.EmmaTheres one thing I really want to do and that is to travel around the world. I hope I will live somewhere interesting in ten y

31、ears, such as Australia or Canada. Id like to be a teacher and Ill probably teach English after leaving college (大学).MaryIm not really sure about the life in ten years. But I know that Im going to college and have an interesting job. Im interested in writing, so Ill probably work as a writer. 根据表格内容

32、,选择最佳答案( )56. What will Linda do next week? A. Go to .college. B. Look for a job. C. Have a birthday party. D. Travel around the world.( )57. Where may Emma live in ten years? A. Somewhere interesting. B. Somewhere beautiful. C. Somewhere rich. D. Somewhere cool.( )58. What does Emma want to be in t

33、he future? A. A writer. A reporter. C. A teacher. D. A doctor.( )59. Whats Marys hobby? A. Dancing. B. Writing. C. Singing. D. Drawing.( )60. The three girls mainly tell us . A. where they will live in the future B. how they will work in the future C, what life they want to live in ten years D. why

34、they want to have a happy life in ten yearsD Life in the future will be different from life today. Many changes (变化) will happen. 61 The population (人口) may grow fast. There will be more people in the world and most of them will live longer. 62 And there will be at least one in every home, Computer

35、science will be one of the most important subjects in schools then. People will work fewer hours and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and traveling. 63 And more people Will go to other countries for holidays. 64 More land will be used for building new houses for people. Then the

36、re will be less room for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. People cant eat it every day and they will.eat more fruit and vegetables. Maybe people will be healthier. 65 Robots will do dangerous and hard work. Because of this, some people will not have work to do. This will be a problem.

37、 根据材料内容从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整。A. Work in the future will be different, too.B. ,There will also be changes in our food.C. But what will the changes be?D. Traveling will be much cheaper and easier.E. Computers will be much smaller and more useful.61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 五词语运用(10小题,每小题1分,共10分

38、)阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。请将答案写在下面题号后的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。quick, slow, know, live, bus, office,taxi, feel, it, sun, good, them Today I went to my office to finish some work. It was a hot and 66 afternoon. I parked (停) my car and walked to the office. Soon I reached my 67 , finis

39、hed my work and returned to my car. When I walked, I saw an old man walking 68 to me. As we came close, I saw he was not 69 comfortable. I asked him where he 70 and planned to drive him home. He told me the name of a community (社区), but I didn t know it. However, I saw a few 71 on the other side of

40、the road. I thought taxi drivers were the 72 guides to any place. So I 73 called one of the taxis and told the driver to take the man to his home. They talked with each other, and soon the driver. 74 where he should go. Then I asked the driver how much I should pay, the driver told me and I gave him the money. The driver then started the taxi and when 75 beg


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