1、basic sentence patterns s + vi. birds fly. he is listening. s + lv. + pred. she is a beautiful girl. s + v. + adv. george was born in america. s + vt. + o we love peace. s + vt. + o + o he gave her an apple. s + v + o + oc i found the window open. s + v + o + adv. i put the book on the desk.sentence
2、 correction 1)i will very much thank you. 1)i will be very grateful to you. i will appreciate it very much 2)now is the golden time to attain a fair command of english. 2)now it is the golden time to attain a fair command of english. 3)it really makes me cant study and rest in the dorm. 3)it really
3、makes it impossible for me to study and rest in the dorm. 4)there are more and more old people are sent to the old peoples house. 4)there are more and more old people (being) sent to the old peoples house. 5)the reason why fast food is gaining popularity in china is because it is delicious and invit
4、ing. 5)the reason why fast food is gaining popularity in china is that it is delicious and inviting. 6)i live at no. 125 beijing road where near the chemical factory. 6)i live at no. 125 beijing road which is near the chemical factory. 7)i would like to know what kind of facilities in your sports cl
5、ub. 7)i would like to know what kinds of facilities there are in your sports club. 8)college students grasp a foreign language is a must. 8) it is a must for college students to grasp a foreign language. 9)a newly-arrived international student feels hard to adapt himself/herself to the new environme
6、nt. 9)feels it hard 10)the old houses should be coexist with the modern buildings. 10)the old houses should coexist with the modern buildings. 11)a big tree was fallen down in a heavy rain. 11)a big tree fell down in a heavy rain. 12)last sunday my apartment was stolen. 12)last sunday my apartment w
7、as broken into (burgled). 13)my father and mother are all old. 13)my father and mother are both old. 14)is the room for us to play spacious and well-equipped? 14)is the room for us to play in spacious and well-equipped? 15)there is a great difference between both views. 15)there is a great differenc
8、e between the two views. 16)mathematics are very difficult. 16)mathematics is very difficult. 17)i brush my tooth every day. 17)i brush my teeth every day. 18)he is a friend of me. 18)he is a friend of mine. 19)i, he and you are classmates. 19) you, he and i are classmates. 20)every people has his o
9、wn taste for clothes. 20)every person has his own taste for clothes. 21)as the progress of the society, more and more peoples begin to be aware of the problem of pollution. 21)with the progress of the society (as the society develops), more and more people begin to be aware of the problem of polluti
10、on. 22)i would like to know some detail information about the club. 22)i would like to know some detailed information about the club. 23)the output of 1999 is more than 1998. 23)the output of 1999 is more than that of 1998. 24)last week i was hardly hit by a brick falling down from the building unde
11、r construction. 24)last week i was almost hit by a brick falling down from the building under construction. 25)the present situation becomes serious and serious. 25)the present situation becomes more and more serious. 26)the phenomenon should cause our attention. 26)the phenomenon should draw (attra
12、ct, grab) our attention. 27)the old men aged over 60 are dangerous. 27) it is dangerous for the old men aged over 60. 28)we must study each other. 28)we must learn from each other. 29)to help other is the source of happiness. 29)to help others is the source of happiness. 30)if he has some of my book
13、s, he will lend you any. 30)if he has any of my books, he will lend you some. 31)a modern student should work hardly to upgrade himself in order to survive in such a competitive society. 31)a modern student should work hard to upgrade himself in order to survive in such a competitive society. 32)i p
14、refer the former to the later. 32)i prefer the former to the latter. 33)i would be very appreciated if you are so kind as to arrange for me a new room next term. 33)i would appreciate it very much if you are so kind as to arrange for me a new room next term. 34)a typical family nowadays is consisted
15、 of three to four members. 34)a typical family nowadays consists of three to four members. 35)a new semester begins from tomorrow. 35)a new semester begins tomorrow. 36)i have two thousands dollars. 36)i have two thousand dollars. 37)his family are large. 37)his family is large. 38)my family is very
16、 well. 38)my family are very well. 39)toms and henrys school is not far from my home. 39)tom and henrys school is not far from my home. 40)i am a student lived in room 808. 40)i am a student living in room 808.s+v+o 电视在我们的日常生活中还起到教育作用. tv also plays an educational role in our daily lives. 烟草工业给政府的收入
17、作了很大贡献. tobacco industry has made a great contribution to the government revenue. 每个人都能看到的主要原因是电视在我们面前展现了一个生动形象的世界. the main reason that everybody can see is that television presents a vivid world in front of us.translation1.我们不能否认我们已经从电脑应用中受益很多。 we cant deny that we have benefited a lot from using
18、computers.2.这种现象的出现有许多原因。 there are several reasons for this phenomenon.3.考虑到这些原因,我认为有许多方式可以解决严重的交通问题。 regarding these reasons, i think there are some ways to solve the serious traffic problems.4.对老年人来说,和他们的孩子们有代沟是不可避免的。 it is inevitable for the old to have a generation gap with the young.5.随着国家经济和人
19、民生活水平的稳步增长,私人轿车越来越多。 with the steady growth in the countrys economy as well as peoples living standards, private cars are widely used.6.这种情况中另一个不容忽视的因素是城市设计与计划的政府政策。 another factor that should not be neglected in this regard is the government policy in the designing and planning of cities.7.这是一个很有争议
20、的论点,人们对此有截然不同的观点。 this is a very controversial issue and people hold quite different opinions about it.8.电脑毫无疑问地在现代生活中起到日益重要的作用 computers undoubtedly play an increasingly significant role in modern life.9.它变得如此普遍,人们不禁要问:如果没有电脑,人类的生活将会怎样? it has become so widespread that people cant help asking: what
21、 would peoples lives be without the computer?10.一个新的问题产生了:逐渐增多的汽车已成为交通的巨大负担。 and a new problem has arisen: the largely increasing number of cars has become a huge traffic problem.11.必须承认,双方观点都有优点。 admittedly, there are merits to both arguments.12.就像熟语所说,“有多少人,就有多少种观点”。来自不同背景的人对同样的问题有不同的看法是可以理解的。 as
22、the proverb goes: “so many people, so many minds.” it is quite understandable that people from different backgrounds have different interpretations of the same issue.13.众所周知的是,在吸烟和一些严重的疾病之间有一个清楚的联系。 it is well known that there is a clear connection between smoking and some serious diseases.14.我们应该为我
23、们的生存而竞争,否则,我们会被社会淘汰。 we should compete for our survival or we will be left out (eliminated) by society.15.如果他们继续以他们的健康允许的方式工作,老年人仍然可以为社会做很大的贡献。 old people can still make much contribution to society if they continue to work in the way their health allows them.16.重要的事件经常在电视上现场直播。 important events are
24、 often broadcast live on television.17.第二,对现代技术的过度使用使娱乐活动变得精疲力尽而不是轻松。 secondly, the overuse of modern technology in recreational activities makes such activities exhausting rather than relaxing.18.随着社会的快速发展,城市生活和乡村生活都已经发生了显著的变化。 along with the rapid development of society, remarkable changes have ta
25、ken place in both urban life and rural life.19.一直以来,学校被认为是唯一的教育来源。但是,现在情况大不一样了。 for years, school has been seen as the only source of education. but things are quite different now.20.总之,现代技术所带来的积极影响大于它的负面影响。 all in all, the positive effects brought about by modern technology outweigh the negative on
26、es.salutation to an organization: 1. dear sir or madam 2. to whom it may concern 3. dear professor (chairman, director, manager, editor) to an acquaintance: 1. dear mr. (dear mrs.) john smith 2. dear mr. smith to a close friend: dear johnbody the most important part of the letter the body is divided
27、 into three parts: 1. the opening 2. the body 3. the endingcomplimentary close to a superior yours respectfully (obediently) to an organization, an unknown person 1.yours sincerely (truly, faithfully) 2. sincerely yours to a friend and an acquaintance 1. yours sincerely 2. yours cordially, (yours) t
28、o a close family member or friend love (with love, with best wishes, lovingly yours) letter classification 1. letter of inquiry 2. letter of request 3. letter of complaint 4. letter of apology / explanation 5. letter of gratitude 6. letter of application 7. letter of recommendation 8. letter of invi
29、tation 9. letter of suggestion 10. letter of application for admission 11. letter of loss confirming 12. letter of refusal 13. letter for giving information 14. letter of self-introduction 15. multi-purposeletter of inquiry a letter of inquiry is any letter that seeks/asks for information. the tone
30、of the whole letter should be polite and courteous. the request should be specific and to the point so as to get a prompt and useful information.(1) you are a newly-arrived overseas student. write a letter to the university officials asking whether there is a club or community for you to attend and
31、tell them your interests and hobbies at the same time.(2) you wish to study at a certain foreign university. write a letter inquiring about the situation there as regards accommodation, fees and qualifications. opening 1. give a brief self-introduction 2. state the purpose of writing body 1. backgro
32、und and reasons of inquiry 2. details of your inquiry 3. reiteration on the importance of inquiry 4. the content of the task should be fully covered. ending 1. polite conclusion, expressing appreciation of the receivers time and consideration. 2. aim to gain cooperation from the receivers and attain
33、 a quick response. 3. tell how to contact you.useful expressions i would like to obtain (seek, receive) some information about i would like some detailed information about i am writing for information about i am writing to ask if you can (could) i am writing to you in the hope that i may obtain i sh
34、all be very grateful if you could let me have the details of i would be grateful if you would be so kind as to provide me with some information regarding the following aspects. i would like to know something about i am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding
35、 i wonder if you could i wonder if there is available. my first question is that i am greatly concerned about my utmost concern is that should i need to send further materials, please let me know. should i send you copies of my qualification in advance? could you be so kind as to send me some releva
36、nt booklets on the above-mentioned aspects? your prompt and favorable attention to my inquiry would be highly appreciated. i am looking forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience. i am expecting your early reply. i am looking forward to hearing from you. i look forward to your immedia
37、te response. thank you for your consideration. example: as a part of a student survey project, you are organizing a group to visit a historical exhibition in a small town. write a letter asking for information regarding such things as the contents of the exhibition, and the dates of its opening and
38、closing, and if there are any discounts available.analyzing the taskexample: as a part of a student social survey project, you are organizing a group to visit a historical exhibition in a small town. write a letter asking for information regarding such things as the contents of the exhibition, and t
39、he dates of its opening and closing, and if there are any discounts available.outline 1: background information and purpose of writing 2: asking for information (1)the contents of the exhibition (2) dates of its opening and closing (3) if discounts available 3: looking forward to his earliest replyl
40、etter of request this is a letter in which the writer makes requests and seeks help. it is similar to letter of inquiry in that both of the letters make certain requests and expect a reply. but the difference lies in that a letter of inquiry lays emphasis on seeking information; therefore, the impor
41、tant thing is to state your request clearly, while a letter of request should emphasize on seeking help, and the importance lies in the reasons for seeking help.(1) you find a course you take at college is too difficult for you. now write a letter to the dean and request a change of the course. expl
42、ain your situation and reasons.(2) you want to study in a new university. write a letter to your former teacher to ask him/her to write a reference for you. tell him/her who you are, why you choose the subject and some details about the subject. opening 1. give a brief self-introduction 2. state the
43、 purpose of writing (what kind of request) body 1. make your request clearly and politely 2. give reasons of your request ending polite conclusion expecting a favorable reply i am writing to formally request to do i am writing to request i am writing to ask if you can do me a favor i am writing to s
44、eek for your assistance in would you be kind enough to ? i would very much like to ask for your permission with this letter so as to allow meuseful expressions i am writing to formally request to do i am writing to request i am writing to ask if you can do me a favor i am writing to seek for your as
45、sistance in would you be kind enough to ? i would very much like to ask for your permission with this letter so as to allow me i would like to thank you for your generous help in this matter. i shall remain grateful to you for the great help. i do appreciate the favorable consideration you have show
46、n to me. i am looking forward to hearing from you.sample writing example: you find that your study load is too heavy. write a letter to your college teacher explaining why you need to withdraw from two courses. ask if it is possible to obtain a refund.outline 1. introduction and purpose of writing 2
47、. (1)your request to withdraw from the courses and the reasons for your request (2) the possibility to obtain a refund 3. polite conclusionletter of complaint a letter of complaint is the one in which you want somebody to have something improved or problem resolved. purposes of complaint letters 1.
48、to recount ones experience and to express ones dissatisfaction and grievances.2. to draw the attention of the person concerned or the public and warn them against similar happening. 3. to request an explanation and solution from the people or units involved. 4. to suggest ideas to improve or remedy
49、the situation.example: (1) you rent a house through an agency. the heating system has stopped working. you phoned the agency a week ago, but it has still not been mended. write a letter to the agency. explain the situation and tell them what you want them to do about it. (2) you live in a room in co
50、llege which you share with another student. you find it very difficult to work there because your roommate always has friends visiting. he/she has parties in the room and sometimes borrows your things without asking you. write a letter to the accommodation officer at the college and ask for a new ro
51、om next term. you would prefer a single room. explain your reasons. opening 1. self-introduction 2. refer to the subject of complaint 3. state the purpose of this letter body 1. explain the situation clearly/present the problem briefly but to the point.2. express your feeling about the inconvenience
52、s brought by it. 3. put forward your suggestions to solve the problem/improve the situation/state exactly how you want the problem resolved. ending 1.express your strong desire for a quick and proper solution to the problem 2.express your appreciation of the efforts made by the people concerned. 3.
53、wish for an early and favorable reply.useful expressions i am writing to complain about i am writing to make a complaint about i am writing to express my concern/dissatisfaction/disappointment about. i am writing to inform you that i am dissatisfied with your i feel bad/sorry to trouble you but i am
54、 afraid i have to make a complaint about i am most reluctant to complain, but. i am writing to advise you that i find dissatisfactory. i wish to draw your attention to the problem/fault that i bought i trust you will take my complaints seriously and i will appreciate it very much if you can kindly i
55、 would be perfectly satisfied if you can kindly i understand you will give immediate attention to this matter i would like to have this matter settled by the end of this week (or i will .) i would be very grateful if you couldsample writingexample :you live in a room in college which you share with
56、another student. you find it very difficult to work there because your roommate always has friends visiting. he/she has parties in the room and sometimes borrows your things without asking you. write a letter to the accommodation officer at the college and ask for a new room next term. you would prefer a single room. explain your reasons.outline opening: 1.self-introduction 2. state the purpose of writing body: give reasons for your co
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