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1、湖南省澧县一中、益阳市一中、桃源县一中2014届高三上学期三校联考英语试题时量:120分钟 总分:150分 part listening (30 points) section a you will hear each conversation twice.conversation 11. why cant the man talk to the woman now?a. he is in trouble. b. he is cooking supper.c. he has lots of homework to do.2. what does the woman say she will d

2、o?a. help the man with work.b. wait in the mans place.c. come again later.conversation 23. where is ken probably?a. at a shop.b. at home.c. in the classroom.4. why are the speakers having a meeting?a. for fun.b. for work.c. for an exam.conversation 35. who is the man?a. the womans husband.b. the wom

3、ans boss.c. the womans classmate.6. what did the woman bring back?a. some presents from the party. b. some information about her classmates.c. some documents for the company.conversation 47. where will the speakers take a trip?a. to a popular science spot.b. to a wild forest.c. to a wildlife zoo.8.

4、what advice does the man give to the woman?a. leave some food for the animals. b. stay far away from fire at night.c. do not leave garbage everywhere.9. what will the speakers do today?a. climb a mountain.b. rest at home.c. go fishing.conversation 510. what are the speakers mainly talking about?a. a

5、 painting.b. food.c. an old man.11. what is the small boy doing?a. sitting at the table.b. standing at the side of the table. c. playing under the table.12. how does the woman feel?a. hungry.b. strange.c. interested.conversation 613. what was the main reason why the man wanted to join the army?a. mo

6、st of his toys were tanks.b. his uncle suggested that he do so.c. he often heard stories about the army.14. what did the woman and her sister use to do?a. visit different shops. b. pretend to be shopkeepers. c. make money by selling waste things.15. what is the subject of the conversation?a. childho

7、od dreamsb. hard work and success.c. unhappy memories in life.section b: fill in each blank with no more than 3 words. you will hear the passage twice.freezing weatherplacesproblems or damages 16 europemore than 200 people were killed.bosnia farmers have problems feeding their cows. 17 has dropped b

8、y 30%.ukraine 18 people died in low temperatures.rome 19 are unable to operate. the government has to take measures before 20 in temperature.part language knowledge (45 points)section a (15 points) choose one answer that best completes the sentence.21. its reported that energy drinks are not allowed

9、 _ in australia. a. to be makingb. to be madec. to maked. to have been made22. have you seen the film lost in thailand?oh, no. i _ my homework all day yesterday.a. had doneb. didc. have doned. was doing23. the flood last month in the east was a real disaster, _ 19 people dead and 78 missing.a. to le

10、aveb. leftc. leavingd. having left24. linda, the phone in your office cant be connected all the time. why? oh, sorry, miss miles. the service _ since last wednesday.a. has been stoppedb. is stoppedc. was stoppedd. had been stopped25. bob, _ these brochures among the tourists before you leave, will y

11、ou?a. having distributedb. to distributec. distributed. distributing26. tony eventually realized his childhood dream _ he could play on one of the top teams.a. whichb. thatc. of whichd. where27. to our great relief, jacks illness proved not to be as serious as we _.a. had fearedb. has fearedc. would

12、 feard. feared28. _ difficulty you may have, we will always fight along with you.a. whatb. howc. whateverd. however29. their answers are exactly the same. one of them _ from the other.a. must copyb. must have copiedc. should copyd. should have copied30. i have always been honest and straightforward,

13、 and it doesnt matter _ im talking to.a. who is it thatb. who it is thatc. it is who thatd. it is whom that31. mr. harry, we want to hear what you think about the reform being carried out in our school. ok, i _ to that.a. am comingb. have comec. camed. come32. _ with the increasing unemployment, man

14、y people went on strike in most of the european countries.a. facingb. being facedc. facedd. having faced33. i have finished a large part of the novel written by dickens, the rest of which _ very difficult.a. isb. arec. wasd. were34. sunday is a public holiday, _ children should get close to nature.

15、but most of them have several lessons to attend.a. whereb. whichc. in whichd. when35. _ it rain tomorrow, we would have to cancel the football match.a. wereb. wouldc. should d. will section b (18 points) fill in each blank with the choice that best fits the context. alcohol is often taken as a symbo

16、l of a special celebration or as a sign of friendship. so it is 36 to see people toasting with a large glass of alcohol to the health or fortune. unfortunately, every year, alcohol also ruins thousands of lives and destroys many happy families. some people drink alcohol to 37 their tension or pain.

17、they mistakenly think that through drinking, they can 38 from their problems and worries. but it is never a 39 . during those hours of drinking, alcohol only numbs their senses and makes them forget their worries. however, when they wake up, their problems are still unsolved. a 40 alcohol drinker is

18、 running the great risks of getting heart diseases and liver failure. too much alcohol taken into the body system, death will 41 occur. alcohol also affects unborn babies disastrously. those pregnant mothers with 42 alcohol in their blood system risk causing their unborn babies to suffer from defect

19、s (缺陷) at birth. 43 , babies are innocent victims due to their mothers mistakes. therefore they should be extremely cautious of any alcohol and it is better to 44 all drinking during pregnancy. drunken driving is one of the worst 45 of alcohol abuse. every year, many lives are lost due to 46 driving

20、 on roads and highways. a drunk driver cannot see and judge the distance clearly and will find it difficult to control his vision and 47 on the road, so he fails to control over his reflexes. that is how accidents occur. not only does he hurt himself but also other innocent road users.36a. normal b.

21、 idealc. commond. regular37a. increase b. create c. produced. relieve 38a. differb. escape c. solved. cancel39a. solution b. success c. factd. decision40a. social b. addicted c. heavyd. light41a. seldom b. hardly c. eventuallyd. strongly42a. proper b. excessive c. littled. no43a. after all b. above

22、allc. first of alld. all in all44a. run out b. leave outc. carry outd. cut out45a. reasons b. effects c. causesd. examples46a. normalb. careless c. dangerousd. drunken47a. judgmentb. patiencec. emotiond. imaginationsection c (12 points) fill in each blank with one word that best fits the context. a

23、donation thank-you letter not only shows your good manners, 48 can help deepen your ties. also, the other person will feel that 49 appreciate his or her contribution, however small it is. when you are writing 50 donation thank-you letter, you should use the name of the donor instead of just using a

24、basic greeting. you should thank the person sincerely for his or her support and explain 51 useful it proved to you. you need to tell the person the good things 52 their donation helped you achieve. you need to be specific as to when, how and on whom or for what the donation was used. the tone of th

25、e letter should be personal, as if you 53 speaking face to face to the donor. you should send the letter in 48 hours 54 receiving the donation. if you fail to do that, then it should be sent over within a week. the sooner you send it, the 55 .part reading comprehension (30 points) asomeone telephone

26、d me today asking if i would be willing to bring food to a family in need. the mother was having a major operation and would be lying down for several weeks. of course, i responded with an immediate “yes!”. as i planned the meal in my head, i reflected on how many times over the years i had been ask

27、ed to prepare food. i have done so countless times with a very open heart. but the truly amazing thing is that i have received double over the course of my life. when my mother passed away, our house was filled with fresh dinners for weeks. a woman from the church of our community stopped by each ev

28、ening with some food. the gift of food was her small way of trying to ease our pain. later in my life, when i was on bed rest during my pregnancy with twins, women of the church again stepped in to help. they arranged babysitting for my two-year-old daughter, and brought lovely dinners to our house.

29、 even when i was put in the hospital, my husband would bring cooked meals to my hospital room. how we relied on these dinners to feed my tired husband and young daughter. food is all about comfort. it feeds our bodies, but it can also feed our souls. when you hear people talking about their favorite

30、 holidays, it usually includes their feelings connected with sharing food. i know ill have many more chances in my lifetime to prepare food for others. it is truly a gift i want to prepare and deliver to someone in need.56. we can learn from the first paragraph that the author _.a. was tired of prep

31、aring food.b. was glad to be able to lend a hand.c. knew the family in need very well.d. had to stay in bed for several weeks.57. the author has given lots of food to others because _.a. she has received others food.b. she is friendly to others.c. she is a church member.d. she is poor at cooking.58.

32、 what do we know about the authors family?a. her husband isnt good at cooking.b. her family is too poor to buy enough food.c. she has a babysitter taking care of her twins.d. her family lives not far from a church.59. which of the following is true about the author?a. she didnt get enough food durin

33、g her pregnancy.b. her mother died when she was in hospital.c. she received food along with comfort in her hard times.d. she thinks offering food is the best way to show love.60. which of the conclusion can we get according to the article?a. every man has his faults.b. actions speak louder than word

34、s.c. a good beginning makes a good ending.d. one good turn deserves another.b sometimes ideas do not appear when you are concentrating your attention and mysteriously appear when you are not. modern science recognizes this as a result of incubating (酝酿) the problem in your subconscious (潜意识) yet can

35、t account for why it occurs. when you quit thinking about a subject and decide to forget it, your subconscious mind doesnt quit working. your thoughts keep making associations. this is why youre experienced suddenly remembering names, getting solutions to problems youve forgotten about, and ideas ou

36、t of the blue when youre relaxing and not thinking about any particular thing. you may try solving a problem with your subconscious mind by writing a letter to it. the letter should read just like a letter you would send to a real person. seal the letter and put it away. let go of the problem. dont

37、work on it. forget it. do something else. this is the incubation stage when much of what goes on occurs outside your focused awareness, in your unconscious. open the letter in two days. the answer might magically pop into your mind. an advertising agency was under pressure to come up with a marketin

38、g campaign to introduce new television shows. bob, the creative director, wrote the following letter which he addressed to his subconscious mind. he called his subconscious mind secret expert. secret expert, i need to come up with a new marketing program to introduce a new season of tv shows. im int

39、erested in coming up with some kind of campaign that will capture the audiences attention more than one time. is there something people need that we can advertise on? what kind of products, foods and services should we investigate? i need a fresh approach to advertising. your mission is to give me a

40、 new idea on how to advertise tv shows. thanks, bob bob mailed the letter to himself and when he read what he had written, he got his brainstorm, which was to advertise on eggs. somehow an association between foods, need, and fresh approach inspired the thought of using fresh eggs to advertise. he a

41、rranged to place laser imprints of the slogans for the tv shows on eggs some thirty million. the consumers look at a single egg at least a few times, when they buy the eggs at the store, when they transfer them to the refrigerator, and when they crack them open. its unlike any other ad medium in the

42、 world, because youre looking at it while youre using it.61. you remember names when youre not thinking about them because your subconscious mind _.a. is still workingb. is full of namesc. stops workingd. improves your memory62. which of the following was included in bobs letter to his subconscious

43、mind?a. how the solution could be found.b. when he would need its help.c. what product could be advertisedd. what he wanted it to do63. during the incubation stage, your focused awareness _.a. waits for an answerb. controls your thoughtsc. doesnt workd. helps your unconscious64. in what way did the

44、ad on eggs help?a. it helped bob to get a brainstormb. it made the tv shows known to people repeatedly.c. it greatly increased the sales of eggs.d. it made sure consumers could get fresh eggs.65. which of the following can be the best title for the passage? a. difference between subconscious and awa

45、reness b. a fresh approach to advertising c. communicating with your subconscious mind d. solving problems with your subconscious mindc how often do you go on holiday? going on holiday makes you feel good while youre thereyou gain the health benefits for months, new research shows. jetting off to ex

46、otic destinations such as the maldives cuts your blood pressure, helps you sleep better and bounce back from stress, it found. the benefits last at least a fortnight longer than the vacation and can be felt for months in some cases where it is claimed. experts say workers should always take their fu

47、ll holiday entitlement each yearas many as one in three dontto get the benefits. the study compared key health markers in holidaymakers visiting thailand, peru or the maldives, with people who stayed at home and continued working. the average blood pressure of those on holiday dropped by 6% while th

48、e workers saw their blood pressure rise by 2% over the same period. the sleep quality of holiday-makers improved by 17% while that of the non-holidaymakers deteriorated by 14%. the study also found the ability of vacationers to recover from stressknown as the stress-resilience testimproved by 29%. t

49、here was a 71% fall in stress resilience scores among workers. test showed a fall in blood glucose levels, reducing the risk of diabetes, trimmer waistlines and enhanced mood and energy levels, with the effects sustained for at least 2 weeks after returning home. the holiday health experiment was co

50、nducted by tour operator kuoni and nuffield health, the uks largest healthcare charity.66. the author intends to tell us that _.a. it is best to go to foreign countries like maldives.b. we had better go on holiday for the benefits of healthc. we have to go on holiday as much as possibled. youll cert

51、ainly get depressed if you dont go on holiday67. according to the article, how many people go on holiday?a. two thirdsb. 17%c. one thirdd. a quarter68. the underlined word deteriorated in paragraph 3 probably means _.a. remainedb. rosec. improvedd. worsened69. which of the following can we infer fro

52、m the passage?a. holiday makers are more adaptable than non-holidaymakers.b. the result of the study is mostly based on the description from the people involved.c. the further you go, the better you benefit.d. most people like to stay at home during the holiday.70. the best title of the passage is _

53、.a. a holiday health experimentb. key health markers in holidaymakersc. health benefits from holidayd. health problems of having holiday part writing (45 points) section a (10 points): fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage. write no more than three words for each answ

54、er. career development refers to the life-long process of continuously managing your professional work. the process assists people in defining their career goals and ambitions clearly.education is the first step in career development because education received in various institutions like elementary

55、 school, high school, and university helps in increasing the depth of a students knowledge.career development is also concerned with personality as a person needs to present himself in the best way possible in his workplace to make a mark for himself. relevant personal qualities are important, such

56、as loyalty to the company, responsibility and so on, since these qualities can establish your credibility and honesty among colleagues.along with quality of education and personality, career development also emphasizes the important aspects of training. knowledge learned in classrooms needs to be applied smartly to doing the work assigned in a satisfactory way. for this, a good deal of training needs to be provided for the employees by their employers. get as much training as possible! t


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