已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、检验批质量验收记录quality acceptance record of inspection lot工程名称project name分项工程名称name of subentry project验收部位part under check and acceptance施工单位construction unit专业工长specialty section chief项目经理project manager施工执行标准名称及编号name and number of construction standard分包单位subcontracting unit分包项目经理subcontracting proje

2、ct manager施工班组长head of construction team主控项目master project质量验收规范的规定quality acceptance regulations施工单位检查评定记录assessment record by construction unit监理(建设)单位验收记录acceptance record by supervision (construction) unit123456789一般项目common project1234施工单位检查结果评定assessment by construction unit项目专业质量检查员: 年 月 日spe

3、cialty quality inspector day/month/year监理(建设)单位验收结论acceptance conclusion by supervision (construction) unit监理工程师supervising engineer(建设单位项目专业技术负责人) 年 月 日(technical specialty head of construction unit) day/month/year 分项工程质量验收记录quality acceptance record of subentry project工程名称project name结构类型structure

4、 type检验批数number of inspection lot施工单位construction unit项目经理project manager项目技术负责人technical project head分包单位subcontracting unit分包单位负责人head of subcontracting unit分包项目经理subcontracting project manager序号serial no.检验批部位、区段part and section of inspection lot施工单位检查评定结果assessment by construction unit监理(建设)单位验收

5、结论acceptance conclusion by supervision (construction) unit1234567891011121314151617检查结论inspection conclusion项目专业技术负责人:technical project specialty head: 年 月 日day/month/year验收结论acceptance conclusion监理工程师supervision engineer(建设单位项目专业技术负责人):(technical specialty head of construction unit) 年 月 日day/month/

6、year 分部(子分部)工程质量验收记录quality acceptance record of subsection (sub-branch) project工程名称project name结构类型structure type层数floor施工单位construction unit技术部门负责人head of technical department质量部门负责人head of quality department分包单位subcontracting unit分包单位负责人head of subcontracting unit分包技术负责人subcontracting technical h

7、ead序号serial no.分项工程名称name of subentry project检验批数number ofinspection lot施工单位检查评定assessment by construction unit验 收 意 见acceptance opinion123456质量控制资料quality control data安全和功能检验(检测)报告inspection (check) report on safety and function观感质量验收observation quality acceptance验收单位acceptance unit分包单位subcontracti

8、ng unit项目经理: 年 月 日project manager: day/month/year施工单位construction unit项目经理: 年 月 日project head: day/month/year戡察单位survey unit项目负责人: 年 月 日project head: day/month/year设计单位design unit项目负责人: 年 月 日project head: day/month/year监理(建设)单位supervision (construction) unit总监理工程师chief supervising engineer(建设单位专业负责人

9、) 年 月 日(specialty head of construction unit) day/month/year 单位(子单位)工程质量竣工验收记录final acceptance record of unit (subunit) project quality工程名称project name结构类型structure type层数/建筑面积floor/building area/技术负责人technical head开工日期commencement date项目技术负责人technical project head竣工日期completion date序号serial no.项 目it

10、ems验 收 记 录acceptance record验 收 结 论acceptance conclusion1分部工程subsection project共 分部,经查 分部符合标准及设计要求 分部total _ subsections among which _ are checked and _ meet the standard and designing requirements.2质量控制资料核查check on quality control data共 项,经审查符合要求 项,经核定符合规范要求 项total _ items among which _ meet the req

11、uirements and _ meet the criteria.3安全和主要使用功能核查及抽查结果check and spot test on security and main functionality共核查 项,符合要求 项,共抽查 项,符合要求 项,经返工处理符合要求 项total _ items receiving check among which _ meet the requirements. total _ items receiving spot test among which _ meet the requirements for one time and _ me

12、et the requirements after redone work.4观感质量验收observation quality acceptance共抽查 项,符合要求 项,不符合要求 项total _ items receiving sport test among which _ meet the requirements and _ fail to meet the requirements.5综合验收结论comprehensive acceptance conclusion建设单位client unit监理单位supervision unit施工单位construction unit

13、设计单位design unit(公章)(official seal)单位(项目)负责人unit (project) head年 月 日day/month/year(公章)(official seal)总监理工程师chief supervising engineer 年 月 日 day/month/year(公章)(official seal)单位负责人unit head 年 月 日 day/month/year(公章)(official seal)单位(项目)负责人unit (project) head年 月 日day/month/year单位(子单位)工程质量控制资料核查记录check re

14、cord on unit (subunit) project quality control data工程名称project name施工单位construction unit序号serial no.项目items资 料 名 称data name份数copies核查意见check opinion核查人checked by1建设与结构construction and structure图纸会审、设计变更、洽商记录joint examination of drawings, design modification and talks records2工程定位测量、放线记录project posit

15、ioning measurement and route-layout record3原材料出厂合格证书及进场检(试)验报告raw materials ex-factory certificate and entry inspection (test) report4施工试验报告及见证检测报告construction test report and witness check report5隐蔽工程验收表hidden project acceptance sheet6施工记录construction record7预制构件、预制混凝土合格证prefabricated components an

16、d prefabricated concrete certificate8地基、基础、主体结构检验及抽样检测资料inspection and spot test data on groundwork, foundation and body structure9分项、分部工程质量验收记录quality acceptance record of subentry and subsection project10工程质量及事故调查处理资料management materials on project quality and accident investigation11新材料、新工艺施工记录co

17、nstruction record of new materials and new technologies121给排水与采暖water supply and drainage and heating图纸会审、设计变更、洽商记录drawings joint checkup, design modification and negotiation record2材料、配件出厂合格证书及进场检(试)验报告raw materials ex-factory certificate and entry inspection (test) report3管道、设备强度试验、严密性试验记录intensit

18、y test and strictness test record on pipelines and equipment4隐蔽工程验收表hidden project acceptance sheet5系统清洗、灌水、通水、通球试验记录test record on system cleaning, water filling, water through and ball through6施工记录construction record7分项、分部工程质量验收记录quality acceptance record of subentry and subsection project81建设电气co

19、nstruction and electrics图纸会审、设计变更、洽商记录drawings joint checkup, design modification and negotiation record2材料、设备出厂合格证书及进场检(试)验报告raw materials ex-factory certificate and entry inspection (test) report3设备调试记录equipment commissioning record4接地、绝缘电阻测试记录test record on earthing and insulation resistance5隐蔽工程

20、验收表hidden project acceptance sheet6施工记录construction record7分项、分部工程质量验收记录quality acceptance record of subentry and subsection project8工程名称project name施工单位construction unit序号serial no.项目items资 料 名 称data name份数copies核查意见check opinion核查人checked by1通风与空调ventilation and air conditioning图纸会审、设计变更、洽商记录drawi

21、ngs joint checkup, design modification and negotiation record2材料、设备出厂合格证书及进场检(试)验报告raw materials ex-factory certificate and entry inspection (test) report of materials and equipment3制冷、空调、水管道强度试验、严密性试验记录intensity test and strictness record on refrigeration, air conditioning and water pipe4隐蔽工程验收表hid

22、den project acceptance sheet5制冷设备运行调试记录operation commissioning record on refrigeration equipment6通风、空调系统调试记录commissioning record on ventilation and air-conditioning system7施工记录construction record8分项、分部工程质量验收记录quality acceptance record of subentry and subsection project91电梯lift土建布置图纸会审、设计变更、洽商记录civil

23、 engineering drawings joint checkup, design modification and negotiation record2设备出厂合格证书及开箱检验记录equipment ex-factory certificate and case-opening inspection record3隐蔽工程验收表hidden project acceptance sheet4施工记录construction record5接地、绝缘电阻测试记录test record on earthing and insulation resistance6负荷试验、安全装置检查记录

24、record on load test and safety device inspection7分项、分部工程质量验收记录quality acceptance record of subentry and subsection project81建筑智能计construction intelligent meter图纸会审、设计变更、洽商记录、竣工图及设计说明drawings joint checkup, design modification and negotiation record, as-built drawing and design explanation2材料、设备出厂合格证

25、书及技术文件及进场检(试)验报告ex-factory certificate and technical document and entry inspection (test) report on materials and equipment3隐蔽工程验收表hidden project acceptance sheet4系统功能测定及设备调试记录system function check and equipment commissioning record5系统技术、操作和维护手册system technology, operation and maintenance manual6系统管

26、理、操作人员培训记录system management and operator training record7系统检测报告system check report8分项、分部工程质量验收记录quality acceptance record of subentry and subsection project结论:conclusion:总监理工程师chief supervising engineer施工单位项目经理 年 月 日 (建设单位项目负责人) 年 月 日project manager of construction unit day/month/year (project head

27、of client unit) day/month/year单位(子单位)工程安全和功能检验资料核查及主要功能抽查记录security and function inspection data check and main functions spot test record on unit (subunit) project工程名称project name施工单位construction unit序号serial no.项目items安全和功能检查项目items for security and function inspection份数copies核查意见check opinion抽查结果

28、spot test result核查(抽查)人checked (spot test) by1建筑与结构construction and structure屋面淋水试验记录roofing water pouring test record2地下室防水效果检查记录inspection record on basement waterproof effect3有防水要求的地面蓄水试验记录water preserving test record on the floor bearing waterproof requirements4建筑物垂直度、标高、全高测量记录building uprightne

29、ss, elevation and height measurement record5抽气(风)道检查记录air duct inspection record6幕墙及外窗气密性、水密性、耐风压检测报告air-tightness, water-tightness and wind pressure resistance test report on curtain wall and external windows7建筑物沉降观测测量记录observation measurement record on building subsidence8节能、保温测试记录test record on e

30、nergy saving and heat preservation9室内环境检测报告interior environment check report101给排水与采暖water supply and drainage and heating给水管道通水试验记录water through test record on water supply pipeline2暖气管道、散热器压力试验记录pressure test record on flue and radiator3卫生器具满水试验记录water-full test record on sanitary ware4消防管道、燃气管道压力

31、试验记录pressure test record on fire protection pipes and gas duct5排水干管道球试验记录ball test record on water drainage pipeline61电气electrics照明全负荷试验记录full load test record on illumination2大型灯具牢固性试验记录fastness test record on large lamps3避雷接地电阻测试记录test record on lightning earthing resistance4线路、插座、开关接地检验记录inspecti

32、on record on circuit, socket and switch earthing51通风与空调ventilation and air conditioning通用、空调系统试运行记录commissioning record of general and air-conditioning system2风量、温度测试记录test record on air quantity and temperature3洁净室洁净度测试记录cleanness test record on clean room4制冷机组试运行调试记录commissioning record on refrige

33、ration set test run51电梯lift电梯运行记录lift operation record2电梯安全装置检测报告safety device test report1智能建筑intelligentized building系统试运行记录system test run record2系统电梯电源及接地检测报告system lift power and earthing test report3结论:conclusion:总监理工程师chief supervising engineer施工单位项目经理 年 月 日 (建设单位项目负责人) 年 月 日project manager o

34、f construction unit day/month/year (project head of client unit) day/month/year注:抽查项目由验收组协商确定。note: the acceptance team shall negotiate to determine the items for spot test.单位(子单位)工程观感质量检查记录observation quality inspection record on unit (sub-unit) project工程名称project name施工单位construction unit序号serial

35、no.项 目items抽查质量状况spot test quality status质量评价quality assessment好good一般common差inferior1建筑与结构construction and structure室外墙面exterior wall surface2变形缝deformation joint3水落管、屋面fall pipe and roofing4室内墙面interior wall surface5室内顶棚interior ceiling6室内地面interior floor7楼梯、踏步、护栏stair, step and guardrail8门窗doors and windows1给排水与采暖water supply and d


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