The Application of Body language in English Teaching in Middle School英语专业毕业论文_第1页
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1、肢体语言在中学英语教学中的应用the application of body language in english teaching in middle school摘要随着英语教学法的不断深入发展,要求英语教师在课堂上使用英语组织教学,并为学生学习英语创设学习环境。然而,由于学生词汇量的限制,教师在课堂上要简化自己的语言,这就需要肢体语言的协助。在这篇文章中,笔者主要论述了肢体语言在教学中的重要性:能引起学生兴趣,能促进和谐的师生关系,能帮助教师简化教学,以及如何恰当的使用目光语、手势语、面部语言等肢体语言。同时也指出了使用肢体语言需要注意的几点事项。四十五分钟的授课时间是极为短暂的,要向

2、短短的四十五分钟要效益,就要求教师尽可能的合理使用肢体语言,大大加强自己的教学效果。 关键词:肢体语言; 目光语; 手势语; 面部表情; 仪态语abstract:with the continual reform of language teaching and learning methods, teachers are in great demand to organize the classes in english and create englishlearning circumstances. however, with the limitation of students voc

3、abulary, teachers have to simplify their teaching language with the body this article, the author will discuss the necessity and importance of using body language in english teaching. it can arouse the students interest; and establish more smooth interpersonal relation between the teache

4、rs and students; and make the teaching become simpler. the author also discusses how to use eye -sights, gestures, facial expressions and postures, in english teaching. at the same time, the author also point to some principles of using body language. the forty-five minutes in class is very precious

5、, if a teacher wants to get more effective, he must use the body language properly and correctly.key words: body language; eye-sights; gestures; facial expressions; postures contentsintroduction 7chapter i the necessity and importance of using body language in english teaching 71.1. using body langu

6、age can strengthen the teachers charm 91.2. using body language can arouse the students interests101.3. using body language can establish more smooth interpersonal relation between teachers and students121.4. using body language can make the teaching become simpler131.5. using body language can help

7、 to improve the four basic skills of learning language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing15chapter ii the using of four major kinds of body language in english teaching 192.1. the using of eye languages in english teaching192.2. the using of gestures in english teaching212.3. the using of fa

8、cial expressions in english teaching 222.4. .the using of postures in english teaching24chapter iii the principles of using the body language teaching263.1. using body language in english classes must accord with the physical features of middle school students and the teaching contents263.2.using bo

9、dy language must cooperate to the verbal language283.3. making note of the differences of body language in different culture28introduction:as we know, the classroom teaching is one of most important ways that the students learn english .if teachers want to arouse the students interests so that they

10、can learn better, encourage them, and enhance the efficiency of classroom teaching, they have to use all kinds of ways. using body language in the english teaching is one of them.body language studies are now in academia a brand new theory .so ,body language application in classroom teaching explora

11、tion still are short .american psychologist james asher jpr teaching is the body language in the teaching experiment.combined with myself in english teaching how to use body language, i tried to discuss the application of body language in english teaching .this thesis aims to research the necessity

12、and importance of body language; and there are four major kinds of body language in this thesis; and we will discuss how to use of them properly and correctly; and we will discuss some principles when we use the body language .chapter:the necessity and importance of using body language in english te

13、aching.body language is an important media through which people communicate with each other .it refers to the process of communicating what you are feeling or thinking by the way you place and move your body rather than by words.(note 1:oxford advanced learners english-chinese dictionary the sixth e

14、dition.)a famous anthropologist e.t. hall pointed “silent languages express more information than verbal language.” because body language is used more times than verbal language. the united states psychologist albert melabin, 1968, made an experiment to prove that the total result of the information

15、 =7%writing +38%tone +55%countenance and movement. and the specialist on body language research, fen lafel angles, once said “once body language was lost, a body couldnt have grown into a normal person.” so, body language plays an essential role in human communication.everyone knows, with the contin

16、ual reform and opening of china, english is becoming more important in many fields, for example, in economy, sport and science. the development of society is in great need of a large number of people with rich english knowledge .the wildest use of english is to communicate .and with the continual re

17、form of language teaching and learning methods, teachers are in great demand to organize the classes in english and create english learning circumstances .so, communicated english is very important. communicated english means that teachers teach english in english, and the students are also required

18、 to use english in class .however, with the limitation of students vocabulary, teachers have to organize their teaching with the body language.from the above, we can see that body language is important and necessary for the english teaching. it not only can strengthen teachers charm, arouse the stud

19、ents interest, establish more smooth interpersonal relation between the teachers and students, but also can make the teaching become simpler, and it helps to improve the four basic skills of learning language, listening, speaking, and writing.1.1. using body language can strengthen the teachers char

20、m.“study is the role model, behavior world fan.” teachers should master correct postures behavior, it is not only teachers civilization accomplishment, but also links to the teachers profession image. body language plays an active role in cultivating the students characters. teachers are usually res

21、pected, and factually, what or how the teachers say and do will be possibly imitated by the students (sometimes subconsciously.)in a word, teachers graceful body language helps to improve the students artistic-appreciation and moral character. if the students develop a wonderful body language, which

22、 will possibly leads them to form optimistic and active feelings. they will surely have a more smooth interpersonal relation. so appropriate, elegant, abound individual glamour body languages still can deepen the teachers impression in students hearts.1.2: using body language can arouse the students

23、 interests.a famous person ever said:“interest is the best teacher.” so, attracting and improving the students interest is a very important part of english teaching. there are many ways to arouse the students interest. body language used in english teaching is one of them. the linguist mr lu ever sa

24、id: “the foreign language teacher should be able to perform and dance for joy, made a vivid gesture, movement and countenance as an actor, should not always be gentle and cultivated or just stand stiffly on the platform.”(note 2 : guo xuehua,1999)but how do we attract the students interests by using

25、 body language? below i will example to illustrate this problem.example 1:as we know,“teaching the letters” is “the first step” of the english teaching . but its boring for most of the students. if the teacher use the body language when they teach the letters, which must change better. we can put ou

26、r two forefingers together and put one middle finger in the middle of them to express “a”. and circle one forefinger and thumb to express “c”, and so on .i think “well begun is well done.” the students must be interested in english letters by body language .but as time goes on, the students lose the

27、ir interest, especially for the usual ,unchanging teaching and learning methods . but if the teacher gives the lessons with the help of body language, they can arouse the students interest. example 2: when teachers teach the words of the body parts , such as : “head” , “nose” , “face” , “hand”they c

28、an let the students touch their body own body parts.example 3:in the teaching book, the first lesson in unit one ,book one ,is about the time when the new students first meet ,and they dont know each other ,so ,a teacher can introduce himself first ,such as : “hello ,everyone, nice to meet you here.

29、 now i will introduce myself to you. my name is tom. i like playing basketball.” during in the introduction, the teacher should use the new vocabularies and sentence structures together with a vivid expression and make gestures as possibly as he can .he smiles when he says hello to the class; he sha

30、kes hands with some students saying nice to meet you, he writes name down on the blackboard; he imitates the action of shooting at the using body language, the students must be full of pleasure in this class. so body language plays an important role in arousing the students interest 1.

31、3. using body language can establish more smooth interpersonal relation between teachers and students a successful english teacher wants to make the students like learning english, who first let the students like the teacher .so harmonious relation between the teacher and the students is very import

32、ant. the affection of teachers body language on the students is reflected not only by establishing a good example, but also shortening the teacher student estrangement by which a more harmonious studying atmosphere is created. in fact, everyone wants to get praise from the teacher. but sometimes som

33、e students are timid .they cant speak english loudly in class .at this situation, the teacher should give them an encouraging sight. or, nodding to them .these can help them greatly. for instance, i ever teach a girl who is introversive and very shy. when i ask her a question .her voice is very low,

34、 even though her answer is correct, in this situation, i always look at her with an encouraging sight. later, she changes, she dares to speak english loudly in class.sometimes, some students make mistake, but the teacher also should treat them with tolerance attitude towards them. once in my class,

35、i found a boy student sleeping when i passed him. i didnt criticize him, but slapped lightly on his back.when he woke up, i pointed to his book. he ashamed and lowered his head. then he listened to me very carefully for a whole, in some situation, body language is more useful than verbal la

36、nguage .it can help establish more smooth interpersonal relation between teachers and students .1.4. using body language can make the teaching become simpler. with the continual reform of language teaching and learning methods, teachers are required to organize the classes in english. however with t

37、he limitation of students vocabulary, teachers have to simplify their teaching languagewith the help of body language .the characteristics of theoretic and abstraction of knowledge also requires the vivid, dramatic and an accessible body language to make it specific and figurative. for instance a: w

38、hen the students learn a new word ,the students can guess its meaning from the teachers body language .such as the words “long”, “short”, “big”, “small”, so on and so forth. b: when the teacher teach the present continuous tense “i am sleeping.”, the teacher can put your hands together and put under

39、 the side of the head and close her eyes ;then the teacher says :“i am sleeping .” and use the same way, the teacher can teach the sentences ,like :“i am singing./i am dancing”1.5.using body language can help to improve the four basic skills of learning language: listening, speaking, reading, and wr

40、iting.a: body language helps to improve listening.the greek philosopher epictetus ever wittily said: “nature has give man one tongue and two ears that he may hear twice as much as he speaks.” from the saying we can learn how important the listening is in our daily life. to understand others is a bas

41、ic purpose in english teaching ,and teachers often train the students listening accordingly .in this process ,if the body language is used, the effect will be better. when beginning a new lesson, the teacher narrates the story outline in english. the body language may help .for example, a teacher ca

42、n point his head and his eyes and said: “she has short hair and big eyes”; then he hold his hand: “she is tall and she is heavy.” “she is so beautiful a lady.” when the teacher said, he opens his eyes widely. as a result, the students will have such an impression: she is very beautiful indeed; a tea

43、cher who used the body language will surely achieve a better effect.b: body language helps to improve speaking.the spoken language is one of the important ways to communicate. so we should try to develop the students ability of speaking. factually they are helped to reach the aim in a certain degree

44、 by their teachers body language.the contemporary emphasis gradually laid on spoken english teaching. the first lesson of every unit in senior english begins with dialogue. the teaching programs require the teachers to organize the class to practice english according to the characteristics of dialog

45、ue. generally speaking, the body language can arouse and sustain the students interest of leaning and using english. in the english class, the teachers should not only use body languages themselves, but also ask the students to use them according to the different situation. take it for example, when

46、 the teacher teaches the dialogue about “asking for and directing the ways”, the teacher can create a circumstance for the students to play the roles in the dialogue: “can you tell me the way to the post office?” “sure, go down the street and turn left on the first crossing”usually, the application

47、of body language in different situations will result in an attracting and successful lesson.c: body language helps to improve reading.the purpose of senior english teaching is to train the students preliminary ability of using spoken and written english. in the senior school, we lay emphasis one the

48、 reading ability that serves the students further study. here we mainly mention the helpfulness for reading aloud .reading aloud helps the students to get a correct pronunciation and intonation and to develop the combination of vocabularies pronunciation, spelling and meaning. furthermore it also he

49、lps the students to find out the articles internal feelings and appreciate the beauty of the language .a linguist ever said: “a poem is not a poem until it is read.” reading aloud is basic for the middle school students. and the teachers should make full use of body language to develop the students

50、ability of reading aloud. when reading the sentences, attention should be paid to where to speak softly, emphasize, and raise or lower our tone. with the help of body language, the can solve the problem much more easily. for example, hey use gestures. as they read the choosing interrogative sentence

51、, they raise their hands in rising tones and lower in falling tones. after training for some times, as soon as they read the sentences, they will remind themselves of the gestures. in a word the vivid gesture together with the fluent english can create a good circumstance of learning, which will sur

52、ely play an active part in improve the students reading ability.c: body language helps to improve writing.writing is one of the four basic skills of learning language, and it is so important a skill that we can even say without it, people can not communicate with others. not only should the students

53、 get some english knowledge and vocabularies, but also the ability to communicate in spoken and written english as what is mentioned in the teaching programs. to some extent, writing is much more important than speaking, for it can spread without the limitation of apace and time .since the students

54、learn english as a media for communication, they should have the ability of get rid of the students feelings of being dull and tiring, an english teacher has to use every possible method. this is the same to the writing, among which, the application of body language can deepen the object

55、impression, which is magnificent in developing the students writing ability. the linguist franklin ever said: “tell me, i will forget; teach me, i will remember; involve me and i will learn.” if we asked the students to write an unfamiliar composition, they would probably be unable to and feel disco

56、uraged. however the students can write excellent articles if they have the experience. in and out of class, we should ask the students to participate some englishrelated activities, and then ask them to write it down. take “my whole day in the zoo” for example, having enjoyed themselves in the zoo,

57、the students can write much better a composition. for contrast to their complete imagination, the students are deeply impressed by the body movement of the teachers and themselves, which surely leads to a better article.chapter .the using of four major kinds of body languages in english classroom te

58、 classroom teaching, eyesight, gesture, facial expression and posture are four major kinds of body, we will discuss how to use of them properly and correctly.2.1. the using of eyesight in english teaching. as saying goes: “the eyes are the window of the soul.” that is to say, we can read ones mind through his eyes .eye language can express complicated feelings and it is an important way to judge the relationship of communicators. people from english speaking


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