外研版《新标准英语》小学三年级起点四年级英语Module6 Unit1 Can I have some sweets教学设计_第1页
外研版《新标准英语》小学三年级起点四年级英语Module6 Unit1 Can I have some sweets教学设计_第2页
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1、外语教学研究与出版社新标准英语三年级起点四年级英语module6 unit1 can i have some sweets? 一、教材分析本课是外语教学研究与出版社新标准英语三年级起点第三册第六模块第一单元。主要通过“请求允许,征求意见” 这一话题,依次呈现词汇:soup, sorry, sweets, bread, biscuits及主要语言:“can i have some? yes, you can. / sorry, you cant.”询问他人是否允许自己得到某种事物,此话题是学生生活中经常遇到的真实场景。在教学设计中,我努力创设真实的语境,让学生在快乐轻松的气氛中学习新词汇和新语言

2、并运用到实际生活当中,提高语言运用能力。而要完成目标,还需要涉及学生原有的知识词汇,如:hungry、birthday、happy、cake、bananas、pears等有关词汇。二、教学目标(一)知识目标1. 能听懂,会读,会说:soup, bread, biscuit, sweets. 2. 能够听懂、会说目标语句:can i have ? 并能口头运用yes, you can./sorry, you cant.回答有关询问。(二)技能目标1. 学生能够在创设的情景中向别人请求吃什么并且做到较流畅的问询和回答。2.能够能灵活运用功能语句在真实的生活情景中询问并回答别人的请求,提高学生的交际

3、能力。(三)情感目标教育孩子要养成良好的饮食习惯,不得挑食,并且不能过多吃垃圾食品,保持身体的健康;并且要学会分享。三、教学重、难点 1、教学重点:根据问句“can i have some sweets /bread /biscuits?”做出合适的回答,特别是“sorry,you cant.”的礼貌回答。2、教学难点:能够灵活运用所学的词汇和语言进行对话和交流。四、教学准备多媒体课件,单词卡,食物贴画,生日蛋糕图片,各种食物五、教学时间 1课时六、教学过程step1 warming up and lead-in1.greetingst: boys and girls, everything

4、is ready? are you ready?ss:t: now lets begin our class.t: hello, boys and girls.ss: hello, ms duan.t: how are you today?ss: im fine, thank you. and how are you?t: im fine, too. thank you. t: look! ive got two cakes. one is for boys and one is for girls. if you do well, you can get a present for your

5、 group. ok? lets see which group can get the most. are you ready? lets come to the pk stage, come on! 2. game: magic eyest: today we are going to learn module9 unit1. before our new class, lets play a game-magic eyes. look at the screen. say the word as quickly as you can. ok? ss:t: now lets go! loo

6、k carefully! the first one, what is it?t: what are they?s: noodles and cake.t: can you make noodles?s: yes, i can/ no, i cant.t: can you make a cake?s: no, i cant.(设计意图:先通过游戏让学生回想以前学过的食物的单词,运用食物感知来帮助其快速回想。这为课堂后面的拓展做好了铺垫,让学生不至于花费很多时间去想食物的词,使流程没有突兀感。)step2 presentationt: she cant make a cake, but i ca

7、n make a cake. look, i make a big birthday cake. its for our friend, because today is her birthday. do you want to know whose birthday it is?ss: yes.t: ok! now lets watch the video and find it. ok?(生带着问题,听第一遍课文录音。)t: whose birthday is it?ss: amyt: yes, its amys birthday. lets sing “happy birthday” s

8、ong for her. ok?(通过唱生日歌来烘托气氛,调动学生的学习兴趣。)t: you sing well. i think amy will be happy.t: today is amys birthday. her mother is making delicious food for her in the kitchen. amy is very hungry. she wants some food to eat. what food does amy want to have? now lets listen again and find. ok?(出示本节课第二个问题,生

9、带着问题播放第二遍录音)通过处理问题,利用单词卡依次教学soup/sweets/bread,并板书。t: amy wants some soup, sweets and bread. how does she ask her mother?t: now this time open your books and turn to page 34. read and underline the sentences. ok?(生带着问题,读课文划句子)学习本课重点句型can i have some soup/sweets/bread?t: how does her mother say?ss: so

10、rry, you cant. 分角色朗读以上重点句子.t: you read very well. so i will give you some present. look! what are they?ss: sweetst: do you want some? ask me!生用can i have some sweets?来提问,师用yes, you can.来回答,糖分完后再用sorry, you cant.来回答。师板书yes, you can.学生利用组内的食物进行练习。t: amy is hungry. but her mother doesnt give anything t

11、o her. why? look at the pictures. can you find the answer? you can speak in chinese.s:想给amy一个惊喜。 t: amy的妈妈是如何给她惊喜的呢?待添加的隐藏文字内容1s:t:look at this picture. its very dark. amy cant see. so her mother said: turn on the light.学习并跟读,师演示打开灯。t: after turning on the light, amy gets a big surprise. shes moved.

12、 yes?t: look at the desk. so much food. now amy can have some cake, sweets, biscuits and fruit. new words for you: biscuits. 学习单词biscuitst: look! i have some biscuits. do you want some ?ss: yes!t: please ask me: can i have some? ok? who can?t: look ! what are they?ss: apples, oranges and bananas.t:

13、they are fruit. t: in our daily life, we should have more fruit and vegetables. because they are healthy for us. we should eat less sweets and meat. if you have too much, you will be like him. ok?t: ok, now this time lets listen, point and repeat. t: you read very well. now this time read it with yo

14、ur partners, ok? t: lets stop here. who wants to be amy? mum? you are amys friends. ok?t: great! now look at the screen. read the dialogue and fill in the blanks. lets see together. ok?t: boys and girls, you did a good job.step3 practicet: amy has got some food on her birthday party. i also have som

15、e delicious food. do you want some? look! who can? ask me!s: can i have some?t: let me look.,根据果盘中的食物用yes,you can.或者sorry,you cant.来回答。t: amy can have some delicious food. you can also have some delicious food. how about lanyangyang?展示羊羊们野餐的图片, 懒羊羊看到这些美味可口的食物,就向同伴询要食物,他们是否把自己的食物分给懒羊羊了呢?生带着问题齐读文本。在处理完文本后,引出情感教育:dont neglect to share what you hav


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