1、第三章 the oral approach and situational language teachingthe oral approach (situational language teaching) is a grammar-based method in which principles of grammatical and lexical gradation are used and new teaching points are presented and practiced through meaningful situation-based activities.一、bac
2、kground1. two of the leaders were harold palmer and a.s.hornby.2. vocabulary control 3. grammar control 二、the oral approach and situational language teaching the main characteristics of the approach were as follows:1. language teaching begins with the spoken language. material is taught orally.2. th
3、e target language is the language of the classroom.3. new language points are introduced and practiced situationally.4. vocabulary selection procedures are followed to ensure that an essential general service vocabulary is covered.5. items of grammar are graded by their complexity.6. reading and wri
4、ting are introduced once a sufficient lexical and grammatical basis is established. 三、approach1、 theory of language a type of british “structuralism”. one distinctive feature: structures must be linked to situations in which they could be used language was viewed as purposeful activity related to go
5、als and situations in the real world.2、theory of learninga type of behaviorist habit-learning theory(three processes in learning a language)(1). language learning as habit formation (2).an inductive approach is used to the teaching of grammar(3).the same processed are thought to occur both in child
6、language learning and in second language learning.四、design1、objectives: (1). practical command of the four basic skills of language(2). accuracy in both pronunciation and grammar is regarded as crucial.(3). automatic control of basic structures and sentence patterns is fundamental.(4). writing deriv
7、es from speech.2、the syllabus(1) a structural syllabusa list of the basic structures and sentence patterns(2) situation: the manner of presenting and practicing sentence patterns3、types of learning and teaching activities(1) slt employs a situational approach to presenting new sentence patterns and
8、a drill-based manner to practicing the new sentence patterns (2) situation: the use of concrete objects, pictures and realia, which together with actions and gestures (3) practice techniques: guided repetition, substitution activities, pair practice 4、learner roles(1) listen, repeat and responds to
9、questions and commands (2) have no control over the content of learning 5、teacher rolesthreefold: a model、a skillful manipulator、on the lookout for errorsthe teacher is essential to the success of the method.6、the role of instructional materials(1)textbook: contains organized lessons(2)visual aids:
10、consists of wall charts, flashcards, pictures, stick figuresthe teacher is expected to be the master of his textbook. 五、procedureaim: to move from controlled to freer practice of structures and from oral use of sentence patterns to their automatic use in speech, reading and writing. the teaching of
11、a structure: four parts pronunciationrevision ( to prepare for new work if necessary)presentation of new structure or vocabularyoral practice (drilling)reading of material on the new structure, or written exercisesthe sequence of activities:listening practicechoral imitationindividual imitationisola
12、tionbuilding up to a new modelelicitationsubstitution drillingquestion-answer drillingcorrection第四章 the audiolingual methodit is a method of foreign or second language teaching which (a) emphasizes the teaching of speaking and listening before reading and writing (b) uses dialogues and drills. (c) d
13、iscourages use of the mother tongue in the classroom (d) often makes use of contrastive analysis. the audiolingual method was prominent in the 1950s and 1960s, especially in the united states, and has been widely used in many other parts of the world.一、backgroundthe combination of structural linguis
14、tic theory, contrastive analysis, aural-oral procedures, and behaviorist psychology led to the audiolingual method.二、approach1、theory of language structural linguistics (1950s): a reaction to traditional grammarthe primary medium of language is oral: speech is language.2、theory of learning behaviora
15、l psychology: stimulus-response chainslearning principles:1. foreign language learning is basically a process of mechanical habit formation.2. language skills are learned more effectively if the items to be learned in the target language are presented in sporken form before they are seen in written
16、form.3. analogy provides a better foundation for language learning than analysis. hence the approach to the teaching of grammar is essentially inductive rather than deductive.4.the meaning of word can be learned in a linguistic and cultural context and not in isolation.三、design1、objectivesshort-rang
17、e objectives:listening comprehension、accurate pronunciation, reading comprehension and production of correct sentences in writing.long-range objectives :to develop in the students the same types of abilities that native speakers have2、the syllabusa linguistic syllabus: phonology, morphology, and syn
18、tax of the languagea lexical syllabus of basic vocabularylanguage skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing3、types of learning and teaching activitiesdialogues drills -various kinds of drills : repetition, inflection, replacement4、learner roles organisms that can be directed by skilled training
19、techniques to produce correct responsesa reactive role, have little control 5、teachers rolescentral and activemodels the target languagecontrols the direction and pace of learningmonitors and corrects the learners performance6、the role of instructional materialstextbooktape recorders and audiovisual
20、 equipment 四、procedure1、the process of teaching involves extensive oral instruction2、the procedures the teacher should adopt ( brook)3、in a typical audiolingual lesson the following procedures will be observed: a. recognition; b. imitation and repetition c. patterns drill: d. follow-up activities五、t
21、he decline of audiolingualism 1、criticism on two fronts: the theoretical foundations(both in language and language learning) and the practical results fell short of expectation.2、the theoretical attack: noam chomskys theory of transformational grammar情境法与听说法的异同there are many similarities between sit
22、uational language teaching and audiolingualism.1. the order in which language skills are introduced2. focus on accuracy through drill and practice in the basic structures3. sectence patterns of the target languagehowever, situational language teaching was a development of the earlier direct method a
23、nd does not have the strong ties to linguistic and behavioral psychology that characterize audiolingualism. the similarities of the two methods reflect similar views about the nature of language and of language learning, through these views were in fact development from quite different traditions.第五
24、章 communicative language teaching又称:功能意念法( the functional-notional approach )the clt is an approach to foreign or second language teaching which emphasizes that the goal of language learning is communicative competence. teaching materials used with the communicative approach often teach the language
25、 needed to express and understand different kinds of functions. the approach follows a national syllabus and emphasizes the processes of communication to get information, and using language for social interaction with other people. 一、backgroundthe origins of the clt are to be found in the changes in
26、 the british language teaching tradition dating from the late 1960s. in the late sixties, the current slt was questioned. british applied linguistics began to emphasize the fundamental dimension of language teaching at that time- the functional and communicative potential of language. scholars argue
27、d for focus in language teaching on communicative proficiency rather than on mere mastery of structures. 二、approach 1、theory of languagethe functional view of language is the primary one behind the communicative method. language as communicationthe characteristics of the communicative view of langua
28、ge 1. language is a system for the expression of meaning.2. the primary function of language is for interaction and communication.3. the structure of language reflects its funciational and communicative uses.4. the primary units of language are not merely its grammatical and structural features, but
29、 categories of functional and communicative meaning as exemplified in discourse. 2、theory of learning elements of an underlying learning theory: communication principle, task principle, meaningfulness principle三、design 1、objectivespiephos discussion (general objectives)1.an integrative and content l
30、evel(language as a means of expression)2.an linguistic and instrumental level(language as a semiotic system and an object of learning)3.an affective level of interpersonal relationships and conduct(language as a means of expressing values and judgments about oneself and others.)4.a level of individu
31、al learning needs(remedial learning based on error analysis)5.a general educational level of extra-linguistic goals(language learning within the school curriculum)no defined particular objectives2、the syllabusnotional syllabus which specified the semantic-grammatical categories and the categories of
32、 communicative function that learners need to express.3、types of learning and teaching activitiesclassroom activities are unlimited.littlewood (functional communication activities and social interaction activities)1. functional communication activities: ones aimed at developing certain language skil
33、ls and functions, but which involve communication, and2. social interaction activities, such as conversation and discussion sessions, dialogues and role plays4、learner rolesa negotiator a communicatora contributoran independent learner 5、teacher rolesa facilitator of the communicationan independent
34、participant within the learning-teaching groupneed analyst (formally and informally)counselorgroup process manager6、the role of instructional materialstext-based materialstask-based materialsrealia 实物教具四、procedure description of typical classroom procedures used in a lesson based on clt principles i
35、s not feasible.conclusion:communicative language teaching is best considered an approach rather than a method. it appeared at a time when british language was ready for a paradigm shift. clt appealed to those who sought a more humanistic approach to teaching, one in which the interactive processes o
36、f communication received priority. now that the initial wave of enthusiasm has passed, some of the claims of clt are being looked at more critically.第六章total physical responsetotal physical response is a language learning method based on the coordination of speech and action. this method of learning
37、 was developed by james asher, a professor of psychology at san jose state university, california. 一、background1、the “trace theory” of memory in psychology2、developmental psychology:child first language acquisition3、humanistic psychology: the role of affective factors4、comprehension approach 5、a tra
38、dition: the use of physical actions to teach a foreign language at an introductory level二、approach1、theory of language structuralist or grammar-based views of languagedetailed cognitive map (abstractions and nonabstractions)the central role of comprehension in language learninglanguage can be intern
39、alized as wholes or chunks2、theory of learningreminiscent of the views of behavioral psychology: a stimulus-response view learning hypotheses ( to facilitate or inhibit foreign language learning ) according to asher, the language learning theories are similar to those of other behavioral psychologis
40、ts. the principals that help elaborate his idea are:1. second language learning is parallel to first language learning and should reflect the same naturalistic processes. 2. listening should develop before speaking.3. once listening comprehension has been developed, speech develops naturally and eff
41、ortlessly out of it. 4. adults should use right-brain motor activities, while the left hemisphere watches and learns. 三、design1、objectivesthe general objectives: to teach oral proficiency at a beginning levelspecific instructional objectives are not elaborated.2、the syllabus:be inferred from an anal
42、ysis of the exercise types employed in tpr classesa sentence-based syllabusa fixed number of items be introduced at a timeattention to both the global meaning of language and the finer details of its organization 3、types of learning and teaching activitiesimperative drills are the major classroom ac
43、tivity.role plays:center on everyday situationslide presentationsreading and writing activities4、learner rolesa primary role : listener and performer have little influence over the contentmonitor and evaluate their own progress5、teacher rolesactive and direct rolewell prepared and well organizedteac
44、hers follow the example of parents giving feedbackcautions: illusion of simplicity; having too narrow a tolerance for errors6、the role of instructional materialsno basic text, materials and realia play an increasing role in later learning stages.student kits that focus on specific situations (suppor
45、ting materials)四、procedure ashers account of a course:reviewnew commandsrole reversalreading and writingconclusion:total physical response has enjoyed some popularity because of its support by those who emphasize the role of comprehension in second language acquisition. it represents a useful techni
46、ques and is compatible with other approaches to teaching.4.traits1. it uses psychomotor systems to teach.2. it support kinesthetic learning style, which is good for those who need to be active in the class.3. command forms used to convey information.4. it works well with mixed-ability classes.5. it
47、is very memorable, and it really helps students to remember phrases or words.6. it is a lot of fun, students enjoy it and it can be a real stirrer in the class. 7. it is very effective with teenagers and young learners.第七章the silent wayit is a method of foreign-language teaching developed by gattegn
48、o which makes use of gesture, mime, visual aids, wall charts, and in particular cuisiniere rods (wooden sticks of different lengths and colors) that the teacher uses to help the students to talk. the method takes its name from the relative silence of the teacher using these techniques. 一、backgroundt
49、he premise of the silent waythe learning hypotheseslearning is facilitated if the learner discovers or creates. (discovery learning)learning is facilitated by accompanying physical objects.learning is facilitated by problem solving.二、approach 1、theory of languagegattegno views language as a substitu
50、te for experience.by the spirit of the language gattegno is referring to the way each language iscomposed of phonological and suprasegmental a structural approach vocabulary as a central dimension 2、theory of learning surrenderartificial approach the self of the learnerlearning to learn三、design1、obj
51、ectivesthe general objectives: to give beginning level students oral and aural facilityan immediate objectives: to provide the learner with a basic practical knowledge of the grammar of the language teach learners how to learn a language2、 the syllabusa basically structural syllabusvocabulary3、types
52、 of learning and teaching activitiessimple linguistic tasksresponses to commands, questions and visual cues4、learner roleslearners are expected to develop independence, autonomy and responsibility.learners exert a strong influence over each others learning.playing varying roles5、teacher rolesteacher
53、 silence is the most demanding aspect of the silent way. to teach, to test, to get out of the waycreate an environmentteacher likes the complete dramatist.6、the role of instructional materialsthe pronunciation chartsthe colored cuisenaire rodsthe vocabulary or word charts other materials四、procedurea
54、 standard formatpractice of the sounds (using the pronunciation charts)practice of sentence patterns, structure, and vocabulary (using the rods and charts)a sample lesson conclusion:the actual practices of the silent way are much less revolutionary than might be expected. the innovations derive from
55、 the manner in which classroom activities are organized, the indirect role the teacher is required to assume in directing and monitoring learner performance, the responsibility placed upon learners, and the materials used.第八章community language learning it is a method of second and foreign language t
56、eaching developed by charles curran. cll is an application of counseling learning(咨询学习法)to second and foreign language teaching and learning. it uses techniques developed in group counseling to help people with psychological and emotional problems. the method makes use of group learning in small or
57、large groups. these groups are the “community”. the method places emphasis on the learners personal feelings and their reactions to language learning. learners say things which they want to talk about, in their native language. the teacher (known as “counselor”) translates the learners sentences into the foreign language, and the learner then repeats this to other members of the group. 一、background1、rogerian counseling 2、humanistic techniques:the whole person3、language alternation二、approach1、theory of languagetraditio
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