高中英语 Unit3 AustraliaListening课件 新人教选修9_第1页
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高中英语 Unit3 AustraliaListening课件 新人教选修9_第5页
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1、listening listening on p67 task 1 discuss with a partner what is happening in each of the photographs below. surf lifesaving clubs are popular all over australia. they were originally formed to provide a rescue service for swimmers who get into danger on beaches. the clubs are voluntary organization

2、s whose members patrol the beaches for free. as well as carrying out lifeguard duties, background information the clubs hold many social events and competitions related to the beach and swimming. children between 7 and 15 can join as junior members, called nippers. the club provides activities for j

3、unior members at weekends and in the holidays. they receive training in lifesaving as well as taking part in healthy exercise at the beach. as much of australias coastline can be dangerous for inexperienced swimmers, surf lifesavers determine the safest place for people to swim and place flags on th

4、e beach to show people where it is safe. bathers are encouraged to “swim between the flags”. businesses and the community in general raise money or donate equipment such as boats and canoes, sun shelters, lifesaving equipment and flags. on weekends, when the volunteer lifesavers are at work, some to

5、wn councils pay lifeguards to patrol the most popular beaches. several times during the summer, surf lifesaving clubs hold carnivals at which they display their lifesaving skills and hold competitions between different clubs. each club has a different uniform, consisting of a swimming costume and a

6、t-shirt. lifesavers also wear caps in their club colors so that they can be easily identified when they are in the water. surf lifesaving boat nippers marching surf board rescue and flag task 2 surfer rescue boat nippers and flag 1. what part of australia does ross come from? tasmania. 2. when ross

7、lived in australia, what did he like to do each evening? he kikes to surf. task 3 3. how much does the government pay the surf lifesavers who keep the beaches safe? it costs nothing. surf lifesavers are volunteers, they work for free. 4. how old are nippers and what do they do? they are between 7 an

8、d 15. they train to be lifesavers and take part in games and competitions. 5. what was rosss favorite activity at the surf club? he liked to go to parties. listen once more and give your definition. 1.surf 2. surf lfesaver 3. surf lifesaving club 4. nipper 5. ironman/ woman competition task 4 surf (

9、v.) : to ride the waves into the beach on a surf board; surf (n.): the waves in the sea that are close to the shore and have white foam on the top. surf lifesaver: someone who rescues people who get in trouble in the waves. surf lifesaving club: a social and sports club that patrols beaches to keep

10、swimmers safe. nipper: a junior member of a surf lifesaving club (between 7 and 15 years old) ironman/woman competition: a combination of three different races- - a swim, a foot race and a paddling race in a canoe or on surf board. carol (c) and ross (r) both go to university in england. they meet u

11、p after lectures one day and decide to go for coffee. r: ooh. thats better. it was cold out there ! look theres a table over there by the fire. c: great. ill get the coffee and you grab the table. listening text r: thanks, carol. ill get the next one. c: fine, so how do you like this cold? r: well,

12、i come from tasmania so im used to cold winter weather. but its summer over there at the moment and id sure like to be there. c: what would you be doing if you were at home? r: id probably be heading down to the beach. i go down there most evenings to surf. c: oh, so you surf, do you? r: yeah. ive b

13、een surfing since i was a nipper. c: a what? r: oh, sorry. thats what we call junior lifesavers back home. c: (laughs) hang on. whats a junior lifesaver? r: well, you know how we have lifesavers on all our popular beaches? c: no, i didnt know that. it must cost the government a lot of money to put l

14、ifesavers on so many beaches. r: no. they are all volunteers. its like a sports club. they train to save lives and when they arent watching over the people on the beach they have all sorts of competitions with other clubs. c: like what? r: well, they have surf lifeboats that they go out to rescue pe

15、ople and at carnivals, they race with boats from other clubs. and then there are ironmen and women competitions. c: i have seen them on television. its three races, isnt it? a swim, a foot race and a race paddling a canoe or a surfboard. r: yes thats right. surf lifesaving clubs also have lots of ot

16、her competitions and social events. c: so nippers are the young surf lifesavers? r: yeah. theyre between 7 and 15. they are training to be lifesavers when they are older, and they have all sorts of games and competitions suitable for their age group. c: so were you eve an iron man? r: (laughs) not m

17、e. i was too much into having a good time at surf club parties. c: yes, i can imagine that speaking & listening on p71 pre- listening (discussion) 1. why do countries have flags? 2. what can flags tell you about a country? think of some examples. 3. what does chinas national flag tell us? 4. what ot

18、her organizations do you know that have flags? what do they use them for? 1. why do countries have flags? a flag usually stands as a symbol for that country. it can remind people of some important values the nation holds or something of its history or culture. it is used on official occasions to ide

19、ntify the nation to the rest of the world. 2. what can flags tell you about a country? think of some examples. they can tell people about the nations, history, values or culture. for example, the stars on the us flag represent the states in the union. the cross on the greek flag symbolizes christian

20、ity. the maple leaf on the canadian flag is the national emblem of canada. 3. what does chinas national flag tell us? the red color in the chinese national flag stands for the revolution, while the gold color of the stars signifies the dawn of a new era over the land. the five stars grouped together

21、 symbolize the unity of the chinese people under the leadership of the chinese communist party. 4. what other organizations do you know that have flags? what do they use them for? red cross society, the olympic games, companies, etc. l what elements do several of the flags have in common? l in what

22、ways could these common elements be connected to australia? l which flag is the official flag of australia? l what do you think the other flags are? june is giving a talk about australian flags and what they tell people about the history and culture of australia. listen and write down the numbers of

23、 the flags in the order you hear june talk about them. listening 1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ june is giving a talk about australian flags and what they tell people about the history and culture of australia. good afternoon, everyone. my hobby is collecting flags from all over the world. listening text i love fl

24、ags for two reasons. the first is that they are beautiful and the second is that you can learn a lot about the culture and history of a country by studying its flags. today id like to show you some australian flags and discuss their significance. now, this one is the official australian flag. it was

25、 chosen in 1901 following a competition to design a flag especially for australia. before that date australia had the same flag as great britain. the british flag is now in the top left quarter of the australian flag to remind people of australias historical ties with great britain. the five stars r

26、epresent the southern cross which is an important group of five stars in the southern hemisphere. navigators use the southern cross to show them the direction of the south pole. the other big star under the british flag represents the six states and the combined territories of australia. this flag h

27、as been the official aboriginal flag since 1995. the black in the top half of the flag symbolizes the aboriginal people themselves, while the red at the bottom symbolizes the earth and the aboriginal peoples spiritual connection to the earth. the yellow circle in the middle represents the sun, the g

28、iver of life. this next flag was first flown in 1854 at a place called eureka where a group of gold miners rebelled against the government. the incident is seen by many as the beginning of the movement towards democracy in australia. the five stars represents the southern cross and the light blue ba

29、ckground is believed to represent the blue shirts that many of the gold miners wore. although not an official flag, it is recognized and loved by most australians. this is another flag that you often see in australia, especially at sporting events. the kangaroo is recognized as the unofficial animal emblem of australia and green and gold are the colors worn by many australian sporting teams when they travel overseas. the flag first became popular in 1983 when it was flown on australias entry to the americas cup - a famous yacht race which australia won that year. some peo


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