



1、湖北省高三英语经典补课材料(10)Last summer, I traveled to Meixian County with my friends. It is a small county at the foot of Taibai Mount in Shanxi Provin ce. We stayed there for one week and I 16my vacati onbecause of the beautiful sce nery at the top of the mountain.I will 17 forget the day whe n we climbed th

2、e mai n peak. The 18 in that area changes very quickly: it was sunny in the early morning when we set out, 19 it began to rain heavily whe n we were only halfway up.Soon, we were all 20 and some of us wan ted to go home. They said,“ There is nothing21_ here. We came to see the scenery, 22 the pourin

3、g rain! ” However, the gu3_e“ Since we have got wet already, why not just go on with our jour ney?”So we carried on up the mountain an d, 24 we eve n no ticed, the rain stopped and the sun was smiling again. When we reached the top of the peak, the view was uniqu独特的).Up there, it was bright and clea

4、r. The sky was 25 and the air was fresh. The gen tle wi nd made us feel cool. All the clouds were just like waves in the ocean, 26 and falling under our feet. We could only see the peaks of mountains, as if they were 27floating sparsely 稀疏地)in the ocea n. It was a really magical experie nee.While we

5、 were enjoying the sce ne, the guide said 28 ,“ You see, I knew that there wouldbe no rain above the clouds. ”It is 29 . While it may rain below the clouds, the sun is still there above them.You will never see the sun 30 you don t try your best to climb to the top of theomntain. If we had stopped an

6、d gone home whe n the rain was very heavy, we would n ever have see n the beautiful sce nery31 the clouds. I thi nk this is also true in 32 .As the song says:“ You won t see the rainbow uni ess you have gone throughethanth unstorm. ” I think in the 33 , whenever I have any difficulties in my life, I

7、 will remember the _34 from the top of TaibaiMount and the35 which touchedmy heart deeply: There is norain above the clouds.16.A. spe ntB.killedC. hadD. enjoyed17.A. everB.n everC. certai nlyD.perhaps18.A. weatherB.cloudC. skyD.sce nery19.A. soB.whileC. butD.in stead20.A. tiredB.hungryC. angryD.wet2

8、1.A. n ecessaryB.funC. importa ntD.in structive22.A. notB.noC. neverD.hardly23.A. suggestedB.orderedC. i nsistedD.advised24.A. whe nB.beforeC. whileD.the n25.A.darkB. gree nC. blackD.blue26.A.jumpi ngB. dropp ingC. goingD.ris ing27. A.isla ndsB. fishC. an imalsD.hills28.A.excitedB. proudlyC. an gril

9、yD.happily29.A.falseB. a lieC. a guessD.true30.A.whe nB. uni essC. ifD.while31. A.overB. onC. aboveD.un der32.A. studyB. lifeC. real worldD.rest33.A. pastB. prese ntC. futureD.life34.A.weatherB. changeC. viewD.time35.A.sentenceB. phraseC.speechD.word阅读理解In China he s known as “the Flying Fish ” ; in

10、 America they call him“the BaltimorWhatever you call him, American swimmer Michael Phelps looks destined to become a household name across the world after breaking the Olympic recode for most gold medals in a single Games. Phelps s total of eight holds in Beijing put him one ahead of compatriot ( a

11、person who was born in the same country as somebody else ) Mark Spitz奖牌总数uset liy (1972.Michael Phelps con trolled the field in seve n of his races and set an amaz ing seve n world records in the process. He did, however, have one close shav差一点输掉; 死里逃生 )in the 100m butterfly which he won by the smal

12、lest possible margin of just 0.01 sec on ds, and in ano ther he had to deal with a faulty pair of glasses for swimmi ng.Now people are already calling him the greatest Olympian of all time. But what is it that makes Michael Phelps so good?A good place to start might be his physique. Phelps has the p

13、erfect body shape for a swimmer: his armspa n is Ion ger tha n his height, he has very flexible join ts, huge lun gs, and his in credibly large feet (size 14 in the US, size 49 in China) act like flippers in the water.To feed his huge swimmer sHbodlps eats an astonishing 12,000 calories a day, six t

14、imes the average for a man of his age.Accordi ng to his coach, Phelps starts with a breakfast of champi ons:“ Three fried egsandwiches with cheese, tomatoes, fried onions and mayo, a five-egg omelette, a bowl of grits, three slices of French toast and three pan cakes with chocolate chips.”He then sl

15、ips into a swimsuit which has been making waves in the world of swimming.Designed by NASA, the American space agency, the suit is made of a special material which is said to help athletes swim 2% faster.Michael Phelps should be tha nkful to his mum, who first pushed him into swimmi ng as a way of ma

16、king frie nds, and who believed in him whe n one teacher said he would n ever be a success.Whatever the reas on for his success, Phelps admits there was perhaps also a bit of luck involving in winning his eight medals.in the“I guess eight is a lucky nu mber for me, too, now. The ope ning cerem ony s

17、tarted on August 8, 2008. Maybe it was meant to be, ” he said.36. Can you find the closet meaning of the un derl ined phrase“ desti ned to becomepassage?A. meant to be B. pushed into C. invoIved inD. believed in37. What is the most importa nt thi ng that makes Michael Phelps become the flying fish accordi ng to the passage?A. His perfect body shape as a swimmer.B. His good swimsuit.C. His mum.D. A bit of luck.38. We can infer from the passage.A. Phelps won eight gold medals in Beiji ngB. Phelps had someth ing wrong with his eye


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