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1、TS C001 V3.0.0 (1999-10)Technical SpecificationChina Wireless Telecommunication Standard (CWTS);Working Group 1 (WG1);Radio Interface Protocol Architecture40Radio Interface Protocol ArchitectureContentsForeword41Scope52References53Definitions and Abbreviations63.1Definitions63.2Abbreviations64Assume

2、d TD-SCDMA Architecture85Radio interface protocol architecture85.1Overall protocol structure85.2Layer 1 Services and Functions105.2.1L1 ServicesTransport channels105.2.2L1 Functions115.3Layer 2 Services and Functions125.3.1MAC Services and FunctionsMAC Services to upper layers125.3

3、.1.1.1Logical channels.1.1Control Channels.1.2Traffic Channels.2Mapping between logical channels and transport channelsMAC functions155.3.2RLC Services and FunctionsServices provided to the upper layerRLC Functions185.3.3Data flows through Layer

4、2Data flow for BCCH mapped to BCH (FFS.)Data flow for PCCH mapped to PCH (FFS.)Data flow for SCCH mapped to SCH (FFS.)Data flow for CCCH mapped to FACH/RACH (FFS)Data flow for DCCH mapped to FACH/RACHData flow for DCCH mapped to DSCHData

5、 flow for DTCH (non-transparent RLC) mapped to FACH/RACHData flow for DTCH (non-transparent RLC) mapped to DSCHData flow for DTCH (transparent RLC) mapped to DCH0Data flow for DTCH (non-transparent RLC) mapped to DCH1Data flow for DCCH mapped to DCH225.4Layer 3 -

6、RRC Services and Functions235.4.1RRC servicesGeneral ControlNotificationDedicated Control235.4.2RRC functions245.5Interactions between RRC and lower layers in the C plane265.6Protocol termination265.6.1Protocol termination for DCH265.6.2Protocol termination for RACH/FACH27

7、5.6.3Protocol termination for DSCH2DSCH definition2Resource allocation and UE identification on DSCH2.1Case A (UE requires a downlink TFCI on a DPCCH)2.2Case B (UE requires a FACH or DSCH)2Model of DSCH in RAN30Protocol termination305.6.4Protocol termin

8、ation for transport channel of type BCH315.6.5Protocol termination for transport channel of type PCH315.6.6Protocol termination for transport channel of type SCH325.6.7Protocol termination for ODCH325.6.8Protocol termination for ORACH336User Identification and RRC Connection Mobility346.1UE identifi

9、cation within RAN346.2UE connection to RAN357UE modes358Ciphering ( FFS in CWTS)36Appendices37History40 ForewordThis Technical Specification has been produced by the CWTS WG1 Ad Hoc1.The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the CWTS and may change following formal W

10、G1 approval. Should the WG1 modify the contents of this TS, it will be re-released by the CWTS with an identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:Version x.y.zwhere:xthe first digit:1presented to CWTS for information;2presented to CWTS for approval;3Indicates CWT

11、S approved document under change control.ythe second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections, updates, etc. Which should be approved by Ad Hoc 1.zthe third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the specification

12、;1 ScopeThe present document shall provide an overview and overall description of the UE-RAN radio interface protocol architecture which will be presented to CWTS WG1 for decision;. Details of the radio protocols will be specified in companion documents.2 ReferencesThe following documents contain pr

13、ovisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document. References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or nonspecific. For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply. For a non-specific refe

14、rence, the latest version applies. A non-specific reference to a TS shall also be taken to refer to later versions published as an EN with the same number.1 3GPP TS 23.110: “UMTS Access Stratum; Services and Functions”2 3GPP TS 25.401: “RAN Overall Description”3 3GPP TR 25.945: “Vocabulary for the U

15、TRAN” 4 3GPP TS 25.302: “Services Provided by the Physical Layer”5 3GPP TS 25.303: “UE Functions and Inter-Layer Procedures in Connected Mode”6 3GPP TS 25.304: “UE Procedures in Idle Mode”7 3GPP TS 25.321: “MAC Protocol Specification”8 3GPP TS 25.322: “RLC Protocol Specification”9 3GPP TS.25.331: “R

16、RC Protocol Specification”10 CWTS TS C002: “Services Provided by the Physical Layer”11 CWTS TS C201: “MAC Protocol Specification”12 CWTS TS C202: “RLC Protocol Specification”13 CWTS TS C203: “RRC Protocol Specification”14 CWTS TS C003: “UE Functions and Inter-Layer Procedures in Connected Mode”15 CW

17、TS TS C004: “UE Procedures in Idle Mode”3 Definitions and Abbreviations3.1 DefinitionsSee 3 for a definition of fundamental concepts and vocabulary.3.2 AbbreviationsARQ Automatic Repeat RequestBCCHBroadcast Control ChannelBCHBroadcast ChannelC- Control-CCCall ControlCCCHCommon Control ChannelCCHCont

18、rol ChannelCCTrCHCoded Composite Transport ChannelCNCore NetworkCRCCyclic Redundancy CheckCTCHCommon Traffic ChannelDCDedicated Control (SAP)DCADynamic Channel AllocationDCCHDedicated Control ChannelDCHDedicated ChannelDLDownlinkDRNCDrift Radio Network ControllerDSCHDownlink Shared ChannelDTCHDedica

19、ted Traffic ChannelFACH Forward Link Access ChannelFAUSCHFast Uplink Signalling ChannelFCSFrame Check SequenceFDDFrequency Division DuplexGCGeneral Control (SAP)HOHandoverITUInternational Telecommunication Unionkbpskilo-bits per secondL1Layer 1 (physical layer)L2Layer 2 (data link layer)L3Layer 3 (n

20、etwork layer)LACLink Access ControlLAILocation Area IdentityMACMedium Access ControlMMMobility ManagementNtNotification (SAP)OCCCHODMA Common Control ChannelODCCHODMA Dedicated Control ChannelODCHODMA Dedicated ChannelODMAOpportunity Driven Multiple AccessORACHODMA Random Access ChannelODTCHODMA Ded

21、icated Traffic ChannelPCCHPaging Control ChannelPCH Paging ChannelPDUProtocol Data UnitPUPayload UnitPHYPhysical layerPhyCHPhysical ChannelsRABRadio Access BearerRACHRandom Access ChannelRLCRadio Link Control RNCRadio Network ControllerRNSRadio Network SubsystemRNTIRadio Network Temporary IdentityRR

22、CRadio Resource ControlSAPService Access PointSCCHSynchronization Control ChannelSCHSynchronization ChannelSDUService Data UnitSRNCServing Radio Network ControllerSRNSServing Radio Network SubsystemTCHTraffic ChannelTDDTime Division DuplexTFCITransport Format Combination IndicatorTFITransport Format

23、 IndicatorTMSITemporary Mobile Subscriber IdentityTPCTransmit Power ControlU- User-UEUser EquipmentUERUser Equipment with ODMA relay operation enabled ULUplinkUMTSUniversal Mobile Telecommunications SystemURAUTRAN Registration AreaUSCHUplink Shared ChannelUTRAUMTS Terrestrial Radio AccessUTRANUMTS T

24、errestrial Radio Access Network4 Assumed TD-SCDMA ArchitectureFigure 1 shows that the TD-SCDMA will use the architecture show in figure terms of entities User Equipment (UE), RAN and Core Network. The respective reference points Uu (Radio Interface) and Iu (CN-RAN interface) are shown. The figu

25、re illustrates furthermore the high-level functional grouping into the Access Stratum and the Non-Access Stratum. The Access Stratum offers services through the following Service Access Points (SAP) to the Non-Access Stratum: General Control (GC) SAPs, Notification (Nt) SAPs and Dedicated Control (D

26、C) SAPsThe SAPs are marked with circles in Figure 1. The services provided to the non-access stratum by the GC, Nt, and DC SAPs, from a radio interface protocol perspective, are assumed to be provided by the Radio Resource Control (RRC) to the higher protocol layer. It is however assumed that at the

27、 network side, the RRC layer terminates in the RAN (cf. Sec. 5.1). Figure 1: Assumed TD-SCDMA Architecture 5 Radio interface protocol architecture5.1 Overall protocol structureThe radio interface is layered into three protocol layers: the physical layer (L1), the data link layer (L2), network layer

28、(L3). Layer 2 is split into two sublayers, Radio Link Control (RLC) and Medium Access Control (MAC). Layer 3 and RLC are divided into Control (C-) and User (U-) planes. In the C-plane, Layer 3 is partitioned into sublayers where the lowest sublayer, denoted as Radio Resource Control (RRC), interface

29、s with layer 2. The higher layer signalling such as Mobility Management (MM) and Call Control (CC) are assumed to belong to the non-access stratum, and therefore not in the scope of 3GPP TSG RAN and CWTS. On the general level, the protocol architecture is similar to the current ITU-R protocol archit

30、ecture, ITU-R M.1035.Figure 2 shows the radio interface protocol architecture. Each block in Figure 2 represents an instance of the respective protocol. Service Access Points (SAP) for peer-to-peer communication are marked with circles at the interface between sublayers. The SAP between MAC and the

31、physical layer provides the transport channels (cf. Sec. ). The SAPs between RLC and the MAC sublayer provide the logical channels (cf. Sec. .1). In the C-plane, the interface between RRC and higher L3 sublayers (CC, MM) is defined by the General Control (GC), Notification (Nt) and Ded

32、icated Control (DC) SAPs. Also shown in the figure are connections between RRC and MAC as well as RRC and L1 providing local inter-layer control services. An equivalent control interface exists between RRC and the RLC sublayer. These interfaces allow the RRC to control the configuration of the lower

33、 layers. For this purpose separate Control SAPs are defined between RRC and each lower layer (RLC, MAC, and L1). It is assumed that for RLC and MAC one Control SAP each is provided per UE. Note: Control of RLC entities in C and U planes needs to be clarified further. Also, the multiplicity of Contro

34、l SAPs (necessity of one SAP per UE) at the RAN side may need to be reconsidered. The RLC sublayer provides ARQ functionality closely coupled with the radio transmission technique used. There is no difference between RLC instances in C and U planes. The RAN can be requested by the CN to prevent all

35、loss of data (i.e. independently of the handovers on the radio interface), as long as the Iu connection point is not modified. This is a basic requirement to be fulfilled by the RAN retransmission functionality as provided by the RLC sublayer. However, in case of the Iu connection point is changed (

36、e.g. SRNS relocation, streamlining), the prevention of the loss of data may not be guaranteed autonomously by the RAN but would rely on some functions in the CN. In this case, a mechanism to achieve the requested QoS may require support from the CN. Such mechanisms to protect from data loss due to S

37、RNS relocation or streamlining are for further study. Figure 2: Radio Interface protocol architecture (Service Access Points marked by circles)Service access points and service primitivesEach layer provides services at Service Access Points (SAPs). A service is defined by a set of service primitives

38、 (operations) that a layer provides to upper layer(s). Control services, allowing the RRC layer to control lower layers locally (i.e. not requiring peer-to-peer communication) are provided at Control SAPs (C-SAP). Note that C-SAP primitives can bypass one or more sublayers, see Figure 2. In the radi

39、o interface protocol specifications, the following naming conventions for primitives shall be applicable: Primitives provided by SAPs between adjacent layers shall be prefixed with the name of the service-providing layer, i.e. PHY, MAC or RLC. Primitives provided by Control SAPs, in addition to the

40、name of the service-providing layer, shall be prefixed with a “C”, i.e. CPHY, CMAC or CRLC.This principle leads to the following notations, where corresponds to request, indication, response or confirm type of primitives: Primitives between PHY and MAC:PHY- Primitives between PHY and RRC (over C-SAP

41、):CPHY- - Primitives between MAC and RLC:MAC- - Primitives between MAC and RRC (over C-SAP):CMAC- - Primitives between RLC and non-access stratum, and between RLC and RRC for data transfer:RLC- - Primitives between RLC and RRC for control of RLC (over C-SAP):CRLC- 5.2 Layer 1 Services and FunctionsT

42、his section shall provide an overview on services and functions provided by the physical layer. A detailed description of Layer 1 general requirements can be found in CWTS TS C002 L1 ServicesThe physical layer offers information transfer services to MAC and higher layers. The physical layer

43、 transport services are described by how and with what characteristics data are transferred over the radio interface. An adequate term for this is Transport Channel This should be clearly separated from the classification of what is transported, which relates to the concept of logical channels. Thus

44、 DCH is used to denote that the physical layer offers the same type of service for both control and traffic. Transport channelsA general classification of transport channels is into two groups: common transport channels (where there is a need for inband identification of the UEs when particu

45、lar UEs are addressed) and dedicated transport channels (where the UEs are identified by the physical channel, i.e. code, time slot and frequency for TDD.Common transport channel types are (a more detailed description can be found in 10): Random Access Channel (RACH) A contention based uplink channe

46、l used for transmission of relatively small amount of data, e.g. for initial access or non-realtime dedicated control or traffic data. ODMA Random Access Channel (ORACH)A contention based channel used in relaylink. Forward Access Channel (FACH)Common downlink channel with closed-loop power control u

47、sed for transmission of relatively small amount of data. Downlink Shared Channel (DSCH)A downlink channel shared by several UEs carrying dedicated control or traffic data. Uplink Shared Channel (USCH)An uplink channel shared by several UEs carrying dedicated control or traffic data. Broadcast Channe

48、l (BCH) A downlink channel used for broadcast of system information into an entire cell. Synchronization Channel (SCH) A downlink channel used for broadcast of synchronization information into an entire cell. Paging Channel (PCH) A downlink channel used for broadcast of control information into an e

49、ntire cell allowing efficient UE sleep mode procedures. Currently identified information types are paging and notification. Another use could be CWTS notification of change of BCCH information.Dedicated transport channel types are: Dedicated Channel (DCH) A channel dedicated to one UE used in uplink

50、 or downlink. ODMA Dedicated Channel (ODCH) A channel dedicated to one UE used in relaylink. Editors Note: ODMA in TD-SCDMA is optional.To each transport channel, there is an associated Transport Format (for transport channels with a fixed or slow changing rate) or an associated Transport Format Set

51、 (for transport channels with fast changing rate). A Transport Format is defined as a combination of encodings, interleaving, bit rate and mapping onto physical channels (see 4 and 10 for details). A Transport Format Set is a set of Transport Formats. E.g., a variable rate DCH has a Transport Format

52、 Set (one Transport Format for each rate), whereas a fixed rate DCH has a single Transport Format.5.2.2 L1 FunctionsThe physical layer performs the following main functions: Macrodiversity distribution/combining and handover execution Error detection on transport channels and indication to higher la

53、yers FEC encoding/decoding and interleaving/deinterleaving of transport channels Multiplexing of transport channels and demultiplexing of coded composite transport channels Rate matching Mapping of coded composite transport channels on physical channels Power weighting and combining of physical chan

54、nels Modulation and spreading/demodulation and despreading of physical channels Frequency and time (chip, bit, slot, frame) synchronization Measurements and indication to higher layers (e.g. FER, SIR, interference power, transmit power, etc.) Closed-loop power control Open- and closed-loop synchroni

55、zation control Beamforming for both uplink and downlink User positioning RF processing5.3 Layer 2 Services and Functions5.3.1 MAC Services and FunctionsThis sections provides an overview on services and functions provided by the MAC sublayer. A detailed description of the MAC protocol is given in CWTS TS C201 .1 MAC Services to upper layers Data transfer. This service provides unacknowledged transfer of MAC SDUs between peer MAC entities. This service does not provide any data segme


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