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1、英语语法:英语的十一种否定转移现象摘要:否定的转移是指英语否定句在句中某一部分(常在谓语部分),但在语义上却是否定另一部分的现象。 含有全体意义的代词和副词作主语或宾语时,形式上否定谓语,语义上否定主语或宾语,表示部分否定。否定的转移是指英语否定句在句中某一部分(常在谓语部分),但在语义上却是否定另一部分的现象。 翻译这类句子时不要单纯依赖语法分析,而应从语义上分析,根据上下文理解句意。例:he doesnt teach because teaching is easy for him.他之所以教书,并不是因为他觉得教书轻松。john didnt attend the meeting beca

2、use he was ill.约翰没有出席会议 , 因为他病了。以上句子是否采用 “否定转移 ”以译文意思合乎逻辑为准则。一、在表示 “看法”的谓语动词上的否定形式,语义上却是否定后面的宾语从句。此类动词有:think, believe, suppose, imagine,expect, anticipate, fancy, consider, find(感到),guess,be supposed to, calculate,figure, reckon 。i dont believe ive met you before. 我认为我没有见过你。i dont think you will be

3、 late.我认为你不会迟到。i dont suppose he cares, does he?我看他不在乎,对吧?h e doesnt expect we need worry. 他认为我们不必着急。h dont recon she is old enough to go to school.我认为她还没到上学的年纪。注:上述表示 “看法” 或“判断”的动词出现以下情况时,其否定不发生转移:(1)用作插入语时:li lei, i think, won t be angry with you. 我想李蕾不会生你的气。tom, i suppose, wont be againstit.我猜想汤姆

4、不会反对。(2)这些动词跟其他另一个动词一起做并列谓语时:i believe and hope he wont do that.我相信并且也希望他将不会那样做。(3)用于疑问句时:do you think it is not going to rain?你认为天不会下雨吗?(4)主句中添加情态动词 cant, mustnt, wouldnt 时:you mustnt think hes stupid. 你不应该认为他愚蠢。i wouldnt have imagined that you would be here.我不曾想到你会在这儿。i cant imagine how he could s

5、urvive that car accident.我想象不出在那次车祸中他是怎样活命的。(5)think , expect 作料想讲时:i didnt expect i d meet you here.我没料到会在这里碰上你。we didnt think he is such a selfish man. 我们没料到他是这样一个自私的人。(6)suppose , think 用于祈使句式或被副词修饰时:dont suppose you have passed the exam, for this is only a part of the exam.别以为你通过 了考试,这仅仅是考试的一部分。

6、i simply dont think you will give me a hand when im in difficulty.我根本不指望你在我困难 的时候能帮助我。i really dont think its necessary for us to go there now.我的确不认为我们有必要去那儿。i feel strongly that he shouldnt do such a thing.我强烈地认为他不应该做那样的事。(7)上述动词所接的宾语从句中如有 all , every , many , both 等表全体意义的词或副词时:i dont believe both

7、of them are innocent.我不相信他们两个都是清白的。i never expect all the students will do the exercises after classes.我从不抱希望于所有学生都 会在课外做作业。we dont consider everybody in our class is interested in this topic. 我们并不认为班里的每 个人都对这个话题感兴趣。(8)由于 cannothelp,ought not, neednot,not at all 等短语的关系而把 i think 隔离:i should have tho

8、ught sometimes you couldn t help thinking of the past.我应该想到你会禁不 住想起过去。i think you ought not to walk at night alone, mrs. moore.i think you need not be impolite to her ,as well as to her son.i think the angel are not at all in heaven. mr.esmond said.二、在表示 “感觉”的谓语动词上 d 否定形式,语义上却否定表语部分。此类动词有:appear, se

9、em,feel, sound, taste, smell, as if,feel , look ,sound,feel like,looklike.the old streets don t appeardeserted. ( not deserted.) 老街看样子还没被废弃。im not feeling very well today. my head aches. ( not very well )我今天感到不怎么舒服,头痛。the food doesn t taste fresh. ( not fresh .)食物偿起来不鲜。it doesnt seem that they know

10、where to go.看来他们不知道往哪去。it doesnt appear that well have a sunny day tomorrow.看来我们明天不会碰上好天气。三、 seem, prove, happen 与不定式构成复合谓语,形式上否定谓语,语义上否定不定式。the president didn t happen to attend that meeting. (happen not to attend )董事长碰巧没参加那次会议。your answer doesnt seem to be right. (seem not to be) 你的答案看起来似乎不正确。jack

11、 doenst seem to like you(jack seems not to like you)杰克看来不喜欢你。the news didnt seem to be true.这个消息好象并不是真的。四、 pretend , remember 的宾语为非谓语动词时,形式上否定谓语,语义上否定宾语 ,即非谓语动 词。my italian friend didnt pretend to see her tutor in the dining room. (pretend not to see )我的意大利朋友在餐厅里假装没看见她导师。i couldnt remember having ca

12、rried my wallet out. (否定 having) 我记得不曾带钱包出门。五、形式上否定谓语,语义上否定宾语补足语。i never knew him to carry money because he never had any use of it. 我知道他身上从不带 钱,因为他从不需要钱。we do not consider melting or boiling to be chemical change. (not to be )我们认为熔化 和沸腾不是化学反应。seeing a ball flying, we dont expect the ball to fly for

13、ever. (not to fly)看到球飞时,我们 认为它不会永远飞下去。i dont think math difficult. 我认为数学不难。i dont find the story interesting. 我认为这个故事没有趣。i dont expect so. 我认为不会。六、在“it is / was likely / probably+ 从句 ”中,形式上否定谓语,语义上否定从句。it isnt likely that it will rain tomorrow. 看起来明天不会下雨。it isnt probable that he will come here today

14、.他今天也许不会来这里了。七、形式上否定谓语,语义上否定状语或状语从句。hewasnot ready to believe somethingjust because aristotle said so . (否定 because 状语) 他并不因亚里斯多德说过如何如何,就轻信此事。dont judge a man by his appearance.不要以貌取人。dont read in the sun.不要在阳光下看书。dont talk with your mouth full of food.不要口里含着食物说话。the ant is not gathering this for it

15、self alone.lets not talk about it here. 我们别在这里谈吧。蚂蚁不只是为自己采食。this great victory has not been won easily. 这个伟大的胜利赢来得并不容易。i didnt know his name until yesterday. (not . until)我直到昨天才知道他的名字。he didnt take the boy from the tracks to safety to win his own famebut tobenefit the boys parents他把男孩从铁轨上抱到安全地带,不是为了

16、获得个人的名誉,而是为了孩子的父母。注:含有 not because (of) 的句子,情况较复杂,需根据逻辑、语境和常识进行判断是否需要作 否定转移,如需转移的话,往往是由否定谓语转为否定状语。例如:h ewasnot ready to believe somethingjust because aristotle said so . (否定 because 状语) 他并不因亚里斯多德说过如何如何,就轻信此事。h dont teach because teaching is easy for me. 我教书并不是因为我觉得教书轻松。the engine didnt stop because

17、the fuel was used up. 发动机并不是因为油用完而停车的。he didnt go to class because he was sick.他没去上课,因为他生病了。 (这句话不需作否定转移)the manager didnt give a speech because he felt painful in his throat.经理没发表讲话,因为他 喉咙痛。she didnt call you because she loved you. 这个句子可能出现两种理解:a. 她给你打电话并非因为她爱你。(发生了否定转移)b. 她没给你打电话是因为她爱你。(未发生否定转移)到底

18、哪种理解正确,我们无法从逻辑意义上进行辨别,这时我们只有借助语境即上下文来分析了。即 这类句子是否采用 “否定转移”以译文意思合乎逻辑为准则。八、表示信念、看法、愿望的名词充当主语从句的表语时,形式上否定谓语,语义上否定主语从句。 这类词有:hope, thought, view, opinion ,wish, expectation, belief, plan 等。it is not our expectation that you will suffer a lot from that.(will not suffer )我们希望你 不要为那事受太多苦。it is not my opini

19、on that you spend much time on computer games.(do not spend )我 的看法是你不要花太多时间玩电脑游戏。it is not their plan that their homework is done on sunday.他们计划星期天不做家庭作业。九、含有全体意义的代词和副词作主语或宾语时,形式上否定谓语,语义上否定主语或宾语,表示部 分否定。这类词有:all, both, every, everybody,everything, everywhere, always, altogether, entirely,wholly。all the people didnt know the truth. (not all the people knew the truth.)并非所有的人都知道事 情的真相。a ll that glitters is not gold. 发光的不总是金子。b oth the children are not clever. (not both the children)两个


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