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1、工人个人总结与英文自我评价个人总结,就是把一个时间段的个人情况进行一次全面系统的总 检查、总评价、总分析、总研究,分析成绩、不足、经验等。但是对 于工人们英文版的自我评价要怎么写呢?下面是 为大家带来的范文, 相信对你会有帮助的。In July 2011, I joi ned Baosteel Group BaGa ng Co., Ltd., andin the past year and a half I have bee n en thusiastic about mywork, I have beenstrict with myself and my work position. Ial

2、wayskeepmy"modest&qu ot;,"prude nt&qu ot;Theattitude of leadership in thecultivatio n of care and the help of colleagues to support, and always dilige nt study, proactive, and strive to improve themselves, and always work hard and earn estly complete the task, perform good job duties, outs

3、ta nding performa nee in all aspects, has bee n the leadership and colleagues We are sure. Through their own continuous efforts, whether ideological, learning or work, have made considerable development and treme ndous gains. Through this years work and study, I realized that the growth of a qualifi

4、ed technician is a bright future, full of hope and at the same time n eed to pay effort iand effort of the process, but also a need to constantly improve the continuous development of Iong-term process. The following is a summary of my work in this year and self-ide ntificatio n:First, self-discipli

5、 ne, and con sciouslystre ngthe npartyspirit, political and ideological aware ness has bee n improvedThought is the guide to acti on, a pers on if you want to do a good job, we must first establish their own work thi nking. As a non-partymember, I actively asked to join the partyorganization,in Augu

6、st 2011 turned over to join the partyapplicati on, is now a party activists. In my daily work, I have strict dema nds on myself, con sciouslyaccept ingthesupervisi on and assista nee of Party members and colleagues, persiste ntly overcome my own shortco mings and make up for my own shortco min gs. A

7、lways adhere to the Marxist-Le nin ist position, viewpoint and methodology, adhere to the correct world outlook, outlook on life, values, and to guide their own learni ng, work and life practice. As a member of the compa ny,I seriously study and pen etrate the compa ny& #39;s mai nstream cultural th

8、i nki ng, the compa ny& #39;s core bus in ess philosophy, and actively promote the party spirit, And apply it to the actual work, con siste nt with the compa ny.Second, thirst for kno wledge, with an ope n mi nd to lear nAs the 2011 sessi on of a new employee, and only con ti nueto upgrade their kno

9、wledge and technical level, in order to better complete their work.Work encountered problems do not un dersta nd, the humbly to the master and other colleagues for advice. Daily work in the operat ing area in the morning software work in the after noon into the sce ne to see more of the equipme nt t

10、o see more and more, and con sta ntly in crease their own on-site experie nee. At the same time a serious study of the companys various documents on theman ageme ntsystem and norms have a certai nun dersta nding of the work of the compa ny to sta ndardize the man ageme nt of the sta ndard to strict

11、dema ndsonthemselves.Third, work hard, con scie ntiously complete the work tasksI start from doing my own work and daily work, starti ngfrom me, from now on, I have always believed that a hard work, a harvest, so I have bee n work ing hard to con ti nu ously study and work hard. From the small thi n

12、gs around and persevera nee, love their own work to be able to take seriously each and every job, work, on time, effective use of working hours, stick to their posts. Equipme nt failure repair, no matterwhen they can do the first time to the field attendant operati ons, and put forward their own pro

13、grams invo Ived in repair, to en sure the no rmal operatio n of equipme nt as soon as possible. In February, 2012, I was employed as a field engin eer in the work area. I followed the pace of the compa ny to stre ngthe n the study of theoretical kno wledge, and strive to achieve a new un dersta ndin

14、g of the use of a new harvest to achieve the theory to guide practice. , To promote theworkand improve the level of the purpose of the work, and con sta ntlyimprove their tech ni callevel to guide theirwork.Through the theoretical study summary in the classroom, combined with practical problems in t

15、he work, "120T conv erter 9.1 meters platform operati ng in structi ons&qu ot; were modified, and verify the operati ng sta ndards have bee n prepared to apply the applicable sta ndards have bee n revised,and the monthly new 2 standard operating standards to improve the standardizationof operat

16、ions. Through thededicati on in their own work, tirelessly to make achieveme nts,I want to constantly improve their job skills, and strive to master their job knowledge, to do their own work and the backb one of the experts, dow n to earth to do their jobs.Fourth, work to promote team spirit, to ove

17、rcome the work of one after ano ther problemIn the usual work, first of all do the daily work, I and other colleaguesin the work area both division of labor andcooperation, insist on regular and other technical personnel exchanges, and fully carry forwardthe democracy,neverarbitrary, and thus a more

18、 successful completion of the maintenance departme nt The work tasks. In the first quarter of 2012, with the strong support from colleagues and leaders in the operationarea, I successfully completed the QC datarelease of the & quot;Electrolyte Push-Pull Flap Valve Material Solutio n for Alloy Feed i

19、ng Bin&qu ot; The Material Problem of Electro - hydraulic Push - rod Flap Valve of the 3 - position 120 -ton Converterof 9.1m Platform Alloy. The design for thecompanysannual savings of about 210,000 yuan. Andthrough this activity to enhance the cohesi onbetwee ncolleagues to improve the ability to

20、participate in the program desig ners to an alyze issues and fully mobilize the en thusiasm of the staff, the use of existing technical strength for en terprises Taqia n efficie ncy. In the fourth quarter of 2012, the QC team was set up in the sub-assembly operation area to improve the alloy chute f

21、or the 120-t on conv erter and pla ns to release the QC data for the "alloy chute increasing service life&qu ot; program in mid-December.Summary of eight years of work in the steel, I work on the ideas have made great progress. Of course, the results represent the past, in the future work, I wi

22、ll redouble our efforts to strive to do better. Because the tech no logy continues to progress and update, only through continuous learning, dow n-to-earth style, can be compete nt for their jobs.At the same time in the accumulation of future work experienee, and gradually develop their own predicta

23、bility, and constantly in the on-site inspection,supervisionat anytime to identifyproblems and solve problems, so that theirin tegrated process ing capacity of the site con ti nue to exercise and improve.工人个人总结与英文自我评价篇二I came to your companyin August 2014 to work inaccorda nee withthecompa ny& #39;s

24、 work requireme nts to work on differe nt types of con structi on docume nts. I am in strict accorda nee with the companymanagement system, found their workin therigorous,efficie ncy has improved. The supervisi on andmanagementof the receiving and archiving of information,ability to ide ntify in for

25、matio n has improved. As a supervisor of informationI am the main job of the work with theprofessi onal supervisi on of the con structi on engin eers of the project in formati on to make strict checks.Because the project data is a true reflecti on of the results of the con structi on of the project,

26、 the information is in the process of building the formation of various forms of informationrecords, and onlythe supervision of engineers, constructionunit informationstaff to completeand do a good job with this work. Inaccorda nee withthecon tract, the completio n of thecon structi on process in th

27、e formatio n ofdocume nts,accumulati on,test papers and archives.Preparati onofmonthly supervision, monthly supervision is the supervision departme nt with in a month of progress and supervisi on of the project summary, but also the releva nt departme nts to check, assess the work of the Mi nistry o

28、f Supervisi on importa nt basis for doing this work is very importa nt to supervise the data Of the governance work, and supervisionof data collection,collatio n and archi ving.I think a supervisor is not just a simple data collection, collecti on,collatio nof engin eeri ngin formati on.Timelysynchr

29、oni zatio nof data can reflect the quality of theconstructionsite, progress, construction units, such as thelevel of work more than the actual situation. But also foundthat the work required by my compa ny a great harvest, I am glad that they can grow up in such an en vir onment. Work in the process

30、, with an ope n mind to my colleagues to learn, to strengthen the professionalskills of learning breakthrough. Iwould like to tha nk the compa ny to provide such a platform, I will be more efforts to improve their level of their greatest pote ntial to tap out.工人个人总结与英文自我评价篇三Four years of college lif

31、efull and ten se, I strive to train themselves into a society n eeded tale nt. Our engin eeri ng man ageme nt major is to cultivate the basic kno wledge of man ageme nt scie nee, econo mics and civil engin eeri ng tech no logy, master the theory, methodandmea ns of moder n man ageme nt scie nee, and

32、 can be en gagedin projectdecisi on-mak ingandthewholeprocessman ageme ntin the field ofdomesticandforeig nprojects.Man ageme nt tale nt. Lear ning:I havebee ntrainedin engin eeri ng,man ageme nt,econo mics, law, foreig n Ian guages and computer applicati onswith the basic quality trai ning of engin

33、 eers and econo mists. Project man ageme nt professi onal and n ati onal registered supervision engineer, the national registered cost engineer kno wledge structure,professi onaldirecti on coversengin eeri ngproject management,real estate management,engin eeri nginvestment and cost management,intern

34、ationalengin eeri ngcon tract ingdirecti on.We can be en gaged inengin eeri ngcon sult ing,projectcon structi on,real estatedevelopme ntand man ageme ntrelated work, professi onalcoverage, wide range of practitio ners, social n eeds.This four-year study makes me realize the mystery of knowledge. I a

35、m not satisfied with the status quo, and con sta ntly challe nge themselves, successfully passed the En glish four or six exam in ati ons, and won the first class scholarship.Social practice: the spirit of lear ning in practice, the theory of combi ning practice, in the summer of XX, I in ter nship

36、in the con structi on un it, by doing the work of con structi on workers, I am more deeply aware that we must put into the commu nity of the Un iversity of their own Will really grow up, I will try to focus on the future study and life in these areas to improve the capacity to strive to do all aspec

37、ts of the new quality of tale nt.My adva ntage ishon esty,en thusiasm,character persevera nee. I believe that in tegrity is the con duct of the country, so I have been a must-do to ask their own, and promised to do some things on time, which left others a deep impressi on. In lear ning the kno wledg

38、e, I know better, con sider the problem should be thoughtful, which in dealing with in terpers onal relati on ships whe n I fully dem on strated. I have a characteristic of this pers on, that is, do not like an ticlimactic, things have always bee n beg inning and end, eve n if the matter is also hard to go all out, the pursuit of the best results.Projectman ageme ntprofessi onalemploy


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