



1、给未来自己的一圭寸信名词解释:北京有家提供慢信投递业务的小店, 把信交给那里几 年后收信人才可以收到。本文的作者Sherri在18岁时也给自己写了 一封信,在信中她对未来自己的生活有着怎样的期待 ?跟来看一下吧。In 1994 I wrote a letter. I stuck it in an envelope, put it away and completely forgot about it.It was n& #39;t un til we moved into our new home in 2006 that I found it again. It was addressed

2、to me with explicit in structi ons n ot to ope n un til my birthday 2005. It was now 2006 so I decided to ope n it. This is what it said:Dear SherriBy the time you read this you will be 30. At the age of 18 I had so many hopes and dreams about where you& #39;d be, what you& #39;d be doing and with w

3、hom you& #39;d spe nd your life with.Right now I hope that you have traveled and seen everythi ng you& #39;ve always wan ted to, both in Can ada and overseas, and maybe eve n settled dow n somewhere in Australia doing some research in the field of biology(ge netics).I hope youremarried to the man of

4、 your dreams.The man of mi ne is Gwynn. He is origi nally from South Africa(ano ther place I wish to visit).Youll probably have two children of your own – a girl(Michaela Anne) and a boy (name yet to be decided).If everyth ing goes accord ing to pla n you& #39;ll be liv ingin Australia in a bi

5、g house in a small tow n outside of a big citywith a lot of land, a dog, Gwynn and your two beautiful children. Hopefully you have a career in the medical field, maybe doing research in gen etics. Gwynn will be a computer programmer and you will be doing alright for yourselves.However, if things don

6、& #39;t go accord ing to pla n for you,I wish you all the love, happ in ess and joy in the world and don& #39;t settle for anything less tha n the best since that is absolutely what you deserve.Live long, be happy and live life to it& #39;s fullest.Love Sherri & quot;18″When I read this for th

7、e first time since writing it I was floored. Even now having dug this up again another 4 years later I still ca n& #39;t help but thi nk this is really cool.So much of what I wan ted for myself has materialized.* I did travel to a few more places in Can ada although Ihave n& #39;t seen everythi ng l

8、& #39;d like to.* I did marry the man of my dreams and yes he still is my one and only.* l& #39;ve traveled to the UK, South Africa, Australia andNew Zeala nd.* I lived in Australia for n early 4 years in a big house, in a small suburb, in a major city (close eno ugh).* I had a career in Biology in

9、the field of gen etics for 10years.* I have two lovely kids – both boys (names now decided).* I have not one dog but two dogs. Both yellow labs fromAustralia.* Gwynn is a computer programmer.* We are doing okay for ourselves.After writ ing this I quickly forgot about what I had put inhere actu

10、ally. The things that materialized were all met with quite a bit of resista nee (all intern al) but I suppose these were things that I really did want. Havi ng n ever strayed too far from home overseas travel was a huge deal. Having never been away from my family moving to Australia for several years was an in credibly huge decisi on.I find it fasc in at ing how the dreams of a young and n aive little girl can become a grow n woma n& #39;s reality.I& #39;m curious if you guys have ever writte n any thi ng to your future self and how it stacks up to you


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