已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、The Transportation Services AgreementThis AGREEMENT is made and en tered into, by and between(As “ Party A ”)(以下简称甲方)and_ (As “ Party B ”)(以下简称乙方)To en sure both parties bus in ess goals and econo mic achieveme nt, it is n ecessary to clarify the resp on sibilities of both parties. Accord ing to thi

2、s Agreeme nt en dorsed here in, Party B agreed to providi ng door-to-door delivery services for Party A, therefore, this agreeme nt shall be agreed upon and sig ned by both parties with the follow ing term and con diti ons.为了明确甲乙双方的责任,确保双方实现各自的经济目的,经甲乙双方协商,就乙方向甲方提供货物门到门运输及派送服务事宜达成本合同,以便共同遵守。Section

3、1. Service to be Rendered第一条:服务范围Party B agreed to provide the followi ng service items to Party A:乙方为甲方提供受甲方委托的下列服务项目1. Express with in the city.1、北京市内货物的快递;2. Domestic routing door-to-door delivery services.2、货物全国门到门运输;3. Provides sufficient storage space for the goods needed to be Stored/delivere

4、d.3、承运货物的仓储服务;4. Provides inspection and packaging services for the goods.4、承运货物的分检、包装。Section 2. Representation and Warranties第二条:服务要求2Party B shall agree to provide square meter(s) (m ) of warehouse storage space to Party A forstori ng of, and Party B shall nomin ate a specialist to man age all af

5、fairs in volved here in forParty A.乙方将米的库房面积租给甲方储存,并派专人负责甲方的业务。1. Both parties shall con duct in spect ion and quality con trol activities curre ntly whe n the goods get into warehouse. Party A should send an authorizati on no tice to Party B for in spect ion of their goods whe n Party A is abse nt.

6、 In this case, Party B will not be resp on sible for any quality problems of the goods. Party B shall prepare a master list after goods are stored in the warehouse, this master list shall be sig ned by Party B and faxed to Party A in a timely manner.1、货物进入乙方仓库时,由甲方人员与乙方库管人员同时验货清点入库;或委托乙方库管人员代替 甲方人员对

7、货物进行清点及办理入库手续,货物的质量问题由甲方负责。入库后乙方应为甲方开具 入库清单,并签名后传真至甲方。2. The goods stored in warehouse shall be released to the authorized personnel only with signed documents by designated Party A personnel. Party B srepresentative has right to refuse any un authorized requests of storage/release activities from P

8、arty A.2、甲方货物需要出入库时,乙方凭甲方指定人员手书签字方可办理,其他甲方人员均无权要求出入 库。a) Every need to be signed by authorized personalof Party B and designated pick-uppersonnel. Every need to be signed by Party B representative and the designated delivery pers onn el. These forms are official records and shall be treated as part

9、of this agreeme nt.It is bothparties responsibility to keep an original signed copy into their records.(1)出库单需经乙方和提货方签字,入库单需经乙方和送货方签字,该记录为合同的有效组成部分,当事人双方各保存一份。b) Party B shall cooperate with Party A on pick-up/delivery bus in esses in the city. Party B shall inten sively follow the daily delivery sc

10、hedule, to en sure the availability of vehicle for Party A to useand guara ntee to resp ond timely for emerge ncy on-calls.(2)乙方将积极配合甲方市内运输业务,严格遵循送货时间,保证甲方的日常用车,对加急服务做到随叫随到。s uniform dic) Party B shall provide a domestic uniform rate standard for services. Every branch of Party B shall followtheir o

11、wn sta ndard of bus in ess strictly; such as delivery pers onnel must wear compa ny bus in ess hours, Party B operators must weari ng their uni forms. Party B shall desig nate a pers on to han dle the en tire bus in ess practice that in cludes mon itori ng the en tire delivery routes for Party A.3、乙

12、方全国范围内实行统一的报价,各公司严格执行乙方内部的业务流程;统一派送人员服装,对 于乙方的一线操作人员,必须穿着乙方工服。实行一票到底,指定专人负责甲方的业务,实施派送 的全程跟踪。d) The desig nated warehouse pers onal from Party B shall be resp on sible for record ing daily bus in ess affair s regarding to party A sgoods on hand copy and record data with computer. Party B shall provid

13、e the curre nt warehouse state to Party A via e-mail on weekly and mon thly basis.4、 乙方的库房专员将甲方货物的日常出入库情况记入在案并录入到电脑中存档;并将库房内货物的最新状态以周报、月报的形式MAIL到甲方。e) Party B shall provide work order for each request received from Party A. Each work order shall include detailed delivery status. In addition, the ent

14、ire related information should be kept in MIS system as docume nt files, this system shall be writte n by LAN program. Party A shall review these records by the end of the year for bus in ess estimate purposes.5、乙方对甲方每次委托的业务都开具工作单,记录货物运输的详细情况。并将所有工作单录入的 信息,通过LAN上的MIS系统保存到服务器上,以文本文件的形式保存下来,以供甲方年底业绩 回

15、顾。Section 3. Term of This Agreement第三条:服务期限This agreeme nt shall be effected from(mm/dd/yyyy) to(mm/dd/yyyy).If there are no issues regarding this agreement by the end of this period from both parties, this agreement shall be exte nd for ano ther term automatically. If either party wants to termi na

16、te this agreeme nt duri ng the initial or extended period of time, the party who wants to terminate this agreement shall notify the other party at least 3 mon ths prior to the term in ati on of this agreeme nt.If this no tice is less tha n 3 mon ths, theparty who wants to term in ate this agreeme nt

17、 should pay compe nsati on to the other party.从年月日起至年月日止;合同期满甲乙双方如无异议,本合同将自动顺延;在协议期限或自动顺后,协议之任何一方如需中途停止协议时,需提前 个月,而短于个月时,提出方需赔付对方相应的损失。Section 4. The Methods Used for Confirmation of Services.第四条:服务确认方式1 Party B shall receive a request via telephone or fax from Party A.1、乙方通过电话和传真接受甲方委托。2 Upon appro

18、val of a request by both parties, Party A shall submit and transfer the entire documents related to Party B in a timely manner.2、达成委托后甲方应及时将运输所需全部手续移交给乙方。3 Upon receive a work request from Party A, Party B shall issue a work order in accordance with the standard service charge and process appropriat

19、e insurance coverage (as requested by Party A) immediately.3、乙方接受甲方委托后应及时办理有关货物手续,并按服务收费标准开据工作单,及办理保险手续 (在甲方提出保险要求时)。Section 5 The Liabilities for Default of This Agreement 第五条:违约责任1 Party B shall warrant the safety of Goods during the period of storage and transportation. In the eventthat Party B c

20、auses any loss, shortage, or damage to the Goods during the storage and process, Party B shall be responsible to claim any liabilities from the insurance company in accordance with the Insurance law. In the event there is no insurance coverage for the damage, then, this coverage shall be compensated

21、 by Party B in accordance with “ PartyB Delivery Clause” . If the loss or damage occurred while unloading from the seaport, railroad, airport, or Force Majeure, Party B will help Party A to file claim to compensate the loss.1、乙方应保证在上述服务过程中货物的安全,如因为乙方原因造成货物的丢失、短少、损坏的,乙 方按甲方所投保险的范围,依据国家保险条例通过保险公司承担赔偿责

22、任;若未投保的,按乙方 运输条款执行。门到港服务因货场、铁路、机场原因及不可抗力所造成的损失,乙方协助甲方进 行索赔。2 Party B shall be responsible for the safety of the Goods that stored within warehouse. Party B shall compensate any loss, shortage, or damage of Goods during storage period (exclude Force Majeure, reasonable depreciation or the damages wer

23、e caused by Party A).2、乙方负责甲方储存货物库房的安全。货物在储存期间,由于保管不善而发生货物灭失、短少、损 坏的,将由乙方负责赔偿损失 (因不可抗力、 货物的合理损耗、 甲方的责任等原因造成的损失除外)3 If any of loss, damage and contamination occurred because of default of the storage conditions andspecific storage requirements under this Agreement by Party B, Party B shall be respons

24、ible for compensating the entire loss to Party A.3、在货物保管期间未按合同规定的存储条件和保管要求,造成货物灭失、短少、污染、损坏的,应 承担全部赔偿责任。4 If there is any discrepancy between Party AReceipt masster list against the actual number of Goodsthat are released or stored, or any abnormal deliver y schedule were observed by Party B s repres

25、entative, Party B shall notify party A immediately.Party B shall clarify the situation with PartyA and delivery personnel prior to receiving the Goods into the warehouse. In failure doing so, Party B shall take the responsibility for this incident.4、如入库数量与甲方入库通知数量不符或有到货异常现象,乙方应立即通知甲方人员到场与送 货方人员在现场当时

26、交涉解决,否则由乙方承担全部责任。5 It is Party A s responsibility to provide the master list and related documents for each shipment prior toreceiving of the Goods into the wareh ouse. If any discrepancy occurs because of Party A s failure toprovide complete documents or failure to deliver such documents on time fo

27、r inspection, Party B is not responsible for such discrepancies and will not compensate for any loss.5、货物进入乙方仓库前,甲方应向乙方提供必要的货物验收资料,如未提供必要的验收资料或提供 的资料不齐全、不及时,所造成的验收差错及贻误索赔期或者发生货物品种、数量、不符合合同规 定时,乙方不承担赔偿责任。6 If Party A fails to have a representative present at the warehouse site or fails to prepare a m

28、aster listupon receiving of such notice from Party B, then, the list that provided by Party B shall be used as anofficial list and become legal document.Party B will not be responsible for any discrepancies occurduring this shipment.6、若乙方已通知甲方而甲方人员不能到场,则以乙方确认的入库清单为最终清单,乙方不负任何责 任。7 Party A shall pack

29、 their Goods with the standard package material in accordance with the NationalPackage Guideline. If the package is not packed with standard package materials according the commodity transfer safety regulation, Party A shall repack or send a request to Party B to repack any Goods that do not meet pa

30、ckage regulation. Party B will not be responsible for any damages caused by improper packing or the packages having trouble to be opened for damage inspection.7、甲方委托运输的货物应按照国家有关规定的标准包装。没有统一包装标准的,应根据保证货物安全运输的原则加以包装或委托乙方进行。对因不合格包装货物受损及包装完好无法开箱查验的货物 受损时,乙方不负责任。8. An additional fee will be charged by Pa

31、rty B if Party A has an extra request for packing, special delivery, detour for delivery, and extra equipme nt n eeded for delivery to en sure safety and avoid anyin cide nts duri ng the delivery.&甲方为防范事故所要求乙方专人押送、特殊包装、绕道行驶、配备器材等额外产生的费用,由甲方支付。9. It is necessary for Party A to negotiate with Party B

32、immediately when a work request already sent to Party B, or the Agreeme nt is expired but the process is delayed because of Party A (in cludi ng pick-up personnel). Upon agreed by Party B, Party A should receive a permission to continue to use the warehouse. The method of payme nt should be referred

33、 to Sectio n 6 of this Agreeme nt.9、甲方已通知出库或合同期已到,由于甲方(含提货人)的原因致使货物不能如期出库,应立即与乙方协商,在乙方同意的情况下,甲方可继续使用乙方仓库,计费方法参照本合同第六条。Section 6。Rate of the Agreement第六条:结算方式及时间1. The accounting method and rate for service charges that agreed by both Parties as follows:1、乙方按照经双方确认的收费标准进行收费。* Storage Rate (should be

34、paid by Party A):2Warehouse charge: RMB /m /day paid by Party A monthly, monthly payment isYuan.The receipt shall be writte n as RMB in capitaleven. 仓储费用:库房仓储费为:元/平米/天。甲方按月缴纳租金,每月交纳租金为元;人民币大写:整。* In spect ion charge:For a large amount of inspections (up to items of Goods), the charge from Party B wi

35、ll be:/per locati on/per type of commodity 分捡费:对于大量的分捡业务(货物种类超过种以上时),乙方将收取一定的服务费用:元/地/类In sura nee charge: The in sura nee rate is % of the value of Goods. 保险费:保险费率为 Other charge: reference to the Appe ndix. 其它收费标准:详见合同附件2. Party B shall send their previous monthly statement on or before the day of

36、each month to Party A.Party A shall send their payment withindays via cash, check, or wiring after Party A received adetail stateme nt from Party B. An additi onal% of total charge /per day will be charged by PartyB if any delay payment that over days.2、 乙方每月日前与甲方进行上月业务结算, 甲方收到乙方所提供的结帐明细、 发票后,在 日内以现

37、金、支票、电汇的方式支付给乙方。甲方如延迟付款超过天以上的,按服务费%/天的数额向乙方支付滞纳金。3. If any delay of payment that caused by Party B or statutory holiday, Party A shall not be charged for any deli nquent payme nt.3、因法定节假日及乙方原因造成延迟付款,甲方不承担延迟付款责任。4. If there is any change on service rates by Party B, Party B shall notify Party A in wr

38、iting a month prior to the occurre nee of such cha nges, and Party B should receive a writte n con firmati on from Party A with such changes. Otherwise, the rate will remain the same as listed on this Agreement.4、当乙方提供的服务价格发生变化,应提前一个月通知甲方并得到甲方认可,否则仍按本合同附件一所列价格体系执行。Section 7。 The Rights and Obligatio

39、ns for Both Parties.第七条:双方的权利义务1. The rights and obligations for party A1、甲方的权利义务a) Party A has right to request Party B to delivery the Goods to any destination at any time with any method that already listed here in this Agreeme nt.If there is a n eed for any cha nges with this workrequest, Party

40、A has the right to cha nge the work request before Party B has processed this request for pick-up or delivery.(1) 甲方有权要求乙方按委托的时间、地点、方式将货物运送到目的地,在未办理提货、发货手 续之前,甲方有权变更或取消委托内容。b)Party A has right to request Party B to provide updated information at any time regarding to the status of the work request.(

41、2)甲方有权要求乙方随时提供甲方所委托业务的进展情况,服务过程中的信息反馈。c)It is Party Aastiobnlitgo provide accurate delivery addresses and other related information to Party B.Party B shall not be responsible for any loss, shortage and damages because of the wrong information that provided by Party A.( 3)甲方有义务提供准确的收货人地址等与业务相关的信息,如因

42、甲方提供的收货人地址有误所造成货物的短少、灭失、损坏或货物延送,乙方不承担责任。d)Party A shall follow the payment schedule to send payment to Party B.If any breach caused by PartyA, Party A shall take the entire responsibility for this matter.(4)甲方有义务按合同约定时间与乙方进行结帐,出现违约时承担其责任。2 The rights and obligations for Party B2、乙方的权利义务a)According t

43、his Agreement, It is Party B s obligation to provide safe delivery services to Party A ontime. The services that are requested by Party A should be treated as high priority at any time.(1)乙方应按合同要求为甲方及时提供安全准时运送货物服务,在车辆运力紧张的情况下,优先为 甲方提供服务。b)It is Party B sobligation to keep Party Asaffairs confidentia

44、l and Party B shall provide a copy of reports for each delivery services to Party A.2)乙方有义务为甲方保守商业秘密的义务,并向甲方提供承运服务执行情况的存根。c)A valid license and other legal documents shall be made available by Party B for each vehicle that used by Party A, these vehicle should be operated by drivers with good drivin

45、g records.(3)乙方提供的服务车辆必须牌照齐全有效,技术状况良好。d)The warehouse personnel and staff of Party B shall provide 24-hour services as requested by Party A (including statutory holiday).(4)乙方库管人员做到二十四小时服务(包括公众假期)。e)Party B should provide monthly report to Party A with details about each commodity that stored in the

46、 leased warehouse and the list of office supplies that used by Party B sstaff. The report shall be accurate and authentic. If Party A representative wish to audit records, Party B shall provide records generated from the previous day.(5) 乙方在每月向甲方提供一份货物库存明细和行政品发放明细,做到帐实相符;如甲方人员需随 时查看,乙方应提供前一天的帐目明细。f)

47、If Party A violates the Agreeme nt. Party B has the right to temporary suspe nd any work request that received from Party A.(6)在甲方单方违约的情况下,乙方有权暂停执行甲方所委托的业务。Section 8. Amendment and Termination of The Agreement第八条:合同的变更和解除1. During effective period of this Agreement, both parties are prohibited to mo

48、dify or terminate theAgreeme nt. If any party n eeds to modify or term in ate the Agreeme nt, a writte n no tice to the other party is requireddays prior to the occurre nee of such cha nges.1、 合同期内任何一方不得随意变更或解除合同,如一方需要变更或解除合同必须提前天通知对方。2. In the event that any Force Majeure or incident occurred that caused either party unable to practice thisAgreement, it is necessary to notify the other party immediately. This notification should include detailed in formati on of the in cide nt and reas o


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