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1、名校名 推荐2015 届高考英语 unit1 cultural relics跟踪检测 . 单项填空1 it looks heavy.can i give you a hand? _.a no, thanksb yes, my pleasurec no, never mindd yes, i do2(2014 福州市高中毕业班质量检查)acrossallmedia, people are debatingabout_ we need to keep track of every school bus on chinas road.a howb whetherc whichd where3(201

2、4 黄山第二次质量检测)an excellent teacher is believed to be one whodevotes himself to the children but asks for nothing _.a in turnb in advancec in shortd in return4 in _ 1940s, the two countrieswere at _war, so lotsof culturalrelics were damaged.a不填;不填b the; thec the; ad the;不填5(2013 江西师大附中三模) doctor brown,

3、 whats your next project going tobe about? well, that remains _.a to seeb to be seeingc to seeingd to be seen6(2014 镇海中学高三检测)worldheritagesites _ all the peopleof theworld, regardless of the land on which they are located.a belonging tob are belonged toc belong tod be belonging to7(2014 海南嘉积中学质检 )wh

4、en she returned to her office, miss white foundher computer _ and she was very confused.a was removingb has been removedc have been removedd had been removed8(2011 上海高考 )thereis clearevidence_ the most difficultfeelingof all to interpret is bodily pain.a whatb if1名校名 推荐c howd that9(2013 泰安高三模拟)the a

5、uthorities will _ the case further beforethey can come to a conclusion about it.a look outb look upc look throughd look into10(2014 天津十二区县联考二 ) how did you find the london eye during your visit to london as an exchange student? _! it impressed me very much.a regrettingb amazingc frustratingd amusing

6、11(2014 四川省南充市第一次适应性考试)my favoritewriterismo yan, some of_ novels have a surprising ending.a whomb hisc whosed which12(2012 辽宁高考)rod loves _ clocks. however, he never manages toput them together again.a taking apartb giving awayc making upd turning off13 what are you doing, peter? im collecting mone

7、y for the victims.you know, a strong earthquake _parts of sichuan.a was strikingb would strikec struckd had stricken14 what do you think of his second book? not bad.its more instructive and more worth _ than his first one.a to readb to be readc readingd being read15(2014 马鞍山一模)though buried in the r

8、uins for about 70 hours after theearthquake, with great luck, the man managed to _.a recoverb survivec existd rescue . 完形填空(2014 泰安一模 )last weekend, i had an opportunity to serve as a volunteer ata nursinghome in anothercity.idonthave a car and even the_1_trainstation2名校名 推荐is far away from my house

9、._2_, i wasnt sure how to get there.i posteda(n)_3_fora rideon therideshareboard.soonan individualidnever met _4_thathedbe abletopickme up and drop me offatthe station.hesaid hed wait until my train arrived_5_ he drove away.my heart_6_ andthe stress id been feeling disappeared_7_ and thus our friend

10、ship began.i ended up arriving at the nursing home in_8_. the tiny team of serversthere were _9_fortheadditionalhelp.weall worked togetheras a team.iwasglad to be a part of this and be of_10_ to the elderly.that evening when my new_11_ dropped me off at the station, he_12_that it was in a deserted a

11、rea.so he parked his car and said,“we will wait forthe _13 _ to come together.” i couldnt believe his_14_.with fiveminutesleftbeforethetrainarrived,he_15_withme storiesofhis childhood.as a youngboy,he_16_to sitneartheedge ofthetraintracks,waiting _17_for thetrainsto rush by withalltheirforce.thatnig

12、hthe waitedwith me as my train_18_.itdidntrushby withfullforce butileftthatstation_19_ the full force of his kindness and generosity.people like him would always_20_ me how to love and how to give.1.a.bestc closest2 a.howeverc instead3 a.excusec preference4 a.repliedc remembered5 a.whenc after6 a.br

13、okec sank7 a.immediatelyc recently8 a.orderc time9 a.gratefulb largestd latestb therefore d otherwise b charge d request b jokedd pretended b sinced before b warmed d changed b gradually d slowlyb return d turnb regretful3名校名 推荐c responsibled sorry10 a.interestb servicec hoped curiosity11 a.clerkb c

14、ustomerc neighbord friend12 a.admittedb heardc noticedd intended13 a.trainb busc taxid car14 a.braveryb confidencec couraged kindness15 a.arguedb sharedc discussedd compared16 a.usedb hadc wishedd decided17 a.unwillinglyb proudlyc excitedlyd embarrassedly18 a.startedb passedc stoppedd approached19 a

15、.doubtingb ignoringc feelingd wondering20 a.warnb remindc expectd promise . 阅读理解(2014 芜湖一中高三模拟考试)many years ago, a french naturalist, comte debuffon,wrote some books about naturalhistory.thebooks were a greatsuccess eventhough some critics( 批评家 )did not likethem.some criticssaid,“comte de buffonis m

16、ore of a poet than a scientist.”thomas jefferson did not like what comte de buffon had said about the natural wonders of the new world.it seemed to jefferson that comte de buffon had spoken of natural wonders in america as if they were unimportant.this troubled thomas jefferson.he was also a natural

17、ist, as well as a farmer,an inventor,a historian,a writerand a politician.hehad seen the naturalwondersof europe.to him, they were no more important than those of the new world.4名校名 推荐in 1788, thomas jefferson wrote about his home state, virginia.while writing,he thought of its natural beauty and th

18、en of the words of comte de buffon.at thatmoment, jeffersoncreateda new word belittle.hesaid,“comte de buffonbelievesthat nature belittles her productions on this side of the atlantic.”noah webster,theamericanword expert,liked thisword.heputitin theenglishlanguage dictionary in 1806,“belittleto make

19、 small, unimportant.”americanshad alreadyacceptedjeffersonsword and startedtouse it.in1797,theindependentchronicleusedthewordtodescribeapoliticianthepapersupported. “heisan honorableman,” the paperwrote,“solettheoppositiontryto belittle him as much as they please.”in 1872, a famous american word exp

20、ert decided that the time had come to killthisword.he said,“belittlehas no chance of becomingenglish.andas more criticalwriters of america, like those of britain, feel no need of it, the sooner it isforgotten, the better.”this expert failed to kill the word.today, belittle is used where the englishl

21、anguage is spoken.1 why did thomas jefferson disagree with comte de buffon?a comte de buffon was more of a poet.b comte de buffon wasnt a true scientist.c comte de buffon was a writer from europe.d comte de buffon had prejudice against the new world.2 from the text we can know that _.a all critics t

22、hought highly of comte de buffonb thomas jefferson didnt like naturalistscthe word“belittle” came from a disagreementd word experts can change the future of a new word3which of the following is true of the word“belittle”?a it has already disappeared.b it was created by thomas jefferson.c it was used

23、 to describe nature.d the independent chroniclemade it popular.4 what is the main idea of the text?ahow the word“belittle” came into being.b the argument about natural wonders.5名校名 推荐c every word has a long history behind.d noah webster supported jeffersons idea.答案.1. 选 ano, thanks意 “不用了, ”,符合 境。yes

24、, my pleasure一般用于 人 自己帮忙 自己同意的答 ;never mind 意 “没关系”,常用来安慰 人;yes,i do用来回答“ do you .”的提 ,均不符合 境。故答案 a。2 b句意:遍及所有的媒体,人 正在争 我 是否需要追踪中国道路上的每一 校 。分析句子 构可知,空 引 从句且从句中不缺少成分,再 合句意,故此 用 whether 表示“是否”。3. 选 d 句意:人 相信一名 秀的教 是把全部身心投入到孩子身上并且不求回 的人。 in return 表示“作 ( 的 ) 回 ”。前三 分 表示“依次”“提前”“ 言之”,都不符合句意。4 dthe用于逢十的数

25、 的复数形式前,指世 中的特定年代;be at war 是固定搭配,意 “ 于交 状 ”。5 d句意:“布朗博士,你的下个 目是关于什么的?”“哦, 个 有待看情况再 。” remain 后除了可跟形容 构成系表 构外, 可跟to be done , 固定用法。故答案d 正确。6 cbelong to “属于”,不用于 行 和被 ,故排除b、d 两 。分析句子 构可知句中缺少 ,故 c 。7 d句中 remove 一 作 生在found 之前,而且 computer 与 remove 之 被 关系,故用 去完成 的被 。8 d句意:有确 的 据表明,所有感 中最 演 的是身体上的痛苦。分析句子

26、 构可知空格 引 的是evidence的同位 从句, 从句 构和意 完整, 故用 that引 。9 d句意:官方要 此案做 一步 才能得出 。根据句意可知 d, lookinto “ ”。 look out“找出”; look up “ ”; look through“ ”。10 b句意:“在你作 一个交 生参 敦期 ,你 敦眼摩天 怎么 ?”“非常棒! 我留下的印象非常深刻。 ”a regret 的 在分 ; b 意 “惊人的;很棒的;了不起的”; c 意 “令人沮 的”; d 意 “有趣的;引人 笑的”。根据句意可知 b。11 c 此 “不定代 of 关系代 ”引 的非限制性定 从句,关系

27、代 在从句中作定 ,所以用 whose。6名校名 推荐12 a句意: 德喜 拆卸 表,然而,他从来都不能再重新装好。take apart “拆开;拆卸”,符合句意。 giveaway“ 送; 泄露”;make up“ 造;弥 ;化 ”;turnoff “关掉;关 ”。13 c根据句中的正在募捐,知strike 作 生在 去,故用一般 去 。14 c考 非 以及be worth的用法。 be worth doing“ 得做”,用 doing 的主 形式表达被 含 。15 brecover “痊愈;重新 得”; survive “幸存;生 ”; exist “存在”;rescue “救援”。根据句

28、意 b。.1. 选 c作者自己没有汽 ,甚至最近的(closest)火 站离作者的房子也很 。2 b因此 (therefore),作者不知道自己 怎 到那里。3 d作者 帖子 求(request)一起分享搭乘。4 a作者从未 的一个人答复(replied) 他能 作者搭乘并将作者送到火 站。5 d他 他会等到作者的火 到达之后才开 离开。before “在以前”,符合 境。6 b当 作者的心暖暖的。warm 不及物 ,意 “ 暖”,符合 境。7 a作者一直以来的 力感 上消失了。immediately “立即, 上”, 符合 境。8 c作者最后及 赶到了那家养老院。in time “及 ”, 符合 境。 in order “妥当,井然有序”; in return“作 回 ”; in turn“依次, 流”。9 a那儿的小服 种 外的帮助非常感激。grateful“感激的”,符合 境。10 b


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