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1、江苏省泰州市2013 届九年级英语 12 月练习试题牛津版第 i 卷选择题( 80 分)一、听力选择( 计 20分 )a. 听对话,选择正确的图片或答案。( 共 10 小题;每小题1 分;计 10 分)本部分共有10 道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,根据所听到的内容,选择正确答案。 ( 听两遍 )1.what does millie want to buy ?2.what is the boy going to do ?abc3.what does theboy want to borrow ?abc4.how does kate learn chinese ?5. when did this

2、 conversation happen?a. at the beginning of a program.b. in the middle of a program.c. after a program.6. which subject does the boy have some difficulty in?a. chineseb. englishc. maths.7. why do they wear the strange glasses?a. because they like them.b. because they can keep their eyes safe.c. beca

3、use they want to be cool.8. where does the conversation most probably take place?1a. in a shop.b. in a bank.c. in a restaurant.9. what is mary going to do after supper?a. she is going to get ready for her talk.b. she is going to take a walk with the man.c. she is going to give a talk on environment.

4、10. what do we learn from the story?a. there are many rainy days in may in the world.b. they are preparing to go to the man s hometown.c. the weather is nice, but it is very cold.b. 听对话和短文,回答问题。(听两遍)听一段对话,回答第11 12 小题。11 what was sophia like?a. tall and prettyb. short and quietc. tall and quiet12. wh

5、ere does he want to go ?a. england b. chinac. france听第一篇短文,回答第13-15 小题。 请根据内容从a. b. c. 三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。bank of chinaopening hoursfrom_13_to5p.m.frommonday tosaturdayaddressnear _14_service telephone number_15_13.a. 8 a.m. b. 8:30 a.m. c. 9 a.m.14.a. the city centre b. the city square c. the cit

6、y statue15.a.83245689b. 83425689c. 83426598听一篇短文,回答第16-20 小题16 what does the speaker want us to do ?a. to complain about our daily life.b. to learn to be grateful to our daily life.c. to read war-time stories.17. how was the situation in war-time?a. it was terrible.b. it was wonderful.c. it was a gr

7、eat blessing.18. how do we live now?a. terribly.b. peacefully.c. gratefully.19. why does the speaker say we need to be sick?a. the speaker wants us to understand the importance of being healthy.b. the speaker wants us to punish us because we don t value the health.c. maybe he is not healthy for a lo

8、ng time and he wants us to experience it.20 . how many ways does the speaker mention to help us to be grateful to our daily life?a. two.b. three.c. four.二、单项选择(共15 小题;每小题1 分,计 15 分)2在下列各 a、 b、 c、 d 四个 中 一个能填入 干空白 的最佳答案。21. jake _his key in the office so he had to wait until his wife _ home.a. has fo

9、rgotten comesb. forgot comec. had left camed. had left would come22could i _ your telephone? i have something important to tell my parents.a. keepb. borrowc. used. lend23sandy said that she _ a cold for a week.a. had hadb. had caughtc. hasd. has got24.at the science museum, the students from sunshin

10、e middle school get to know_.a what is the spaceship likeb what the spaceship looks likec how the spaceship looks 1iked how does the spaceship 1ook like25 how many students do you think are still on the playground now?i am afraid there are few of them, _?a. are thereb. aren t ic. aren t thered. am i

11、26. youhad better _some food and drinks before the field trip _.a. to bring; startsb. bring; startsc. bringing; startedd. bring;started27 the police _ still not sure _ the young man killed himself or was killed.a. is, ifb. is, whetherc. are , whetherd. are, that28. she said she would return the dict

12、ionary to me _.a. tomorrowb. last dayc. the next dayd. next day29 . he said that he had met her two years _.a. beforeb. agoc. for 2 yearsd. since 2 years ago30 .no matter _ the weather is like, you can always find surfers out _ the waves inhawaii.a. what; ridingb. how; ridingc. what; to rided. how;

13、to ride31.the robber was guilty _ jewelry crimes in the past.a. ofb. fromc. offd. on32. do you know _ about china?-chinese cookinga. if mary likesb. how does mary likec. what mary likesd. why does mary like33.the police confirmed that the victim was killed at the place _she _.a. which; foundb. where

14、; was foundc. that; been foundd. which; was found34. the interviewer asked detective lu where the murder _.a. was taken placeb. had taken placec. had been taken placed. took place35. the young man was_ with breaking _ several jewelry shops.a.ob.to charge.inc.charging.ond.charges.to三、完形填空(

15、共 15 小 ;每小 1 分 , 计 15 分) 短文 , 从每 所 中 出可以填入空白 的最佳 。abouta week ago, when i was playing basketballatour localpark,i noticeda smallgroupof boys picking on a smaller, skinnier boy. they were _36_his names and even pushed him tothe ground and kicked dirt in his face. _37_i saw that, i walked over to the

16、group.3i stepped _38_them and the smaller boy, and asked them politely what this boy had doneworthy of _3 9_they were doing to him. one of the boys replied,“h es weird.” at that, iasked one of the boys if he thought his friend was weird, and the _40_was “no.” so, i askedanother boy what the word“wei

17、rd ” _ 41_, and he said,“ different.” that was my cue(暗示 ).i told them that everyone is _42_, and that they all looked just as different to the otherboy as he did tothem. they allstood_43_fora moment, and thenthemost amazing thinghappened.one of the boys helped the small boy off the ground and then

18、said sorry to him. he _44_tolet him play with them.i thanked the boy forbeingso _45_. as i lookedaround,i realized thattherewere dozensof other people at the park _46_no one else had stopped to help this boy. i felt happy thattheboy was strong enough to standup againsthisfriendsto_47_someone inneed,

19、but i feltsad that _48_else had even taken a second look.i hope thatmy actionhelped them _49_ thatthey couldhave made a differencewitha little_50_, and maybe next time they will be the ones who choose to help.36.a. givingb. makingc. callingd. telling37.a. whenb. beforec. ifd. though38.a. againstb. b

20、etweenc. besided. with39.a. howb. whyc. whomd. what40.a. guessb. signc. problemd. answer41.a. readb. provedc. meantd. wrote42.a. differentb. freec. importantd. strong43.a. angrilyb. silentlyc. carefullyd. happily44.a. refusedb. expectedc. offeredd. prepared45.a. proudb. cleverc. honestd. patient46.a

21、. orb. soc. andd. but47.a. helpb. stopc. loved. remember48.a. someoneb. anyonec. no oned. everyone49.a. decideb. realizec. suggestd. agree50.a. energyb. practicec. knowledged. effort四、阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题2 分 , 计 30 分)阅读下列短文 , 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。a451.shawnee mountain is a wonderful place for_.a. stayingb. skii

22、ngc. climbingd. visiting52.two parents and a child of 45cm tall will pay _for the lifts on weekend,a. $100b. $86c. $50d. $4353.if a soldier goes to the mountain, _should be shown for a lift ticket.a. the proof of ageb. the college idc. the phone numberd. the active duty idbone midnight, a little gir

23、l woke up to pass water. she by herself got up and down herbed, walked to the bedroom door and opened it. she looked outside and walked back, for it wasso dark in the hall that she feared.her mothersaid,“dont be afraid, honey. take courage!”“whats courage? ” she asked, running to her mothers bed.“co

24、urage is the brave breath,” her mother answered.“mum, do you have courage? ” “certainly. ”the girl held out her little hands, saying,“mum, blow someof your breath of courage tome.”afterher mother blew outtwo mouthfulsof breathintoher littlecoldhands,the littlegirlclenched her fists(握拳 ) nervously, a

25、fraid that the“ breath of courage” would run away. thenwithher fistsclenched,she walked out of the bedroom towardsthe bathroom withnothingto fear.her mother said to herself,“it will be nice if someone can blow some kind ofbreath to me. then i can hold it in my hands too when i feel terrified or lost

26、.”5b. one lonely girld. the breath of couragein fact, mostly, what we are terrified of is nothing but the fear in our mind. who we should defeat( 战胜 ) is nobody but ourselves.54. we learn from the reading that _.a. the girl went to the bathroom by herselfb. the girl pretended to be terrified of noth

27、ingc. the girl s mother was able to blow brave breathd. the girl s mother was very proud of herself55. to stop“mothers breath ” from running away, the girl _.a. held out her little handsb. clenched her fistsc. talk to her motherd. held her own breath56. the writer mainly wants to tell us that _.a. a

28、dults are always brave enoughb. children learn to be brave quicklyc. the fear in one s mind is the real problem d. the mother can deal with anything with breath57. which is the best title of the passage?a. the fearless motherc. one midnightcwhen we talkabout stars,especiallywomen stars , itseemsthat

29、theyarealwaysyoung , prettyand own charmingbodyshapes but recentlya britainsgot talent(英国达人)starsusanboyle has changed our views absolutelysimon cowell , one of the judgesof the talentshow spoke ofhis shock over ms boyles voice” this lady came up,and imthinking, this will take five seconds and i can

30、 go to have a cup of tea. that changed when she began to sing i dreamed a dream from les miserables. she knew we were going to have that reaction and just to see that look of satisfaction on her facemidway through it was one of my favorite moments,” cowell said.the performance was posted online and

31、before long, the 47-year-old scottish woman has beenfamous all over the worldspeaking from her home in scotlandms. boyle said that she hadnt thought of changing herappearance she said that her friend helped her with make-up“ i mean ,thats hardly amakeover ” she added ms. boyle alsospoke of the reaso

32、n she firstbegan toexploreher vocaltalents” i was kindof slow at school, so getting something like singing was a good way of hiding behind that andthus it built my confidence58 susan boyle is _a a judgeb a reporterc59 susan boylehad a look ofsatisfactiona she was confident of her singing a beautiful

33、 ladyd a scottish womanon her facewhen she was singingbecause _.b she was satisfied with the judges6c she was pretty and in good shaped she sang the song, i dreamed a dream from lea miserables60 according to the passage, which is not true?a it was the vocal talents that built susans confidenceb susa

34、n boyle was not good at her lessons when at schoolc susan boyle became famous because of her appearanced simon cowell didnt think susan boyle a good singer at the time sight61 what can we learn from susan boyles success?a its never too old to learnb its easier to succeed at the age of 47c if you hav

35、e a dream, try to make it come true!d if you are not able to study well, to be a singer insteaddthere have been many greatinventionsor thingsthatchanged the way we live.the firstgreatinvention was the one that is still very important today the wheel. this made it easier tocarry heavy things and to t

36、ravel long distance.for hundreds of years after that there were few inventions that had as much effect as thewheel . then in the early 1800s the world started to change. there was little unknown land leftin the world. people didn t have to explore much any more. they began to work instead to makelif

37、e better.in the second half of the 19th century many great inventions were made. among them were the camera, the light and the radio. these all play a big part in our daily life today.the first part of the 20th century saw more great inventions. the helicopter in 1909, movieswith sound in 1926, the

38、computer in 1928, jet planes in 1930. this was also a time when a newmaterial was first made. nylon came out in 1935. it changed the kind of clothes people wore.the middle part of the 20th century brought new ways to help people get over diseases. theyworked very well. they made people healthier and

39、 allowed them to live longer. by the 1960s mostpeople could expect to live to be at least 60.by thistime most people in developedcountrieshad a verygood life.of course new inventionscontinued to be made. but man now had a desire(渴望 ) to explore again. the earth was known toman but the stars were not

40、. man began looking for ways to go into space. russia made the firststep. then united states took a step. since then other countries , including china and japan,have made their own steps into space.in 1969 man took his biggest step away from earth. americans first walked on the moon. thisis certainl

41、y just a beginning, though. new inventions will some day allow us to do things wehave never yet dreamed of.62. this passage talks mainly about _ .a. why cars were very importantb. when light was inventedc. how inventions affect peoples daily lifed. which country made the first stepinto space63. acco

42、rding to the passage man didn t have a desire to explore a lot _.a. at the beginning of 1800sb. in the 1960sc. since the 1900sd. from the 1800s to 1960s764. nylon came out five years later than_ .a. radiob. camerac. jet planesd. movies65. people can live longer lives because _ that help cure disease

43、s have worked verywell.a. doctorsb. new waysc. medicinesd. new hospitals第 ii 卷 非选择题( 60 分)五、词汇运用 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分 , 计 10 分)用括 号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空一词) 。66. the actress is dancing _(美丽的 ) on the stage.67. different people have different ideas . you can express your _ (不同意见 ).68.boys usually like reading _

44、(侦探 ) stories.69 charlie chaplin s acting _(吸引 )the audience a lot at the very beginning.70 hobo was lying in the sun, _ (幻想 ) about a delicious meal.71 be _ (real ) ! it is impossible for you to become a superstar.72 hepburn devoted much of her time to _ (work) for charity.73the shy girl didn t say

45、 any word and left _(peace)74the amazing film called the world of dinosaurs brought the disappeared animal dinosaur_ (live) on screen.75 his expensive watch has gone _( miss ) , and he is looking for it anxiously.六、任务型阅读(共 10 空;每空1 分, 计 10 分)根据短文内容 , 完成下列表格, 每空一词。somepeople succeed,whileothersmay no

46、t.this is because some people have certainqualities,which others do not.the first thing you must remember is that in order to succeed, you must be optimistic(乐观) . if you do not expect to win, you will not try as hard as people who do expect to win. youalso need to have a clear aim and a reason for

47、doing something because motivation(动机)isa key to getting success. if you do not have an aim, then you won t work hard and put yourperformance under the microscope(显微镜)to make sure that every detail is right.anotherqualitythathelps people succeed iscreativity-thinkingabout thingsin a differentway and

48、 wondering how otherswould do the same thing.think about some successfulpeople you know.they might be successful with a little creativity, but the most successful people are the mostcreative ones.reading is another to success, as it will help you learn about how other people have gotsuccess. if you

49、want to learn how to set up a successful business, you should read books aboutpeople like bill gates and jerry yang, who have got amazing success in their areas of business.practicingisequallyimportantifyou want to be successfulbecause practicemakes perfect.practise every day at whatever career you are in, and by doing so, you will see yourself, yourbusiness and your self-confidence begin to grow. if you feel confident about what you do, thisconfidence will m


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