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1、1. 肝血虚证肝血虚多因生血不足,或失血过多,或因久病耗伤肝血所致。临床表现: 头晕,面色无华,视物模糊,肢体麻木,手足震颤,关节拘急不利,或妇女经量少,甚则闭经, 舌淡苔白,脉细。Liver Blood Deficiency SyndromeIt refers to insufficient liver blood, usually caused by insufficient blood production or massive blood loss, or injury to liver blood in a chronic disease.【Clinical Manifestatio

2、ns】Dizziness, pale complexion, blurred vision ,numbness of limbs, tremor of hands and feet, joint motion problem, scanty volume of menses, or even amenorrhea, pale tongue with white fur and thready pulse2. 肝郁气滞证肝郁气滞多因情致不遂,郁怒伤肝,或因其他病邪阻滞,肝失疏泄调达所致。临床表现: 胸胁或少腹胀闷,窜痛,情致郁抑或易怒, 善太息,苔薄白,脉弦。妇女乳房胀痛,月经不调,痛经,病情轻

3、重与情致变化关系密切。Syndrome of Liver Qi StagnationIt refers to emotional problems and rage that impair the liver, or other pathogenic factors, impeding smooth flow of liver qi.【Clinical Manifestations】Distending pain or scurrying pain in the chest and lower abdomen, depression or bad temper, frequent deep s

4、ighing, thin white fur and wiry pulse, or distending pain in womens breasts, irregular menses, dysmenorrhea , closely related to emotional changes3. 肾精不足证 肾精不足是指生长发育和生殖机能减退所表现的征候。 多由禀赋不足,先天发育不良,或后天失调。或房劳过度,或久病耗肾精所致。临床表现: 小儿发育迟缓,身材矮小, 骨骼痿软,动作迟缓, 男子不育。 女子不孕,性功能低下,成人早衰,耳鸣耳聋, 健忘, 足痿无力。Kidney Essence Ins

5、ufficiency SyndromeIt refers to the syndrome due to the decreased function in growth, development and reproduction because of kidney essence deficiency, usually caused by insufficient innate endowment, congenital defect, or improper postnatal nursing, or excessive sexual activity, or kidney essence

6、injury in a chronic disease.【Clinical Manifestations】Retarded development of children, short figure, feeble bones, sluggish movement, infertility , poor sexual function, presenility of adults, tinnitus or poor hearing, amnesia and weak feet4. 心肾阳虚证 心肾阳虚证多由心阳虚衰, 久病及肾, 或肾阳亏虚, 气化失权, 水气上凌心阳所致。临床表现: 形寒肢冷

7、, 心悸, 腰膝酸冷, 肢体浮肿,小便不利,甚则唇甲青紫, 舌淡紫,苔白滑,脉微。征候分析: 心肾阳虚,形体失于温养, 则形寒肢冷,;心失温熙,则心悸;腰膝失熙,则腰膝酸冷。 肾主水,肾阳亏虚,气化无权,水湿泛滥肌肤,则小便不利, 肢体浮肿,心阳不振,运血无力,则唇甲青紫, 舌淡紫, 苔白滑, 脉微, 为心肾阳虚,水湿内停之证。4. Heart-Kidney Yang Deficiency SyndromeIt is caused by declined yang qi of the heart ,with the kidney involved in a chronic condition,

8、 or kidney yang deficiency, dysfunction in qi transformation, upward attack of the heart by retained water.【Clinical Manifestations】Cold body and limbs, palpitation, weakness and cold in the lower back and knees, edema, difficult urination, purple lips and nails, pale purple tongue with white and sl

9、ippery fur and faint pulse【Syndrome Analysis】Cold body and limbs and palpitation are due to failure of the body to be warmed because of heart-kidney yang deficiency. Weakness and cold in the lower back and knees result from lack of warming in the lower back and knees. The kidney governs water. Defic

10、ient kidney yang fails to govern qi transformation, leading to water flooding over the skin and edema, which causes difficult urination. Hypofunction of heart yang leads to difficult urination, edema,. Deficiency of heart yang and impeded circulation of blood trigger purple lips and nails and pale p

11、urple tongue, white and slippery fur and faint pulse, all points to deficiency of heart and kidney yang, and retention of dampness.5. 肝火犯肺证肝火犯肺多由郁怒伤肝, 气郁化火, 或肝经蕴热, 上逆犯肺所致。临床表现: 胸胁灼痛, 头晕头胀, 急躁易怒, 目赤, 口苦,咳嗽, 或咳血,舌红,苔薄白, 脉弦数。征候分析: 肝火炽盛, 肝经热壅气滞,则胸胁灼痛, 偱经上攻头目, 则头晕头胀,目赤,热蒸胆气上溢, 则口苦, 肺失清肃, 则咳嗽阵作,或灼肺络, 则咳血,

12、 舌红, 苔薄黄, 脉弦数,为肝经实火内炽之证。Syndrome of Invasion of the lung by liver fireIt is usually caused by liver injury by rage, accumulated qi transforming into fire, or invasion of the lung by reversed rise of heat, which accumulates in the liver.【Clinical Manifestations】Burning pain in the chest and hypochond

13、rium, dizziness with distending pain in the head, irritability and bad temper, bloodshot eyes, bitter taste in the mouth, coughing, even spitting blood, red tongue with thin white fur, and wiry rapid pulse【Syndrome Analysis】Burning pain in the chest and hypochondrium, irritability and bad temper are

14、 due to heat accumulation and qi stagnation because of liver fire blazing. Dizziness with distending pain in the head and bloodshot eyes are due to upward attack of the head and eyes by liver fire. Bitter taste in the mouth is due to upward flowing of gallbladder qi pushed by liver qi. Coughing is c

15、aused by failure of the lungs descending function. When fire scorches the Lung Channel, vessels get injured and blood leaks out, leading to spitting blood. Red tongue with thin white fur and wiry rapid pulse indicate internal blazing of excessive fire in the Liver Channel.6. 寒证寒证是指感受寒邪, 或阳虚阴盛,导致机体功能

16、活动低下所表现的具有“冷”的、“凉”特点的征候。 由于阴盛可表现为寒的征候,阳虚也可以表现为寒的征候,故寒证有实寒与虚寒之分。临床表现: 恶寒喜暖, 肢冷踡卧, 冷痛喜温, 口淡不渴, 痰、涕清稀, 小便清长,面色苍白, 舌质浅淡, 苔白而润, 脉紧或迟等。征候分析: 因感受寒邪, 或过服生冷寒凉所致, 起病急, 体质壮实者,多为实证,因内伤久病, 阳气虚弱而阴寒偏盛者, 多为虚寒证。 寒邪袭于表者, 多为表寒证。体失温熙,故见恶寒喜暖, 肢冷踡卧,冷痛喜温等症。Cold SyndromeIt is caused by exposure to external pathogenic cold,

17、 or excessive yin and yang deficiency, resulting in hypofunction of the body, marked by symptoms with cold and chilly characteristics. Since excessive yin and yang deficiency can cause cold syndromes, there are excess cold syndrome and deficiency cold syndrome.【Clinical Manifestations】 Aversion to c

18、old, preference for heat, cold limbs, huddling up with cold, cold pain, alleviated by warmth, tastelessness in the mouth, absence of thirst, clear and thin sputum, and nasal discharge, pale complexion, light pale tongue with white and moist fur and tight or slow pulse【Syndrome Analysis】 An acute ons

19、et is found and it is caused by exposure to external pathogenic cold, or much intake of raw, cold food, Strong patients often have the excess syndrome. Those who have excessive cold in a chronic illness caused by internal injuries and deficiency of yang qi tend to get the deficiency cold syndrome. I

20、t is often the external cold syndrome if cold attacks the exterior. When the body fails to be warmed, there are aversion to cold and preference for warmth, cold limbs and huddling up , cold pain and preference for warmth.7. 肺肾气虚证肺肾虚证多由久病咳喘,病久及肾,或因劳损过度,先天不足,年老体弱等所致。临床表现: 咳喘无力,呼多吸少, 动则益甚,咳痰清稀,腰膝酸软,或咳则

21、尿出,神疲乏力,语声低下,气短自汗,舌淡,脉弱。征候分析: 肺为气之主,肾为气之根。 肺肾气虚,则咳喘无力, 呼多吸少,动则耗气,肺气虚,故咳痰清稀,腰膝失养,则腰膝酸软,卫气不固,则自汗,神疲乏力,气短,语声低下,舌淡,脉弱,均为气虚之证。辨证要点: 咳喘无力, 呼多吸少, 腰膝酸软与气虚。The Lung-Kidney Qi Deficiency SyndromeIt is caused by chronic coughing, which involves the kidney over time, or over-work, or innate deficiency and poor health of the aged.【Clinical Manifestations】Weak coughing and panting, long exhalation than inhalation, worse when active, profuse and thin sputum, weakness in the lower back and knees, or urine out on coughing, lassitude, feeble voice, shortness of breath, spontaneous sweating and pale tong


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