




1、plant location/工工厂厂b7 machine number/机机台台号号lab-4# info sheet/信信息息表表格格 project/项项目目jacksonmold#:/模模号号 part name/产产品品名名称称top covertool class/模模级级 part no./产产品品编编号号x800367number of cavities/模模穴穴数数 process eng./成成型型工工程程师师zhong wangmold maker/模模具具供供应应商商 date of testing/试试模模日日期期2009/3/1 shot size (grams)/
2、每每啤啤重重(克克)97 machine brand/机机器器品品牌牌milacron quoted cycle/周周期期60s part revision number/产产品品版版本本号号version 2 project manager/项项目目经经理理raymond lam customer/客客户户microsoft project engineer or manager responsible for filling in this sheet(yellow blocks) . the information will /项项目目工工程程师师或或项项目目经经理理负负责责填填黄黄色色
3、部部分分。 transfer automatically to the other sheets in the scientific molding toolbox/黄黄色色部部分分内内容容会会自自动动链链接接到到成成型型toolbox 其其它它表表格格中中 deliverables /交交付付信信息息completion date/完完成成日日 process test date/工工艺艺测测试试日日期期:12/31/99 dry cycle test date/试试模模日日期期2/5/09 transfer check complete/转转模模完完成成日日期期#ref! dry cycl
4、e checklist complete/试试模模检检查查表表完完成成日日期期2/5/09 tool design check hot runner/热热流流道道检检查查日日期期12/31/99 tool design check heat/cool/模模具具设设计计加加热热及及运运水水完完成成日日期期12/31/99 tool design special actions/模模具具设设计计中中特特别别处处理理12/31/99 tool design notes/模模具具设设计计通通知知日日12/31/99 process set sheet/成成型型设设定定表表完完成成日日12/31/99
5、setup check list/建建立立检检查查表表日日12/31/99 hold time study complete/保保压压确确定定日日12/31/99 part weight study complete/产产品品重重量量确确定定日日12/31/99 cavity balance complete/模模穴穴进进胶胶平平衡衡确确定定日日12/31/99 short term cpk complete/cpk测测定定完完成成日日12/31/99 residence time study/滞滞料料时时间间评评定定日日12/31/99 profit work analysis/利利润润分分
6、析析日日12/31/99 mold spec sheet complete/模模具具规规格格完完成成日日12/31/99 inch/second mm/second xbx888material type/原原料料名名称称pc/abs cy4000 black production grade material shrinkage/原原料料收收缩缩率率0.40% 1machine size(tons)/吨吨位位450t fujiseiko japanmolder/啤啤工工 project engineer/项项目目工工程程师师lulu wang barrel capacity(grams)/炮
7、炮筒筒料料量量(克克)889 screw compression ratio/螺螺杆杆压压缩缩比比1.8 screw and barrel size(mm)/螺螺杆杆及及炮炮筒筒大大小小(mm)70 info sheet/信信息息表表格格 project engineer or manager responsible for filling in this sheet(yellow blocks) . the information will /项项目目工工程程师师或或项项目目经经理理负负责责填填黄黄色色部部分分。 transfer automatically to the other she
8、ets in the scientific molding toolbox/黄黄色色部部分分内内容容会会自自动动链链接接到到成成型型toolbox 其其它它表表格格中中 mold specification sheet/模模具具规规范范表表 date/日日期期: mold number/模号:xbx888 customer/客户microsoftno of cavs/模穴数1matl shrink/模具收缩0.40% project/项目jacksonmaterial/材料pc/abs cy4000 blackinch / inch0.004 part name/产品名称top coverma
9、ch tons/机台吨位450ttool maker/模具供应商fujiseiko japan part no./产品编号x800367project mgr/项目经理.raymond lamtool class/模级production grade tool drawing/图图纸纸 data furnished/数数据据 cavity/模模穴穴 temperature/温温度度 core /模模芯芯,公公模模 mold assembly/组装图moldflow/模流数据cavity half/前模穴 full detailing/零件图moldcool/运水数据 core half/后模穴
10、 cad files/cad图纸runner a. balance the mold cavities./平衡模穴 b. repeat the cavity balance study/重新进行模穴分析. notes: 1) enter data only in shaded cells/仅仅在在阴阴影影部部分分输输入入数数据据 2) calculations are completed automatically upon entering data in shaded cells/无无需需计计算算,此此表表设设有有自自动动计计算算公公式式 3) balance is considered
11、good if within 10%. if over 10% on cold runner tooling, modify runner to balance./如如果果偏偏差差在在10%以以内内,可可视视为为模模穴穴平平衡衡,如如果果冷冷流流道道模模超超过过10%,需需修修改改流流道道以以达达平平衡衡 if hot runner, verify gate diameter. balance by temperature probe adjustment./如如果果热热流流道道模模,需需校校进进胶胶口口直直径径.用用热热探探针针来来调调整整 4) not for use on valve g
12、ate systems/不不适适用用于于阀阀控控系系统统. machine #: lab-4# tons: 450t mold #: xbx888 proj. eng raymond lam 50% full part weights/50%产产品品重重 shot 1shot 2shot 3shot 4shot 5average cavity 1 cavity 2 cavity 3 cavity 4 cavity 5 cavity 6 cavity 7 cavity 8 minimum average/最小平均值 = maximum average/最大平均值 = difference bet
13、ween maximum and minimum averages/最大与最小平均值之差 =#value! percent difference between max and min averages/最大值与最小值百分比差 =#value! #value! cavity balance verification/模模穴穴平平衡衡校校正正 if the difference between max and min is equal to or greater/如果最大平均值与最大平均值之差大于等于5%,需有模穴要求 1. enter maximum acceptable cavity var
14、iation in the 0% shaded cell.输入模穴上偏差于阴影表 weights) is less than the acceptable cavity variation % the cavities are balanced./如果50%短射产品最大与最小平均值之差大于可接受的差值(%),模穴不平衡. if the difference is greater than the acceptable cavity variation % the cavities are not balanced. 8. if cavities are not balanced the mol
15、d requires cavity balancing/如果模穴不平衡; 2) calculations are completed automatically upon entering data in shaded cells/无无需需计计算算,此此表表设设有有自自动动计计算算公公式式 3) balance is considered good if within 10%. if over 10% on cold runner tooling, modify runner to balance./如如果果偏偏差差在在10%以以内内,可可视视为为模模穴穴平平衡衡,如如果果冷冷流流道道模模超超
16、过过10%,需需修修改改流流道道以以达达平平衡衡 if hot runner, verify gate diameter. balance by temperature probe adjustment./如如果果热热流流道道模模,需需校校进进胶胶口口直直径径.用用热热探探针针来来调调整整 residence time analysis/滞料时间分析 date/日日期期:part name/产产品品名名称称: top covermachine #/机机台台号号: lab-4#quoted cycle/周周期期 molder/啤啤工工: 0part number/产产品品号号码码: x80036
17、7tons/吨吨位位: 450t60s material/原原料料: 0revision/版版本本: version 2mold #/模模号号: xbx888 lot/批批次次号号: cavities/模模穴穴数数: 1technician技技术术员员: process engineer/成成型型工工程程师师zhong wang 1.4 x barrel cap in grams/sp grav ps (1.06) x sp grav resin/molded shot wt in grams x cycle in sec x 1 min/60 sec/14x炮筒料量/1.06x原料比重(克)
18、/每啤产品重克x周期(分)x1/60 runner wt part wt/产品重# cavities/模穴数23.00-enter cycle time (sec.)/输入周期(秒), 3.0011.0012135.00-enter parts and runner weight (grams), calculated from runner/part/cavs输入产品及水口重(克),计数水口/产品/模穴 gramsgrams1.00-enter specific gravity/输入比重, 31.36-enter machine barrel capacity (ounces) calcul
19、ated from barrel grams/输入机器料量(ounces),由炮筒料量算出(克). barrel cap grams889.0barrel capacity in grams/炮筒料量 889.00839计计算算滞滞留留时时间间(分分)3.33minutes ounces to grams for barrel/从oz转成克 calc. % capacity used-计计算算用用16.1% oz grams setup sheet / process parameters/成成型型参参数数表表 mold production qualification base inform
20、ationsetting data datescrew positiontrans 1trans 2trans 3trans 4trans 5shot size 日期螺桿位置 molder1899/12/31injection speedspeed 1speed 2speed 3speed 4speed 5 成型廠射速in/sec molding technicianzhong wanginjection press 注塑技术员射出壓力 project namejacksoninjection timet1t2t3t4t5 项目名稱射出時間 mold #xbx888hold pressuret
21、1t2t3t4t5 模號保壓压力 part nametop coverhold speed54321 产品名称保持速度 machine size450thold time 機台噸數保壓時間 machine #lab-4#barrel temp.nozzlezone 1zone 2zone 3zone 4 机台號料管溫度farenheit raw materialpc/abs cy4000 blackwater temp.a side(母母)b side(公公)other(其其他他) 塑胶料水溫 screw & barrel size(mm)70mold tempaturesa side(母母)
22、b side(公公)slides(滑滑塊塊) other(其其他他) 螺桿/料管 直徑模具溫度 screw l/d ratiomanifold temps 螺杆压缩比 流道溫度 screw comp ratio1900/1/1hot tip temps 壓縮率 進點溫度 cushion4.95mold open positionposition 1position 2position 3position 4position 5 残余料量開模位置 material actual melt temp.mold open speed speed 1speed 2speed 3speed 4speed
23、 5 原料实际熔融温度開模速度 a side actual water temp.85.5mold close positionposition 1position 2position 3position 4position 5 母模实际水温閉模位置 b side actual water temp.77.8mold close speedspeed 1speed 2speed 3speed 4speed 5 公模实际水温閉模速度 manifold actual melt temp.screw speed recoveryspeed %peak hydraulic pressure(最最大大射
24、射壓壓) 流道实际溫度螺桿回位速度psipsi hot tip actual melt temp.back pressure%injection time(射射出出秒秒數數) 進點实际溫度背壓sec0.68 actual machine tonnagesuck backmmhold time(保保壓壓秒秒數數) 实际机器吨位155t 鬆退sec ejector advancestrokecool time(冷冷卻卻秒秒數數) 7 頂出行程sec retractpositioncycle time(全全週週秒秒數數) 頂出回位行程sec manifold (流流道道): farenheit ho
25、t tip(進進點點): centigrade notes: fmqai-018-f3.01 part submission warrant submission revision number:submisison date: part description: part number: project:revision / ecn: tool / cavity #: revision date: supplier information and declaration name:submitted by: address: reviewed by: city: province:decla
26、ration: 1. supplier affirms that the samples represented by this warrant are representative of normal production and process capabilities. supplier also affirms parts have been made to the applicable customer drawings and specifications and are made from specified materials on regular production too
27、ling with no operations other than the regular production process. 2. parts meet customer cosmetic specification requirements where applicable. 3.any deviations have been noted in the comment area below. postal code: country: submission results: meet all drawing, specification and qualification requ
28、irements: yes no (remarks in supplier comments) submission reasonsubmitted previously submitted submission required initial submission engineering change(s) tooling:transfer, replacement, refurbishment, or additional correction of discrepancy change to optional material change in part processing sub
29、-supplier, manufacturing or material source change supplier comments - for customer use only - part disposition:customer:date: customer:date: qualification status fullcomments: restricted rejected -sample- -capability study- -dimensional evaluation (fai)- -gr&r- -process fmea- -process flow- -proces
30、s management plan- -process definition documents- -process work instructions- -other (define below)- fmaqi-018-f5.01 6-sigma process capability calculation worksheet part number:0rev:0part description: 0 measured by:date:1899/12/31submission no: reviewed by:0date:1899/12/31cav/tool#: cav3cav3cav3cav
31、4cav4cav4 nominal upper limit lower limit average std ttl tol cp cpku cpkl cpk min max tool 1 2 3 4 5 6 variable 1variable 2variable 3variable 4variable 5variable 6 #div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0! #div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0! #div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0! fmqai-
32、018-f5.01 avg.0.000cpk. 0.00 avg.0.000cpk. 0.00 avg.0.000cpk. 0.00 avg.0.000cpk. 0.00 avg.0.000cpk. 0.00 avg.0.000cpk. 0.00 usl target ls mold number/模号: part number/产品编号:machine number/机台号: cpkcp xbx888x800367lab-4# #div/0!average/平均值=xcavity1-1#div/0!#div/0! #div/0!stan dev/标准偏差= cavity1-2#div/0!#
33、div/0! date/日日期期: check by/检检查查: lot no/批批次次号号.dim product/产产品品:upper0.000 part/产产品品:lower0.000(unit: millimeter) hour/小小时时 123456789101112131415 upper/上上公公差差 0.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.000 lower/下下公公差差 0.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.
34、0000.0000.0000.0000.000 x+3#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0! x-3#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0! cavity1-1 cavity1-2 average range 0.0000.0000.0000.0000.00
35、00.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.000 assembly #ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref! out - upper out - lower qc:qc supervisor/qc主管: note cpk process parameters are to be stable and not adjusted during the study. if process is adjusted, cpk begins a
36、gain!/备备注注:cpk分分析析过过程程需需参参数数稳稳定定不不能能变变动动.如如果果成成型型参参数数变变动动,需需重重新新算算cpk。 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930average 196.4 196.65 196.9 197.15 197.4 197.65 upper lower x+3 x-3 cavity1-1 cavity1-2 #ref! #ref! datemeasurement position/测量位置: mold testing/成型试验 note/备注: measuring instrument/
37、测量工具: 161718192021222324252627282930average 0.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.000 0.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.000 #div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#di
38、v/0!#div/0!#div/0! #div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0!#div/0! 0.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000.000 #ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref!#ref! clerk:
39、 lab-4# note cpk process parameters are to be stable and not adjusted during the study. if process is adjusted, cpk begins again!/备备注注:cpk分分析析过过程程需需参参数数稳稳定定不不能能变变动动.如如果果成成型型参参数数变变动动,需需重重新新算算cpk。 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930average 196.4 196.65 196.9 197.15 197.4 197.65 upper l
40、ower x+3 x-3 cavity1-1 cavity1-2 #ref! #ref! date/日期:preliminary tool design review checklist/模模具具设设计计准准备备检检查查表表 mold number/模号:xbx888 part number/产品编号:x800367 attendees/参参与与人人: toolmaker/做做模模负负责责人人: name/姓名:title/职位: name/姓名:title/职位: name/姓名:title/职位: name/姓名:title/职位: name/姓名:title/职位: flextronic
41、s engineering/伟伟创创力力工工程程部部 name/姓名:title/职位: name/姓名:title/职位: name/姓名:title/职位: name/姓名:title/职位: name/姓名:title/职位: flextronics production facilitys)/伟伟创创力力设设备备部部: name/姓名:title/职位: name/姓名:title/职位: name/姓名:title/职位: name/姓名:title/职位: name/姓名:title/职位: concurrence/合合作作: insufficient data/数据不充分:yes
42、comment/说明: resubmit preliminary/重新开始:yescomment/说明: incorporate changes into final/改设计:yescomment/说明: yescomment/说明: yescomment/说明: generalgeneral comment/comment/说说明明s: s: date of final design review/设设计计最最后后审审阅阅日日期期: final design checked by/最最终终设设计计检检查查人人: flex engineering sign-off/伟伟创创力力工工程程部部签签
43、名名: flex production sign-off/伟伟创创力力生生产产部部签签名名: toolmaker sign-off/做做模模具具负负责责人人签签名名: preliminary tool design review checklist/模模具具设设计计准准备备检检查查表表 profit worksheet page 35 date/日期: actual profit vs. quoted profit worksheet/实实际际利利润润及及报报价价利利润润工工作作表表 this worksheet is designed to allow managers to take pr
44、oduction data from a specific molding job, plug that data into simple formulas then determine if profits are being lost through inefficiency on the production floor. in many cases, these inefficiencies are directly caused by misunderstandings and lack of training on the production floor. training can eliminate these inefficiencies and get you closer to your quoted profits. 此表为经理们设定,经理们可通过收集指定模具的生产数据,此表通过简单的公式定义出生产车间是否有利润.在 很多情况下,车间的无利运作来自于缺乏培训.通过培训可以减少低率使车间运作能达达预期的利润 instructions/指指令令: 1gather the 10 data items shown in the list below/收集以下表格中的组数据 2enter each data item i
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