



1、For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use 羈工业和信息化部各司局英文译名 莂序 号 薂司局名称 1 艿英文译名i :i 1 办公厅 Gen eral Office 2 政策法规司 Departme nt of Policies, Laws and Regulati ons 3 规划司 i Departme nt of Pla nning 4 财务司 Departme nt of Finance 5 产业政策司 H - - - - - - i Departme nt of In dustrial Pol

2、icies 1 6 科技司 1 Departme nt of Science and Tech nology 1r 7 运行监测协调局 Bureau of Operation Monitoring and Coordination 8 中小企业司 Departme nt of Small and Medium-sized En terprises 9 节能与综合利用司 Departme nt of En ergy Con servati on and Resources Utilizatio n 10 安全生产司 Departme nt of Work Safety 11 原材料工业司 (国家

3、履行禁止化学武器公约工作办公室) Departme nt of Raw Material In dustry (State Office for Chemical Weap ons Conven ti on Impleme ntatio n) 1 12 装备工业司 Depart_me_nt_of.E_quipment_Manufacturing Industry, 13 消费品工业司 Departme nt of Con sumer Goods In dustry 14 军民结合推进司 Departme nt of Civil-Military Tech no logy In tegrati

4、on 15 电子信息司 Departme nt of In formatio n Tech no logy In dustry 16 软件服务业司 Departme nt of Software In dustry 仃 通信发展司 Departme nt of Telecom mun icati on Developme nt 18 电信管理局 Bureau of Telecommu ni cati on Admi nistrati on 19 通信保障局 Bureau of Telecommu ni cati on En ableme nt 1 1 、 i序号 司局名称 1 英文译名i :

5、20 无线电管理局(国家无线电办公室) Bureau of Radio Regulati on (State Radio Office) 21 信息化推进司 Departme nt of In formati on Tech no logy Applicati onj 22 信息安全协调局q Bureau of Information Security Coordination 23 1 国际合作司 (港澳台办公室) Department of International Cooperation (Office of Hong Kong, 1 Macao and Taiwa n Affairs

6、) 24 人事教育司 Departme nt of Pers onnel and Educati on 仅供个人用于学习、研究;不得用于商业用途。 For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use. Nur f u r den pers?nlichen fu r Studien, Forschung, zu kommerziellen Zwecken verwendet werden. Pour l e tude et la recherche uniquementa des fins personnelles; pasa des fins commerciales. TObgjD a Jirogefi , KOTOpbie ucnoE3yroTCHg贝刃 o6yqeHUE , ucc 贝 eg


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