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1、INTERCONTINENTAL.HOTELS GROUPAsia Pacific PolicyPERFORMANCE MANAGEMENTPolicy Number: HR 4.06 Effective Date:1 May 201:Prepared By:AP HRApproved By:A. Patrick ImbardelliPage 1 of 8POLICY PURPOSEInterContinentai Hotel Group (IHG) strives to create an innovative and stimulating working environment for

2、all employees. This policy will provide clear guideli nes on performa nee and behaviour man ageme nt for IHG employees.APPLICABILITY/SCOPEThis policy applies to all corporate and hotel based permanent employees, con tractors, casual employees and temporary employees of own ed, man aged and leased ho

3、tels in the InterContinental Hotels Group in Asia Pacific.This docume nt providein formatio non performa nee and behaviourman ageme nt. IHG s approach to man agi ng performa nee and behaviour make a clear disti nctio n betwee n:* Un satisfactory performa nee; and* Misc on ductPlease note it is not w

4、ithin the scope of this document to outline every scenario of performa nee and behaviour that may arise.GENERAL POLICY STATEMENTIHG Line Man agers are resp on sible for managing the performa nee and eon duct of their employees. The line man ager will com muni cate the required performa nee expectati

5、 on. They will also take prompt and fair actio n to address un satisfactory performa nee or un acceptable behaviour.Any employee who is subject to discipli nary procedure should be treated fairly and in accorda nee with this procedure with any n ecessary modificati ons in the circumstanee.In particu

6、lar, the employee will also be fully aware of anyallegati on made, and give n an adequate opport unity to resp ond to allegati ons.Refer the appe ndix in the separate attachme nt to this policy for a flowchart on un satisfactory performa nee and misc on duct.PROCEDURE(S)As outl ined in the policy.AD

7、MINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITYThe resp on sibility for the developme nt of and ame ndme nts to this policy resides with Asia Pacific Corporate Huma n Resources.血 INTERCONTINENTALA .hotels groupAsia Pacific PolicyPolicy Number: HR 4.06 Effective Date:1 May 2012Prepared By:AP HRApproved By:A. Patrick Imb

8、ardelliPage 2 of 8PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENTUNSATISFACTORY PERFORMANCEWhat is un satisfactory performa nee and whe n does it apply?Un satisfactory performa nee is performa nee that falls below acceptable levels of quality, quantity, timeliness and cost effectiveness.Examples:* Failure to meet deadli nes

9、* Failure to achieve set quotas/targets* Un satisfactory level of errors/defects/complai ntsPerforma nee improveme nt soluti ons:Performa nee man ageme nt may invo Ive one or more of these steps below:* Coachi ng/Developme ntWhere an employee new to a role requires guida nee in the developme nt of t

10、he skills, kno wledge and experie nee n ecessary to meet the required performa nee levels.* Corrective Coun seli ngA problem solvi ng discussi on to elimi nate the barriers to performa nee where an employee is adequately trained and experie need yet has failed to meet required performa nee levels.*

11、Redirect ionRedirect and refocus the employee where they lack clarity of un dersta nding of their role, resp on sibilities an d/or tasks. Do this by ide ntify ing the: Mai n requireme nts of the job as clearly and eon cisely as possible, and Performa nee Stan dards required.* Performance Improveme n

12、t Pla nThese are short term goals which are agreed with the employee and mon itored regularly to measure and whether the employee is correct ing its performa nee issuesThe objective of the performanee improvement process is to educate and correct employee behaviour an d/or performa nee.血 INTERCONTIN

13、ENTALA .期 hotels GROUPAsia Pacific PolicyPolicy Number: HR 4.06 Effective Date:1 May 2012Prepared By:AP HRApproved By:A. Patrick ImbardelliPage 3 of 8PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENTIn order to help measure and monitor whether the employee is correcting their behaviour sometimes Short Term Performanee Objecti

14、ves need to be agreed and put in place.Key points to remember whe n agree ing any objectives:* The objectives n eed to be reas on able in that the employee can meet them with in the agreed timeframe* The objectives should be measurable* The objectives should be in writing ideally with the employee s

15、written agreeme ntIf this is the second or third time the employee has been put on Objectives or the employee fails to meet the objectives, the n if the man ager wants toterm in atethe employee, then they should make it clear to the employee that if they fail to comply with the objectives, the manag

16、er will consider his/her options including termi natio n.If performanee doesn t improve:In the eve nt that there is no performa nee improveme nt, the man ager will be en titled to take the follow ing steps:* set a new performa nee pla n* term in ate the employee* if available, talk to the employee a

17、bout alter native jobs which better suit the employee s skill setHowever prior to term in ati ng the employee semployme nt or offeri ng an alter native positi on the man ager must obta in the follow ing approvals:Hotel Employee -the approval of the General Manager and HRCorporate Employee-Director o

18、f the Hotel; and the HR Director support ing the functional group and the Regi onal Director for that Group血 INTERCONTINENTALA .期 hotels group Asia Pacific PolicyPolicy Number: HR 4.06 Effective Date:1 May 201:Prepared By:AP HRApproved By:A. Patrick ImbardelliPage 4 of 8PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENTExample

19、s of Short Term ObjectivesExample 1:Objective:-Improve F&B Service GSTS Rati ng toin sert target or less by in sert date 200insert year .Measured:- Review of GSTS for F&B at the end of each mon th.Example 2:Objective :-Meet the Forecast GOP for F&B for the next quarter.NB:- Sometimes the objective n

20、 eeds to be broke n dow n into tasks.Tasks:-In crease the average room rate to $in sert target and occupa ncy to in serttarget %.Measured:-Measured by look ing at RGI in dex.Example 3:Objective:-Focus on providing pro active financial support to the GM.Tasks:-Provide timely finan cial reports by no

21、later tha nin sert target of each mon th.Mon itor outsta nding debt ledger and en sure acco unts receivable no more tha n insert target days.Measured:-Review of debt ledger at the end of each mon th.Feedback obta ined from GM.Monitoring & Measurement of Objective:Each of the objectives will be measu

22、red out of 5 on the same basis as the performa nee feedback process. A 3 or higher rating will be considered evidence that you are performing the objective, a rating of 1 or 2 will be considered evidence that you are not meeting the objective.If you achieve less than a 3 on more than insert target o

23、bjectives then we will consider our opti ons in cludi ng term in ati on of you from your positi on on the grounds of poor performa nce.Mon itori ng:- These objectives will con ti nue over a period ofin sert target mon ths and be(referred to as the“ Performance Period ” ).During this time we will mee

24、t every 2 weeks to review and monitor your progress.血 INTERCONTINENTALA .hotels groupAsia Pacific PolicyPolicy Number: HR 4.06 Effective Date:1 May 2012Prepared By:AP HRApproved By:A. Patrick ImbardelliPage 5 of 8PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENTMISCONDUCTWhat is misc on duct and whe n does it apply?Misc on du

25、ct is defi ned as behaviour that invo Ives a breach of the type of professi onal and ethical behaviour which is expected by IHG.Examples of misc on duct in clude but are no t limited to:* Abse nteeism - Failure to provide required no tice an d/or medical certificates in relation to an illness/injury

26、* Abse nteeism - Failure to atte nd work at the required time* Failure to follow proper authorisati on procedures* Dish on esty* Theft or fraud affect ing the compa ny, its suppliers an d/or customers;* Physical or verbal assault of a pers on at the workplace* Uni awful Harassme nt, sexual or otherw

27、ise, of ano ther employee, age nt,visitor or customer (Refer IHG s Sexual Harrassment Policy)* A breach of the safety and environmental policies (ie. failure to report a workplace injury) (Refer IHG s OH&S Policy);* A breach of information security policies (Refer to IHG s IT policy)* Breach of con

28、fide ntiality concerning the compa nys or a third pers ons in formatio n* Being un der the in flue nee of or in the possessi on of alcohol or otherintoxicating or illegal substances at work (Refer to IHG s Drug Policy)* Falsificati on of compa ny records or in formati on* Maki ng un authorised alter

29、ati ons to in dividual customer acco unts or to an employees own acco unt* Wilful damage to compa ny property* Refusal to carry out the lawful in structi on of a man agerThis list is not exhaustive. The action taken will depend on the seriousness of the alleged misc on duct, prior in sta nces of sim

30、ilar misc on duct and the merits of the case.血 INTERCONTINENTALA .hotels groupAsia 卩也饥 PohcyPolicy Number: HR 4.06 Effective Date:1 May 2012Prepared By:AP HRApproved By:A. Patrick ImbardelliPage 6 of 8PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENTDISCIPLINARY ACTIONWhat are the types of Discipli nary actio n?Disciplinary a

31、ction can take any of the following forms:* a verbal warning;* writte n warni ng;* final written warning;* term ination with notice;* summary term in ati on (ie term in ati on without no tice)What is disciplinary action?Discipli nary actio n does not n ecessarily follow a seque ntial/ con secutive p

32、ath.For example, there may be circumsta nces where:* the initial disciplinary action taken is a final written warning,* the misc on duct of the employee justifies term in ati on without any prior warnin gs; or* more tha n two warnings may be warra nted prior to termi natio n.The key consideration is

33、 to ensure that each case is decided on its own merits.What is a warning?A warni ng is formal com muni cati on to an employee that:* their behaviour or continued unsatisfactorylevel of performanee isun acceptable, and* if there is no cha nge in the behaviour/performa nee it may lead to dismissal.A w

34、arning will be given where an employee has failed to improve his or her performa nee, or has en gaged in misc on duct that warra nts it.A warni ng can be verbal or writte n.A warni ng remai ns on an employees pers onnel file for a period of 12 mon ths.IHG s discipli nary procedureIt is imperative th

35、at HR is consulted prior to any disciplinary action being un dertake n.血 INTERCONTINENTALA .期 hotels GROUPAsia Pacific PolicyPolicy Number: HR 4.06 Effective Date:1 May 2012Prepared By:AP HRApproved By:A. Patrick ImbardelliPage 7 of 8PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENTThe disciplinary procedure will be followed

36、when: The performaneeimprovement process has failed to produce anacceptable level of work performa nee; or* An employee has en gaged in behaviour that is un acceptable / misc on duct.The disciplinary procedure will involve the following:1. Prelimi nary inv estigati on2. In terview3. Due con siderati

37、 on4. Decisio n5. Impleme nt decisi on / actio n pla n1. Prelimi nary Inv estigati onThe pers on carry ing out the prelimi nary inv estigati on will gen erally be the Li ne Man ager.The purpose of the prelim inary in vestigati on is to establish the facts and gather evide nee through a thorough inv

38、estigati on. Further inv estigati on may also n eed to be con ducted at later stages of the discipli nary process. Employee may be placed on suspension on full pay whilst the investigation is being carried out.2. In terviewIf the preliminary investigation appears to substantiate the allegations or t

39、he persistenee of a performanee or behaviour problem, the employee will be in terviewed. The employee will have the right to have a colleague or close eon tact prese nt duri ng the in terview.The purpose of the in terview is to:* Clearly put to the employee the n ature of the allegatio ns;* Explain to the employee the types of discipl


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