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1、初中英语数词练习题基数词与序数词( )1. li ming will be . his parents are going to have a party for his birthday.a. sixteen; sixteenth b. sixteenth; sixteenthc. sixteen; sixteen d. sixteenth; sixteen( )2. meimei is going to be an older sister. her parents are planning to have their child.a. one b. two c. first d. sec

2、ond( )3. please turn to page and take a look at the picture on it.a. the eightieth b. eightiethc. eighties d. eighty( )4. what are you going to do this saturday? i am going to the old peoples home to celebrate mrs.greens birthday.a. ninty ninth b. ninety ninth c. ninety nineth( )5. there are days in

3、 march and the dayis womens day.a. thirty one, eighth b. thirty first, eighth c. thirty one, eight( )6.he has failed times, but he wont giveup a chance.a. third, four b. three, fourth c. third, fourth( )7. there are months in a year. december is the month of a year.atwelve; twelve btwelfth; twelfthc

4、twelve; twelfth dtwelfth; twelve概数词1. 具体数字概数词名词复数。1. 概数词 sof名词复数。( )1. where were you born, michael?i was born in a small village with only three people.a. hundred b. hundreds c. hundreds of( )2. the environment here becomes better and better.birds are coming back.a. thousands of b. thousand ofc. th

5、ousands d. thousand( )3.the 15th chinese bridgechinese proficiency competition will be held this year!thats great ! foreign college students are interested in chinese learning.a. hundred of b. thousandsc. hundred d. thousands of( )4. basketball is so exciting that people play it for fun.a. million b

6、. two millionsc. million of d. millions of分数及其他( )1. what do you think of the environment here? wonderful! of the land covered with trees and grass.a. two fifths; is b. two fifth; isc. two fifths; are d. two fifth; are( )2. a recent survey shows that 35 out of 45 students in my class will save their

7、 phones first in a fire.about of the students made such a choice? life is far more important, isnt it?a. half b. one thirdc. two thirds d. three quarters( ) 3. the workers will complete the new bridge in a. two and a half monthsb. two months and halfc. two and a half month答案基数词与序数词1.a【解析】考查基数词与序数词。句

8、意:李明将要了。他的父母将为他生日举办一个生日聚会。 sixteen 十六,基数词;sixteenth 第十六的,序数词。用基数词表达年龄,第一空用基数词,根据第二空后面的 birthday 可知此处是序数词,故选 a。2.d【解析】考查序数词。句意:梅梅将要成为姐姐了。她的父母正计划生他们的 的孩子。由句意可知此处表示“第二个”孩 子,应该用序数词,故选 d。3.d【解析】考查基数词。句意:请翻到页并看看上面的图。根据常识可知:page基数词。eighty 八十是基数词,eightieth 第八十,是序数词。故选 d。4.b【解析】考查序数词。句意“这个周六你准备干什么?”“我准备去敬老院庆

9、祝格林夫人的生日。a 项和 c 项书写错误,应排 除。故选 b。5.a【解析】考查基数词与序数词。句意: 3 月有天,天是妇女节。第一空后是 day 的复数,故其前用基数词表示“多少天”; 第二空则用序数词表示“第几天”。故选 a。6.b【解析】考查基数词与序数词。句意:他已经失败次了, 但是不会放弃机会。基数词 three 修饰 times,第二空考查“不定 冠词序数词”表示“又一,再一”,故选 7。7.c【解析】考查基数词与序数词。句意:一年中有个月,12 月是第个月。第一空后是 months ,表示个数,用基数词;第二空 表示“第十二个月”,用序数词,故选 c。概数词1.a【解析】考查数

10、词的用法。句意“迈克尔,你出生在哪里?”“我出生在一个只有三人的小村庄。” 表示具体或确切数目时用“具体数字 hundred/thousand/million 名词复数”,表示概数时用“ hundred/thousand/million 的复数 of名词复数” 此句空前有具体数字 three,故应选 a。2. a【解析】考查数词的用法。句意:这儿的环境变得越来越好。 鸟正飞回来。根据语境可知本句中表示概数,故选 a。3. d【解析】考查数词的用法。句意“第十五届汉语桥中文比赛将在今年举行!”“太棒了!外国大学生对汉语学习感兴趣。”此处指成千上万个外国大学生对汉语学习感兴趣,表概数。故选 d。4

11、.d【解析】考查数词的用法。句意:篮球如此令人兴奋,以至于人把它作为娱乐。此处表示概数,用 millions of。故选 d。分数及其他1.a【解析】考查分数和主谓一致的用法。句意“你认为这儿的环境怎么样?”“好极了!的土地被树和草覆盖。”“五分之二”的正确表达应该为 two fifths ,符合分子超过 1 时分母的序数词后面要加 s 的原则;因为句中 land 是不可数名词,所以空格 处的谓语动词形式用单数形式 is,故选 a。2.d【解析】考查分数的表达方式。句意“一项近来的调查显示,火灾发生时我们班 45 个学生中有 35 个会第一时间抢救他们的手机。”“大约有的学生做出这样的选择吗?生命更重要,不是吗?”half 一半;o


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