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1、智课网TOEFL备考资料托福TP01 口语Task3题目文本及答案解析摘要:托福TPO系列是考生们一致认证的权威备考资料,为了帮助大家更好的备考托福口语,本篇小编为大家整理了托福 TP01 口语Task3题目文本及答案解析,大家一定要好好利用托 福TP01 口 语 task3 题 目Readi ng Part:Letter in the Cen terville College NewsThe admi nistrati on has announ ced pla ns to acquire a new sculpture for campus. We should all oppose th

2、is plan. The university s poor financial con(to in crease the price for campus hous ing and tuiti on by 15% this past year. Surely the n it is in no financial position to purchase such an expensive sculpture. Moreover, just look at the sculpture: several 60-oot long steel plates, jutting out of the

3、earth at odd angles! It s just so larall the gree n space in front of the campus cen ter! This is public space that should be reserved forstude ntstouse.托福TPO1口语task3题目Liste ningPa比Nowliste nto twostudents discussing theopi nionexpressed in theletter.(mar)Didyou seePaul sletter in thepaper about the

4、 new sculpture?(woma n) Yeah, but it was totally unconvincing. His reas ons for oppos ing the pla n are just totally off. I am glad that wesayd like to shake the donoyou.ll fin ally have some nice art on campus. I“ tha nk(man)Whatdoyoumea nthedonor?(woma n) You did nt know? An anonym ous donor is pa

5、y ing the bill for most of the sculpture.(man)Nottheuni versity?(woma n) No!His assumptio nsaboutwho spay ing are all wrong!(man) Still, Iwonder if he hasa point aboutthe spaceit lltake up?(woman) Well, you know why Paul is upset. He an d his friends are always out there on the lawnExplain why thewo

6、ma ndisagrees with thereasons expressed in theletter.ano therpartofthecampustoplay.(ma n)Oh!Sohejustdoes ntwanttohavetomove.(woma n)Yeah!Forhim,it ssculptureversusconvenience.托福TPO1口语task3题目Questi on:right where the sculpture will be, kicki ng around thesoccer ball. Now they ju st have to use托福TPO1口

7、语task3答案解析:Tips1.Read ingkey(1.1)Proposal:stude ntoppos ingschool splanofacquiringa newsculpture(1.2)Reas on1:expe nsive,wasteofmoney(1.3)Reas on2:large,takesuptoomuchspace2.Liste ningkey(2.1)Thewoma ndisagreeswithit(2.2)Reas on1:theschoolisn tpayi ng(2.2.1) Details: a donor is paying for the sculpt

8、ure, nice to have art on campus(2.3)Reas on 2:Paul is upset for not wanting tomove(2.3.1) Details: he and his frie nds are always on the law n kick ing a soccer ball, they don move,it s sculpturevs.convenientforPaul托福TPO1口语task3范文:The writer of the letter opposes the university plas to acquire a new

9、 sculpture because thell takeuniversity s financial condition is poor and the sculpture is so large that it space in front of the campus center. The woman in the conversation thinks the two reasons aretotally unconvincing. The woma n says its finartiheal conditions an anonym ous donor who pays the b

10、ill of the sculpturenot the uni versity so there is no n eed to worry about the uni versitypoint about the space, the woman thinks Paul, the writer of the letter,always plays soccer with his friends on the lawn where the sculpture will be.She thinks Paul just doesn want to move to anotherplace. For

11、him, it s convenience versus sculpture.小马为大家研发出新的 托福备考神器两枚,小马机经APP和托福听力APP小马机经APP 机经库包含历年托福机经及最新更新考前预测机经,战托必备!让大家直接体验托福机经在线模考环境。托福听力 APP模拟托福听力考场环境,并同时给出了 TPO1-34模考题及答案解析, 海量词汇句子文章魔鬼式训练,高分必达!以上内容就是小编为大家整理的托福 TPO1 口语Task3题目文本及答案解析的全部内容,同 学们是不是受益匪浅呢?小马四月的TOEFL机经已经出来了,同学们有需要的可以向小马老师 索要下载链接,或者扫描文中二维码下载小马

12、机经 APP,名校助推器在手备考不愁,赶快扫描二维码下载APP吧!相关推荐:2015 新托福 口语技巧之兼顾宀 完整性和浓缩性托福口语日常 纟东习之六步训练法 ”托福口语语速问题相关解答 相信能就一定能suramartttudyxoMi盪片1XWnTTHSWomc*unmMu. Mcei* :TOEFL名师tiW .入IELTS名师GMAT名师M*T MmiiMXen鏡x1F9M* 力SAT名师渺渺红尘,茫茫人海,没有过早,也没有太晚,遇见的自然是恰逢其时。有人说,这世间的所有相遇,都是久别重逢。惟有父母与子女,是为了别离。父母为自己付出的,永远是百分之百的绵绵恒爱。每当看到满头如雪,弯腰驼背,步履蹒跚的父亲母亲,总会不由自主地想起,他们曾用最纯朴、最勤劳的方式为自己撑起过一片天,现如今却是衰老伴着他们走过一年 又一年。于父母眼里,自己就像飘在天空的风筝,无论飞得多高多远,他们也舍不得松开牵挂的那根线。这种深厚的爱,若高山阔海,就算用一辈子的时间,恐怕也回馈不完想来那句:你养我长大,我陪你变老,应是最好的报答。记得一首友情的歌,里面那段歌词格外打动人:友情,人人都需要友情,不能孤独,踏上人生的旅


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