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1、研究生入学考试英语模拟试题(三)及参考答案 Part I Structure and Vocabulary Section A Directions : Beneath each of the following sentences,there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D)Choose the one that best completes the senten ce.Mark your an awer on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening the corresponding letter in the brackets.(5

2、 point) 1. Id prefer that she. A) acted the teacher B) would act the teacher C) act the teacher D) was acting the teacher 2. I will take the coat,cheap or dear. A) it being B) be it C) was it D) it was 3. She told me that she don the committee. A) rather not to serve B) not rather to serve C) not ra

3、ther serve D) rather not serve 4. I wish that Ithis letter before the office closed for the day. A) received B) receive C) could have received D) should have received 5. The foreig n stude nt advisor recomme nded that shemore En glish before Enrolling at the university. A) studied B) study C) would

4、study D) was study ing 6. We d decided to ope n a joint acco unt, A) wouldn we B) shouldn t we C) couldn t we D) hadn t we 7. called did no t leave his n ame and nu mber. A) Some one B) A nyone C) Whoever D) Whosever 8. It was not un til she arrived in classrealized she had forgotte n her book. A) a

5、 nd she B) she C) whe n she D) that she 9. Ben would have studied medici ne if heto a medical school. A) could be able to en ter B) was admitted C) had bee n admitted D) were admitted 10. Fire safety in family houses,most fire deaths occur,is difficult to achieve. A) where B) why C) how D) whe n Sec

6、tion B Directions: Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A,B,C,and D)lde ntify the part of the sentence that is in correct and mark your an swer on the ANSWER SHEET by blacke ning the corresp onding letter in the brackets.(5 poi nts) 11. Sally must have called (A) her sist

7、er last night, but she arrived (B) home too late (C) to call her. (D) 12. I would rather that (A) they do not travel (B) during the bad (C) weather,but they insist that they must return (D) home today. 13. The question arises (A) whether or no (B) his statement will bear (C) such con struct ion .(D)

8、 to 14. The prin ciple of radiocarb ondated (A) is the most importa nt scie ntific tech nique be applied (B)to (C) archaeological work in recent times. (D) 15. One of (A) the most widespread uses (B) of survey research today is for them (C) rating(D) radio and television programs. 16. Magnesium form

9、s (A) a tough surface coating (B) it (C) protects the underlying (D) metal from tarnishing. 17. The (A) results of the test proved to (B) Fred and me (C) that we needed to study harder and watch less (D) movies on television 18. He determined, (A) what may come, (B) to return (C) the visit he had ju

10、st received. (D) 19. Last win ter not a day (A) passed (B) for (C) that it sno wed or sleeted. (D) 20. He has bee n hoped (A) for a raise for the last (B) few mon ths but his boss is reluctant to give (C) him one. (D) Section C Directions: Ben eath each of the follow ing senten ces,there are 4 choic

11、es marked A,B,C and D)Choose the one that best completes the senten ce.Mark your an swer on the ANSWER SHEET by blacke ning the corresp onding letter in the brackets.(10 poin ts) 21. The book was lost for years,then it turned up one day,quite out of A) the blue B) the red C) the black D) the yellow

12、22. the interruption,she was still able to finish her assignment before class. A) Despite B) Spite C) In spite D) I n despite 23. The man was very conscioushis bold head. A) about B) with C) of D) for 24. He was so engrossed in the TV programme that he forgot to . A) turn the oven over B) turn the o

13、ven back C) turn the oven off D) turn the oven up 25. No matter how angry he was he would never to violence. A) resort B) resolve C) recourse D) exert 26. The accusation left him quite with rage. A) dumb B) speechless C) silent D) mute 27. I liked the coat but was rather off by the price. A) shaken

14、B) put C) set D) held 28. The ruling party is worried in case they lose control of the City Council in the forthcoming elections. A) overall B) whole C) unanimous D) mass 29. In those days a girl could not get married if her father his consent. A) forbade B) upheld C) rejected D) withheld 30. They w

15、ere awaiting official of the news they had heard from a friend. A) recommendation B) statement C) confirmation D) conference 31. Id like tothis old car for a new model but I can t afford it. A) interchange B) exchange C) replace D) convert 32. When he woke up,he realized that the things he had dream

16、t about could not have happened. A) possibly B) likely C) certainly D) potentially 33. There is a lot of friendly between the supporters of the two teams. A) contest B) rivalry C) contention D) defiance 34. The purpose of the survey was to the inspectors with local conditions. A) inform B) acquaint

17、C) instruct D) notify 35. all his money,he didn t seem happy. A) At B) For C) In D) On 36. We are fed up your perpetual moaning. A) of B) by C) with D) at 37. Shesrung. I must have said something to upset her. A) up B) round C) back D) off 38. Of course I ll play the piano at the party but I m a lit

18、tle. A) out of use B) out of reach C) out of turn D) out of practice 39. A con ceited man feelsto every one else. A) superior B) be neficial C) successful D) adva ntageous 40. The vocabulary of any technical discussion may include words which are never used outside the subject or field. A) in view B

19、) i n questi on C) i n case D) in effect Part 川 Reading Comprehension Directions: Each of the passages below is followed by some questions.For each question there are four an swers A,B,C and D)Read the passages carefully and choose the best an swer to each of the questi on s.The n mark your an swer

20、on the ANSWER SHEET by blacke ning the corresp onding letter in the brackets.(40 poin ts) Passage 1 Earthquakes may rightly be ran ked as one of the most devastat ing forces known to man:since records bega n to be writte n dow n,it has bee n estimated that earthquake-related fatalities have nu mbere

21、d in the millio ns,a nd that earthquake-related destruct ion has bee n bey ond calculati on. The greater part of such damage and loss of life has bee n due to collapse of buildings and the effects of rockslides, floods,fire,disease,tsunamis(gigantic sea waves),a nd other phe nomena result ing from e

22、arthquakes,rather tha n from the quakes themselves. The great majority of all earthquakes occur in two specific geographic areas. One such area encompasses the Pacific Ocean and its contiguous land masses.The other extends from the East In dies to the Atlas Mountain s,i ncludi ng the Himalayas,lra n

23、, Turkey,a nd the Alpi ne regi ons.lt is in these two great belts or zones that ninety perce nt of all earthquakes take place;they may,however,happe n any where at any time. This eleme nt of the unknown has for cen turies added greatly to the dread and horror surro unding earthquakes, but i n recent

24、 times there have bee n in dicati ons that earthquake predication may be possible.By analyzing changes in animal behavior,patterns of moveme nts in the earth scrust,variati ons in the force of gravity and the earth smag netic field,a nd the freque ncy with which minor earth tremors(震动)are observed,s

25、cie ntists have show n in creas ing success in an ticipat ing whe n and where earthquakes will strike.As a result,a worldwide earthquake warning network is already in operation and has helped to prepare for (and thus lesse n) the vast destructi on that might otherwise have bee n totally un expected.

26、 It is doubtful that man will ever be able to control earthquakes and eliminate their destruct iven ess altogether,but as how and why earthquakes happe n become better un derstood,ma n will become more and more able to deal with their pote ntial devastati on before it occurs. 51. Based on what you h

27、ave just read,which of the following is true? A) Earthquakes are highly feared,but actually relatively harmless. B) There is absolutely no way to predict whe n or where earthquakes might occur. C) Ma n is now able to predict whe n earthquakes will happe n, but not where. D) Ma n is now able to predi

28、ct where earthquakes will happe n,but not whe n. 52. What is the probable meaning of contiguous(line 9)? A) un derwater B) a ncient C) borderi ng D) huge 53. To what does this element of the unknown (line 13)refer? A) the two great earthquake zones B) the fact the earthquakes can happe n at any time

29、 or place C) the perce ntage of earthquakes D) the exact cause of earthquakes 54. Which of the following have been used to anticipate earthquake activity? A) differe nces in the earths magn etic field and force of gravity B) how often minor earth tremors have been observed C) patter ns in the moveme

30、 nt of the earthScrust D) all of the above 55. Which of the following describes the author S attitude toward the possibility of earthquake prediction? A) It will never be possible to predict earthquakes. B) Earthquakes can already be predicted with great accuracy. C) There is really no need to try t

31、o predict earthquake occurrences. D) Earthquake prediction is becoming more and more possible. Passage 2 Drunken drivi ngsometimes called America s socially accepted form of murder has become a national epidemic.Every hour of every day about three Americans on average are killed by drunken drivers,a

32、dding up to an incredible 250 000 over the past decade. A drunken driver is usually defined as one with a 0.10 blood alcohol content or roughly three beers,glasses of wine or shots of whisky drunk within two hours.Heavy drinking used to be an acceptable part of the American macho image and judges we

33、re lenient( 宽容的) in most courts,but the drunken slaughter has recently caused so many well-publicised tragedies,especially involving young children,that public opinion is no longer so tolerant. Twenty states have raised the legal drinking age to 21,reversing a trend in the 1960s to reduce it to 18.A

34、fter New Jersey lowered it to 18,the number of people killed by 1820- year-old drivers more than doubled,so the state recently upped it back to 21. Reformers,however,fear raising the drinking age will have little effect unless accompanied by educational programmes to help young people to develop“res

35、ponsible attitudes ”about drinking and teach them to resist peer pressure to drink. Tough new laws have led to increased arrests and tests and in many areas already,to a marked decline in fatalities.Some states are also penalizing bars for serving customers too many drinks.A tavern in Massachusetts

36、was fined for serving six or more double brandies to a customer who was “obviously intoxicated ”and later drove off the road,killing a nine-year- old boy. As the fatalities continue to occur daily in every state,some Americans are even beginning to speak well of the 13 years national prohibition of

37、alcohol that began in 1919,which President Hoover called the “noble experiment ”.They forget that legal prohibition didn t stop drinking,but encouraged political corruption and organised crime.As with the booming drug trade generally,there is no easy solution. 56. Drunken driving has become a major

38、problem in America because . A) most Americans are heavy drinkers B) Americans are now less shocked by road accidents C) accidents attract so much publicity D) drinking is a socially accepted habit in America 57. Why has public opinion regarding drunken driving changed? A) Detailed statistics are no

39、w available. B) The news media have highlighted the problem. C) Judges are giving more severe sentences. D) Drivers are more conscious of their image. 58. Statistics issued in New Jersey suggested that . A) many drivers were not of legal age B) young drivers were often bad drivers C) the level of dr

40、inking increased in the 1960s D) the legal drinking age should be raised 59. Laws recently introduced in some states have . A) reduced the number of convictions B) resulted in fewer serious accidents C) prevented bars from serving drunken customers D) specified the amount drivers can drink 60. Why i

41、s the problem of drinking and driving difficult to solve? A) Alcohol is easily obtained. B) Drinking is linked to organised crime. C) legal prohibition has already failed. D) Legislation alone is not sufficient. Passage 3 Let us set out from a fact.The same type of civilization,or to use a more exac

42、t,although more extended expression,the same society,has not always inhabited the earth.The human race as a whole has grown,has developed,has matured,like one of ourselves.It was once a child,it was once a man;we are now looking on at its impressive old age.Before the epoch which modern society has

43、dubbed “ancient ”there was another epoch which the ancients called “fabulous ”but which it would be more accurate to call“primitive. ”Observe then three great successive orders of things in civilization, from its origin down to our days.Now,as poetry is always superposed upon society,we propose to t

44、ry to demonstrate,from the form of its society,what the character of the poetry must have been in those three great ages of the world primitive times,ancient times,modern times. In primitive times,When man awakes in a world that is newly created,poetry awakes with him.In the face of the marvelous th

45、ings that dazzle him,his first speech is a hymn simply.He is still,so close to God that all his thoughts are joyful,all his dreams are visions.The earth is still almost deserted.There are families,but no nations;patriarchs,but no kings.Each race exists at its own pleasure;no property,no laws,no cont

46、entions,no wars.Everything belongs to each and to all.Society is a community.Man is restrained in nought.He leads that nomadic pastoral life with which all civilizations begin,and which is so well adapted to solitary contemplation,to fanciful reverie( 幻想 ).He follows every suggestion,he goes hither

47、and thither, at random.His thought,like his life,resembles a cloud that changes its shape and its direction according to the wind that drives it.Such is the first man,such is the first poet.He is young;he is cynical.Prayer is his sole religion,the ode is his only form of poetry. This ode,this poem o

48、f primitive times,is Genesis. By slow degrees,however,this youth of the world passes away.All the spheres progress;the family becomes a tribe,the tribe becomes a nation.Each of these groups of men camps about a common center,and kingdoms appear.The social instinct succeeds the nomadic instinct.The c

49、amp gives place to the city,the tent to the palace,the ark to the temple.The chiefs of these states of early development are still shepherds,it is true,but shepherds of nations;the pastoral staff has already assumed the shape of a sceptre( 君权 ).Everything tends to become stationary and fixed. Religi

50、on takes on a definite shape;prayer is governed by rites;dogma sets bounds to worship.Thus the priest and king share the paternity of the people:thus theocratic society succeeds the patriarchal community. Mean while the n ati ons are beg inning to be packed too closely on the earthSsurface.They anno

51、y and jostle one another;hence the clash of empires-war.They overflow upon another;hence the migrations of nations-voyages.Poetry reflects these momentous even ts;from ideas it proceeds to things.lt sings of ages,of n ati on s,of empires 61. The author believes that the best historical age is . A) p

52、rimitive B) ancient C) medieval D) modern 62. ln the above passage the primitive period is equated with the period called . A) fabulous B) ancient C) medieval D) modern 63. War,the author believes,results primarily from. A) rule by ki ngs B) patriarchal jealousies C) the existe nee of a theocratic s

53、tate D) large,closely packed populati ons 64. The author draws an an alogy betwee n the growth of peoples into n ati on states and the. A) developme nt of poetic verse form B) books of the Old Testame nt C) great epochs in history D) maturati on of the huma n being from childhood to maturity 65. Bec

54、ause of its unique character,a great interpreter of the periods of history is . A) the national historian B) poetry C) the biblical prophet D) storytelli ng Passage 4 Opinion polls are now begi nning to show a relucta nt consen sus(舆论)that,whoever is to blame and whatever happe ns from now on ,high

55、un employme nt is probably here to stay.This means we shall have to find ways of sharing the availabe employment more widely. But we n eed to go further.We nust ask some fun dame ntal questi ons about the future of work.Should we continue to treat employme nt as the no rm?Should we not rather en cou

56、rage many other ways for selfrespect ing people to work?Should we not create con diti ons in which many of us can work for ourselves,rather tha n for an employer?Should we not aim to revive the household and the neighbourhood,as well as the factory and the office,as cen tres of product ion and work?

57、 The in dustrial age has bee n the only period of huma n history in which most peoples work has take n the form of jobs.The in dustrial age may now be coming to an en d,a nd some of the cha nges in work patter ns which it brought may have to be reversed.This seems a daun ti ng thought.But,i n fact,i

58、t could offer the prospect of a better future of work. Uni versal employme nt,as its history shows,has n ot meant econo mic freedom. Employme nt became widespread whe n the en closures of the 17th and 18th cen turies made many people depe ndent on paid work by deprivi ng them of the use of the Ian d

59、,a nd thus of the means to provide a living for themselves.The n the factory system destroyed the cottage in dustries and removed work from people s homes. Later,as tran sport improved,first by rail and then by road,people commuted longer distances to their places of employment un til,eve ntually,ma

60、 ny people Swork lost all connection with their home lives and the places in which they lived. Meanwhile,employment put women at a disadvantage.In preindustrial times,men and women had shared the productive work of the household and village community.Now it became customary for the husband to go out


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