1、关于调整全国统考课程英美文学选读自学考试大纲课程的考核目标的通知经组织全国考委外语类专业委员会研究论证,全国考办决定对 英美文学选读自学考试大纲的考核知识点与考核要求作部分调整。调整后的英美文学选读自学考试大纲将于2009年4月考试试行。英美文学选读自学考试大纲的考核知识点和考核要求一、关于考核知识点的调整考核知识点中的各章概述内容仍为考核内容;对知识点中的作家只保留对如下主要作家的考核(26位)。英国文学:Chapter1川.William ShakespeareW .John Milt onChapter2川.Daniel DefoeIV .Jon atha n SwiftV .Henry
2、 Fieldi ngChapter3I .William Blaken .William WordsworthV .Percy Bysshe Shelleyvn.Jane Auste nChapter4I .Charles Dicke nsn .Charlotte Brontew .Thomas HardyChapter5I .George Bernard ShawV .T.S EliotV .D.H. Lawre nee美国文学:Chapter1川.Natha niel Hawthor neV .Walt WhitmanV .Herman MelvilleChapter2I .Mark Tw
3、ai nn .Henry James川.Emily Dick insonV .Theodore DreiserChapter3n .Robert Lee FrostV .F. Scott FitzgeraldV .Ern est Hemin gwayw .William Faulk ner二、关于考核要求的调整考核要求中每章概述内容不作调整:该时期的重要作家”只包含对考核知识点中保留的重要作家的相关内容的考核。THE KEY POINT AND MODELS OF IITERATUR*About Topic Discussion of the whole book:*1. Allegory:
4、( Spensei),( Bunyan) , Hawthorne, Melville, Milton ;Henry Fielding;2. Symbolism: Hawthorne, Melville, T. S. Eliot, Emily Dickinson, ( James Joyce), Frost, Fitzgerald, ( Tennyson), Faulkner3. Irony: Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Hemingway, T. S. Eliot;4. Naturalism: Hardy, D. H. Lawrence
5、, Dreiser, (George Eliot).5. Nobel Prize Winners: William Butler Yeats, T.S. Eliot, Eugene O Neill, Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner.G. B Shaw1. Part one: 1.40 multiple choice 40%2. Part two: II Readi ng comprehe nsion 16% read the 4 quoted parts and an swer the questi on;III. 4 questi ons and an
6、swers 24%IV. 2 Topic discussio n in words 150 20%3. The patterns of Topic Discussion (20 points in all, 10 for each)Write no less than 150 words on each of the following topics in English in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.(1) . About Characterization:1) . Spot or locate the characters (
7、which novel the hero/ heroin come from, written by whom)2) . Describe the key plots concerned (what the hero/ heroin did , what effect on him/her the developme nt of the acti ons had in the life)3) . Direct characterizati on (some descriptive words and simple in troducti on such as: kind, passi on a
8、te,hypocritical etc.)4) . I ndirect characterizati on (literary an alyses: what class he represe nts; what typical characters theyshare; what sig nifica nces the hero/her oin can show; etc.)Refer to 49. 50. 0f 2005Refer to 49. 0f 2001(2) About literary age discussion:1) Historical background;2) The
9、rising and prosperous place and time;3) The esse nee;4) The performances and ideas of the authors in literature;5) The representative authors and works;6) The in flue nee and sig nifica nee;Refer to 49. 0f 2006Refer to 49. 0f 2004BRefer to 49. 0f 2003ARefer to 49. 0f 2002(3) About the authors:1) Loc
10、ate the author (what age, which country);2) The ideology and ideas of the author;3) The style of the author;4) The analyses on the masterpieces concerned;Refer to 50. 0f 2004B(4) About the works of authors:1) Retell the main plots of novels (especially the excerpts on book) or the content of the poe
11、try;2) Comment on the theme of the works;3) Analyze the style of the author;4) Analyze the elements of the literature as require:the setting, the Ianguage, the character(s), the theme and the style etc.(You must connect the literary device with the details of the works to dem on strate how the autho
12、r use it in it);Refer to 50. 0f 2006Refer to 49. 50.0f 2004ARefer to 49. 50.0f 2003BRefer to 50.0f 2003ARefer to 50. 0f 2002Refer to 50. 0f 2001Refer to 49. 50. 0f 2000遇到失意伤心事,多想有一个懂你的人来指点迷津,因他懂你,会以我心,换你心,站在你的位置上思虑,为你排优解难。一个人,来这世间,必须懂得一些人情事理,才能不断成长。就像躬耕于陇亩的农人,必须懂得土地与种子的情怀,才能有所收获。一个女子,一生所求,莫过于找到一个懂她的人,执手白头,相伴终老。即使芦花暖鞋,菊花枕头,也觉温暖;即使粗食布衣,陋室简静,也觉舒适,一句懂你”叫人无怨无悔,愿以自己的一生来交付。懂得是彼此的欣赏,是灵魂的轻唤,是惺惺相惜,是爱,是暖,是彼此的融化;是走一段很远的路,蓦然回首却发现,我依然在你的视线里;是回眸相视一笑的无言;是一条
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