1、中远集提单背面条款(中英对照完整版)1. DEFINITIONS Carrier means COSCO container lines company limited. Merchant includes the consignor, the shipper, the receiver, the consignee, the owner of the Goods, the lawful holder or endorsee of this Bill of Lading, or any other person having any present or future interest in
2、the Goods or this Bill of Lading, or anyone authorized to act on behalf of any of the foregoing. Vessel, where the context so admits, includes the Vessel named in Box 6 of this Bill of Lading or any substitute therefor, and any feeder vessel, lighter or barge used by or on behalf of the Carrier in c
3、onnection with any seaborne leg of the carriage. Sub-contractor includes owners and operators of vessels (other than the Carrier), stevedores, terminal, warehouse, depot and groupage operators, road and rail transport operators and any independent contractor employed by the Carrier in the performanc
4、e of the carriage and any sub-sub-contractor thereof. The expression Sub-contractor shall include direct and indirect Sub-contractors and their respective servants, agents or Sub-contractors. Goods means the whole or any part of the cargo received from the Merchant and includes any Container not sup
5、plied by or on behalf of the Carrier. Package means each Container which is stuffed and sealed by or on behalf of the Merchant, and not the items packed in such Container if the number of such items is not indicated on the front of this Bill of Lading or is indicated by the terms such as Said to Con
6、tain or similar expressions. Shipping Unit means any physical unit of cargo not shipped in a package, including machinery, vehicles and boats, except goods shipped in bulk. Container includes any Container, open top, trailer, transportable tank, flat rack, platform, pallet, and any other equipment o
7、r device used for or in connection with the transportation of the Goods.1. DEFINITIONS 定义“承运人”(CARRIER)是指“中远集运”,即中远集装箱运输有限公司。“货方”(MERCHANT)包括发货人、托运人、收货人、受货人、货主、本提单的合法持有人或被背书人,或与货物或本提单具有现时或未来利益关系的任何人,或被授权代表前述任何一方行事的任何人。“船舶”按有关上下文情况,包括本提单第6栏所列船舶或其替代船舶,以及承运人或代表承运人于全部运程中的海运阶段所使用的任何支线船或驳船。“分立契约人”(SUB-CON
8、TRACTOR)包括(除承运人以外的)船舶所有人及经营人,装卸工人,码头、仓库、集装箱储运站经营人及拼箱经营人,公路及铁路运输经营人,及承运人雇佣的用以进行运输的任何独立订约人,以及其小分立契约人(SUB-SUB-CONTRACTOR)。分立契约人一词应包括直接及间接分立契约人及其各自的受雇人、代理人或分立契约人。“货物”(GOODS)是指自货方收到的全部货物或其任何部分,并包括非由承运人或其代表提供的任何集装箱。“件”是指由货方或其代表装载并铅封的每一集装箱,而不是在集装箱中所装的货物件数,如果此项件数未在本提单正面列明,或者是用“据称内装”或类似词句列明。“装运单位”(SHIPPING U
10、混淆。另外还应指出的是承运人被定义为中远集运(COSCO CONTAINER LINES.),虽然中远集装箱运输有限公司的英文正式名称为COSCO CONTAINER LINES COMPANY LIMITED, 但是我们这里仅使用其商业名称(TRADE NAME)。关于货方的定义将发货人、托运人、收货人、受货人、货主、本提单的合法持有人或受背书人,或与货物或本提单具有现时或未来利益关系的任何人,或被授权代表前述任何一方行事的任何人纳入运输合同中与承运人相对应的货方,符合提单流转的需要,保护了船货双方共同的权益,便于双方根据运输合同解决纠纷。关于件的定义是与提单正面的不知条款相对应的,同时也是
11、为适应海商法有关承运人单件责任限制规定的需要。即除非提单上已显示了货物件数或者表明了“据称内装”等类似词句,否则由货方装箱的一个集装箱将作为一件计算,这是因为承运人在接受整箱货时是无法核实货物件数,同时整箱货的运费比拼箱货按件数、重量、体积等单位计收的运费低廉。*本条款中各项定义也适用于条款注释中出现的相关名词。2. CARRIERS TARIFF The terms of the Carriers applicable Tariff and other requirements regarding charges are incorporated into this Bill of Ladi
12、ng. Particular attention is drawn to the terms contained therein, including, but not limited to, free storage time, Container and vehicle demurrage,etc. Copies of the relevant provisions of the applicable Tariff are obtainable from the Carrier or his agents upon request. In case of any inconsistency
13、 between this Bill of Lading and the applicable Tariff, this Bill of Lading shall prevail. 2. CARRIERS TARIFF 承运人的运价本承运人所使用的运价本中的条款以及有关费收的其他要求等项,已被载入本提单。请特别注意运价本中所载各项条款,包括但不限于免费堆存期、集装箱及车辆滞留期等。使用的运价本的有关条款,可向承运人或其代理人索取。如本提单与所用运价本之间有不一致之处,应以本提单为准。本条是用以说明承运人运价本的作用。提单正面、背面条款内容虽然十分丰富,但毕竟是固定的格式,不可能经常更改;而且运
14、输合同项下各项费用的收取,结算的依据往往要与具体港口的特殊要求相对应,或者随着市场的变化而变化,所以承运人用运价本的形式对此作出规定。根据本条款将运价本中的条款并入提单并约束运输合同的各方。3. SUB-CONTRACTING, INDEMNITY AND CERTAIN DEFENSES, EXEMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS (1) The Carrier shall have the right at any time and on any terms whatsoever to sub-contract the whole or any part of the carr
15、iage with any Sub-contractor and/or to substitute any other vessel or means of transport for the Vessel. (2) The Merchant undertakes that no claim or legal action whatsoever shall be made or brought against any person by whom the carriage is performed or undertaken (including, but not limited to, th
16、e Carriers servants, agents or Sub-contractors), other than the Carrier, which imposes or attempts to impose upon any such person, or any vessel owned or operated by such person, any liability whatsoever in connection with the Goods or the carriage thereof whether or not arising out of negligence on
17、 the part of such person. Should any such claim or legal action nevertheless be made or brought, the Merchant undertakes to indemnify the Carrier against all consequences thereof including legal expenses on a full indemnity basis. Without prejudice to the foregoing, every such person or vessel, incl
18、uding, but not limited to, the Carriers servants, agents, or Sub-contractors as defined in Clause 1 above, shall have the benefit of every exemption, defense and limitation herein contained applicable to the Carrier, in contract or in tort, as if such provision were expressly contracted for its bene
19、fit, and, in entering into this contract, the Carrier, to the extent of such exemptions, defenses and limitations, does so not only on its behalf, but also as an agent and trustee for such person or vessel. 3. SUB-CONTRACTING, INDEMNITY AND CERTAIN DEFENSES, EXEMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS分立契约、赔偿以及抗辩、免除事
20、项及责任限制 (1)承运人有权在任何时间以任何条件将运输的全部或其任何部分同任何分立契约人订立分立契约,并(或)以任何其他船舶或运输工具代替本船。货方保证,不向承运人以外的由其履行或承办运输的任何人(包括但不限于承运人的受雇人、代理人或分立契约人)就货物或货物运输一事而提起向其或其所拥有或经营的任何船舶加诸或意欲加诸任何责任的索赔或任何法律诉讼,不论此项责任是否由于此种人的疏忽而引起。如果,即使如此,此项索赔或法律诉讼仍被提起,则货方保证就由此引起的后果包括法律费用,全部赔偿承运人。在不防碍上述规定的情况下,上述第(1)款所述每一个人或船舶,包括但不限于承运人的受雇人、代理人或分立契约人,都应
21、享有本提单所载适用于承运人的在涉及合同或侵权事件中的每一免除事项、抗辩及责任限制,犹如此种条款已为其利益而明文规定,而且在订立本提单时,就上述免除事项、抗辩及责任限制而言,承运人不仅代表其本身,而且也是作为上述的人或船舶的代理人或受托人.本条就是通常所说的喜马拉雅条款, 是提单必须包括的标准条款,其效力也已为海商法、海牙-维斯比规则确认。本条款主要说明承运人的雇佣人在代表承运人履行承运人的部分或全部义务时同样受提单条款的约束和保护。由于索赔方与承运人的雇佣人或代理人没有合同关系,所以索赔方往往会绕过运输合同直接向第三人提起侵权之诉。本条的订立就是为了防止这种情况的发生,使得承运人的雇佣人或代理
22、人同样可以享受承运人根据提单背面条款所享受到免除事项、抗辩及责任限制,例如提单上标明是一件机器设备,货物在港口装卸时受到损害,根据海商法承运人可以享受责任限制同样可以适用于港口装卸人。1968年的海牙维斯比规则已经吸收这样的规定,我国海商法也是作了相同的规定。4. CARRIERS RESPONSIBILITY (1) Port to Port Shipment If boxes 6, 7 and 8 but not boxes 4,5and 9 are filled in on the front of this Bill of Lading, this Bill of Lading is
23、a Port-to-Port contract. The Carrier shall be responsible for the Goods as Carrier from the time when the Goods are received by the Carrier at the Port of Loading until the time of delivery thereof at the port of discharge to the Merchant or to the Authority as required by local laws or regulations,
24、 whichever occurs earlier. (2) Combined Transport If Box 4, Box 5 and/or Box 9 are filled in on the front of this Bill of Lading and the place(s) or port(s) indicated therein is/are place(s) or port(s) other than that indicated in Box 7 and Box 8 and Freight is paid for combined transport, this Bill
25、 of Lading is a combined transport contract. The Carrier undertakes to arrange or procure the pre-carriage and/or on-carriage segments of the combined transport. All claims arising from the combined transport carriage must be filed with the Carrier within 9 months after the delivery of the Goods or
26、the date when the Goods should have been delivered, failing which the Carrier shall be discharged from all liabilities whatsoever in respect of the Goods. If any payment is made by the Carrier to the Merchant in respect of any claim arising from the combined transport carriage, the Carrier shall be
27、automatically subrogated to or given all rights of the Merchant against all others including pre-carrier or on-carrier or Sub-contractor on account of such loss or damage. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed a waiver of any rights that the Carrier may have against a pre-carrier or on-carrier or
28、 Sub-contractor for indemnity or otherwise. 4. CARRIERS RESPONSIBILITY 承运人的责任(1)港到港运输 如果填注本提单正面第6、7、8栏,而不填注第4、5、9栏,本提单便是港到港契约。承运人应自其在装货港收到货物之时起即作为承运人而对货物负责,直至在卸货港将货物交与货方或按当地法律或规章要求交与有关当局之时为止,二者之中以先发生者为准。(2)联合运输 如果填注本提单正面的第4、第5及(或)第9栏,而且该栏中所述地点或港口乃是除第7栏及第8栏所列者以外的地点或港口,并已就联合运输支付运费,本提单便是联合运输提单。承运人负责安排或
30、如南美部分国家由海关负责放货的惯例。本条第二款实际上涵盖了两种情况,即水水联运和多式联运。本款确定了多式联运下九个月的索赔时效,即索赔应当在货物交付后9个月内向承运人提出,否则承运人便被免除任何有关货物的责任,这一规定的目的仅仅是为适应某些国家关于内陆承运人9个月的责任期限,比如美国Carmack Amendments of the United States Interstate Commerce Act规定: 内陆承运人的责任期限是九个月,而绝非要降低海商法中规定的海上货物运输索赔的1年讼时效的规定。在实践中往往要根据多式联运中的损失发生区段来作具体分析,比如损失发生在海运段或不能确定则还
31、是应当适用1年的时效。本条款规定了不同运输方式下承运人对货物的责任期间,与提单正面关于运输开始和结束地点的栏目相对应,使得本提单既可以作为海运提单应用于传统的港到港运输,也可以作为多式联运提单应用于多式联运运输。总的来讲,承运人对于货物的责任期间都是由承运人接收货物时开始到交付货物时为止的承运人掌管货物的期间,这是与海商法关于集装箱货物的责任期间的规定相一致的。5. NOTICE OF CLAIM AND TIME BAR (1) Unless notice of loss or damage is given in writing to the Carriers agent at the P
32、ort of Discharge or Place of Delivery before or on the date of delivery of the Goods, or if loss or damage is not apparent, within 15 consecutive days thereafter, such delivery shall be prima facie evidence of the delivery of the Goods by the Carrier and/or on-carrier in the order and condition desc
33、ribed in this Bill of Lading. (2) The Carrier, its servants, agents and Sub-contractors shall be discharged from all liabilities whatsoever unless suit is brought within one year after the delivery of the Goods or the date when the Goods should have been delivered.5. NOTICE OF CLAIM AND TIME BAR 索赔通
37、共同利益考虑,各相关方应积极收集证据,提早调查,这样也便于向最终有关责任方进行追偿。6. LOSS OR DAMAGE (1) The terms of this Bill of Lading shall at all times govern all responsibilities of the Carrier in connection with or arising out of the carriage of the Goods not only during the carriage, but also during the period prior to and/or subse
38、quent to the carriage. The exemptions from liability, defenses and limitation of liability provided for herein or otherwise shall apply in any action against the Carrier for loss or damage or delay, howsoever occurring and whether the action be founded in contract or in tort and even if the loss, da
39、mage or delay arose as a result of unseaworthiness, negligence or fundamental breach of contract. Save as is otherwise provided herein, the Carrier shall in no circumstances whatsoever and howsoever arising be liable for direct or indirect or consequential loss or damage or loss of profits. (2) The
40、Carrier does not undertake that the Goods will be transported from or loaded at the place of receipt or loading or will arrive at the place of discharge, destination or transshipment aboard any particular vessel or other conveyance at any particular date or time or to meet any particular market or i
41、n time for any particular use. Scheduled or advertised departure and arrival times are only expected times and may be advanced or delayed if the Carrier shall find it necessary, prudent or convenient. The Carrier shall in no circumstances whatsoever and howsoever arising be liable for direct, indire
42、ct or consequential loss or damage caused by delay. (3) If the stage of the combined transport during which loss or damage occurred can be determined, the liability of the Carrier shall be governed by the national law(s) and/or international convention(s) applicable thereto. If the stage of the comb
43、ined transport during which loss or damage occurred cannot be determined, the Merchant and the Carrier agree that it shall be deemed that the loss or damage occurred aboard the Carriers Vessel. In either case, clauses 5(2) and 7 shall apply.6. LOSS OR DAMAGE 灭失或损害(1)本提单的条款应在所有时间都对承运人就其因运输货物而产生的责任加以管
46、货双方都是有约束力的,并且再次强调不论是合同之诉还是侵权之诉都应依据本提单条款中的规定。其次依照海商法规定了承运人对未经约定的迟延交付造成的损失是不负赔偿责任的,按照海商法只有在船货双方事先对承运期作了明确的约定而承运人也确实违约时,承运人才会对可预见的损失负责,并且这种赔偿也是以运费为限的。本款的规定正是以此为根据作了细化的规定。第二款是强调船期表上公布的船期并不构成法律上的承诺。我们印制的船期中都有明确声明“本船期表仅作参考” ,在本款中也特别指出“船期表上或广告上的离港及抵港时间只是预计时间,可将该时间提前或拖后。”。为客户提供最优质的服务始终是我们追求的目标,但海运中的确存在许多人力不
48、偿责任和责任限制,是因为一方面国际海运段的规定还是比较公允的,另一方面国际海运段的风险较高又在运输中是主要区段。本条款就由本提单所构成或证明的运输合同中承运人责任问题作了进一步的规定。海运一直是一个高风险的行业,同时又在国际商贸中起十分重要的作用,而且班轮承运人是带有公共运输性质的承运人,除了受到自然环境,技术水平等因素的限制外,还会有法律,习惯等诸多社会环境的影响,所以为了促进和鼓励海运的健康发展,国际上及各国的法律法规基本上都对承运人的合法权益给予一定的保护。本条各款都是遵循海商法有关承运人的最低限责任和义务的规定而制定的。7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY (1) Ex
49、cept as provided for in Clause 7(2), this Bill of Lading shall be subject to the provisions of the Maritime Code of the Peoples Republic of China as provided for in Clause 26(1). Neither the Carrier, its servants, agents, Sub-contractors nor the Vessel shall in any event be liable for any loss or da
50、mage to the Goods in any amount exceeding the limits per package or unit prescribed by that Code, unless the nature and value of the Goods have been declared by the Merchant before shipment and inserted in this Bill of Lading (Box 10) and the Merchant has paid additional Freight on such declared val
51、ue. (2) Where carriage includes carriage to or from or through a port or place in the United States of America, this Bill of Lading shall be subject to the provisions of the United States Carriage of Goods by Sea Act, 1936 (US COGSA) and any amendments thereto, as provided for in Clause 26(2) hereof
52、. In such event, neither the Carriers nor its servants, agents, Sub-contractors and/or the Vessel shall in any event be liable for any loss of or damage to the Goods in an amount exceeding the limits per package or unit prescribed by US COGSA, unless the nature and value of the Goods have been decla
53、red by the Merchant before shipment and inserted in this Bill of Lading (Box 10) and the Merchant has paid additional Freight on such declared value. (3) If a legal regime other than the Maritime Code of the Peoples Republic of China or US COGSA is compulsorily applied to this Bill of Lading, the li
54、ability of the Carrier, if any, shall not exceed the limits per Package or Shipping Unit prescribed therein, unless the nature and value of the Goods have been declared by the Merchant and inserted in this Bill of Lading (Box 10) and the Merchant has paid additional Freight on such declared value. (
55、4) For the purpose of this Clause 7, the declared value shall be the basis for calculating the Carriers liability, if any, provided that such declared value shall not be conclusive on the Carrier, and further provided that such declared value does not exceed the true value of the Goods at destinatio
56、n. Any partial loss or damage shall be adjusted pro-rata on the basis of such declared value.7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY(1)除第7(2)款另有规定外,本提单应受第26(1)款中所述中华人民共和国海商法管辖。从而,无论是承运人、其受雇人、代理人、分立契约人及(或)船舶,在任何情况下对超出该法规定的每件或每单位赔偿限度的任何数额,概不负赔偿责任,除非已由货方将货物的性质及价值于装运前加以申报,并已载入提单(第10栏),而且货方已就此项申报的价值加付运费。(2)如有关运输包括驶往、
57、来自或经过美利坚合众国某一港口或地点的运输,本提单便应受其第26(2)款中所述1936年美国海上货物运输法(US COGSA)及其修订条款的约束。无论是承运人、其受雇人、代理人、分立契约人及(或)船舶,在任何情况下,对超出美国海上货物运输法中规定的每件或每单位赔偿限度的任何数额,都不负责,除非货方已在装运前将货物性质及价值加以申报并已载入本提单(第10栏),而且货方已就此项申报价值加付运费。 (3)如已将除中华人民共和国海商法及美国海上货物运输法以外的法律强制适用于本提单,承运人的责任便不得超出该法规定的每件或每单位的赔偿限额,除非该货物的性质及价值已由货方加以申报并已载入提单(第10栏),而
59、商法规定承运人对提单上标明的每件或每个货运单位货物的赔偿限额为666.67特别提款权,每公斤的赔偿限额为2个特别提款权,两种计算方法以赔偿限额高者为准。本条第二款规定了有关运输包括驶往、来自或经过美利坚合众国某一港口或地点的运输的情况时,本提单项下的运输合同便应受1936年美国海上货物运输法(US COGSA1936)及其修订条款的约束。提单做这样的规定是为了提单在涉及美国的运输时不违反美国的法律强行法的规定,以避免被美国当地法院认定为无效。这样的条款又称“地区条款”(LOCAL CLAUSE),在所有经营美国航线的承运人的提单条款中要么规定提单适用美国1936年海上货物运输法,要么加入“LOCAL CLAUSE”以保证提单的效力为美国法院所认可。美国1936年海上货物运输法所采用的责任体系与国际通行的海牙规则基本相同,其单位赔偿责任限制为每件每单位5
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