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1、Sichuan University Jinjiang College毕业论文(设计)题 目 From Shaping the Characters of Becky to Analysis Thackeray、 Criticism on the British Society in Vanity Fair学 院外国语学院专 业英语 年级 2012级学生邓小岚学 号120310311袁德成指导教师从名利场中蓿基的人物形象塑造看萨克雷对英国社会的批判英语专业学生:邓小岚指字教师:袁德成摘要:名利场是一部富有讽刺寓意的小说,使萨克雷在英国文学史上 占据了不可动摇的地位,人们尊称他为讽刺小说界的大师

2、,人们把他与查尔斯狄 更斯齐名。名利场通过刻画女主人公着基的人物性格特征来表现作者萨克雷 对当时英国社会的批判,着基爱慕虚荣,八面玲珑,趋炎附势,自私自利,虚伪, 为了达到自己的目的而不择手段,并且逃避责任,这些都是当时英国那些上流社 会达官贵人的基本特征。女主人公蒋基把自己的美色展露给大家,尤其是达官贵 人,对达官贵人使眼色,眉目传情,凭借和达官贵人的不正当关系来提升自己的 地位,获得金钱,获得金银珠宝,锦衣玉食。一个普通女人如何获得财富?当然 不是靠自己的双手,而是靠男人。蓿基的一生中出现过很多男人,罗登是她丈夫, 然而她并不爱自己的丈夫,只是因为她以为罗登是家产继承人而嫁给了他。本文 通

3、过研究作者萨克雷对女主人公禱基的性格描写来揭專和批判当时英国社会中 很多跟着基一样为了了进入上流社会而不择手段。关键词:人物形象塑造;英国社会;批判;名利场ABSTRACTVanity Fail、is a novel which full of ironic implication, which lias made Tliackerays unshakable position in the liistoiy of British literature People regard liim as a master of fiction and he is equally famous as C

4、harles Dickens.Fair bydepicting the heroine Beckys personality traits to represent Thackerays criticism on British society at that time, Becky is vanity, versatility, timeserving, selfislmess and hypocrisy. She always avoids responsibility, those are the typical basic features of the English po丘te s

5、ocial dignitaries. Tlie heroine Becky shows e-eiyone her own beauty, especially to the dignitaries, winking and flirting dignitaries and keeping impropei relationsliip with dignitaries to improve her own positions, get the money, get gold and silver jewelry, and luxurious. How to gain wealth as an o

6、rdinaiy woman? Of course not by their own hands, but by the man. Beckys life appeared a lot of men, Rawdon is her husband, she does not love her husband, however, just because she thought Rawdon is the heir to the foitiine and so mamed him Ill this paper, by studying author Tliackerays character por

7、trayal of the heroine Becky to expose and cnticize at that time a lot of woman like Becky in order to enter the upper society by hook or by crook in British society.Key words: the shaping of image; the British society; critical; Vanity FairContentsPart one. Introduction31 1A brief introduction of Th

8、ackeray31 2Ail introduction of Xnity Fair3Part two. The character analysis of Vanity Fair32.1 Cold32.2 Hypocritical32.3 Ability32.4 Versatility32.5 Timeserving32.6 Selfishness32.7 Conclusion of Beckys characteristic3Part Three. The positive character of Becky33.1 Tlie bold man33.2 Dare to resist333

9、Wit slid smart3Part Four. The film and comment34.1 Tlie film of bnity Fair and the diiector34.2 Tlie role of Becky34.3 Tlie making process of this film3Part Five.The wrong outlook on life35.1An early to see the reality of the society35.2Tlie mamage as a ladder”3Part Six. Conclusion3Bibliography3Ackn

10、owledgments18From Shaping the Characters of Becky to AnalysisThackeray s Criticism on the British Society in Vanity FairPart one Introduction11A brief introduction of ThackerayVanity Fair is a masterpiece of the gieatest British realist and humorist writer Tliackeray. Thackeiay is a prolific writer,

11、 he lias a collection of 35 voluin己;His early works are humorous stories and poetry, such as the descnptions of Paris, the Irish descriptions, etc.; In the middlejie start to create critical realism novels, and which nowl laid his position in the literaiy world in UK is Fair, which is published ill

12、184& the novel not only established his place in the English literature but also made Tliackeray acknowledged as the eponymous famous novelist Dickens.L2An introduction of Vanity FairA Novel without a Hero is a novel by English author William Makepeace Tliackeray, fiist published ill 1847-4& satiris

13、ing society in early 19th-century Britain It follows the lives of two women, Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley, amid theii friends and family. The novel is now considered a classic, and has iiispiied seveial film adaptations. Ill 2003, Vanity Fair was listed at # 122 on the BBCs The Big Read poll of the

14、 UK*s best-loved books.The books title comes from John Bunyans allegorical stoiy Tlie Pilgrims Progress, first published in 1678 and still widely read at the time of Thackerays novel. In that work, Vanity Fair” refers to a stop along the pilgrims route: a ncver-endiiig fair held in a town called Van

15、ity, which is meant to represent mans siiifiil attaclunent to worldly tilings.Tliis noAel is originated from the early 19th centuiy British upper-class, mainly descnbes the two womens fate in different personalities, shows the world at that time the British society moral cnsis and corruption, and ex

16、pose and criticize the capitalist society, social change in temperature and the concept of money. Tliis novels mainly descnbing the dark of British high society and the phenomenon of all kinds of people planning plot, lies, teasing the life for fame and wealth. The novel %mity Fair is Tliackera/s mo

17、st famous work, it is also the most representative work iiil9th ceiituiy British critical realism literature Vanity Fair, thiough the arrangement of the plot in an attempt to prove Heveiything is undeserved reputation float/ it reveals the prospenty of capitalist society with light outside, let peop

18、le see the essence of it. Tliackeray himself said that he would write Ha group of extremely selfish and folly people desperately committed and enthusiastic pursuit of undeserved reputation ill Vanity Fair1 Xanity Fair doesnt have so tight stoiy structure, the content of the matter is basically made

19、up of the life of two heroines Becky and Amelia together. Amelia is a bourgeois miss and Becky is nothing at all, thiough the fate of the two heroines, Tliackeray describes a variety of people ill the high society. This article through the analysis of the two women characters to reveals the corrupti

20、on, moral peopled selfish, hypocritical treacherous in the liigher British society.Ill 19th century of Bntain, Becky sharp was bom poor but ambitious to step into the liigher class society from an early age, to achieve her goal, she does not hesitate to use any means, this novel is about how the her

21、oine Becky use her own beauty and wisdom to conquer the world At first Becky was working as a governor in Sir Pitt Crawleys home, where not only all the children liked her, but also the spinster aunt Matilda Crawley did. In Beckys mind that she knew that if she didnt leave the countiy and go to Lond

22、on to live, she cannot tmly step into the higher British society. So when aunt Matilda invite Becky to go to London, Becky accepted the invitation without any hesitation. In London, Becky met her good friend again in pink. Kingston college, a well-off Amelia Sedley. Amelia Sedley fell in lov亡 with t

23、he chaniiiiig officer George, without thinking any against from her family and resolutely manied him, and Becky also secretly mamed Rawdon Crawley, the most likely heir in Crawleys family, and then Matilda aggiavated the newly-mamed couple out of the house At tliis point, Napoleon launched the war a

24、gainst Europe again, George was called up with Rawdon , there are only two friends lived alone ever after.Part two. The character analysis of Vanity Fair2.1 ColdBecky sharp is cold which embodied ill her son, she is indifierence to her son. A scene once wrote, Rawdon play with son and threw up his s

25、on high and accidentally hit his head on the ceiling, knock vury heavy, and then Rawdon, the father said dont ciy othenvise will wake the mother, and the child endure not to ciy We can see that her cold let her both own son and husband fear. She doesnt love her husband, her husband was only a higher

26、 servant, when her husband put in jail, she was still with play with Lord steiii2.2 HypocriticalBecky shaip is hypocrisy. Amelia Sedley is her best friend, and they used to be together as sisters, however、she and Rawdon design a caught cheating Amys husband, Georges money, and when she meet Amy, she

27、 pretend to be veiy concern about her husband, and say, My dear, for god sake, tiy to stop him gambling quickly. She told Amy that George was gambling every day, do you know that he is not so rich, if he is not carefiil, lie would lost all his money to Rawdon.H Becky sharp by hook or by crook, all w

28、ith gambling, blackinai 1. Tliey Hclieat the landlord, took off a cheque to the honest bankers money, bought jeweliy without paying.112.3 VanityVanity Fair s heioine Becky is very vanity,with all her heart secretly into upper class society life, and so eloquent must be one of her essential skill. Th

29、ere are many such examples abound in the bookIll the e*eiiing they went to Brussels, Becky started to chat with George Becky looked at the moon with smiling and said: who would hav亡 thought that the moon is two hundred and thirty-six thousand eight hundred and fbrty-seven miles away from us here、am

30、I good memoiy? (W.M.Thackeiay 2010 :283)Becky*s eloquent successfill lay the foundation of her into the upper class society, her positive evaluation of her abilities, behaved quite natural, which make the listener ill imperceptible in affection for hei; by this way she improved her status in Bntish

31、upper class society. Also there are many people like her in the down class, they are so poor, they want to change tlieii, life to become a member of the upper class2.4 VersatilityBecky is a clever woman, she found that Miss likes to make hm of others, so she tnes every mean to deride its social circ

32、le togetliei with the old lady, almost 己vury one of Miss social circle、in order to please Miss Such as:If Sir Pitt Treating guests without inviting Becky company, Miss crow can break into a fiirious rage, How can Miss Sharp not come , she is the only one who can talked a few words with me in zone. (

33、W.M.Thackeray 2010:122)Becky was lively and cute, and versatility. No matter in what situation, as long as that there is someone who can be helpfiil to her future, she will tiy all possible way to please them Becky is just a typical sample of that time, similaily, there are a lot of people in Britis

34、h society for the sake of their fiitiire fawn on anyone who can be helpfiil.2.5 Timesen ingBecky is veiy good at flattering, she is not only to please Sir、but also show her wisdom and talent in front of him、her flatteiy ability makes readers eye-openiiig. Becky, devoting all her heart to flatteiy, s

35、o lets talk about what is the real puipose of her? Might as well listen to her words to Rawdon: Tm asking Mrs Jean taking me into palace next year, I want your brother to place you in the congress, you idiot! I want you and your brother all vote to Stan, my dear fool! In that way you can be the Iris

36、h gov亡moi; or the secretaiy of the west Indies, or the treasurer officer, or consular,or something like this. (W.M.Thackeray 2010 :478)This confession of Becky totally show her enthusiasm for fame, and the pursuit for wealth, she is double-faced, she know what should be talked to what kind of person

37、, so she win the favor from a lot of people in the upper class Becky is just a special case, of course, for that most people want to integiate into the upper society, this is a skill what they must master.2.6 SelfishnessBecky has its own set of plans, she knew that only by dealing with the relations

38、liip between Rawdon and Sir Pitt which can help her into upper society, reflects that the following statement: HSir Pitt lie may die and his sons, and we will be Sir Rawdon and Sir Madam, then the reader will find that Becky did eventually in the help of Sir successfill step into the court paradise.

39、 Becky advice Rawdon do not to fight with Sir B , it is all in the hands of her, she wasnt really ill order to alleviate Rawdon and Sir Pitt relationship, but in order that she can smootlily enter the upper society, she know that Sir will help her, so she tries every possible mean to stop the fight

40、between finish Sir and Rawdon, its just from her selfislmess.2.7 Conclusion of Becky s characteristicTliackeray through describe the main character, reveals the theme of the novel, the Bntish society is a vanity fair. Becky Sharp, which is the daughter of a poor painter, is the product of the Victon

41、an chase fame and wealth society. Though she is boni in the lower class, but she is beautiftil, bandage, extreme selfishness After graduating from boarding school in the fonn of work-study program, stalled by a small family teachers,己ven the use a variety of means to seduce powerfill giants, fiinily

42、 seize every oppoilxmity to step into the upper class, become a sliiiiing star, the only goal is to get fame and wealth, and to 丘ve a comfortable life which can let e-*eiyone eny Becky, which is one of the most successfill female adventmei; a masteipiece of critical realism.When she aim at empty lux

43、uiy life, all the resources become her tools, including sex, family love and friendshipWith cold and selfish, hypocrisy、greed to describe Becky sliaip was really suit.Part Three. The positive character of Becky3.1 Tlie bold manSimone DE once said: HA woman is not innate, but by shaping The ego of a

44、woman is not decided by her sex, but deteniiined by the social and economic 己nvironnwnt. Social culture and economy detenniiies the status of women. At Victonan times, women have no chance to increase knowledge by education or work, they are just told what kind of behavior is specification, which bo

45、und the personality of women. As a Victorian women, Becky should not be so smart Altliougli she is a poor orphan, but she wants to win respect, economic status and social status Her independent personality conflicts with what social status she was ghen Wliy she wants to get respect is rooted ill her

46、 own experience when she was a young child. Wlwn her father was drunk、the wife and daughter would be beaten, and her father would complaint social injustice Her fathers abuse contributed to her anger, she wanted to have a different childhood, but the social definition of female restrict her. Tlieref

47、ore, in her life, to liv亡 with her goals and desires is a gieat challenge for her. Only the upper and middle class women have a chance to accept education about words and deeds Like Becky a gill from the bottom of the social, life will be more bound.3.2 Dare to resistAfter her father died, Becky was

48、 allowed to stay in school, but have to teachFrench to girls. Becky was offended by other students discrimination, so she began to desire for prestige extremely. Life in school made her more aware that she is alone and no others can depend on. So she began to plan her own fiitiire. She was fed up wi

49、th her treatment, and detennined to tiy every means to enter the upper society. However, before graduation, she found that challenge the traditional idea would only bring disgiace on her own head As a result, she hid her anger and ambitions, pretend to be obedience She learned from Emily that obedie

50、nce and iimocent will be more liked. Even after she got her aim social status, Becky still showed her own rebellion. Bom rebel that she wont change her beha*ior to meet the social expectations of women Carefxilly, she deals with the people around her, and then she laugh behind they. Tlie disgrace of

51、 Lord Stan let her get satisfaction, because of liis noble status symbol of the social system set a cage for her cliildhood3.3 Wit and smartAccording to Simone, traditional woman camiot leave the man and consider herself alone, but man can consider about himself only without considering the woman. B

52、ecky controls or deceives men tluough her intelligence, changes the role of women are inferior. As a goeniess, by becoming an indispensable character to break the rules of the society for women is limited. Ill the hosts home, even though she is just a private tutor, but she found herself dominated t

53、ransactions as a matter of fact. Through her words and actions, she controls the people around her, make them believe that she is a woman who just like Emily, obedience and ignorance 丘ke cliild.Part Four. The film and comment4.1 The film of Vanity7 Fair and the director“Ah! Vhnitas Vanitatum! Which

54、of us is happy in this world? Which of us has his desire? Oi; having it, is satisfied? come, childi-en, let us shut up the box and the puppets, for our play is played out.v(W.M.Tliackeray 2010:774) Tliis is the last sentence in Vanity Fair of William Thackerays novel. Vanity Faii completed in 1847 t

55、o 184& by reputation in the early 19th century, it is the most vivid and interesting description It is that the conclusion of the Vanity Fair inspired dkector, Mira Nair. She said: nI want to shoot the film, because Thackeray and I havu many common questions: we all have a dream、when the dieam come

56、tnie, will we be happy? What is satisfaction? What is desire? Whats life fame and wealth? Tliackerays novel is the best film material, precisely described what was happening in Britain at that time, tliis paper expounds an eternal theme. Particularly plump characters will resonate with modem people,

57、 I think Becky is one of the gieatest female characters in literaiy works.nFor the classic novel, Neil has its own imique insights.Coincidentally, Thackera/s spent his childhood in Calcutta in India, and Neil also grew up in India, her personal expenence can complement and recreate Thackera/s novel.

58、Producer Janette Day want to made the novel into a film as early as 10 years ago. Becky is more like the modem women, ”she said, just bom in the wrong time Ill the materialistic crazy world, she is vitality and different from others.1For the films writer and joint production team, Matthew Faulk and Mark Skeet, they are able to work as an adaptation is a lucky gift for them, because ill the process of novel Thackeray provides a large number of people, so to change the stoiy based on Vanity Fair is the dream of all writers In addition, in order to fu


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