



1、27课练习卷一.单词填空。T_ _ t (帐篷fi_ l_ (田野,田地c_mpf_ _e (篝火str_ _m(小溪I_ _p (跳跃f_ _m (形成crp (爬行c_mf_rt_ble (舒适的r_gh_ (正好二选择。1. The house was built _ around 1905.A. sometimesB. some timeC. sometimeD. some times2. Be sure _the light before you go to bed.A. put outB. put upC. to put outD. put dow n3. The bus will

2、 stop _in front of the school.A. correctB. rightC. correctlyD. rightly4. The teacher could notthe boy any Ion ger.A. put upB. put outC. put offD. put up with5. The bed was.A. a comfortB. i n comfortC. with comfortD. comfortable6. The food smells,but it tastes bad.A. goodB. badC. wellD. badly7. The b

3、ox is full _ books. A.by B.with C.of D.off8. Did you sleeplast ni ght. A.good B.so und C.so un dly D.better用所给词的适当形式填空。I. Tom and Mary _ (cometo Chi na last mon th.2.She(watchTV every eve nin g,but she(not watchTV last ni ght .3.Some one(ask for you on the phone just now.4. This watch(not belong to

4、me.It s his.5. The earth(move round the sun6. Look! They are(dance四. 英汉互译。1. 睡觉前,他们将火扑灭了。(put out2. 你今天晚上不必回学校了 ,我能为你安排住宿。(put up3. 这部电影已经看过几遍了。(some times4. 他们围着篝火唱歌跳舞。5. 当爸爸在读报道时候,我问了他一个问题。五. 根据原文填空。Late_ the after noon, the boys put _their tent in the middle of a field. As soon as this was done,

5、they cooked a mealan open fire. They were all hungry and the foodsmelled. After a won derful meal, they told stories and sang songs _the campfire. Butsome time later it began to rain. The boys felt tired so they put _the fire and crept into their tent. Their sleep ing bags were warm and, so they all

6、 slept.Inthe middle of the ni ght, two boys woke up and bega n shouti ng. The tent wasof water!They all leapt out of their sleep ing bags and hurried outside. It was rainingand theyfound that a stream had formed in the field. The stream wound itsacross the fieldand the n flowedun der their tent!六. 阅

7、读理解Once there lived an old man in a tow n. He always forgot a lot of thin gs. So his wife always had to say to him,D ont forget this. One day he went on a long way alone. Before he left home,his wife said,Now you have all these things. You need them on your way. Take care of your things on the way.H

8、e went to the station. He bought a ticket and got on the train with it.About an hour later,the con ductor bega n to see the tickets. He came to the old man and said,Will you please show me your ticket?The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets but he could not find it. He was very worried.

9、 I cant find my ticket. I really bought a ticket before I got on the train,said the old man .I think you are right. I believe you bought a ticket. All right,you dont have to buy ano ther ticket,said the con ductor kin dly. But the old man still(仍然 looked worried and said sadly,You dont know why Im w

10、orried. If I dont find my ticket,I cant remember my stati on. Where am I going?1. The old man bought a ticket.A. after he got on the trainB. before he goton the trai nC. whe n the con ductor told him to buy on eD. whe n he found he had no ticket with him、2. About an hour later,the con ductor bega n.

11、A. to buy the tickets B. to lookfor the tickets C. to check检查 the tickets D. to show the tickets3. The con ductor told the old man that he did nt n eed to buy ano ther ticketbecause.A. the man was very oldB. he thought the old man had no money with himC. the old man showed him the ticketD. he believed the old man4. The old man still looked worried becauseA. he could nt get on the train.B. he lost his ticket and a lot of moneyC. he thought his wife would get angry with himD. he forgot where he was going5. Which of t


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