1、41-43:Mickle, my flight to Prague leaves at 11:00 tomorrow. Should i take a cab to the airport?You can, but the bus would be a lot cheaper. The No. 9 stops at the cross from the pharmacy and runs down there.Oh, that s sounds good. Riding the buses ismsuoch easy now that youcan buy a ticket on board.
2、 Do you think i ll have time to grab breakfast aBetty s diner?Well, Bettys opens at 8:30, but you want to be on the bus by then to get to the boarding gate by 10:00.44-46:The meeting is in next two hours, have you finished running the numbers on the sales promotion we are proposing?Yes, i have them
3、here in this document but the copy here is giving me anerror message. I ve been struggling with it for an hour and ivethree pages out of it.That s not good. We need everyone from the counting staff to be able to see these figures. How about putting them into an audiovisual presentation instead?No, t
4、here s no time. Ill just have to run down to the corner store and usetheir machine.47-49:Cathy, i fin ally fini shed in putt ing the survey resp on ses into the spreadsheet, but now i really n eed some ideas on how to write up a report. Can you help me?Of course, and this works out, because i could
5、use the sec on cpara visedother than articles about the mayor that i m working on. Are you up for that?Sure, that shouldn t be a problem. I m about to have lunch right now. Bulet me call you in an hour and we can set up a time to get together.50-52:So Bill, the in terview process is just about over.
6、 I n your mi nd, who arethe front runners for the public relations post?On paper, Patricia seems like a perfect fit for the job, but i wasn t impressed with her in terview performa nee. I guess my favorite so far is Leroy, the one who used to work for P.Yes, i like him. But in my opinion, Amanda sho
7、wed more promise. She may not have as much PR experie nee but she seemed very motivated.To be honest, i m not convinced by anyone yet. Let s see how our fin, can didate Peter B starts tomorrow.53-55:Hi, i just saw a TV ad for something called a 5-in-1 power saw ( 动力锯 ) made by your company. Does it
8、really offer 5 different powers saw functions?That s right. It s like having 5 different power saws in one machine. Itreally state of the art and as far as we know, there s nothing like it on the market.I saw the actor in the commercial using it but i m really curious as howorks. Can you describe it
9、 for me ?Actually, i can do one better. Why don t you give me your address andphone number? And i ll send a coymrpeapnresentative over to show you in person.56-58:Michelle, someone from the city planning office called for you earlier. He said one of the blueprints is missing from our facility expans
10、ion application.Right, we left it out intentionally because there were a few minor changes to be made. But it resady now and i ltlake it downtown when i get through approving these expense reports.If you want, i could do that for you. I was working on a project for Tad, but i just finished.59-61:I m
11、sorry, but i donut nderstand the changes that were made to the company s homepage. How do i log in to check my mail?You can gtet into your account through the homepage any more, you have to click on the link that says Employee Access and input the passwords you recevied. It s all part of the new sec
12、urity policy.Oh, i see, it looks like there are a lot of new features here as well. We can log our sales and keep track of the client database. All from the Employee Access page.Right, but you still input your work hours report on the homepage.62-64:Good morning, Ms. Brown. I mcalling on behalf of t
13、he SpringdalePublic Library. Did you know the library s planning major renovations xxdowntown location?Yes, i read about that in the newspaper a few days ago. It sounds like an impressive project that will really boost public use of the facility.That rsight. And to make sure we succeed, we are seeki
14、ng financial support fund, the Springdale community. As a local business owner, might you be interested in helping us reach our goal?Certainly, i ll have my assistant write a check and mail it to the librarycen tral office.65-67:Have you looked at the focus group(为测试民意而选定的)典型群众, 有代表性的群众)results? How
15、 did people respond to our comfort series of recli ning chair?(躺椅)Positively overall. It received nine out of ten points in the comfort category, ten out of ten for style, and subjects even noticed that the pricing was very attractive. The only dropback was reclining mechanism which some found awkwa
16、rd to use.Hemm, i was afraid of that. We could probably put this product onto the market right now and see the sale But i think we need to correct the problem first.I agree. I ll con tact the mecha ni cal divisi on right away and see if they can come up the fix for the issue.68-70:m loolAngela, what
17、 can you tell me about the Fast Action Printers? Ito get some brochures printed for our new gallery exhibit and they seemto have the best prices.Well, don t let the name fool you. In my experienee, their work has been any thi ng but fast. Eve n on small simple projects like restaura nt menus. That s
18、ounds unfortunate because i was hoping to have the order completed by this Friday. I wanted to distribute the material at least a week before the exhibit opens. Would you recommend another one?In that case, i suggest calling print plus. Yes, youll pay a little morthey can do high quality work in a r
19、easonable amount of time. And they sometimes offer special promotions on their website.71-73I cant pand off compliments to our next award recipient. For over 20 years, Mr. MH has devoted himself to the success of this company. He started out as a M clerk, backward the firm was stilled called America
20、n National. From that position, he worked his way up to become one of the most valuable members of our human resources team. After the merger with Intac and the reorganization that resulted. Mr. H was shifted to public relations, where he spent the last eight years and is now assistant director. For
21、 his yearsof service, we are pleased today to bestow upon Mr. H the Intac all-star employee award. Ladies and gentlemen, lets give him a big hand.74-76:Hi, this is Robert Finn calling from Doctor Thomsonsoffice. We have you down for your annual check-up this coming Friday at 11:30. DoctorThoms on ha
22、s asked me to call and find out if it might be possible to push it to the after noon on Friday in stead, say 3:00. He has to schedule an urge nt operati on for a patie nt Friday morning. And he likely to take it un til 1:00. I realize it might be too late for you to cha nge your schedule, but if the
23、re any way that you could accommodate this inconvenience, that would be great. I also have a 5:30 slot on Friday if thats better. Please give me a call as soon as you decide. And whe never you come, don forget to bri ng your new in sura nee paper work. I n eed that to update in formati on in our sys
24、tem. Than ks.77-79:It seems like every day we hear another advisory on the health hazard of butter and margerin, even olive oil so often promoted as the healthy choice isn free of xx-clogg ing and fats. Luckily though, there really is a better alter native, grapeseed oil. Produced in the USA by a fa
25、mily owned and operated family, L 100% grapeseed oil is the real healthy choice. Its uses are limitless, whether you are baki ng a cake osaute(炒) ? onions on the stove. Un like olive oil, grapeseed oil does nimpart a strong taste on what you are cook ing, and it more resista nt to burn in the high t
26、emperatures. Visit our website and you can download a xx for 20% off on your first bottle. Do it today.80-82:Well, it fisnally going to happen. The parking lot outside of the main office is going to be expanded. The work will add another 70 spaces to the 210 that are currently available, which shoul
27、d be more than enough to accommodateall company employees. However, while the construction is underway, only 150 spaces will be open. We will be handing our permits for these spacesthrough a lottery drawing. And everyone else will have to park across the street in the shopping center lots until the
28、work is completed. Remember the D revenue is a major xx fair and there no cross walk. So you must exercise行使)caution (谨慎出行) when crossing.83-85:Good evening, this is FB, events manager活动项目经理)at the H hotel and conference center. I m calling in regard to your message from September 6th, in which you
29、inquired about the availability of our big basing conference space for a company workshop on October 16th. Im happy to say that yes, as of today, September 10th, the room is available. However, I cantguarantee it until you formalize your reservation and put dow n(付定金)a 20% deposit. The xx would be d
30、ue a week prior to the event on October 9th. If youd like to do this, or if you have other questions, please contact me. Also Illneed to know the number of thepeople attending so as best to meet your needs. Thank you.86-88:Welcome back, I m MJ. Seen as it s xx oclock, most of you, loyal listeners, o
31、ut there probably expect to hear some live music played right here in the studio for our 2:00 pm jam session摇滚爵士音乐的即席演 奏会). Unfortunately, we cantseem to get the mac and amplifier system working correctly, so the jam session will have to wait. Im sorry about that. Instead, Im going to play an interv
32、iew I recorded earlier with jazz pianist MS. In it, we discuss sir S early and critically claimed work as well as his much more successful album that came out last month entitled xx.89-91:Team, sales are slowing across the board on our laptop models and we have to find a way to turn them around. Aft
33、er consulting with our colleagues in marketing, it bseen decided that the consumer contest is in order. Starting next month, everyone who buys one of our laptops will be automatically entered to win a $1000 gift card, good on all Emerson electronic products, a trip to Switzerland, a $500 online shop
34、ping spree and lots of other great prices. As sales people, we need to make sure our customers know about this promotion. Of course, Emerson employees and their immediate family members arent eligible to win. But I encourage you to tell your friends and neighbors about the opportunity.92-94:Your att
35、ention, everyone, my name is SD. And I ve been practicing medicine here at the charity health center for seven years. As I m sure you all know, since its founding a decade ago, the CHC has been committed to providing free and low-cost medical service to Greenfield residents who couldnt otherwise aff
36、ord them. It hasnt always been easy to secure government funding to keep our doors open, which is why weve been so fortunate to receive such tremendous support from D local community. Well, about three years ago, we started putting aside a portion of each donation we received and now weve finally sa
37、ved up enough to open a second clinic on the other side of the town. The groundbreaking ceremony will take place early next year and you are all invited to attend.95-97:Thank you for coming everyone, as you know, the redesign of theageing Bradford City hall building is the most important project in the short history of this firm. If we perform well on this, our design services will be in d
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