



1、课题PEP4 Unit 3 A Let s spel课型语音课执教者教本课是四年级下册第三单元的第三课时,Let spell语音课,主要教学材语音:ar a; al ?:。本课共分为三部分Read, liste n and cha nt;Read,分listen and number ; Look, listen and write.析知识目标:教1能够通过听例词发音,学习ar/al在单词中发a ?:的规律;能够跟着录音说唱歌谣,强化记忆ar/al的发音规则。C 厶/ ArQ 丄口 -Ul=r_ f 1ZtA 、亠 Vr -Mrt Ivt厶/幻 仃厂 =L Yr.皆 匚丁-rr学2.冃匕够根据

2、 ai/al的发曰规则读出土词;匕匕够听录曰为单词标序号/,巩固学习ar/al的音形对应关系。目3.能够通过看图、听录音、写单词活动学习按发音规则拼写单词,填充短语或句子,并进一步强化在四线格中正确书写单词。标能力目标:培养小组合作意识。教学重点本课重点是学习ar/al在单词中发a?:的规律。教学难点在于能够根据ar/al的发音规则读出生词,能够通过看图、听录音、写难点单词活动学习按发音规则拼写单词,填充短语或句子。教具准备CAI,字母卡片设计意图教学过程评议分析Stepl. Warm-up1. Greeti ngs.T: Hello, boys and girls. Stand up, pl

3、ease.IMiss Lv.mGood after noon!Ss: Good after noon. Miss Ki ng.T: Nice to meet you.与学生拉Ss: Nice to meet you, too.近关系,缓T: How are you?解学生紧Ss: Fine, tha nk you.张情绪T: Do you like En glish?Ss: Yes./No.T: I like English, too. /Oh, try to likeit, OK? Nowlet s do, OK?2. Let s do.Show me your pen cil. Show

4、me your eraser.Show me your book. Show me your card.3. Review.引出cardT: I have a card, too. Loo k, a“ b ”on the card. Lcok atyour card. Who hasThe“ b“ b ”s引导学生说出 /b/. b, b, b,/b/b/b/. Who has“The? “c”says ? c, c, c, /c/ /c/ /c/头脑风暴,Step2. Presentation利用课前1.教学-ar的发音发好的1)-ar的发音感知:card 复习Look at this ca

5、rd. Now I draw on the card.(边说边在辅音字母PPT上的卡片里画一个小汽车)What s this? Yes, its a发音,为课car. Draw an arm on the card.堂做准备。2) Let BtchaDraw a car on the card.Draw an arm on the card.Draw an arm n ear the car.A car, an arm and a card.3)Find the letters.(找出发音相同的字母组合)car/arm/card渗透归纳ar组合的发音。chant 的4)Chant.操练ar的发

6、音。句型同时2. Try to spell with“ ar ”.引出-ar,bar, dar, far, gar, har, lar, mar, par, tar, yararb, arc, ard, arf, arg, ark, arm, arp, ars, art3.Let s spell感知-ar的1) Spell a nd say发音师师范组单词然后拼读。T: Its your turn.Play with the letter cards freely in your group.2) Listen and make the words.自己归纳arm/farm/far/car/c

7、ard / art/part/bark/dark/出而不是park老师直接4.教学-al的发音讲出ar的1)由-ar过渡到-al发音加深T: Look at the park. What s in the park? A vail and a印象ball.2) Si ng a songA ball is in the park. A wall is in the park.The ball is small. The wall is tall.帮助学生A ball on the tall wall. A ball on the tall wall.ar发音的Ball a nd wall. Sm

8、all a nd tall.拼读规则5. Spelli ng Game1)Try to spell with“ alball/tall/wall/fall/hall/call/mall/small/talk/walk/salt2) Spell the words quickly with the cards.(教师拿着字母组合al的卡片,让学生与手中辅音字母组合拼读。)Step3.Consolidation1. Listen and read2. Let s read.歌曲感知(T : Now we know“ ar ” a$ays /“ al s/ ?ay, “ iral的发音says / ?:/,/ ur / ?sayN ow let s read.)在游戏中 操练al的 发音,让学 生在不知 不觉中学 会拼读al 字母组合 的单词回归书本 总体感知 -ar 和-al3. Read, liste n and nu mber.听音标号4. Read, liste n and write.师示范书写Step4. Extension1. Liste n, choose and cha ntDraw a b_l on a c_dDraw a sm_l sm_l b_lNow draw a c_ on the c_dDraw a c_ n ear a w_l


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