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1、新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 Love Without Limitations 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 N H C EN H C E New Words Back课文课文小结小结导入导入写作写作 delivery n. 1. C 分娩分娩 2. C, U 递交;送货递交;送货 saint n. C 1. 道德高尚的人道德高尚的人 2. 圣徒,圣人圣徒,圣人 justice n. U正义;合理正义;合理 inseparable a. 不可分离的不可分离的 unload vt. 卸下(货物)卸下(货物) code vt./n. 把把编码编码 /C代码代码; C

2、, U密码密码 color-coded a. 带色标的;带色码的带色标的;带色码的 whistle v. 吹口哨吹口哨 wreck n. C 1. 疲惫疲惫/健康状况差的人健康状况差的人 2. 残骸残骸 beneath prep. 在低于在低于的位置;在的位置;在之下之下 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 N H C EN H C E New Words Back课文课文小结小结导入导入写作写作 disguise n./ vt. C, U 伪装物;伪装伪装物;伪装 / 伪装;假扮伪装;假扮 disbelief n.U 不相信,怀疑不相信,怀疑 agreeable a. 1. 令人愉

3、快令人愉快/满意的满意的 2. 可接受的可接受的 penetrate v./vt. 穿透;渗入穿透;渗入 / 看穿看穿 vacant a. 1. 茫然的;失神的茫然的;失神的 2. 空的;未被占的空的;未被占的 grasp vt. 1.明白明白 2. 抓住;抓紧抓住;抓紧 quiver vi. 颤抖颤抖 long vi. 渴望渴望 pledge vt./n. 保证,承诺保证,承诺 C 承诺;协定承诺;协定 caretaker n. C (Am.E) 照看人,保护人照看人,保护人 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 N H C EN H C E New Words Back课文课文小结

4、小结导入导入写作写作 blossom vi. 1.发展;成长;繁盛发展;成长;繁盛 2. 开花开花 reckon vt. 想,认为想,认为 sheer a. 完全的;十足的完全的;十足的 terror n. U恐惧,恐怖恐惧,恐怖 faithful a. 忠诚的;忠实的忠诚的;忠实的 merry a. 愉快的,高兴的愉快的,高兴的 festival n. C节日节日 festive a. 喜气洋洋的,充满节日气氛的喜气洋洋的,充满节日气氛的 drain vt. 1. 使筋疲力尽使筋疲力尽 2. 使排走;使流出使排走;使流出 exhaust vt. 使精疲力竭使精疲力竭 新视野大学英语新视野大学

5、英语Unit课件课件 N H C EN H C E New Words Back课文课文小结小结导入导入写作写作 exhausted a.疲惫不堪的疲惫不堪的 customary a.惯常的;习惯的惯常的;习惯的 sweatshirt n. C 长袖运动衫长袖运动衫 leather n. U 皮;皮革皮;皮革 knit vt. 编织编织 cowboy n. C 牛仔牛仔 costume n. C, U 服装;戏装服装;戏装 ceremony n. C 仪式;典礼仪式;典礼 restrain vt. 克制;抑制克制;抑制 erect a./ vt. 直立的,竖直的直立的,竖直的; 建造;架设建造

6、;架设 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 N H C EN H C E New Words Back课文课文小结小结导入导入写作写作 index n. C 索引索引 index finger C 食指食指 thumb n.C 大拇指大拇指 super a. 极好的,绝妙的极好的,绝妙的 bonus n. C 1. 意外的好处意外的好处 2.奖金;红利奖金;红利 pray v. 祈祷祈祷 simplicity n. U 简洁;朴素;单纯简洁;朴素;单纯 track down 追踪到,追查到追踪到,追查到 pick on 找茬;欺负找茬;欺负 tell on 告发告发 新视野大学英语新

7、视野大学英语Unit课件课件 N H C EN H C E New Words Back课文课文小结小结导入导入写作写作 work out 找出答案;解决找出答案;解决 on ones own 独自地;独立地独自地;独立地 hit/strike home 被领会被领会 reckon with 考虑;面对;对付考虑;面对;对付 call on/upon 要求要求(某人做某事某人做某事) lead up to 作为作为的先导,引起的先导,引起 end up doing sth. 以以结束结束 get (sb.) through (帮某人)度过难关(帮某人)度过难关 Jimmy 吉米吉米 (人名人名

8、) Margaret 玛格丽特(人名)玛格丽特(人名) 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 justice n. (L9) the quality of being just; fairness Everyone should be treated with justice. just 副词副词 adv. 只不过只不过 形容词形容词 adj. 1.公道的公道的; 公正的公正的; 公平的公平的 2.合理的合理的 3 Words and Expressions 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 beneath prep. (L18) in or to a lower posi

9、tion than sth. ; or directly under sth. Words and ExpressionsWord Using 我们在树下荫凉处休息一下好吗?我们在树下荫凉处休息一下好吗? Shall we rest in the shade beneath these trees? under, below 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 grasp v. (L22) understand; take hold of sb. or sth. Words and ExpressionsWord Using Did you grasp the point of wh

10、at I said? 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 drain v. (L45) to cause to flow off gradually or completely Words and ExpressionsWord Using 这些孩子让我筋疲力尽。这些孩子让我筋疲力尽。 These children drain my energy. brain drain 人才流失 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 restrain v. (L53) prevent sb. from doing sth. Words and ExpressionsWord Using 听

11、到这消息我无法控制我的兴奋之情。听到这消息我无法控制我的兴奋之情。 I can not restrain my excitement about the news. 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 track down追踪到追踪到;追查到追查到;搜寻到搜寻到 If you track down someone or something, you find them, or find information about them, after a difficult or long search. She had spent years trying to track down h

12、er parents. 她已经花了好多年时间试图追寻父她已经花了好多年时间试图追寻父 母的下落。母的下落。 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 pick on找找的岔子;故意刁难的岔子;故意刁难;选中选中 If someone picks on you, they repeatedly criticize you unfairly or treat you unkindly Why do you always pick on me? 你为什么老是找我的碴你为什么老是找我的碴? Why do you always pick on me to do the unpleasant jobs

13、? 你为什么老是找我干这些令人不愉你为什么老是找我干这些令人不愉 快的工作快的工作? 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 tell on 告发告发;检举检举;告告的状的状 If you tell on someone, you give information about them to a person in authority, especially if they have done something wrong. Never mind, I wont tell on you. 别担心,我不会告发你。别担心,我不会告发你。 Ill tell my mummy on you.

14、我要到妈妈那儿告你一状。我要到妈妈那儿告你一状。 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 work out 想出,得到想出,得到(解决方法解决方法);解解(谜谜) If you work out a solution to a problem or mystery, you manage to find the solution by thinking or talking about it It took me some time to work out what was causing this. 我花了一些时间才弄清此事的起因。我花了一些时间才弄清此事的起因。 新视野大学英语新视野

15、大学英语Unit课件课件 这些课程他是自学的。 He studied these subjects on his own. I had to go to the cinema on my own because all the other boys were busy. 其他男孩都很忙其他男孩都很忙, 我只好独自去看电影了。我只好独自去看电影了。 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 hit home打中要害打中要害,被领会被领会 1. The bullet hit home. 子弹命中目标子弹命中目标. 2. His criticism hit home. 他的批评击中了要害他的批评

16、击中了要害. 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 reckon with (L42)估计到估计到;预期预期;预料预料 If you say that you had not reckoned with something, you mean that you had not expected it and so were not prepared for it. We hadnt reckoned with the possibility that it might rain. I didnt reckon with having to wait so long. 我没料到要等这么长

17、时间。我没料到要等这么长时间。 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 call on 号召;要求号召;要求 If you call on someone to do something or call upon them to do it, you say publicly that you want them to do it. One of Kenyas leading churchmen has called on the government to resign. 肯尼亚一位高级宗教人士要求政府下台。肯尼亚一位高级宗教人士要求政府下台。 call on拜访(某人)拜访(某人)I

18、f you call on someone or call upon someone, you pay them a short visit. Sofia was intending to call on Miss Kitts. 索菲娅打算去拜访基茨小姐。索菲娅打算去拜访基茨小姐。 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 (一系列事件)导致,致使,引致(一系列事件)导致,致使,引致 The couple had a series of arguments, leading up to a decision to separate. 他们经过连番争吵后决定分居。他们经过连番争吵后决定分居。

19、 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 end up (doing) sth. (L61) to be in the end ( in a stated place or condition) Words and ExpressionsWord Using If you dont work hard, youll end up nowhere. 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 get (sb.) through (L69) help sb. deal with a difficult situation Words and ExpressionsWord Using 妈妈

20、的支持让她走出了忧郁。妈妈的支持让她走出了忧郁。 Her mothers support got her through her depression. 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 What is “love” like in your mind? Use one word or one thing to describe “love”. Share your thoughts with your classmates. 1 Idea Sharing 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 What is love? 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 视频文

21、件放在这个白视频文件放在这个白 色的框内,不要超出色的框内,不要超出 去。也不要遮挡框的去。也不要遮挡框的 白边。白边。 September 11th Attacks 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 Part I (Para.1_ ):3 All family members took good care of Jimmy. Part II (Para. _ _ ): I looked after Jimmy alone after parents death. 4 7 Part III (Para. _ _ ): Jimmys 57th birthday was a succe

22、ss. Part IV (Para. 12): Conclusion: Love without limitations 8 11 4 Text Study 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 Para 1 My brother, Jimmy, did not get enough oxygen during a difficult delivery, leaving him with brain damage, and two years later I was born. Since then, my life revolved around my brothers. Accom

23、panying my growing up was always “go out and play and take your brother with you”. I couldnt go anywhere without him, so I urged the neighborhood kids to come to my house for some out-of-control kid-centered fun. 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 N H C EN H C E Back预习预习小结小结导入导入写作写作 Para 2 My mother taught Jimm

24、y practical things like how to brush his teeth or put on a belt. My father, a saint, simply held the house together with his patience and understanding.【 I was in charge outside where I administered justice by tracking down the parents of the kids who picked on my brother, and telling on them.】 Text

25、 Analyzing and Reading 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 N H C EN H C E Back预习预习小结小结导入导入写作写作 Para 3 My father and Jimmy were inseparable. They ate breakfast together and on weekdays drove off to the navy shipping center every morning where they both worked Jimmy unloaded color- coded boxes. At night after dinn

26、er, they would talk and play games late into the evening. They even whistled the same tunes. Text Analyzing and Reading 父亲和吉米形影不离。他们一道父亲和吉米形影不离。他们一道 吃早饭,平时每天早上一道开车吃早饭,平时每天早上一道开车 去海军航运中心,他们都在那里去海军航运中心,他们都在那里 工作,吉米在那搬卸标有彩色代工作,吉米在那搬卸标有彩色代 号的箱子。晚饭后,他们一道交号的箱子。晚饭后,他们一道交 谈,玩游戏,直到深夜。他们甚谈,玩游戏,直到深夜。他们甚 至用口哨吹相

27、同至用口哨吹相同 的曲调。的曲调。 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 N H C EN H C E Back预习预习小结小结导入导入写作写作 Para 4a So when my father died of a heart attack in 1991, Jimmy was a wreck, beneath his careful disguise. He was simply in disbelief. 【Usually very agreeable, he now quit speaking altogether (完全地,全部地)(完全地,全部地) and no amoun

28、t of words could penetrate the vacant expression he wore on his face.】 I hired someone to live with him and drive him to work, Text Analyzing and Reading 所以,父亲所以,父亲1991年因心脏病去世时,年因心脏病去世时, 吉米几乎崩溃了,尽管他尽量不表现吉米几乎崩溃了,尽管他尽量不表现 出来。他就是不能相信父亲去世这一出来。他就是不能相信父亲去世这一 事实。通常,他是一个令人愉快的人,事实。通常,他是一个令人愉快的人, 现在却一言不发,无论说多

29、少话都不现在却一言不发,无论说多少话都不 能透过他木然的脸部表情了解他能透过他木然的脸部表情了解他 的心事。我雇了一个人和他住在一起,的心事。我雇了一个人和他住在一起, 开车送他去上班。开车送他去上班。 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 N H C EN H C E Back预习预习小结小结导入导入写作写作 Para 4b but no matter how much I tried to make things stay the same, even Jimmy grasped that the world hed known was gone. One day I asked,

30、 “You miss Dad, dont you?” His lips quivered and then he asked, “What do you think, Margaret? He was my best friend.” Our tears began to flow. Text Analyzing and Reading 然而,不管我怎么努力地维持原状,然而,不管我怎么努力地维持原状, 吉米还是认为他熟悉的世界已经消失吉米还是认为他熟悉的世界已经消失 了。有一天,我问他:了。有一天,我问他:“你是不是想你是不是想 念爸爸?念爸爸?”他的嘴唇颤抖了几下,然他的嘴唇颤抖了几下,然

31、后问我:后问我:“你怎么看,玛格丽特?他你怎么看,玛格丽特?他 是我最好的朋友。是我最好的朋友。”接着,我俩都流接着,我俩都流 下了眼泪。下了眼泪。 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 N H C EN H C E Back预习预习小结小结导入导入写作写作 Para 5 My mother died of lung cancer six months later and I alone was left to look after Jimmy. Para 6a He didnt adjust to going to work without my father right away,

32、 so he came and lived with me in New York City for a while. He went wherever I went and seemed to adjust pretty well. Still, Jimmy longed to live in my parents house and work at(从事于(从事于, , 致力于致力于)his old job and I pledged to help him return. Eventually, I was able to work it out. Text Analyzing and

33、Reading 六个月后,母亲因肺癌去世,剩下我六个月后,母亲因肺癌去世,剩下我 一人来照顾吉米。吉米不能马上适应一人来照顾吉米。吉米不能马上适应 去上班时没有父亲陪着,因此搬来纽去上班时没有父亲陪着,因此搬来纽 约和我一起住了一段时间。我走到哪约和我一起住了一段时间。我走到哪 里他就跟到哪里,他好像适应得很好。里他就跟到哪里,他好像适应得很好。 但吉米依然想住在我父母的房子里,但吉米依然想住在我父母的房子里, 继续干他原来的工作。我答应把他送继续干他原来的工作。我答应把他送 回去。此事最后做成了。回去。此事最后做成了。 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 N H C EN H C

34、E Back预习预习小结小结导入导入写作写作 Para 6b He has lived there for 11 years now with many different caretakers and blossomed on his own. He has become essential to the neighborhood. When you have any mail to be picked up or your dog needs walking, he is your man. Text Analyzing and Reading 如今,他在那里生活了如今,他在那里生活了11

35、年,在许年,在许 多人的照料下,同时依靠自己生活多人的照料下,同时依靠自己生活 得有声有色。他已成了邻里间不可得有声有色。他已成了邻里间不可 或缺的人物。如果你有邮件要收,或缺的人物。如果你有邮件要收, 或有狗要遛,他就是你所要的人。或有狗要遛,他就是你所要的人。 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 N H C EN H C E Back预习预习小结小结导入导入写作写作 Para 7 My mother was right, of course: It was possible to have a home with room for both his limitations and

36、 my ambitions. In fact, caring for someone who loves as deeply and appreciates my efforts as much as Jimmy does has enriched my life more than anything else ever could have. Text Analyzing and Reading 当然,母亲的话没错:可以有一个当然,母亲的话没错:可以有一个 家,既能容纳他的缺陷又能装下我家,既能容纳他的缺陷又能装下我 的雄心。事实上,关照像吉米这样的雄心。事实上,关照像吉米这样 一个深爱又感

37、激我的人,更加丰富一个深爱又感激我的人,更加丰富 了我的生活,其他任何东西都不能了我的生活,其他任何东西都不能 与之相比。与之相比。 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 Para 8 This hit home a few days after the Sept. 11th disaster on Jimmys 57th birthday. I had a party for him in my home in New York, but none of our family could join us because travel was difficult and they we

38、re still reckoning with the sheer terror the disaster had brought. I called on my faithful friends to help make it a merry and festive occasion, ignoring the fact that most of them were emotionally drained and exhausted. Instead of the customary(照惯例的照惯例的) “No gifts, please”, I shouted, “Gifts! Pleas

39、e!” Text Analyzing and Reading 这一点,在这一点,在911灾难后几天更显真切。那灾难后几天更显真切。那 天是吉米天是吉米57岁生日。我在纽约自己的家里岁生日。我在纽约自己的家里 为他举办生日宴会,但是我们家的人都没为他举办生日宴会,但是我们家的人都没 能来参加,因为交通困难,而且灾难带来能来参加,因为交通困难,而且灾难带来 的恐惧使他们依然心有余悸。我邀请了我的恐惧使他们依然心有余悸。我邀请了我 的好友,请他们来帮忙把宴会弄得热闹些,的好友,请他们来帮忙把宴会弄得热闹些, 增加点欢快气氛,没去理会他们多数人在增加点欢快气氛,没去理会他们多数人在 情感上都有些疲惫这

40、一事实。于是我一反情感上都有些疲惫这一事实。于是我一反 常态,没说常态,没说“请不要带礼物请不要带礼物”,而是向他,而是向他 们喊们喊“请带礼物来请带礼物来”。 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 Para 9 My friends people Jimmy had come to know over the years brought the ideal presents: country music CDs, a sweatshirt, one leather belt with “J-I-M-M-Y” on it, a knitted wool hat and a cowboy

41、 costume. The evening led up to the gifts and then the chocolate cake from his favorite bakery, and of course the ceremony wasnt complete without the singing. N H C EN H C E Back预习预习小结小结导入导入写作写作 Text Analyzing and Reading 我的朋友我的朋友吉米认识他们多年了吉米认识他们多年了带来带来 了中意的礼物:乡村音乐了中意的礼物:乡村音乐CD、一件长袖、一件长袖 运动衫、一条有运动衫、一

42、条有“吉米吉米”字样的皮带、字样的皮带、 一顶编织的羊毛帽,还有一套牛仔服。一顶编织的羊毛帽,还有一套牛仔服。 那天晚上,我们先是送礼物,然后是切那天晚上,我们先是送礼物,然后是切 从他喜欢的面包店里买来的巧克力蛋糕,从他喜欢的面包店里买来的巧克力蛋糕, 当然还唱了当然还唱了“生日歌生日歌”,否则宴会就不,否则宴会就不 算完整了算完整了 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 Para 10a A thousand times Jimmy asked, “Is it time for the cake yet?” After dinner and the gifts Jimmy coul

43、d no longer be restrained. He N H C EN H C E Back预习预习小结小结导入导入写作写作 Text Analyzing and Reading anxiously waited for the candles to be lit and then blew them out with one long breath as we all sang “Happy Birthday”. Jimmy wasnt satisfied with our effort, though. 吉米一次次地问:吉米一次次地问:“该切蛋糕了该切蛋糕了 吧?吧?”等用完餐和送完

44、礼物后,吉等用完餐和送完礼物后,吉 米再也控制不住了。他焦急地等着米再也控制不住了。他焦急地等着 点上蜡烛,然后在我们点上蜡烛,然后在我们“生日快乐生日快乐” 的歌声中,一口长气吹灭了蜡烛。的歌声中,一口长气吹灭了蜡烛。 然而吉米对我们的努力还是感到不然而吉米对我们的努力还是感到不 满足。满足。 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 N H C EN H C E Text Analyzing and Reading Para 10b He jumped up on the chair and stood erect pointing both index fingers into th

45、e air to conduct us and yelled, “One more time!” We sang with all of the energy left in our souls and when we were finished he put both his thumbs up and shouted, “That was super!” 他纵身跳到椅子上,直挺着身子,他纵身跳到椅子上,直挺着身子, 双手食指朝天,一边喊一边指挥双手食指朝天,一边喊一边指挥 我们唱歌:我们唱歌:“再再来来次!次!”我我 们全力以赴地唱。待我们唱完时,们全力以赴地唱。待我们唱完时, 他翘起两个

46、拇指喊道他翘起两个拇指喊道“好极了!好极了!” 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 Para 11 We had wanted to let him know that no matter how difficult things got in the world, there would always be people who cared about him. We ended up reminding ourselves instead. For Jimmy, the love with which we sang was a welcome bonus, but mostly

47、 he had just wanted to see everyone else happy again. N H C EN H C E Back预习预习小结小结导入导入写作写作 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 课文缩写课文缩写 结构分析结构分析 Text Analyzing and Reading 本来我们想让他知道,无论世上有多本来我们想让他知道,无论世上有多 难的事情,总是有人来关心他。现在难的事情,总是有人来关心他。现在 反倒是提醒了我们自己。对于吉米来反倒是提醒了我们自己。对于吉米来 说,我们唱歌时的爱心,是他心中额说,我们唱歌时的爱心,是他心中额 外的礼物,但是他原先更想看到的,外的

48、礼物,但是他原先更想看到的, 是别人再次感到快乐。是别人再次感到快乐。 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 Para 12a Just as my fathers death had changed Jimmys world overnight, September 11th changed our lives; the world wed known was gone. But, as we sang for Jimmy and held each other tight afterward praying for peace around the world, we were r

49、eminded that the constant love and support of our friends and family would get us through whatever life might present. N H C EN H C E Back预习预习小结小结导入导入写作写作 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 课文缩写课文缩写 结构分析结构分析 Text Analyzing and Reading 句型句型 有如父亲的去世一夜之间改变了吉米有如父亲的去世一夜之间改变了吉米 的世界,的世界,911也改变了我们的生活;也改变了我们的生活; 我们熟悉的世界不复存在了。但是

50、,我们熟悉的世界不复存在了。但是, 当我们为吉米唱歌,相互紧拥,祈祷当我们为吉米唱歌,相互紧拥,祈祷 全球和平时,我们也意识到,朋友、全球和平时,我们也意识到,朋友、 家人间永恒的爱和支持可以让我们克家人间永恒的爱和支持可以让我们克 服生活中的任何困难。服生活中的任何困难。 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 Para 12b The simplicity with which Jimmy had reconciled everything for us should not have been surprising. There had never been any limitat

51、ions to what Jimmys love could accomplish. N H C EN H C E Back预习预习小结小结导入导入写作写作 Structural Analysis? 课文阅读课文阅读 随随 笔笔 课文缩写课文缩写 结构分析结构分析 Text Analyzing and Reading 句型句型 吉米以朴素的方式为我们协调了眼吉米以朴素的方式为我们协调了眼 前的一切,他做到这一点并不令人前的一切,他做到这一点并不令人 吃惊。吉米的爱可以征服一切,这吃惊。吉米的爱可以征服一切,这 是任何东西都限制不了的。是任何东西都限制不了的。 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Uni

52、t课件课件 动词不定式和现在分词作结果状语的区别动词不定式和现在分词作结果状语的区别 是:前者表示出乎意料的结果;后者表示是:前者表示出乎意料的结果;后者表示 顺其自然的结果。顺其自然的结果。 I hurried to his house, only to find him not in. 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 in charge主管,看管主管,看管 I hadnt been in this company when he was in charge. He will be in charge of all hiring and firing in this compa

53、ny. 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 no matter与疑问词与疑问词who, what, where, when, how, if, whether等连用,意为等连用,意为“无论,不管无论,不管”,引导让步,引导让步 状语从句。如:状语从句。如: 1) Dont open the door, no matter who comes. 不管谁来都别开门。不管谁来都别开门。 2) Dont trust him, no matter what he says. 无论他说什么,都别相信他。无论他说什么,都别相信他。 引导让步状语从句时,疑问代词引导让步状语从句时,疑问代词/疑问副词

54、疑问副词+ever whatever / whoever / whichever no matter + what / who / which 以此类推以此类推 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 1. 1. 不管花多少时间,我总要完成这项工作。不管花多少时间,我总要完成这项工作。 Ill finish the job, no matter how long it takes. 2.2.不管发生什么事,我一定会支持你不管发生什么事,我一定会支持你。 No matter what happens, I will stand by you. 3.3.不管谁指出我们的缺点,我们都改正不管谁

55、指出我们的缺点,我们都改正。 No matter who points out our shortcomings, we will correct them. 4.4.不论我到什么地方,中国永远是我的家乡不论我到什么地方,中国永远是我的家乡。 No matter where I go, China will always be my home. Notes to the TextFocus Study 新视野大学英语新视野大学英语Unit课件课件 adjust to 调整调整, 调节调节 My eyes havent adjusted to the dark yet. 我的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。我的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。 Animals adjust themselves to their environment. 动物能适应自己生活的环境。


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