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1、2016 年广东省深圳市中考英语试卷及答案1.after leaving school,i think ill miss my teachersme,tooall the teachers are sofriendlyif i have timeill come backto see them( )a. nice and kindb. good and excitedc. glad and lucky2.the library near our school isnt open in the evening,so we can gothereduring the dayno problem,i

2、ll go with you tomorrow( )a. day after dayb. in the daytimec. all the time3.mrwhite,could you give me someadvice?i have trouble in learningenglishsurefirst,you should be confident and never give upsecond,( )a. introductionsb. suggestionsc. instructions4.how did your classraisemoney for the poor old

3、man in hospital?we organized a book fair on the playground and sold some books and cds( )a. collectb. put upc. spend5. a little giraffe has come to shenzhen safari parkshall we go and watch it?good idea!lets go there a.one by oneb. with each otherc. in our spare timetogethernext sunday( )6.my mum is

4、 illi have to stay at home andlook after herim sorry to hear that a.look atb. look forc. care fori hope she can get better soon( )7.excuse me,could you please tell me the way to the book city?okwalk along this street till you reach the childrens palacethe bookcity isoppositeit( )a.on the other side

5、of b.in front ofc.next to8.good news!metro line 11will be open on june 30 in our citygreat!it will make our livesmore convenient( )a. richerb. easierc. faster9.a_is a person who is in someones home by invitation,for a shorttime,as for a meal,or to stay one or more nights( )a. bossb. customerc.guest1

6、0.the dragon boat festival is an important day in our countryon that daywe can have some_food likezongzi a.nationalb. westernc. traditional( )11.miss wang,im sorry i am late because i _ to catch the earlybusit doesnt matteryoud better come to school earlier next time( )a. neededb. failedc. managed12

7、.it is reported that many wild animals in the world are_becauseof human behaviorwe must do something to stop people from hunting and selling these animals( )a. in dangerb. in publicc. in silence13.this summer a lot of athletes will go to brazil to_the 2016rioolympicsi love sports and i cant wait to

8、enjoy the exciting moments a.take part inb. take pride inc. take in( )14.what about going to see captain america:civil war (美国队长 3) this tuesday?i,d love to,but im very busy on weekdays_,i can go only on weekends( )a. for exampleb. since thenc. that is15.i had a quarrel with my friend jim yesterday,

9、and now i_itwhy not go and say sorry to him at once?its never too late to mend( )a. feel ashamed ofb. am proud ofc. am interested in16.when i was ten,my mother worked all day,so i had to take care of myyounger brotherat that time,my little brother was about four years oldand he(16) mum all the timeo

10、ne day,after i had given him his dinner,he started crying for mumhewas so young and really needed mumso i dressed him,put on his(17) ,carried him on my back and walked outsoon he fellasleepabout half an hour later,i found that lie lost a shoe while he was(18) i took him off my back and put him(19) i

11、 knewwe needed to find that shoe,for our mother couldnt afford new shoesihad to(20) to find it,so i told my brother to wait righttherea man heard it and stopped me just(21) i walked offheasked me,you are leaving your brother here to find the shoe?what willyou do if he is not here when you return?i d

12、idnt know(22) toanswer that questionhe continued,its ok if you cant find the shoe,butit is not ok to lose your(23) then he sent us to mumsworkplace by taxiduring my whole life i have received the(24) from manystrangersi feel sorry that i cant find them and say(25)ido not even remember what their fac

13、es looked like,but they taught me alessonpeople are more important than things a.lovedb. missedc. calleda. clothesb. coatc. shoesa. sleepingb. runningc. walkinga. downb. upc. ona. get upb. go outc. go backa. afterb. beforec. untila. howb. whatc. whena. dadb. mumc.brothera. happinessa. kindnessc. sad

14、nessa. thank youb. never mindb. youre welcome17.(1)according to passage 1,how many temporary trains will the shenzhen railway station add?()a. 1b. 5c. 6d. 7(2)from the report in passage 3 jams()a. beijingb. shenzhenc. jinand. hangzhou,we know that became no.1in traffic(3)which of the following state

15、ments is true?()a.the shenzhen railway station will add train k6512to yueyangb.there were more than 100fashion shows during the fashion weekc.you seldom get caught in a traffic jam in shenzhend.zhang yuetong has been trained to do rockclimbing for 8years(4)the four short passages probably come from(

16、)a. talesb. newspapersc. storybookd. novels18.in the summer between my first year and second year in college,i wasinvited to be an instructor(辅导员)at a high school campon the firstday,when we were dancing and playing games,i noticed a boy under the treewho was small and thinhis shyness made him appea

17、r weaki walked towardshim,introduced myself and invited him to join in the activities and meetsome new peoplehe quietly replied,no,i really dont want to dothisi could understand that he was in a new world but i knew it wouldntbe right to force him,eitheractually,the boy didnt need a close talkbut a

18、friendat lunch the next day,i was leading camp songs when 1saw the boy under thetree sitting alonei tried again with the same invitation,but he refusedonce againthat evening i was told the boys name was tommythen i askedthe campers to pay special attention to the boy and spend time with him when the

19、y couldthe days went by and the time came when we had to leavewe held a big,warm party to celebrate the closing of the campall the campers sharedtheir wonderful momentsto my surprise.1found the boy from under the treedancing joyfully with two girls personi couldnt believe it was the samein october o

20、f my second year,i received a phone call from tommysmothershe told me that tommy was hit by a car and killedi offered my deep sadnessthe mother said:tommy mentioned you so many timesi want you to know that he went back to school and made new friends withconfidenceyou made a difference for tommy duri

21、ng his last monthsat that moment,i realized how easy it was to give a bit of yourself everydayyou may never know how much each gesture may mean to someone elseihope that everyone can pay attention to their ownboy under the tree(1)before the writer came to the high school summer camp (n) ()a. instruc

22、torb. camperc. studentd. reporter,he was a(2)how many times did the writer invite the boy to join in the activities ()a. onceb. twicec. three timesd. many times?(3)which is the correct order about the story?()the boy danced joyfully with two girlsthe boy went back to school and made new friendsthe b

23、oy refused to join in the activitiesthe boys mother made a phone call to the writera.b.c.d.(4)from paragraph 4,we can infer(推断)that tommys mother wasvery to the writer()a. thankfulb. helpfulc. faithfuld. harmful19.students at a primary school in fuzhou,hast chinas fujian province were required to cl

24、ean the school toilets to help them develop goodhabitsbut some parents are strongly against the ideathey cant see theadvantages of students doing such chores(杂亊)they think that theschool should provide students with a proper education be school cleaners,not the chance toin fact,parents,schools and s

25、ociety play an equally(同等地)importantrole in developing the character of studentsit is good for schools togive students such tasks,because few of the students will do them athometheir parents want them to do homework onlyin recent years,some parents willmake mountains out of molehillswhenstudents are

26、 asked to do some chores in schoolssome complain about theteachers if their kids get hurt in schools; some even challenge theschoolsteaching methods and management schools,especially those in big citiesas a result,many primary ,do not let students join inoutdoor activities during breaks,fearing that

27、 they might get hurtthis isbad for the development of studentsbest qualitieswhat the primary school in fuzhou is doing is worth praisingdoing chorescan put a sense of responsibility into studentsminds and teach them the spirit of rules as well as teamworkalso,it can make studentsinschoolexperiences

28、more meaningful(1)a primary school in fuzhou required the students to a.do homework only()b. finish homework at schoolc. clean the playgroundd. clean the school toilets(2)some parents think that the school should provide studentswith()a. a proper educationb. a chance to be cleanersc. a chance to be

29、teachersd. more housework(3)the underlined phrase make mountains out ofmolehills means()a.b.c.d.愚公移山山穷水尽小题大做眉飞色舞(4)what is the main idea of the passage?()a.students shouldnt do any chores in schoolb.parents require students to do some chores in schoolc.some parents think doing some chores is harmful

30、 to studentsd.doing some chores can develop studentsgood qualities20.in the uksaturday evenings have always been a popular time for families to watch television togetherone of the most popular programme genres is the talent show,partly because people of all agesare interested in itearly shows,like o

31、pportunity knocks(19651978),required people tovote(投票)for their favorite acts and performers,although in those daysvoting was done by postcard instead of by telephone,text,or over theinternettoday,the success of television talent shows has reached a newlevelhere are ihe uks top three tv talent shows

32、the x factor in this wonderful singing competition:,performers have to facea celebrity judge panel(名人裁判组)before the public votemanyexcellent singers became popular because of itthe show is now made allover the world,from china to colombiastrictly come dancingthe programme is so fantastic that it att

33、racts manycelebritiesthey team up with professional(专业的)dancers and come tothe dance floor to win the title of strictly come dancing championbritains got talentin this modernday version(版本)of opportunityknocks,the public can go and choose from many kinds of acts,from dancingdogs to ice skatingthe pr

34、ize is to perform for the queen in the royalvariety of performance(1)when did the show opportunity knocks begin a.in 1965b. in 1978c. in 2015?()d.k is not mentioned(2)if a person loves a skating act,he or she may go to a.opportunity knocksb. strictly come dancingc. the x factord. britains got talent

35、(3)which of the following is not true according to the passage()?()a.the winners of britains got talent can perform for the queenb.if you want your dog to have a performance,you can go to britains got talent with itc.opportunity knocks is still on television nowd.people of all ages enjoy tv talent s

36、hows in uk(4)the underline wordgenresin the first paragraph means()a. listsb. typesc. choicesd. expressions21.all over the world the need for more laptops and computers increaseseach yearnetworks have been part of our lifeprobably everyone with aportable device(移动设备)has once logged on to a public wi

37、fi networkwithout paying for it,while they are having a coffee,on a train,in ashopping mall or at a hotelhowever,is this kind of public wifi networksafe?some networks are better protected than others because encryption(加密)methods are usedtherefore,they are safer than othersbut a survey in2015 showed

38、 that more than 950 million records were not protected,including addresses,emails,birth dates,phone numbers,passwords and soonthese open wifi networks are really not safe,because it is very easyfor hackers(黑客) to break into the operating system and get peoplesprivate informationmost smartphones and

39、laptops,by themselves,search and connect to wifi networksthey usually prefer a network with a connection that has been used beforehackersdevices are able to record these searches and look like the trusted wifi networkswhen these smartphones and laptops log on to the networks which are not real,hacke

40、rs can easily steal their private informationso next time,when we want to use our laptops or our smartphones in publicplaces which offer free wifi networks,please think it twice or take safemeasures before using them(1)why do people like to go log on to a public wifi network?()a.because it can provi

41、de useful informationb.because the owner of the network is politec. because it is freed. because it is safe(2)we can learn from the passage that()a. not all the public wifi networks are safeb. none of the public wifi networks is safec. in 2015more than 950million records were protectedd. there is no

42、 way to protect our private information(3)hackers would probably get the following except when we connectour laptops or smartphones to a public wifi network a.our birth datesb. our passwordsc. our phone numbersd. our smartphones()(4)which of the following can be the best title of this passage a.dont

43、 use public wifi networksb. why the public wifi networks a possible dangerc. we neednt protect our private information?()d.why hackers break into the operating system22.a dog entered a butchers shop with a note in his mouththe note read,10of lamb chops(羊排),pleasethe butcher was very (1) (surprise)he

44、 took the money,put a bag of chops in the(2) (dog) mouth,and then he closed the shop (3) (quick)he followed the dog and watched him wait for a green lightthen the dog crossed the road to a bus stophe checked the timetable and sat on the benchwhen a bus arrived,the dog checked the number and got (4)

45、itas the bus traveled out into the countryside,the dog enjoyed thesceneryafter (5) while,he stood on his back paws(爪子)(6) (push) thestopbuttonthen the butcher followed(7) (he) offthe dog ran up to a house and dropped his bag on the groundhe went backdown the path,took a big run,and(8) (throw) himsel

46、f againstthe doorno answerhe repeated the action a few timesthen a big manopened the door(9) started complaining about the dog and beatinghimseeing this,the butcher ran up and shouted at the man,what are youdoing?this dog is a genius!the man replied,genius?no way!he hasforgotten his key for the(10)

47、(four) time this month!(1) _(2) _(3) _(4) _(5) _(6) _(7) _(8) _(9) _(10) _23.近年来,越来越多的外籍人士融入到深圳社区生活假设你的小区也居住着这样一个群体,社区委员会为丰南他们的生活,计划在下周六专为外籍人士安排一次采摘荔 枝活动,请你帮忙用英文写一份书面通知,传达给他们要点:1)下周六上午 8:00在北门集合,乘大巴友幸福农场采摘荔枝,下午 4:30返回;2)享受乡村自然美镜,感受干农活的乐趣;3)请在下周四下午 6:00 前去办公室报名;4)你可以带上;另外注意:1)字数:80字左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总字数

48、)2)文章必须包含所有提示内容,并可作适当发挥;3)不得出现真实姓名和校名;4)条理清楚,语句迪顺,意思连贯,书写规范参考词汇:荔枝 lychee (1)noticejune 25报名 sign ones name幸福农场 happy farmin order to enrich the life of the residents(居民),the community unionis going to organize a special activity for next saturday_ wish you a wonderful time!the community union1.【能力值】无【知识点】(1)略【详解】(1)【分析】离开学校之后,我很想念我的老师们我也是所有的老师都很友好如果我有时间,我会回去看他们的【解答】答案:a


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