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1、河南理工大学万方科技学院电气与自动化工程系2014届毕业生英文文献专业: 电气工程及自动化班级:10电一 1班学号: 1016303085姓名:许永辉时间:年 月曰目录原文1.汉译英7原文距离企业附近往往有多条可用电源,可以根据电源的电压等级和距离企业的距离, 电价等多种因素考虑选用合适的电源来达到经济,可靠的目的。本次设计共提出两套方 案:方案1采用两个35Kv的电源供电。电源A, B各负荷一台35Kv变压器,其下一级 设有10Kv变压器。方案2采用两个10Kv的电源供电。电源C, D直接各负荷一台 10Kv变压器。根据供配电技术表 4-1中,4电源均符合输送功率和输送距离的要 求。方案一优

2、点是电价较低,但距离企业较远,线路损耗较大。又要用到多个不同级 的变压器,造成初投资和运行费较高。方案 2只用到10Kv变压器,电源距企业较近, 维修和运行简单。所以选择方案2。这种方案适合全厂需求,初投资和以后的运行费用 都比较低廉且可靠性相对较高。本企业无大型高压设备。所以综合3个指标,全厂供电系统电源选择方案采用方案2。变电所的主接线是实现电能输送和分配的一种电气接线,在变电所的主接线图中 将电线或电缆、电力变压器、母线、各种开关避雷器电容器等电气设备有序的连接起 来,只表示相对电气连接关系而不表示实际位置。通常用单线来表示三相系统。对变电所的主接线主要有以下几个基本要求:(1) 安全主

3、接线的设计应符合国家标准有关技术规范的要求,能充分保证人身和设备 的安全;(2) 可靠 应满足用电单位对供电可靠性的要求;(3) 灵活 能适应各种不同的运行方式,操作检修方便;(4) 经济 在满足以上的前提要求下,主接线设计应简单,投资少,运行管理费用低, 一般情况下,应考虑节约电能和有色金属的消耗量。供配电系统变电所常用的主接线基本形式有线路-变压器组接线、单母线接线和桥 式接线3种类型。(1) 线路-变压器组接线 当只有一路电源供电和一台变压器的时可采用,有接线简单, 所用电气设备少,配电装置简单,节约投资等优点,但当该单元中任一设备发生故障或检修时,变电所全部停电,可靠性不高,所以线路

4、-变压器组接线方式只适用于小容 量三级负荷、小型企业和非生产性用户。(2) 单母线接线 母线又称汇流排,用于汇集和分配电能。单母线接线又可分为单母线 不分段和单母线分段两种。单母线不分段接线:当只有一路电源进线时,常用这种接 线,每路进线和出线装设一只隔离开关和断路器。当电源线路、母线或母线隔离开关 发生故障或检修时,全部用户供电中断。所以这种接线方式适用于对供电连续性要求 不高的三级负荷用户,或者有备用电源的二级负荷用户。单母线分段接线:当有双电源供电时,常采用单母线分段接线。可采用隔离开关或短 路器分段,隔离开关因操作不便,目前以已经不采用。单母线分段接线可以单独运行, 也可以并列同时运行

5、。(3) 桥式接线所谓桥式接线是指在两路电源进线之间跨接一个断路器,犹如一座桥。 断路器跨接在进线断路器的内侧,靠近变压器,称为内桥式接线。若断路器跨接在进 线断路器的外侧,靠近电源侧,称为外桥式接线。其适用范围为有两路电源供电及两 台变压器的情况。综合考虑以上因素,经过认真分析讨论,提出以下两种主接线图的设计方案,具 体如下。本变电站有两路电源同时供电,所以应该采用双回路电源进线,方案1采用低压单母线分段接线。1号方案是通过从两个电源进线,设两台10kV变压器。两台 10kV变压器,为两段低压母线提供0.4kV供电。在0.4kV低压母线上做母线联络。1 号方案的优点是经济,整个系统使用安全,

6、各变电所相对独立,系统简单,有一定可 靠性,能满足可靠性要求。缺点是10k V母线无联络,自闭母线和贯通母线可靠性低。 由于本变电所有两路电源同时供电,所以应该采用双回路电源进线。方案2一、二次侧均采用母线分段主接线,由于进线开关和母线分段开关均采用了断路器控制,操作 十分灵活,供电可靠性较高,适用于一、二级负荷供电。2号方案也是通过从两个电源进线,设两台10kV变压器。两台10kV变压器,为两段低压母线提供 0.4kV供电,并 且2号变电所的左右0.4kV低压母线上做母线联络,为低压设备提供可靠供电。除此 之外,2号方案在10kV的主母线上做母线联络,不仅提高了 2号变电所的供电可靠性, 而

7、且提高了自闭母线和贯通母线的供电可靠性。2号方案的优点是整个系统安全性较高, 并且可靠性能进一步提高,尤其提高自闭母线的供电可靠性意义重大,此方案可大大 提高其安全稳定运行。缺点是系统相对复杂和接线复杂使经济上的投入有了一定的增 加。对以上提出的两种方案进行比较讨论。在安全性方面,两套方案不相上下,都能 保证系统运行的安全。在可靠性方面,2号方案要略优于1号方案。因为2号方案在1 号方案的基础上增加了一次侧母线联络,可靠性得到提高。在使用灵活性方面,2号方案要优于1号方案。因为2号方案的电源转换和故障切换均可以在高压部分的一号变 电站处的母线连接中实现,也可以在低压部分实现,这样的使用灵活,方

8、便。在经济 性方面,1号方案有优势。1号方案在保证了可靠性的同时在10kV处比2号方案少了 一个母线连接的高压柜,节省了部分资金。其它方面双电源进线独立变电所的主接线采用一、二次侧单母线分段接线。这种接线 适用于有一、二级负荷的企业,变电所有两台或两台以上变压器。双回路电源进线高 压侧采用单母线分段后,供电可靠较高,操作灵活方便。综合以上五个方面的考虑, 结合实际设计中的各方面的需求,最终选择使用 2号方案的设计,作为该企业供电系 统的主接线图。变电所二次回路是保障一次回路正确、安全、可靠运行的系统。供配电系统的二 次回路包括用来控制、指示、监视和保护一次电路运行的回路,以及操作电源回路等。

9、二次回路按功能可分为断路器控制回路、信号回路、保护回路、监测回路和自动化回 路、操作电源回路等。操作电源向断路器控制回路、继电保护装置、信号回路、监测 系统等二次回路提供所需的电源。电压互感器、电流互感器还向监测、电能计量回路 提供电流和电压参数。二次回路的操作电源主要有直流操作电源和交流操作电源两类, 直流操作电源有蓄电池和硅整流直流电源两种。交流操作电源有电压互感器、电流互 感器。经比较:硅整流操作电源价格便宜,维护工作量小,体积小。所以此系统采用 硅整流直流操作电源。电磁操动机构的断路器工作原理:(1)断路器的手动控制手动合闸设断路器处于跳闸状态,此时控制开关 SA处于“跳闸后”(TD)

10、位置,其触电接 通,QF闭合,绿灯亮。因电阻1R存在,流过合闸接触器线圈KM的电流很小,不足以 使其动作。将控制开关SA顺时针旋转90度,至“预备合闸”位置(PC,将信号灯接于闪光 小母线(+) WF上,绿灯HG闪光,表明控制开关的位置与“合闸后”位置相同,但断 路器仍处于跳闸后状态,这是利用不对应原理接线,同时提醒运行人员核对操作对象 是否有误,如无误后,再将SA置于“合闸”位置(C)(继续顺时针旋转45度)。SA接 通,使合闸接触器KM接通于+W(和-WC之间,KM动作,其触点KM1和 KM2闭合,合闸 线圈通电,断路器合闸。断路器合闸后, QF1断开使绿灯熄灭,QF2闭合,由于SA接 通

11、,红灯亮。当松开SA后,在弹簧作用下,SA自动回到合闸后位置,红灯发出平光, 表明断路器手动合闸。同时表明跳闸回路完好及控制回路的熔断器完好。在此通路中, 因电阻存在,流过跳闸线圈的电流很小,不足以使其动作。手动跳闸将控制开关SA逆时针旋转90度置于“预备跳闸”位置(PT),红灯发出闪光,表 明SA的位置与跳闸后的位置相同,但断路器仍处于合闸状态。将SA继续旋转45度而置于“跳闸”位置(T),使跳闸线圈接通,此回路中的跳闸线圈通电跳闸,QF1合上, QF2断开,红灯熄灭。当松开SA后, SA自动回到“跳闸后”位置,绿灯发出平光,表 明断路器手动跳闸,合闸回路完好。断路器的自动控制断路器的自动控

12、制通过自动装置的继电器触点的闭合分别实现合、跳闸的自动控 制。自动控制完成后,信号灯 HR或HG将出现闪光,表示断路器自动合闸或跳闸,又 表示跳闸回路或合闸回路完好,运行人员需将 SA旋转到相应的位置上,相应的信号灯 发平光。当断路器因故障跳闸时,保护出口继电器触点闭合,SA的触点被短接,跳闸线圈通电,断路器跳闸,HG发出闪光,表明断路器因故障跳闸。信号继电器电流型线圈通 电后将发出信号。同时由于 QF3闭合而SA只置“合闸后”(CD位置,事故音响小母 线WAS与言号回路中负电源接通(成为负电源),则起动事故音响装置,发出事故音响 信号。如电笛或蜂鸣器发出声响。断路器的防跳若没有防跳继电器,在

13、合闸后,如果控制开关 SA的触点或自动装置触点被卡死, 而此时又遇到一次系统永久性故障,继电保护使断路器跳闸,QF1闭合,合闸回路又被接通,则出现多次“跳闸一合闸”现象,这种现象称为跳跃。如果断路器发生多次跳 跃现象,会使其毁坏,造成事故扩大。所以在控制回路中增设了防跳继电器。自动重合闸装置简介:自动重合闸装置主要用于架空线路,本系统中,到变电所 的线路采用架空线路,所以用自动重合闸来保护线路的瞬时故障。电气一次自动重合闸装置(1)故障跳闸后的自动重合闸过程线路正常运行时, SA1和SA2是在合上的位置, 途中出1 3, 2123接通之外,其余接点均是不接通的, ARD投入工作,QF(1 2)

14、是 断开的。重合闸继电器KAR中电容器C经4R充电,其通电回路是+W&SA34FHC- WC同时指示灯HL亮,表示母线电压正常,电容器已在充电状态。当线路发生故障时,由继电保护(速断和过电流)动作,是跳闸回路通电跳闸,防 跳继电器KTL电流线圈起动,KTL(12)闭合,但因SA1 58不通,KTL的电压线圈不 能自保持,跳闸后,KTL电流电压线圈断电。由于QF(12)闭合,KAR中的KT通电动作,KT(1 2)打开,使5R串入KT回路, 以限制KT线圈中的电流,仍使KT保持动作状态,KT(3 4)经延时后闭合,电容器C 对KM线圈放电,使KM动作,KM( 12)打开后HL熄灭,表示KAR动作。

15、KM(34), KM(56), KM(78)闭合,合闸接触器 KM1 经 +W&SA3KM(3-4),KM(5 6) KM电 流线圈f KSXBKTL(3 4) QF(3 4)接通正电源,使断路器重新合闸。同时后加 速继电器KM2也因KM(7 8)闭合而起动,KM2辅助触点闭合。若故障为瞬时性的,此时故障应已消失,继电器保护不会在动作,则重合闸合闸成功。QF(12)断开,KAF内继电器均返回,但后加速继电器 KM2触点延时打开,若故障为永久性的,则继电 保护动作,KT1长开闭合,经KM2的延时打开触点,接通跳闸回路跳闸,QF(12)闭合,KT重新动作。由于电容器还来不及重组点,KM不能动作,即

16、使时间很长,因电容 器C与KM线圈已经并连,电容C将不会充电至电源电压值。所以,自动重合闸只重合 一次。(2) 手动跳闸时,重合闸不应重合因为人为操作断路器跳闸是运行的需要,无需重合闸,利用SA1的21 23和2 4来实现。操作控制开关跳闸时,SA1的2123均不通,跳闸后仍保持断开状态,从而可靠切断了重合闸的正电源,重合闸不可能动作。此外,在操作控制开关跳闸时, 在“预备跳”和“跳闸后” 24接通,使电容器与6R并联,C充电不到电源电压而不 能重合闸。(3) 防跳功能当ARD重合于永久性故障时,断路器将再一次跳闸,若 KAF中 KM(34), KM(56)触点黏住时,KTL的电流线圈因跳闸而

17、被起动,KTL (12)闭合并能自锁, KTL电压线圈通电保持,KTL (34)断开,切除合闸回路,防止跳跃现象。继电保护装置的基本要求有四点:即选择性、灵敏性、速动性和可靠性1. 选择性 当供电系统中发生故障时,继电保护装置应能有选择性地将故障部分切 除。也就是它应该首先断开距离故障点最近的断路器,以保证系统中其它非故障部分 能继续正常运行。2. 灵敏性 灵敏性是指继电保护在起保护范围内,在发生故障或不正常运行状态的 反应能力。在继电保护的范围内,不论系统的运行方式,短路的性质和短路的位置如 何,保护都应正确动作。3. 速动性 速动性是指保护装置应能尽快地切除短路故障。缩短切除故障的时间,

18、就可以减轻短路电流对电气设备的损坏程度,加快系统电压的恢复,从而为电气设备 的自启动创造了有利条件,同时还提高了发电机并列运行的稳定性。4. 可靠性 保护装置应能正确的动作,并随时处于准备状态。如不能满足可靠性的要 求,保护装置反而成为了扩大事故或直接造成故障的根源。为确保保护装置动作的可 靠性,则要求保护装置的设计原理、整定计算、安装调试要正确无误;同时要求组成 保护装置的各元件的质量要可靠、运行维护要得当、系统应尽可能的简化有效,以提 高保护的可靠性。汉译英From anu mberof en terprisesareofte n available nearthe power suppl

19、y voltage accord in gto power level an ddista ncefrom the bus in ess,pricesa ndother factors to con siderthe appropriate choiceof power supply to achieveeconomic,reliable and objective. The designof a total of two opti on s: Optio n 1 of the two 35Kv powersupply. Power A, B of the load of a tra nsfo

20、rmer35Kv, 10Kv its next level with the transformer.Option 2 usestwo 10Kv power supply. Power C, D direct the load of atra nsformer 10Kv. Accord ing to Power Supply a nd Distribute n Tech no logy Table 41,4 arein line with the power tra nsmissi on power a ndtra nsmissi on dista ncerequireme nts. Adva

21、 ntageof the program a lower price, but far away from thee nterprise,greaterweara ndtear lines. Have useda numberof different-classtransformers,resulting in initial investmentand operatingcostshigher. 10Kv program usedtwo transformers,powersupply from theenterprise closerto, maintenanceand operation

22、 simple. Therefore,option 2. This program needsfor the entire plant, the initial investmentandsubsequenbperating costsarerelatively low andrelatively high reliability. The enterprisewithout a large high-pressureequipment.Therefore,acomprehensive threeindicators,the whole powersupply systempower plan

23、t optionsfor the useof program2.Substationis the main connectionof power transmissionand distribution to achieveakind of electrical wiri ng in the substati on will bethe ma in wiri ng diagramwire or cable, electricity transformers,busbars,a variety of switchesfor electrical equipmentsuch assurgearre

24、sters capacitorsconnectorderly only that insteadof the relative electrical connectionsthatthe actual location. Usually expressedason&way thre&phasesystem.The main connectionto thesubstationthefollowing basicrequirements:(1) safety,the desig no f the ma in cableshould be i n lin e with n ati on alsta

25、 ndardsrelat in g to the requirementsof technical specifications,canfully guaranteethe safety of personsand equipment;(2) reliable power units shall meetthe requirementsof reliability;(3) flexibility to adaptto a variety of operating mode, operationto facilitate maintenance;(4) morethantheeconomyto

26、meetthe prerequisiterequirements,themainwiring designshould be simple, low investmentandlow cost operationandmanagementjundernormal circumstances, consideration should be given to saving power consumptionand non-ferrous metals.Substati onfor power distributio n system com monly usedi n the basicform

27、 of the ma in circuitwiri ng - wiri ng tran sformeru nit, sin glebusbarc onn ecti onan dthreek in ds of bridge type c onnection.(1) Line - transformer unit wiring all the way when the only power supply and a transformer optio ns,therearesimple wiri ng, electrical equipme ntusedi nlow power devicesis

28、 simple, the advantagesof savingsand investment, butwhen any one of the unit equipmentfailure or maintenan ce,the substati on all the power, reliability is not high, so lines - Tran sformer Conn ecti on Group is on ly applicableto thethree small-capacity load, small bus in essusers and non -producti

29、ve.(2) Also known ass in gle-bus bus busterm inal for thepooli ng an ddistributi on of electricity. Sin gle-buss in gle-wire busca n be divided into non -subsubtwo and sin gle-bus. Not as in gle sub-busc onn ecti on: When the only way into the power line, commo nly used this connection, every road i

30、nto a line and round the in stallati on of isolati on switches a nd circuit breakers.When the power lines, busor bus isolation switch failure or maintenance,the total interruption of electricity supply. Therefore, such a connectionmodefor thecontinuity of powersupply load modestthree-tier user, or t

31、he sec on daryload sta ndby power users.Sin gle-bussub-wiri ng: When there is adual power supply, the regularuseof a si nglesub busconnection. Isolating switch or a short circuit can be sub-device, isolating switch inconvenien cedueto the operati on, now no Ion ger used.S in gle sub-buswiri ng can b

32、er un, you can run side by side at the sametime.(3) Bridge the so-called bridge cablewiri ng is defi ned astwo-way cross betwee nthe power line into the circuit breakerafter a no ther,like abridge. Jumpercircuit breakeri n the circuit breakeri nto the in side lane, n earthe tran sformer, referred to

33、 as wiri ng in side the bridge. If the jumper circuit breakeri nthe circuit breakeri nto the lateral I ine, n earthe powersupply side, asthewiring outsidethe bridge. Its scopeof application for two-way powersupply andthesituation of the two transformers.Considering thesefactors, after a careful anal

34、ysisof the discussion,the following wiring diagram of the two main desig no pti on s,asfollows. Thesubstatio nhastwo powersupply at the sametime, it should be double-loop power supply into line, the program usedasingle low- voltage sub-busc onnection .Program on the 1st through the power supply from

35、 two into line, set up two 10kV transformer.Two 10kVtransformerfor the two low-voltage busto provide power supply 0.4kV. 0.4kV busin the low-voltage busbarcontactdo.The merits of option 1 is the economy,the useof safety throughout the system,relatively independentof the substation,the systemis simpl

36、e, haveacertain reliability, to meetthe reliability requirements.Thedisadvantage is that no con tact 10kV busbar,busbarautistic reliability and low through the bus. Sin cethe substati on at the sametime there aretwo power supply,it should bedouble-loop powersupply into line. Option2ofasecondsidearet

37、hemain sub-buswiring, asthebusintotheline switches and disconnectswitches are usedto control the circuit breakeroperation is very flexible, high reliability for primary and sec on daryload for Xin hua. Program is on the 2nd power supply from the two into line, setup two 10kV transformer.Two 10kV tra

38、nsformerfor the two low-voltage busto provide powersupply 0.4kV and2 low-voltagesubstationbusaround0.4kV busbar contactsofor low-voltageequipmentto provide reliable powersupply. In addition, the program on the 2nd of the 10kV bus doneon li ne con tact, not only in creased2 substatio nreliability, an

39、d improved busautistic and reliability through the bus. The merits of option 2 is the entire system of higher securityand reliability can be further improved, in particular, to increasethe reliability of thebusclosedsignificant, this program can greatly improve their safeandstableoperation. The disa

40、dva ntageis that the systemis relatively complex and the complex wiri ng on the in put of the econo myhasdefi nitely in creased.The two on the program discussed.Security,the sametwo options, both to ensurethe safetyof systemoperati on.ln termsof reliability, the Chamber on the 2 nd program is better

41、tha n1 program. Programon the 2nd becausethe 1st program in addingacontactsidebus,reliability is improved. Flexibility in the useof No. 2, the program is superiorto the 1st program. Programon the 2nd becausethe power conversionand failover can be in the high-voltage substationon the 1st part of the

42、Departmentto achievethe bus connectionscan also be part of the realization of the low pressure,so that the use of flexible andconvenient.I n theeconomy,theprogram hasthe edge on the 1st. No. 1 program in ensuringthe reliability of 10kVOffice in the program lessthan2 bus to connectahigh-pressuretank,

43、 to savesomemoney.Other aspectsof dual independentpower substationinto themain line connectionusingoneor two sub-terminal sideof a single bus.This connectionappliesto primary andsecondaryload of en terprises ,there are two substati ontran sformersortwo or more. Double-loop high-voltage power lines i

44、nto a single-bus sub-side after a high-powered and reliable, flexible and convenient operati on .Basedo ntheabovefive areasofc on siderati on ,i n light of theactual desig no fthe various needsof, and ultimately chooseto usethe design on the 2nd, asthe companysmain power supply systemwiring diagram.

45、Transformersecondarycircuit is to protecta circuit is correct, safe, reliable operation of the system.Power supply system in clud ing thesec on darycircuit is usedto con trol, direct ion, monitoring and protection of the operationof aloop circuit andthe operationof the power circuit an dso on. Secon

46、 darycircuit breakerca nbe classified accord in gto thef unctions ofc on trol circuit, sig nal circuit, the protect ion circuit, mon itori ng an dautomati onloop circuit, suchasoperati onof the power loop. Operati ono fthe power c on trol circuit to circuit breakers,relay protecti on device, the sig

47、 nal circuit, them on itori ng systemto provide the requiredsec on darypower circuit. Voltage transformer,currenttransformerto the monitoring, energymetering circuit to provide current and voltage parametersSec on darycircuit of the DC operati ngpowerto operatethe ma in power supply an dthe excha ng

48、eof two types of operati ng power supply, DC power suppliesare battery operateda nd two DC power rectifier. The excha ngeof operat ing powersupply voltage tran sformers, curre nttra nsformers.Comparis on: cheap power supply rectifier operatio n,the maintenanceworkload of small, small size. Therefore

49、,this systemusesa rectifier DC power supply operati on.Electromagneticactuatorworking principle of circuit breakers:(1) manualcontrol circuit breakers manually switchTripping circuit breakerlocated in the state,whenthecontrol switch SA is in post-tripping (TD) position, the electric shockthrough, QF

50、 closed, green.1R resistancedueto the existenceof the flow switch on thec on tactorcoil curre nt KM is very small, not eno ughto make it move.SA will control switch 90 degreesclockwise, to prepareclosing position (PC), the lights flash the nin asmall bus(+) WF onHG flashi ng gree n light in dicates

51、that the positi on con trol switch a nd thepost-clos ing positi on thesame,but still in the circuit breakeraftertripp ing, and this does not correspondto the principle of using cables,running at the sametime to remind staff to check whetherthe operati on error, such asaccuracy,the SA an dthe n place

52、d i n closi ng positi on (C) (con ti nue to shun45 degreesclockwise rotati on). SA conn ectedto switch con tacts connectedto KM in the + WC anckWC between,KM movement,its closecontactKM1 andKM2, coil power switch, circuit breakerswitch. After thecircuit breakerswitch, QF1 disconnectedso that the gre

53、enlight goesout, QF2 closedaccessdueto SA, the red light. SA when the release after the spri ng un der, SA automatically returned after the closi ng positi on, theissueof flat red light, i ndicat ing that ma nu alcircuit breakerswitch. At the sametime show that the trip in tact a nd con trol circuit

54、 fuse circuit in tact. I n this pathway, becausethere is resista nee,the flow of curre nt tripping coil is very small, not enoughto make it move. Manual trippingSA switches to control a90-degreecounterclockwise rotation under PreparatoryTrip locati on (PT), issueda red light flash ing, in dicat ing

55、the locati on of SA with the samelocati on afterthetrip, but still in the switch state of circuit breakers.SA will continu e to rotate 45 degrees and placedin tripping position (T), so thattripping coil connectedto the tripping of thecircuit powertripp ing coil, QF1 close, QF2 off, the red lights we

56、 nt out. Whe n SA after release,SA automatically return to the post-trip position, the issueof flat greenlight, indicating that manual circuit breakertripp ing, clos ing loop in tact.(2) automaticcircuit breakersAutomatic circuit breakersautomatically installed through the closed relay contactsto ac

57、hieve together, respectively, the automatic trippi ng. Automati on completed,the sig nalwill beHR or HG flash that automatically switch on or tripping circuit breakers,said circuit tripping or reclosing circuit well, will needto run to the correspondingSA rotating position, the correspondingsigna-fa

58、t plain glass.When thecircuit breakertripp ing dueto failure, the relay co ntact closure to protect exports, SA then the contactwas short, power-tripping coil, circuit breakerstripping, HG issueda flash that the circuit breakertripp ing dueto failure. Sig nal relay coil power curre nt-modesig nalwil

59、l be issued.At the sametime as a result of closure a nd SA on ly QF3 home after the switch (CD) the location of the accidentaudioWAS small bus loop andthe signalconnectedto a negativepower (n egativepower), the audio device start-up accide nt,the accide ntse ntaudio sig nal. Such asthe flute or electricbuzzersound.(3) anti-jumpi


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