1、编编 号号 本本科科生生毕毕业业设设计计( 论论文文 ) 题目:题目:comparison between thematic progression and repetition 摘摘 要要 西方对隐喻的研究由来已久,自亚里士多德研究开始,大致经历了三个阶段:20 世 纪 30 年代以前的修辞学研究,20 世纪 30 年代到 70 年代的语义学研究,20 世纪 70 年代 以后的多学科研究。隐喻作为人类最原始的思维方式之一,引起了国内外诸多学者的兴 趣。如今,各个分支的语言学家正从语义学、语用学、关联理论、认知学等方面来研究 隐喻。广告,伴随着商品交换的产生而产生,伴随着商品生产的发展和科学技
2、术的进步 而繁荣发展。广告通过诸多修辞手段吸引观众以达到其劝说功能。隐喻就是其中之一。 一方面隐喻通过增强广告的形象性来吸引公众的兴趣,另一方面又通过刺激观众的认知 机制,引起观众的共鸣。广告语的研究,特别是广告语的劝说功能的研究也是许多学者 关注的焦点。这篇论文旨在从认知语言学角度,主要通过概念整合理论来研究隐喻如何 在广告语中实现其劝说功能。同时本文认为概念整合理论在分析隐喻时存在一些局限性, 希望建立更系统化的隐喻分析理论。 关键词:关键词:隐喻;概念整合理论;广告;劝说 abstract the scholars in western countries have studied me
3、taphors for a long time. there have been generally three periods since the aristotle times: the first period is the rhetoric study of metaphors before the 1930s; the second period is the semantic study of metaphors from 1930s to 1970s; the third period is the multi-disciplinary study of metaphors af
4、ter the 1970s. as one of the most primitive thinking modes of human beings, metaphor has aroused interest of many scholars both at home and abroad. nowadays, linguists from various branches are studying metaphors from semantics, pragmatics, the relevance theory, the cognitive science, etc. the adver
5、tising, which comes into being as a result of the emergence of goods exchange, develops with the advancement in goods production as well as science and technology. the advertising attracts the publics attention and performs its persuasive function through the employment of various rhetoric devices.
6、metaphor is one of them. on the one hand, metaphor develops the publics interest by strengthening the figurativeness of advertising; on the other hand, it stimulates the cognitive mechanism of the public,thus arousing the resonance of the audience. the study of advertising, especially its persuasive
7、 function has also been the focus of many scholars. this essay aims to study how metaphor achieves its persuasive function in advertising from the cognitive perspective, especially through the conceptual blending theory(cbt). at the same time, this essay proposes some limitations of the conceptual b
8、lending theory in the analysis of metaphor in the hope of establishing a more systematic analyzing theory of metaphor. keywords: metaphor; conceptual blending theory; advertising; persuasion contents chapter 1 introduction .1 chapter 2 linguistics .3 2.1 overall view .3 2.2 correlation between langu
9、age proficiency and pause performance.4 2.3 non-native speakers pause in relation to different introducers.4 2.4 some other findings.6 chapter 3 literature .9 3.1 my antonia and willa cathers own experience .9 chapter 4 translation.11 4.1 the trend of rationalization of “traditional chinese philosop
10、hy”.11 4.2 “xiang/imagery” 、 “xiang/imagery thinking mode” and “co-working on tao and xiang/imagery”.13 4.3 the related research concerning “xiang/imagery thinking mode” in the west.15 chapter 5 conclusion.17 references.19 acknowledgements.20 appendix 1 the pause data of ns and nns at all researched
11、 positions.21 appendix 2 the independent-sample t-tests of the 3 groups.24 chapter 1 introduction the character “天” is one of the simplest in chinese language; however, it is one of the most commonly used characters with the most profound meanings as well. according to the dictionary for ancient chi
12、nese, “天” is equal to dian(颠) in its origin, meaning “the top of the head” or “the highest peak that can never be reached” 1, from which “天” was perhaps embodied with the feature of “high above man” and further evolved into an almighty god that rules people s lives. from the day it was created, the
13、word “天” has been given a profound meaning as it is developing even today. because of its extensiveness in meaning and deep cultural information it bears in itself, it is now the most commonly used word in literature and daily life. according to an incomplete estimation, the number of words and expr
14、essions formed with the character “天” is 487,not including the technical terms and names of animals, plants and places (counted from cihai2). in some famous ancient classics, the number of “天” that was adopted is also impressive. for example, “天” was used 310 times in zuos commentary on spring and a
15、utumn annals,301 times in guoyu,and 49 times in the analects of confucius3,to name but a few. besides, the character “天” has gained great popularity in our daily life as well. it is commonly adopted in peoples names to express their wishes of greatness or being protected or blessed. the character “天
16、” is a surname which has its population of hundreds, not to mention the number of people who use it as part of their names, which would be millions among chinas 1.3 billion population. names of other items like “天翼”(a name of a cell phone brand which is very commonly heard nowadays because of the pr
17、omotion of a new technology-the 3g mobile phone network),“天涯”( a popular website in china)and “海天” (a company famous for its soy bean sauce and related products)explain the utilization of “天” in social lives. when “天” and “公司(company)” are searched in google, 187 million items, most of which are com
18、pany names, show up, manifesting that millions of companies and social associations have adopted “天” as part of their names. all these elements have boosted researchers interest in the translation of “天”. the character “天” created by our ancestors bears significant cultural meanings and is recognize
19、d by a great number of scholars as the most important cultural word that has great significance in the spreading and communicating of chinese culture. scholars have different interpretations of “天”. professor zhang dainian defines “天” as the supreme ruler, nature, and the maximum principle in the fa
20、mous chinese philosophical term of “天人合一”.4 fung yu-lan defines “天” as the physical tian (in contrast with physical di 地), the ruler tian (an anthropomorphic dominator), the fatalistic tian (an uncontrollable power over mans destiny), the naturalistic tian (the objective world operating according to
21、 its innate principles, e.g., tian in tianlun,and the patriarchal and ethical tian.5 as a nation with more than 5000 years history, china has a lot to show to the world, and in this process, the term “天” would never be forgotten and research on it would always be of great significance. this thesis w
22、ill discuss the definitions of “天”, the relationship between translation and culture, the translation of “天” in various texts and materials, and the problems incurred by different cultural implications. finally this thesis makes a tentative suggestion for a proper translation of “天”. chapter 2 lingu
23、istics 2.1 overall view the recordings of the 15 nnss and 3 nss are studied (see appendix 1). as an overall view, we can have 3 obvious findings in tab.2-1 and fig.2-1. tab.2-1 descriptive statistics for nss and nnss pause performance at the 9 researched positions1 positionacpacfocpocfpcppcfsc1psc1f
24、scxf mean duration (ns)0.6430.1820.6020.0760.4900.0970.0830.0690.461 mean duration (nns)0.4650.1290.3920.3390.1760.4420.0080.2670.315 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 acocpcsc1scxf ns-preceding ns-following nns-preceding nns-following fig.2-1 a histogram showing the pause duration at the 9 researched p
25、ositions from the diagrams above, firstly, we can see that nss have a coherent pause pattern among the 4 types of grammatical elements (ac, oc, pc, and sc1); pauses preceding the introducers are entirely longer than those following them, although in sc1 the duration difference is not very large. sec
26、ondly, nnss pause pattern in ac and oc is close to nss; thirdly, both nss and nnss have clear and relatively longer pause in scxf, we can hold the opinion that nnss pause performance is close to nss performance as for scxf. the independent-samples t-test is utilized to make comparison between nss an
27、d nnss in the 9 pause positions within the 4 grammatical elements. tab.2-2 shows us the results. tab.2-2 an integrated table of independent-samples t-test results positionacpacfocpocfpcppcfsc1psc1fscxf mean duration (ns)0.6430.1820.6020.0760.4900.0970.0830.0690.461 mean duration (nns)0.4650.1290.392
28、0.3390.1760.4420.0080.2670.315 p0.4340.3680.2710.0180.0120.0000.0000.0000.479 1 the measurement unit here is second. as can be seen from tab.2-2: firstly, nss and nnss have no big difference in acp, acf, and scxf. secondly, as for oc, nss differ greatly from nnss in ocf, and nnss ocp is almost the s
29、ame as its ocf. thirdly, nss and nnss had significant discrepancy in both pcp and pcf, not only in pause pattern, but also in pause duration. finally, as for sc1 (“it is clear that many women do want the choice”), nss and nnss also perform greatly dissimilarly in both pause pattern and pause duratio
30、n. on the whole, we can have a sequence of these noun-clause types in the descending order of discrepancy degree between nss and nnss: sc1, pc, oc, ac, scxf. 2.2 correlation between language proficiency and pause performance as is indicated in the above text, the nnss are categorized into 3 proficie
31、ncy levels according to their tem-4 scores: high achievers, average achievers, and low achievers. so this question is naturally raised: is there any correlation between their language proficiency level and their pause performance? in other words, do the high achievers perform best? or, do the low ac
32、hievers perform worst? in order to answer the question, 3 independent-samples t-tests are implemented. tab.2-3 shows us the results, and appendix 2 presents us more detailed statistics. tab.2-3 the independent-samples t-test between ns and nns-high, average, low achievers2 positionacpacfocpocfpcppcf
33、sc1psc1fscxf p(ns the ratio of significant difference between nss and nnss- average achievers is 55.6% (5 positions); the ratio of significant difference between nss and nnss-low achievers is 33.3% (3 positions). it is striking but clear that the top performer in this research is the group of low ac
34、hievers, then the group of high achievers, and finally the group of average achievers. so now we are able to believe that there was no correlation between nnss written exam performance and their pause performance at least in noun clauses. 2.3 non-native speakers pause in relation to different introd
35、ucers there are altogether 7 introducers introducing noun clauses in the 12 sentences. they are “that” (4 sentences), “what” (1 sentence), “whether” (2 sentence), “how” (2 sentences), “when” (1 sentence), “who” (1 sentence), “whom” (1 sentence). so we raise another question: what is the nnss pause p
36、erformance in relation to different introducers? to give an answer to this question, independent samples t-tests concerning the 22 researched pause positions were 2 if p0.05, the difference is statistically significant. implemented. these tests were then reordered according to introducers. tab.2-4 s
37、hows us the details. tab.2-4 pause performance in relation to each introducer introducerpositionduration(ns)duration(nns)p3 thatac1p0.0530.0150.197 ac1f0.0900.1290.489 oc1p0.1530.0130.000 oc1f0.0710.3230.031 pc2p0.1230.0280.001 pc2f0.0470.3610.000 sc1p0.0830.0080.000 sc1f0.0690.2670.000 howac2p0.183
38、0.1180.541 ac2f0.0300.0000.423 oc3p0.2540.1740.315 oc3f0.0050.0000.423 whetherac3p0.4070.3320.664 ac3f0.0620.0000.005 pc3p0.2040.1270.356 pc3f0.0490.0480.978 whatpc1p0.1630.0210.003 pc1f0.0000.0330.043 whenoc2p0.1940.2050.939 oc2f0.0000.0160.055 whosc2p sc2f0.2330.1100.242 whomsc3p sc3f0.2280.2050.6
39、99 from the table above, the answer to the question can be easily found: nnss perform distinctively in relation to different introducers. firstly, their pause performance at some introducers is close to the nss, such as “how”, “when”, “who”, “whom”. secondly, both nss and nnss pause longer before in
40、troducer “whether” than after it; nevertheless, nnss pause after it is so short that it can be hardly measured. thirdly, the most significant differences between nss and nnss lie in the introducers “that” and “what”. so another question must be asked here: why do nnss perform distinctively in relati
41、on to different introducers? two reasons, in the authors opinion, can be attributed here: the first reason is language transfer. as is known, it is easy to find the chinese counterparts to introducers like “how”, “when”, “who”, “whom”, because they have specific meaning in each 3 if p0.05, the diffe
42、rence is statistically significant. sentences and their chinese counterparts have similar syntactic functions. however, “that” in noun clauses has no concrete meaning at all, so it is hard to find its counterpart in chinese. in these sentences containing “that” clause, “that” is regarded as an integ
43、ral part of the following clause. however, nnss who are unaware of this characteristic and not exposed to authentic language at early stages with high frequency, or those who have not been given specific training in this issue, may prefer to utilize their l1 linguistic rules in their l2 production,
44、which may lead to an inappropriate l2 pause pattern.6 whats worse, there is no similar linguistic rules in chinese. so the result is but misuse of pause patterns on “that” clause. this can be also applied to explain the difference between nss and nnss in pc1, where the noun clause is introduced by “
45、what”. most nnss in this research dont pause before “what”, but before “is”. the second reason is related with pedagogy, to be more concrete, the transfer of training. when chinese efl students first study noun clause, their teachers who may use wrong pause pattern teach their students in a wrong wa
46、y. in the meantime, they often show their students the sentence structures like “it is certain that.”, “he said that”, “the news is that”, etc. in order to let the students have a general impression that if they want to make a noun clause they have to add a complete sentence after “that”. as a resul
47、t, it seems as if “that” is an integral part of the former sentence constituent, or “that” is independent from the sentence following it, which at last results in inappropriate pause pattern in students speeches. as for the underlying causes for nns participants poor pause performance, we get the an
48、swers from the interview with them. firstly, those who have good pause performance usually received good formative training of english pronunciation and speaking, especially in ipa (international phonetic alphabet). their teachers usually mastered good pronunciation, pause techniques, etc., and util
49、ized various teaching methods in class (e.g. teaching english through singing songs and playing games, teaching ipa with carton cards). on the contrary, those who have poor pause performance usually didnt receive any course of english pronunciation and speaking when they began to learn english. thei
50、r teachers usually had poor pronunciation and pause techniques, etc., and they always utilized fixed or even improper teaching methods. secondly, almost every one of them believes that english speaking is more important than english writing. however, most of them dont have practice of pronunciation
51、and speaking english on purpose, nor have any experience of correcting their pronunciation. when they speak english, they seldom have the awareness of trying to pause at the right place or the sense of pausing for the proper duration. 2.4 some other findings although this thesis concerns pause patte
52、rns of noun clauses, there are also some findings concerned with other important prosodic features such as stress, liaison, lenition, etc. the following two praat screenshots come from two representative participants of ns and nns. the displayed sentence here is sc1 (“it is clear that many women do
53、want the choice.”). the upper waveform in each praat screenshot is their acoustic waveform; the lower one is their voice intensity. fig.2-2 praat screenshot of an nss discourse fig.2-3 praat screenshot of an nnss discourse in this sentence, as we can see in the nss praat screenshot, the introducer “
54、that” is not stressed, while “do” is stressed for emphasis. however, in the nnss praat screenshot, on one hand, “that” is found to be strongly stressed, which even result in 2 clear wave crests of syllables. the first one was /, which is acceptable. the second one is /t:/, which is an inappropriate
55、pronunciation. on the other hand, “do” is not well stressed, either. as a matter of fact, such improper pronunciation is very common among the nns participants in this research. liaison and lenition are two most frequent linguistic phenomena in indo-european languages, but they are hardly seen in ch
56、inese. such language transfer widely results in chinese efl students non-native speaking habits. the following 2 praat screenshots are from two representative participants of nss and nnss. the displayed part here (“when it will”) is from oc2 (“no one knows when it will be available to women in the u
57、nited states.”) fig.2-4 praat screenshot of an nss discourse fig.2-5 praat screenshot of an nnss discourse from the two praat screenshots above, we can find it clearly that in the nss waveform, the liaison between “when” and “it” is quite obvious, and the lenition of /t/ in “it” is also apparent. ho
58、wever, in the nnss waveform, there is neither liaison nor lenition in the discourse. such contrasts are also quite common in some other sentences. probably we can say most nns participants in this research speak non-native english, and they have no awareness about liaison or lenition. and in fact, t
59、hese participants can represent a larger amount of chinese speakers of english. up to now, we can see that such features as stress, liaison and lenition, contribute greatly to the prosody of english. as for the sentences with noun clauses, pause contributes not only syntactically but also prosodical
60、ly. chapter 3 literature 3.1 my antonia and willa cathers own experience my antonia is based on the authors own life in nebraska prairies. willa cather said that the reason of her writing the novel was “because of my passion towards nebraska and the people there, the passion outclasses the desire of
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