已阅读5页,还剩41页未读 继续免费阅读




1、.老师的自我介绍Major in 以为专业Tutor 导师Set a good example to 给某人树立了榜样Be strict with 严格要求Be hard on 苛刻Give up 放弃Except 除了 improve 提高 belief 信条 share 分享Belief 信条: No end to learningShare的用法 Spare 的用法Spare 专门抽出/拿出时间干/钱干 Spare sb sometime 抽时间给某人A must 必须get to know 不是一般了解,是渐近的了解经过一个过程Come /get /learn to know Easy

2、 going 随和平易Energetic 充满能量Fall of energy 充满能量Promise 承诺、誓言Learn by heart 记住、背过、记在心里Instructive 具有教育意义Bright future光明前途Intense 激烈的Well prepared 准备充分Action 行动Learned to result 得知了结果Were you satisfied ? 你满意吗? in low spirits 低谷,心情低落,郁闷vivid 形象的,栩栩如生的 dull 傻了to further your study 接本Unless 除非 ideal 理想的Self

3、-reliant 自我实现 Rely on oneself 依靠自己To support your parents 孝顺你的父母Imagine 想象 Ambitious 有雄心,有理想 industrious 勤奋的Determined 坚持信念Persistent 坚持不懈的,执意的insist on sth /doing sth 坚持persist in you well make it .take your seat .回到座位。 Take ones seat . 就位 look forward to doing sth. 期待accuse sb of 指控某人犯罪 charge sb

4、with 指控某人犯罪情景对话My pleasure 指帮忙后别人致谢时的应答With pleasure给别人帮忙时很高兴That is all right/ never mind若问题是do you mind ,介意是yes/no反义疑问句 前肯后否 通汉语 前否后肯 实事求是的回答 是回答yes ,不是回答NOEg: You are not a teacher , are you ? No , I am not (是的,我不是) Yes ,I am (不是,我是)祈使句中的反义疑问句Let us go ,with you ?Lets go ,shall we ?包括当时在场的所有人。Let

5、 us 是不包括发布命令的人否定的转移 think , believe , suppose (猜测)Eg:I do not think you are wrong,are you ? 一 、语音-ed 清辅音结尾加-ed ,读/t/。如ask-asked .浊辅音/元音音节结尾加-ed 读/d/ 。如stay-stayed 以字母t 或e结尾加-ed 读/id/ar 读/a:/ /w/+ar 读 /:/ 如 wolf /:/ /u/ told , cold , fold Industry / / 且重音在前字母u 在非重读音节中读/ Worth/worthy中th 读/清辅音 / 浊辅音Be

6、worth doing 主动表被动Mouth / mouths/z/Clothes 中的e 不发音 /z/ reward , award , forward debt 中bt在一起时词尾不发音doubt 中 b 不发音climb 刷子 b 不发音X 读 /ks/gz/ Exist , exam , exact , 读/gz/(重读音节) 重音在x exit 读/ks/ 重音在e X 在两个元音字母之间是重读音节。 如:experience exist expect except 以元音字母结尾的是开音节词,辅音字母结尾的是闭音节词。音素48个,元音音素20个,辅音音素28个所有的元音音素是浊音

7、,浊音是发音时声带振动的辅音音素分为清辅音和浊辅音。清辅音不震动,浊辅音振动音节 一个音节是由一个元音或一个元音加上一个辅音构成。Isolate I so late 多音节Worker 双音节Sit 单音节多音节单词有重读Increase v. increase n.多音节词多数情况下的重读放在倒数第三个音节以tion 结尾,以ic结尾的多音节单词的重音放在倒数第二个音节。Experimentation charateristicBea/ u/ ti/ful ne/ce / ssa/ry Necessity terrfic 清辅音浊化Student /st/sk/ school /sk/sg/

8、两个清辅音在一起,第二个清辅音要发相对的浊辅音的音。Skirt /sk/ sg/动词过去式加ed 后以清辅音结尾(除了字母t之外)+ed之后 ed-/t/Stop -stopped /t/ ask-asked /t/以浊辅音结尾(除了字母d以外以及元音音节结尾) ed-/t/Clean -cleaned /d/ clear-cleared /d/ Stay-stayed ay -/ei/ stayed-/d/以/t/,和/d/结尾加ed -/ id/Want-wanted /id/Tion和Sion 的读音 正常读 /n/Tradition , addition , discussion St

9、ion-/tn/Question suggestion , digestion , conjestion ( decision , invasion , conclusion , television )中的Sion 读 /n/元音字母+Sion读 -/n/即Sion前为元音字母时读作/n/字母组合ing 有两个读音 /鼻音 /ng/Long -/Ng 在词尾读 / ng 在词中读 /g/Indy finger 食指 Indy 索引 sing -/ / singer-/g/Al -/:/ : l/e /Al 在词尾-/: /Talk walk chalk Alt 在一起时读-/: lt/Alt

10、er 改变 although salt 不发音的辅音B , h , k , t , w有时候不发音字母b , 当bt / mb (词尾)时不发音。Debt , doubt , subtle(微妙的)Comb (刷子) tomb(坟墓) climb (登山)Number 和lumber (木材总称)中的mb都发音,因为mb 不为于词尾。字母h hour , honest , honor , forehead (前额),exhausted (如此累) , exhibition , exhibit 字母k ,kn Kn know , knowledge , knife , kneed , knot

11、(结)字母tSten / ten 不发音 stle 不发音t-sten / ten / stlelisten fasten(挤紧,系紧) often glisten 闪耀hasten (匆忙) haste (匆忙)谚语;Haste makes waste .欲速则不达。Whistle (打口哨) castle(城堡)字母W-wh-/ h / Who , whom , whose C , g , s , x , 发两个音部分辅音字母两个音,如c, g , s , xC -/ s/ k / g -/ g /d / s-/ s/ z / x -/ ks / gz/Celebrate crinite

12、civilization case bicycle Collection 字母c 后跟I , e , y 时读/s /字母c后跟a , ou 时读/k / c-/ s/ k/ g-/ g/ d/s-/ s / z / x-/ks / gz / g 读-/ g / d/字母g 后面跟 I ,e , y 时读 / d/ Giant 巨大的 geography 地理 geology 地质学Glisten green grasp 字母s 词首,双写,清辅音前后时读清辅音/s /Sword , sister , maps , glass字母s 位于浊辅音后或两个元音字母之间Need To meet th

13、e needs / to satisfy the needs 满足需求Design n.(两个元音之间) assign () Resume n. 简历 resume 中断之后,从新开始Reason 字母X ,在两个元音之间,并且是重读音节,读浊辅音/ g z/Exam exist exact () Exit 中的X不读/ gz / 读/ ks/ Exhausted 筋疲力尽 exhibition n. exhibit v.Exhaust v. 用尽,耗尽Exhausted 用尽了的,耗尽了的Exhibition n. 展览 Exhibit A , e , I , o ,u 开音节:以元音字母结

14、尾的词叫做开音节词。开音节读本身音(往往)Take , late , lake , behave , have (),love ()闭音节读 a-/ /区分/ /和/ e /把食指放在嘴里读/ e/ ,把两个手指放在嘴里读/ /字母a 后跟sk , sb , ss , st , 时字母a 读 / a: /Ask , glass , fast , grasp 读音 /w / 后加字母a 时,读/ /Quality -qu -/ks /Watch , want , wish , water 中的water 读/ : /细水长流 water 中的a 是长音字母e 读/e / bed , test ,

15、 text 字母I 读/ I / sister 字母o 读 / n/ u/ but , put 元音字母在多音节词中 a e I o u 非重读音节中的读音A , e , I, o , u 在非重读音节中都可以读 / /a 中 ago ordinary a 可能读 /i/village /I / palace /I /e silent student 中e 读/ /字母 I 非重读音节中 / / possible -/ / holiday -/ /字母o 读 / / bottom / / /字母u 读 / / suggestion 读 / / industry 读 / /Eg: She sho

16、wed them a paper bearing an official seal.中bear 是含有的意思。Seal 海豹 , 印章Bear-born born 的原型是bear 熊生产生育,Eg:There is no tree,but bears fruit.没有不结果的树。Survive幸存Eg: The third Reich survived Hitler by a week. 第三帝国比希特勒多存在一周。字母组合的读音:ED-/ei/ i:/ e/ i / 读/ei/ great break steak读/ i:/ heat leave leaf读/ e/ head bread

17、breakfast breath n. / e/ 呼吸 out of breath 上气不接下气Breathe v. 中的ea和 th也发生变化,ea -/ i:/ th-/Bath v. bathe n. /ei/ / Ea 读 /i/ real theatre Ou-/u:/ /u/ /u/ /au/u:/-soup group /u/ -could should/au/- mouth Mouths-读/z/ clothes southern /u/-soul shoulder字母oo组合- /u:/ /u/ /Classroom-/u:/ book cook /u/Flood blood

18、 -/ /字母ai-/ ei/ / i/Obtain complain mountain contain fountain explainAi的重读音节读/ ei/ 非重读音节读/i/八个语法重点一、 非谓语动词二、 虚拟语气三、 定语从句四、 状语从句五、 主谓一致六、 倒装七、 情态动词八、 时态在主语从句中表示是否只能用whether Eg: Whether he is coming to my party is hot known . Do as I say . Like 是介词 ,向一样。 As 向一样(连词) like 后不加句子Tell it as it is . 实话实说。Of

19、ten中ten在一起不发音。同样的还有 listen 。一、 非谓语动词(一) 动词不定式 to do 不定式有时态的变化 ,语态的变化(二)动名词 doing (三)分词 :现在分词,过去分词(一)动词不定式1.、动词to 是符号To do 的派生词to be doing (进行时)/to have ved (完成时)Eg: It is said that they are having English classes . They(主语) are said(谓语) to be having English class.It is said that Mr. smith has gone t

20、o USA .Mr. smith is said to have gone to USA .Our handout is said to be being printed . 我们的讲义正在被印刷。Our handout is said to have been printed . 我们的讲义被印刷完了。2、不定式能做的句子成分(1)作宾语(直接跟不定式)Eg : decide , choose , want , plan , promise , determine , (决定) + to do Intend to do (打算) afford (买得起,负担的起)关于attend , ten

21、d , intend 的对比Attend 接宾语或名词Tend to /intend to Tend 趋向于,倾向于 intend 目的是(2)作宾语补足语Eg: ask sb to do 动词+ 疑问词+不定式Eg: know .wonder , explain , learn I do not know how (疑问词) to answer your question . I learned how to do it . I do not know what to say .(3)作补语不定式作补语的特殊结构 there to be 结构是there be 结构的不定式eg: I did

22、 not expect there to be so many people there . For ( 目的) there to be (there be 句型不定式)no mistakes he cheeked it 。I did expect there were so many people ()(4) 主语/ 表语Eg : To see(主语) is to believe(表语) .英语中的特殊形式表语英语中的系动词后的词是表语,等同于主谓宾=主系表Eg: To learn English well in such a short period is difficult . (头重脚

23、轻)需要借用形式主语it It is difficult for us to learn English well in such a short period .加入for us 才非常完整For us 是to learn 的逻辑主语It is considerate (逻辑主语)of you to do me a favor .用for 还是用of 取决于形容词动词不定式可以带自己的逻辑主语,引导逻辑主语通常用介词for ;如果形容词是表示人的品行,品德或者特证的时候必须用of 引导逻辑主语。Consider considerate 体贴的,考虑周到的 Considerable 相当大的,

24、可观的(指数量)(5)作定语 的条件后置 :动词不定式作名词 的宾语要后置动词不定式作定语,如果动词是不及物动词,往往需要加一个介词。Eg: While traveling you need to find a hotel to live in at night .修饰a hotel To live in a hotel 不能说 to live a hotel I need a pen to write with .She has got a chair to sit on .As a captain (船长) ,he is always the first one to come to th

25、e ship . 被修饰的成分有序数词时,只能用动词不定式作定语。(6)作状语 表示目的。条件、元音Eg: 目的状语 To go to USA he works hard at English ,To be a college teacher you must have doctors degree.作状语的5 种形式tootoEnough to In order to / so as to soas to only to Holy girl 剩女In order to 目的是,为了若把目的放在句首只能用in order to 不可用so as to 若目的在句中,则in order to /

26、 so as to 均可 so as to 和so that 意思差不多。结果状语Sothat 后接句子Soas to 如此以至于 as to 后接动词原形Eg : She is so lovely that everyone likes her (句子). She is so lovely as to be liked by everyone .only to 重点考察 only 出乎意料Eg: He hurried to the airport only to find the plane had taken off.用only to 表示出乎意料的结果和前面的初衷相反。(二)、动名词 动

27、词的名词形式 ving Eg: Seeing is believing . 动名词可以做主语/ 表语。动名词作宾语时较麻烦,动名词可以做动词的宾语还可以作介词的宾语Eg: avoid 后必须用动名词doing 做宾语。Eg: mind , avoid , enjoy , escape , appreciate , delay , postpone , consider 动名词可以做介词的宾语,动名词具有名词的特点。Eg: Iam interested in climbing mountains . 介词 in , on , of , after 好判断, to 不好判断。 to 加原形构成不定

28、式是不定式符号to 加名词/ 动名词时是介词to 在固定的结构中作介词使用eg: look forward to / be used to 习惯于,后接名词/ 动名词Money is used to buy food . 被动语态I am used to getting up early .Used to 过去常常作 后+ 动词原形。To 是动词不定式符号。Lead to 中to 是介词。导致产生引起Prefer to 中的To 是介词。喜欢胜过Eg: I prefer coffee to tea .Prefer to 后接动词原形,to 是不定式符号,宁愿做某事Devote oneself

29、to献身于Object to 中的object 反对中的to 是介词+名词/ 动名词UFO 中的U是 unidentified 是fly, O是objectIdentify v 动词词尾是Y读/ ai/ 名词词尾是Y读/ i/Beautify / ai / technology / i/ satisfy / ai/ Identify Eg: a sleeping baby 现在的分词 a sleeping car (卧铺车厢) 动名词现在分词作定语,表示正在进行,可以用定语从句替换动名词作定语表示用途或性质。有些动词既可以跟动词不定式和动名词且意思一致。Begin / start (不考)有些

30、动词既可以跟动词不定式和动名词意思略有不同,如 like Eg: I like smoking ,but I dont like to smoke now .Like doing 表示习惯。 Like to do 表示具体的动作有些动词既可以跟动词不定式和动名词,但意思完全不同。Stop , go on , remember , forget , regret , mean Stop doing 停下来现在做的事情Stop to do 停下来现在做的事情去做别的事情Regret doing 后悔做了某事Regret to do 遗憾的去做某事Remember doing 记得做过Remembe

31、r to do 记得去做Try doing 试着做某事 Try to do 努力做某事 Go on doing 继续做原来的事 Go on to do 继续做另一件事 Mean doing 意味着Mean to do 打算Need , want , require 需要,都可以接动名词和不定式。Eg : These flowers need watering / to be watered .用动名词时 是主动表示被动,用不定式时是被动表被动。Worth , worthy Worth + v-ing (动名词) 主动表被动Be worthy of + 动名词 主动表被动Worthy to be

32、 done 主动表被动Eg : He asked the students to work hard . 使役动词, let ,make , have , 让某人做,使得感官动词 see, hear , watch , smell , fell , 前3个常用,使役动词或感官动词作谓语后的不定式做宾补时,应当省略to . Eg ; I saw the thief steal money in the shop . 如果使役动词和感官动词是被动语态必须要还原to 。 Have sb / sth do (省略to 的不定式) Doing (让某人一直) Done 如果用省略to 的不定式,表示的是

33、动作。如果用动名词doing 表示的是动作的持续,如果用过去分词作宾补,是让某人做某事,但不提出是谁做的,表示被动或完成。Eg:He wants to do nothing but go out . He wants to believe nothing but to take the medicine . He has no choice but to wait . 有do没to,没do 有to ,(在but 后面加不加to ,取决于其前面的那个词,其中do 是do , does , did 表示实义动词则没哟to )eg:Do you mind my (逻辑主语)smoking here

34、?动名词的逻辑主语形容词性物主代词或者所有格人称代词的宾格没有生命的词用普遍格。(原形=普通格)Eg: the hope of the team (逻辑主语原形)winning the game 赢得比赛的希望The noise of desks(逻辑主语) being opened and closed could be heard in the distance .动名词+逻辑主语Eg: The girls being educated in such a good school.主语相当于一个完整的句子,is 有些结构中必须用动名词I have difficulty / trouble

35、in doing 有可能省略in 没有in 也用doinghave a good / hard time (in )doing It is no good / point(意义) / use(有用) / sense(意义) (in) doing sth Eg: It is no point asking him for help ,because he is selfish .There is no good / point / use / sense / (in )doing sth (三) 分词a developing country 发展中国家 表示正在进行a developed cou

36、ntry 发达国家 表示已经完成现在分词表示现在进行,过去分词表示已经完成a touching film the touched audience 现在分词表示主动,过去分词表示被动Eg: Seen from the hill top ,the village was make smaller . 用ing 还是用ed 取决于主语。Seeing from the hill top ,we find the village was make smaller .Have sb doing 让某人一直做某事Have sb done 分词作宾语的补足语 eg: Having not heard fro

37、m his son for a long time ,the father want to see him,()非谓语动词的否定形式,否定词要放在非谓语动词之前。No having heard from his son for a long time ,the father want to see him.()独立主格结构 独立主格结构的基本形式名词/ 代词+ 现在分词/ 过去分词 v-ing / v-ed Eg :Weather permitting(独立主格做状语) well go fishing tomorrow .If weather permits well go fishing t

38、omorrow (完整的条件状语从句)名词+现在分词表达的是一个条件。Weather 是主语,permitting 是谓语但不是主谓结构而是独立主格形式。怎么判断独立主格1、 独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,他独立存在Eg: All things considered we decided to give up .2、 独立主格结构的名词或代词和紧随其后的分词构成的主谓关系,但不是主谓结构。3、 独立主格结构和主句一般用逗号隔开,逗号连接的不可是完整的单句。Eg: My bike _,I have to go to school on foot .A . is being repair

39、ed B. being repaired C. has been repaired D. repaired 解析:和可构成完整的句子,和在结构上均可,但在句意上合理,故选择名词代词+adj / 副词/ 不定式to do / 介词Eg: He came into the room ,his ears red with cold He 和his ears 主语不同 ,red 是形容词He was leapt busy all day ,much work (主语) to do(动词不定式) .He ran out the room ,a knife in (介词)his hand .With+n.

40、 + 其他成分(表示伴随的独立主格)Eg : He was brought to the court (法庭) ,with his hands tied behind his back . if / whether as / like 像一样只能用whether 表示是否 在主语从句和表语从句中表示是否只能用whether . Eg: Whether he is coming to my party is not known (主语从句) The question is whether he is coming to my party.(表语从句) 谓语动词是discuss 或wonder时宾

41、语从句表示是否只能用whether。Eg: We are discussing whether he is coming to my party (作宾语) 介词后面表示是否只能用whether .They are talking about whether he is coming to my party . 和or not 连用时只能用whether Whether or notEg: I do not know if / whether he is coming to my party . As的词性是连词,介词。连词,像一样。介词,作为 Like 当动词讲是喜欢,当介词讲是像一样As

42、当连词讲像一样,后接句子。Like 当介词讲像一样,后接名词。Eg: Like father ,like son . 有其父必有其子。 as 当连词讲,像一样,除了接句子,还可以接介词结构,以及过去分词。Eg: Like in large cities ,net bars also popular in small village .中把like换为as才正确。As motioned in the last paragraph ,net bars should be banned . 中as 像一样As 之后接的是过去分词Like当动词讲是喜欢 ,反义词是dislike 不喜欢Unlike 是

43、不像Eg: Unlike her brother bill ,Mary was quite . Likely , unlikely 中likely 是可能的,unlikely是不可能的。Eg : He is unlikely to come to my party . Be likely to 很有可能的二、定语从句定语从句分为限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句。区分在于有无逗号隔开。 没有逗号隔开的叫限制性定语从句。有逗号隔开的叫非限制性定语从句。引导定语从句的词关系代词关系副词关系代词分别是常用的关系代词和特殊关系代词。常用的关系代词,5个。 Who , whom , whose , that

44、 , which 特殊关系代词, 5个。 As, than , but 关系副词 , 3个, when , why , where Who , whom , whose Who , whose 都指人,who 做主语, whom 作宾语。Eg : Do you know the boy who is standing here ?Do you know the boy whom they are talking about ?中whom 修饰名词作定语。Eg: Do you know the boy whose father is VIP .中whose 修饰father The tree w

45、hose branches (树枝)are almost bare (光秃秃) is 500 years old. Whose 可以指人的所属关系,也可以指物的所属关系。Which 只能指物不能指人,可以做主语也可以做宾语。Eg: She is married to a foreigner ,which is known to everyone . 中的which 指前面的句子。本句中的which 可以用as 替换若放在句首时只能用as 不可用which _is known to everyone ,she is married to a foreigner . (C)A It B That

46、C As D Which It is known to everyone that she is married to a foreigner. Eg: The mother showed more love for the younger son ,which made others jealous (嫉妒)。本句中which 不可被as 替换。 which 引导非限制性定语从句指代前面的整个句子,如果定语从句的谓语是系动词,那么可以用as 替代which ,并且可以放在句首,只能用as 不能用which 如果定语从句的谓语是行为动词,则不能用as 替代which,也不能放在句首That 既

47、可以指人也可以指物 必须用that时,指人时可用who, 指物时不可用which there be 句型中,定语从句只能用that引导eg : Is there any thing that you want to tell me ? 当先行词为数量词或者表示含有数量的词,定语从句只能用that引导Eg : All that you need is money . what = all that The father offered him much money ,that he can spent at will. At will 随意 当先行词是不定代词的时候,必须用that引导定语从句S

48、omething anything everything nothing Somebody anybody everybody nobody Someone anyone everyone none 当先行词被形容词的最高级,序数词以及the only 或the very 修饰的时候,只能用that 引导定语从句。Eg:This is the film which / that I like . This is the most interesting that I like . 当先行词既有人也有物,用that引导。 不用that引导的情况 非限制性定语从句 定语从句中介词提前情况下,绝对不

49、能用that引导(考点)Eg:This is the movie which / that I am interested in .In this is the movie which I am interested In 提前到句首时不可用that 介词提前根据定语从句后面的内容 根据定语从句前面的内容Eg : We need a monition in whom we have confidence 中的in 取决于confidence。Living in the desert has its problems (of) which getting fresh water is the m

50、ost serious .中which指problems of 表示范围As than but 重点asThe same as / the same that Eg : She showed me the same book as (that ) the teacher showed me . 特殊的关系代词as , than , but Eg: She showed me the same book as (that ) the teacher showed me .本句中在结构上as 和that 都符合用as 指一模一样的两本书,用that 指 同一本书The same as 一模一样的两

51、个东西The same that 同一个东西Eg: You must the same boy this morning as (that) I met yesterday . 中用thatThan 用特殊关系代词是比较结构Eg: He called his father and asked for (请求) more money than was needed. Was的主语是than .Than 在定语从句,than was needed 作主语But Eg: There is no one but likes money .中like的主语是but,本句中but可以换为thatnot T

52、here is no tree in the world but bear fruit (结果)。Bear -born 出生 born原形是bear关系副词引导定语从句 when , why , where where 等同于in while why =for which When =on whichEg: The days _we lived/ spent in the village were unforgettable .先行词为the days the days 是spent的宾语,所以所添加的词应代替the days 作宾语,应用关系代词that/ which 若用lived时应用when ,live 是不及物动词后面没有宾语,句中缺状语,故用when Eg: The reason that / which he gave for his lateness was


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