



1、名校名 推荐 考点强化练 5(必修 1Unit 5)考点强化练第9 页.阅读理解(2018 浙江 )I start every summer with the best of intentions:to attack one big book from the past,a classic that I was supposed to have read when young and ambitious.Often the pairings of books and settings have been purely accidental:“ Moby Dick ” on a three-da

2、y cross-country train trip; “ The Magic Mountain ” in a New England beachside cottage with no locks on the doors,no telephones or televisions in the rooms,and little to do beyond row on the salt pond.Attempting“ The Man Without Qualities” on a return to,myHawaiintive state,however,was less fruitful:

3、I made it through oneand a quarter volumes (册),then decided that I d got the point and went swimming instead.But this summer I find myself at a loss.I m not quite interested,say,orin “BalzacTristram Shandy.” There salways“ War and Peace,” which I ve covered some distance several,onlytimesto get bogg

4、ed down in the“ War”part,set it aside for a while,and realize that I have to start over from the beginning again,having forgotten everyone sname and social rank.How appealing to simply fall back on a favorite once more into“ The Waves” or ,”“ Justinewhich feels almost like cheating,too exciting and

5、too much fun to properly belong in serious literature.And then there s Stendhal s “ The Red and,” thewhichBlackhappens to be the name of my favorite cocktail(鸡尾酒 ) of the summer,created by Michael Cecconi at Savoy and Back Forty.It is easy to drink,and knocking back threeor four seems like such a de

6、lightful idea.Cecconi:“ I take swhatevertheory s fresh at the greenmarket and turn it intoliquid.” The result is a pure shot of afternoon in the ,maparking one feel cheerful and peaceful all at once,lying onuncut grass with eyes shut,sun beating through the lids.【语篇导读】 本文是一篇记叙文。在文章中作者讲述了自己暑假的读书历程和感悟

7、。1.What can we infer about the author from the first paragraph?A.He has a cottage in New England.B.He shows talents for literature.C.He enjoys reading when traveling.D.He admires a lot of great writers.答案 C解析 推理判断题。根据第一段的描述 “. Moby Dick . The Magic Mountain . The Man Without可Qualities. ”知,这些都是作者在旅行中

8、所看的书,由此我们推知 ,作者喜欢看书 ,所以选 C 项。2.What do the underlined words“ get bogged down” in paragraph? 2 meanA.Get confused.B.Be carried away.C.Be interrupted.D.Make no progress.答案 D解析 词义猜测题。根据第二段中“.only to get bogged down in the,setWarasidepartfor a while.from thebeginning again ”,并结合上下文可知 ,get bogged down 表示

9、 “深陷泥潭 ,陷入困境中 ”,由此知 ,作者看战争与和平一书 ,总是看到战争部分就看不下去了 ,停停看看 ,再重新开始看 ,停滞不前 ,由此选 D 项。1名校名 推荐 3.Why does the author say reading his favorite books feels like cheating?A.He finishes them quickly.B.He should read something serious.C.He barely understands them.D.He has read them many times before.答案 B解析 推理判断 。根

10、据第二段中“.which feels almost like cheating,too exciting and too much fun to properlybelong in serious literature 可以推知”,作者看自己喜 的 很多遍,从某种程度上而言,作者 向于看 文学,所以很 ,很激 ,像是一种 “ 摸摸 ”的行 ,所以 B 。4.What can be a suitable title for the text?A.The Books of SummerB.My Summer HolidaysC.To Read or Not to ReadD.It s Never

11、Too Late to Read答案 A解析 主旨大意 。根据全文可知,文章一直在 作者在夏天看的各种 籍,由此我 不 A 突出了本文的两个重点 “夏天 ”和“文学作品 ”,故 A 。 B 表示 “我的暑假假期 ”;C 表示 “ 是不 ”;D 项表示 “任何 候 都不晚”,都不能概括 “summer”和 “books的”特点 ,故排除。.语篇填空Mr.James owns a company.He put an advertisement 1.a newspaper for a boy to work in hisoffice.Out of nearly fifty people 2.came

12、 to apply,the man selected one and dismissed 3.others.“ I would like to know, ” said a friend,“ the reason you preferred that boy,who brought neither a single letter,4.a single recommendation.”“ You are wrong,” said the gentlemen.“ He had many.He wiped his feet at the door and closed the door behind

13、him,5.(mean) that he was careful.He gave his seat immediately to an old man,showing that he waskind and 6.(thought).He took off his cap when he came in and answered my questionsquickly,showing that he was a polite gentleman.Everyone else stepped over the book that I 7.(put) on thefloor purposely.He

14、picked 8.up and placed it on the table,and he waited quietly for his turn instead ofpushing and crowding.When I talked to him,I noticed his tidy clothing,his 9.(neat) brushed hair,and hisclean fingernails.Canou seetythat these are excellent recommendations?I considered them to be more significanttha

15、n 10.(letter). ”Hearing the words,the friend nodded in agreement.答案与解析【 篇 】 本文是一篇 叙文。文章 述了Mr.James 招聘 工的故事 ,故事告 我 一个道理: 决定成 。1.in考 介 。 in a newspaper 固定搭配。2.who/that考 定 从句。 who/that 引 定 从句 ,在从句中做主 。3.the考 冠 。 the others指某一范 内的其他人。4.nor考 。 neither.nor. 固定搭配 ,意 “既不 也不 ”。2名校名 推荐 5.meaning考 非 。 句的主干 构已完

16、整,故此 填非 “ meaning表”示主 关系 ,意 “意味着 ”。6.thoughtful考 形容 。句中的“ kind和”“ thoughtful都是”形容 , 并列关系 ,接在 be 后做表 。7.had put考 的 。此 主 关系,且 作 生在 “ stepped之”前 ,故用 去完成 的主 。8.it考 代 。此 代 it 指代前文中的 “ the book。”9.neatly考 副 。此 副 neatly 修 brushed,意 “梳理整 的 ”。10.letters考 名 。此 letter 信“件 ” 可数名 ,故用复数形式。.读后续写(2018 浙江宁波 5 月模考 )J

17、enny was the only child in her home.She had aquarrel with her mother that afternoon and she ran out of thehouse angrily.She couldn t help weeping sorrowfully when she thoughtthescoldingof from her mother.Havingwandered aimlessly in the street for hours,she felt a little hungry and wished for somethi

18、ng to eat,but it was not even possible for her,since she had nothing with her.She stood beside a stand for a while,watching the middle-aged seller busy doing his business.However,with no money in hand,she sighed and had to leave.The seller behind the stand noticed the young girl and asked,“ Hey,girl

19、,you want to have the noodles?”“ Oh,yes.but I don t have money on me.” she replied.“ That s nothing.I ll treat you,” todaysaidthe man,“ come in. ”The seller brought her a bowl of noodles,whose smell was so attractive.As she was eating,Jenny cried silently.“ What is it?” asked the man kindly.“ Nothin

20、g,actually I was just touched by your kindness!” said Jenny as she wiped her tears,“ Even a stranger on the street will give me a bowl of noodles,while my mother,drove me out of the house.She showed no care for me.She is so merciless compared to a stranger!”Hearing the words,the seller smiled,“ Girl

21、,do you really think so?I only gave you a bowl of noodles and you thanked me a lot.But it is your mother who has raised you since you were a baby.Can you number the times she cooked for you?Have you expressed yourgratitude to her?”Jenny sat there,speechless and numb with shock;she remembered her mot

22、her familiars face and weathered hands. “ Why did I not think of that?A bowl of noodles from a stranger made me feel indebted,but I have never thankedmy mum for what she has done for me.”On the way home,Jenny made up her mind to make anapology to her mother for her rudenessas soon as she arrived hom

23、e.注意 :1.所 写短文的 数 150 左右 ;2.至少使用 5 个短文中 有下划 的关 ;3. 写部分分 两段,每段的开 已 你写好;4. 写完成后 , 用下划 出你所使用的关 。Paragraph 1Approaching the doorway,Jenny took a deep breath.3名校名 推荐 Paragraph 2A gentle touch on her hair called her mind back.参考范文Paragraph 1Approaching the doorway,Jenny took a deep breath.When she knocked at the door,she found it was locked andher mother was not in.Tired and sad,she sat down in


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