高中英语 素能提升演练(二十二) 北师大版选修8_第1页
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1、素能提升演练(二十二)选修8 unit 22 选词填空(注意用正确形式)a number of, apart from, on ones behalf, or else, answer for, wrap up, carry off, for good, all in all, lead to1. _, most visitors enjoyed the trip. 2. we will love our motherland _. 3. the mine accident _ more than 100 mens lives. 4. there are _ birds and animals

2、 in the world. 5. hard work _ success and failure often lies in laziness. 6. our general manager cant be here today, so im speaking _. 7. hurry up, _ you will be late. 8. the driver should _ the safety of the passengers. 9. they are to _ the talks next saturday. 10. he is a good teacher _ his bad te

3、mper. . 句型转换1. i stood at the school gate and waited for my lovely baby. (转换为分词作状语句式)i stood at the school gate, _. 2. the flowers which smell sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature. (转换为分词作定语的句式)the flowers _ in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty

4、 of nature. 3. mr. brown seems not to come again. (转换为it作形式主语的句式)_ mr. brown will not come again. 4. if it is necessary, we shall send a telegram home. (转换为省略句式)_ , we shall send a telegram home. 5. mr. smith is a friend as well as a teacher to us. (用not only. . . but (also)改写句子)mr. smith is _ a fri

5、end to us. 单项填空1. 2012合肥模拟global warming _ an average increase in the earths temperature that, in turn, leads to climate change. a. appeals tob. occurs to c. refers tod. belongs to2. reduced rainfall has affected large areas of africa for years, _ irrigation canals dry and many other zones are becom

6、ing drier. a. leavingb. to leave c. left d. having left3. a number of nations have already been in armed conflict over water, and reduced rainfall in the west of the us has _ huge forest fires. a. resulted fromb. resulted inc. dealt withd. lain in4. 2012泉州模拟have you got any particular plans for the

7、coming holiday? yes. _ , im going to visit some homes for the old in the city. a. if everb. if busyc. if anythingd. if possible5hello, this is downs hotel. can i help you? yes, id like to _ a table for five for dinner this evening. aremovebreserveclaydpurchase6. 2012青岛模拟this new model of car is so e

8、xpensive that it is _ the reach of those with average income. a. over b. withinc. beyondd. below7. 2012南通模拟some educators _ that children should be rewarded for their great performance. a. assumedb. adopted c. advocatedd. convinced8. 2012南阳模拟can you accompany your little brother to the post office n

9、ow? _,if he is ready. aby all meansbno way cmy pleasuredin no case9. 2012池州模拟its time that we _ measures to fight against crimes in economic field. a. adaptedb. addictedc. addressedd. adopted10. the temple is still in excellent condition, _ that it was built 600 years ago. a. consideringb. concernin

10、g c. regardingd. supposing11. after the long journey, we felt fine _ being a little tired. abut forbexceptcapart from dbesides12. people try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and this_ creates further problems. a. in short b. in casec. in doubtd. in turn13. we firmly bel

11、ieve that war never settles anything. it only _ violence. a. runs intob. comes fromc. leads tod. begins with14. some kinds of birds in winter fly to the south to _ the cold in the north aget away frombcome up with cbreak away fromdput up with15. i have _ all my papers but i still cant find my notes.

12、 a. looked through b. looked forc. looked ahead d. looked out完形填空“now, ” mrs. virginia deview said, smiling, “we are going to discover our professions(职业). ” the class seemed to be greatly surprised. our professions? we were only 13 and 14 years old! the teacher must be 1 . “yes, you will all be sea

13、rching for your future 2 . each of you will have to 3 someone in your field, plus an oral report. ”each day in her class, virginia deview reminded us about this. finally, i 4 print journalism. this meant i had to go to interview a true-blue newspaper reporter. i was extremely nervous. i sat down in

14、front of him 5 able to speak. he looked at me and said, “did you bring a pencil or pen? ” i shook my head. “how about some 6 ? ” i shook my head again. finally, i thought he realized i was 7 , and i got my first big tip as a 8 . “never, never go anywhere without a pen or paper. you never know what y

15、oull 9 into. ” after a few days, i gave my oral report totally from memory in class. i got an a on the entire project. years later, i was in college looking around for a new career, but with no success. then i 10 virginia deview and my desire at 13 to be a journalist. and i called my parents. they d

16、idnt 11 me. they just reminded me how 12 the field was and how i had run away from competition all my life. this was true. but journalism did something to me; it was in my 13 . and it gave me the freedom to go up to total strangers and ask what was 14 . for the past fifty years, ive had the most sat

17、isfying reporting career, 15 stories from murders to airplane 16 and finally choosing my strongest area. when i went to pick up my phone one day, an incredible wave of memories 17 me and i realized that had it not been 18 virginia deview, i would not be sitting at that desk. i get 19 all the time: “

18、how did you pick journalism? ”“well, you see, there was this teacher. . . ” i always start out. i just hope i can have the chance to 20 her. she was a teacher who definitely changed my life. 1. a. cautiousb. madc. optimisticd. enthusiastic2. a. universitiesb. familiesc. professionsd. lives3. a. inte

19、rviewb. describec. admired. face4. a. consideredb. rejectedc. expectedd. picked5. a. hardlyb. totallyc. merelyd. completely6. a. preparationb. newspaperc. drinkd. paper7. a. reliableb. gratefulc. terrifiedd. amazed8. a. studentb. journalistc. strangerd. writer9. a. lookb. turnc. breakd. run10. a. ca

20、lledb. rememberedc. recognizedd. evaluated11. a. answerb. urgec. stopd. persuade12. a. funnyb. competitivec. ordinaryd. mysterious13. a. bloodb. bodyc. lifed. opinion14. a. coming inb. coming outc. going upd. going on15. a. creatingb. recallingc. coveringd. writing16. a. flightsb. crashesc. journeys

21、d. schedules17. a. hitb. caughtc. impressedd. seized18. a. forb. withc. ofd. to19. a. hurtb. realizedc. adjustedd. asked20. a. respectb. supportc. thankd. envy. 书面表达下图描述的是全球环境问题。请仔细观察这幅漫画,用英语写一篇短文,阐明漫画中所反映的问题,并提出解决此问题的方法(至少三点)。注意:1. 仔细品味图中文字的韵味,可以适当发挥想像,不要仅做简单描述; 2. 词数120左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。from the pi

22、cture, we can see that pollution is posing a threat to our earth, which comes in many ways. _答案解析1. all in all 2. for good 3. carried off 4. a number of 5. leads to 6. on his behalf 7. or else 8. answer for 9. wrap up 10. apart from. 1. waiting for my lovely baby2. smelling sweet 3. it seems that 4.

23、 if necessary 5. not only a teacher but (also)1.【解析】选c。句意:全球变暖指的是地球平均温度增长,继而导致气候变化。appeal to吸引;occur to想起;refer to提到,意指;belong to属于。【知识拓展】快速掌握refer to的意义及用法:refer to的意义及用法主要有:(1)谈到,提及although he didnt mention any name, everyone knew who he was referring to. 虽然他没有提到任何人的名字,但是人人都知道他指的是谁。(2)参考,查阅complet

24、e the exercises without referring to a dictionary. 请在不查阅字典的情况下完成练习。(3)提交my complaint was referred to the manufacturer. 我的投诉已转交给制造商。 2.【解析】选a。考查非谓语动词。句意:多年来减少的降雨影响了非洲的大片地区,使得灌溉渠干涸,许多其他地区则更加干旱。leaving. . . 是现在分词短语作结果状语。3.【解析】选b。考查动词短语辨析。句意:已经有许多国家因为水的问题而动武,而美国西部由于降水减少导致了森林大火。result from起因于,由造成;result

25、in导致,造成;deal with处理;lie in在于。4.【解析】选d。句意:你对于即将到来的假期有什么特别的计划吗? 是的。如果可能的话,我想去城里拜访一些敬老院。if ever如果曾经的话;if busy如果很忙的话;if anything如果有任何事的话;if possible如果可能的话。5【解析】选b。考查动词辨析。reserve表示“预订”,符合题意。remove消除;lay摆放;purchase购买。6.【解析】选c。句意:这款新车如此贵以至于超出了普通收入人群的支付能力。根据题意,此处用beyond表示“超出,超过”。【变式备选】sorry, madam. youd bet

26、ter come tomorrow because its _ the visiting hours. a. duringb. at c. beyondd. before【解析】选c。考查词义辨析。根据题意,此处用beyond表示“超出,超过”。7.【解析】选c。句意:有些教育家提倡对孩子的良好表现给予奖励。advocate意为“提倡”,符合题意。assume假设;adopt采用,收养;convince使相信。【变式备选】those who _ mercy killing say the terminally ill should not have to suffer. a. declare

27、b. believec. advocate d. announce【解析】选c。考查词义辨析。句意:提倡安乐死的人说,病入膏肓的人不该受罪。advocate mercy killing 提倡安乐死。declare/announce宣布;believe相信。8.【解析】选a。答语句意:如果他乐意的话,当然可以。by all means当然可以;no way没门,不可能;my pleasure不客气;in no case决不。9.【解析】选d。此处用adopted表示“采取”之意。adapt适应,改编;addict使上瘾;address写地址,演讲。10.【解析】选a。根据题意,此处用consid

28、ering表示“考虑到,鉴于”。concerning关于;regarding关于;supposing假设。11.【解析】选c。考查词汇辨析。句意:经过长途旅行之后,我们感觉很好,除了有点儿累外。but for要不是因为;except除了,指同类事物的总体除去部分;apart from除去(细节);besides除了之外,还。12.【解析】选d。考查介词短语辨析。语境表示“这样一来又造成更多的问题”。in short简单地说;in case以防万一;in doubt怀疑; in turn反过来。【变式备选】on christmas day, i gave my sister a hat and

29、she offered me a watch _. a. in turn b. in return c. by turnd. by return【解析】选b。in return表示“作为回报”,符合题意。in turn意为“依次,反之”; by turn依次地;by return尽快。13.【解析】选c。考查动词短语辨析。句意:我们深信战争绝不能解决问题,它只能导致暴力。run into遇到,遭遇;come from 来自,源于;lead to导致;begin with开始于。14.【解析】选a。考查动词短语辨析。句意:有些鸟为了躲避北方的寒冷,在冬天的时候飞到南方。get away from

30、摆脱,逃离;come up with想出;break away from背弃,与脱离关系;put up with忍受。15.【解析】选a。考查动词短语辨析。根据题意,此处需用look through表示“翻阅,浏览”。look for寻找;look ahead展望未来;look out向外看,当心。1.【解析】选b。句意:孩子们才十三四岁,老师却在谈论他们的职业,老师一定疯了。“mad”表明老师的想法太不可思议了。2.【解析】选c。老师面对孩子们的惊讶,又一次表明自己的观点:是的,你们要寻找自己将来的职业。3.【解析】选a。根据后文学生的做法可推断:老师在要求每个学生必须采访自己职业领域的人物

31、,而且要做口头报告。4.【解析】选d。句意:最后,“我”选择了记者。根据后文“我”的职业与做法也可以推断“我”选择当记者。“pick”在此处指“选择”。5.【解析】选a。前文信息词“extremely nervous” 指“我”很紧张,可推断:“我”在记者面前几乎不能说话。“hardly able to speak” 指“几乎不能说话”。6.【解析】选d。根据后文信息,记者建议“我”“never go anywhere without a pen or paper”结合此处语境:记者问我是否带笔,是否带纸,我都摇摇头。7.【解析】选c。句意:记者意识到我很紧张,害怕。与前文“extremely

32、 nervous”相呼应。8.【解析】选b。句意:记者给了“我”当记者的建议。与前文“我”选择的职业“journalism”相呼应。9.【解析】选d。固定词组“run into. . . ”指“遇见, 碰到”。10.【解析】选b。语境:几年后,“我”在大学找工作,失败了,这时,“我”记起13岁时“我”的老师virginia deview和“我”当时渴望的职业。11.【解析】选c。此处指“我”打电话告诉了父母,父母没有阻止“我”,只是提醒“我”这个行业充满竞争,竞争会充斥我的一生。12.【解析】选b。父母提醒“我”,行业中充满了竞争。13.【解析】选a。“in my blood” 这份职业已溶入“我”的血液,表明“我”坚定地选择这份职业。14.【解析】选d。固定词组“go on”指“发生”。15.【解析】选c。记者常用动词“cover ”表示“采访,报道”。16.【解析】选b。句意:“我”报道的内容范围很广,从谋杀到飞机坠毁, 也表明“我”事业成功了。17.【解析】选a。此处指有一天,“我”想起了以前难以置信的记忆。“sth. hit sb. ”常用句型:某人想起某事。18.【解析】选a。介词“for”指“因为”。此处指“要不是因为virginia deview,“我”就不会坐在这张桌子旁边”。


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