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1、东北大学英语七级班英语短剧剧本麦琪的礼物the gift of the magiestaff:director:李梦瑶mia leescripter:李梦瑶mia lee / 张鑫joyce zhang / 熊美beryl xiong /路雨禾jane lu / 莫桐tina moppt maker:郭舒予surel guo / 涂万红hill tuothers:闫子文bob yan / 巴铭霈 ba mingpei / 王轩昂eric wangcast:narrator:巴铭霈 ba mingpei(旁白)della:路雨禾jane lu(女主角,jim的妻子,贫穷,很爱jim);jim:王

2、轩昂eric wang(男主角,della的丈夫,贫穷,很爱della);anny:熊美beryl xiong (della的朋友,热心);bob:闫子文bob yan(买面包的人,直爽);yigi:李梦瑶mia lee(商店售货员,jim的绯闻对象);boss:郭舒予surel guo(首饰店老板,嫌贫爱富);barber:涂万红hill tu(理发师,della不舍地将头发卖给了他);woman1:莫桐 tina mo(有钱,看不起della);woman2:张鑫joyce zhang(有钱,看不起della)。stage property:金表gold watch/棕色头发brown h

3、air/形状奇特的梳子a special comb/金色表链golden watch chain/破旧衣服shabby shirts/一篮子的面包a blanket of bread/剪刀scissors/理发店的镜子mirror/贵妇最好有一顶欧式圆形帽子hat/还有一些珠宝(两个贵妇谈论起一个项链)jewelry( necklace)della and her husband lived a poor life. they had two valuable things: one was jims gold watch and the other was dellas beautiful,

4、 brown hairact第一幕time:one dayplace:street / jewelry shopcharacter:della / jim / boss / woman1 / woman2narrator: della and her husband lived a poor life. they had two valuable things: one was jims gold watch and the other was dellas beautiful, brown hair. one day, they went out for a walk. 黛拉和她的丈夫过着清

5、贫的生活。他们有两个值钱的东西:一个是吉姆的金表,另一个则是黛拉棕色的秀发。一天,他们出门去散步。(黛拉玩弄着她富有魅力的头发,来到一个样式特别的木梳前。)della: (turned back to jim, then asked) jim, this comb is strange, isnt it? (转过身向吉姆,问)吉姆,这把梳子很特别,不是么?jim: (got close to della)do you like it? we can buy it if you do. (靠近黛拉身边)你喜欢它吗?喜欢的话我们可以买下来。della: no. i i am just thinki

6、ng about its strange shape. 不。我我只是在琢磨它特别的样式。(开始玩赏梳子)jim: (looking at and touching dellas beautiful hair, he considered that ) maybe i can buy a beautiful comb for della, as a christmas gift! her beautiful hair deserves it. yes, she would surely like it! (注视并抚摸着黛拉的秀发,思忖着。)或许可以给黛拉买一个漂亮的梳子作圣诞礼物!她的秀发配得上

7、。没错,她绝对会喜欢的!della: jim? (smile) lets go and see what other interesting things can be found. 吉姆?(浅笑)我们再逛逛,看看还能遇到什么有趣的东西。(于是挽着jim 的手继续往前走)narrator: della passed by a jewelry shop, and saw a golden chain. she felt happy and went into the shop. there were two wealthy women in the shop; the boss was show

8、ing them jewelry. 走过一个珠宝商店时,黛拉看到一个金表链。她很开心,进到店铺里。两个贵妇人在店里,老板正向他们展示珠宝。boss: wow! dear madam, look, you are so perfect when you wear this ring! its terrific! (奴颜婢膝,动作夸张)喔!亲爱的夫人,瞧啊,您带这只戒指多合适!简直美极了!woman1: really? (美滋滋地对老板说)真的?boss: yes, yes! (连忙谄媚地说)是啊,是啊!woman1: how do you think of it? (假装淡定地侧过头问woman

9、2)你觉得它怎么样?woman2: emthe color is good how do you think about my necklace? (不屑一顾瞟了一眼)嗯颜色是不错啦你觉得我这条项链怎么样?boss: wow! you have chosen one of the best necklaces. the chain is perfect for you. (赶紧冲上她们跟前,夸耀说)喔!您选了条最好的项链。它正适合您。woman2: what is your idea? 你觉得呢?narrator: at this time, della and jim walked in.

10、与此同时,黛拉和吉姆走进来。woman1:wow, new guests. (讽刺的口吻)喔,有新客人啦。woman2: oh! so shabby shirt does she wear! how do they dare to come here? 喔!她穿的可真寒酸!他们竟然敢来这里?(两个贵妇走到黛拉和吉姆面前)woman1: do you want to buy some rings or some chains? maybe it is a little bit expensive for you.(show off her ring) 你是想要买些戒指呢,还是耳环呢?对你来说,它

11、们未免贵了些吧。woman2: how do you think about my necklace? or the 500$ one is better? 骄傲且有点讥讽地问黛拉)你觉得我这条项链怎么样啊?还是说,那条500$的更好呢?(拿起另外一条500$的项链在黛拉面前显摆)della: both of them are beautiful, madam. we just come to have a look at the goods. (抑制心中的不快,强笑说)夫人,它们都很漂亮。我们只是随便看看的。boss: welcome to our jewelry shop. (这时珠宝商品

12、商站在原地整理着自己的商品,冷冷的说)欢迎光临。(黛拉走到表链那里,看见标价为40$.二吉姆则留在原地并面对着两个贵妇。)woman1: wow! (look at jims watch) sir, your watch is so special. it must be very expensive. 喔!(看着吉姆的表)先生,你的表可真别致。一定很贵吧。jim: (shame) my father gave it to me. (不好意思的)是我父亲给我的。woman2: thought youve said that. (轻视的)我早想到了。della: i think my husba

13、nds watch is beautiful, madam. we dont need to buy anything from here. (then she went out with jim arm in arm.) (黛拉回到丈夫身边)夫人,我觉得,我丈夫这只表就很精致。我们不必在这消费了。(然后她和吉姆手挽手离去)(两个贵妇用鄙夷的目光看着他们走出店)act第二幕time:another dayplace:street character:della /bobnarrator: della thought that the watch chain in the jewelry sto

14、re matches jim watch very well. jims pocket watch is lack of such chain. she tried her best to save money to buy jim a watch chain. one day she met bob who held a blanket of bread. she stopped him anxiously. 黛拉认为珠宝店表链和吉姆的表非常的相配。吉姆的表正确这样一个表带。她尽了自己最大的努力攒钱给吉姆买那个表链。一天她遇见了拿着一篮子面包鲍勃。她焦急地拦住他。della: bob, i

15、want to talk with you about something.(走到鲍勃面前低声说)鲍勃,跟你说点事。bob: what is up? i am hurry to send this bread to missif i am late, she would be angry .(不耐烦)什么事?我着急把这些给小姐送过去呢,要是晚了他可得生气。della: i just bought your bread. dont you remember?我刚买了你的面包,不急得了?bob: yeah, i can remember. so whats wrong with that?记得,那

16、又怎么了?della: i brought 5 pounds of bread. 2.43 dollars each pound. i gave you 20 dollars. you paid me back 6 dollars and 5 cents, right?我买了5英镑的面包,2.43元每磅。我给了你20元。你找了我6元5分钱,对吧?bob: (thought for a while, answer doubtfully) err yeah, i think so.(想了一会儿,很犹豫的回答)嗯,是,没错。della: (very excited)well, bob, i thin

17、k you should pay me back 6 dollars and 7cents, not 6 dollars and 5 cents. so you owe me 2 cents. you can count it again.(非常激动)对吧,鲍勃,我认为你应该找我6元7分,而不是6元5分。所以你欠我两分对吧。你可以再算算。bob: ( very surprised)thats not true, della.(非常吃惊)事儿不是这样的,黛拉della: (very anxious)just think about it, 2.43 dollars each pound, and

18、(很着急)好好想想,2.43元每磅,还有bob: ( interrupt her suddenly) i dont want to count any more, just 2 cents.(突然打断她)我可不算,就为了两分钱。della: ( a little bit angry)yes. just 2cents.but its mine. you have to pay it back to me. (有点生气)对,就两分,那也是我的。你必须还给我。(伸出手索要钱。)bob: ( complaining) oh! ok. della. you always like this. haggl

19、e over every ounce.(抱怨)好好,黛拉,你就这个样的,斤斤计较。narrator: bob put the blanket down and get money from his pocket.鲍勃放下毯子从口袋里拿出一些钱。bob: just 1dollar and 3cents. (hold it highly)i give it to you. (put it in her hand with all his strength and walk away quickly with the blanket )you are so mean! 这是1元3分。(举得高高的)我

20、给你的。(使劲放到她的手里,拿着毯子赶紧走开了)真是小气。della: (smiles satisfied) many thanks. (pour all money in her hands and count again. talking to her)how could it be like this. i just have i cannot buy a watch chain with it. what should i do?(满意的笑了)多谢。(把所有的钱放到手心里再数一遍,自言自语)这么这样呢,就这么点儿,还是没不了表链,可怎么办呀。(然后回家去了。)act 第三幕time:t

21、he day before christmasplace:street / barber shop character:della /barber / woman1 / woman 2narrator: della felt very upset when she arrived home. tomorrow is christmas but she does not have enough money to buy a chain for her husband. suddenly, she put away the basket and went out quickly. it seems

22、 that she has thought of something good and happy. she went into a house where people have their hair cut .a barber went to della and with smile.黛拉回到家,很是沮丧。明天就是圣诞节了,但是她却没能有足够的钱为她的丈夫买条链子。突然,她放下篮子冲了出去,似乎是想起了什么高兴的事。她走进一家理发店,理发师微笑着走向黛拉。barber: welcome your presence, madam. what can i do for you?欢迎到来,女士。

23、有什么为您做的吗?della :( timid) sir, do you want to buy my hair?(羞怯的)先生,你想要买我的头发吗?barber:(he looked at her hair carefully)your hair is very beautiful. i can offer you 30$.(他仔细的看着她的头发)你的头发非常的漂亮,我可以付你30美元。della: sir, i need 40$ to buy my husband a chain as christmas gift. sir, please offer me 40$.please.先生,我

24、需要40美元来为我的丈夫买条链子作为圣诞节礼物。先生,请给我40美元,行吗?barber :( thought for a while) ok, i will give you 40$.(想了一会儿)好吧,我给你40美元。narrator: the barber took out his scissors. della sits at the chair and looks at the mirror. when the barber is going to cut her hair, she suddenly stood up.理发师拿出了他的剪刀,黛拉坐在椅子上看着镜子里的自己。当理发师开

25、始剪的时候,她突然站了起来。barber :( surprised) my lady, what is wrong with you?(很吃惊)女士,你怎么了?della: (nervous) nothing. i.i think i like my long hair.(很紧张)没什么,我想我很喜欢我的长头发。barber :( a little bit angry) my lady, do you still want to sell you hair?(有点生气)女士,那你还卖头发吗?della: ( sit down again, say softly) lets begin.(又坐了

26、下来,轻轻的说)开始吧。(正在理发师开始剪时,那两个贵妇也走进这里准备弄发型。他们看见黛拉时很好奇)woman1: wow, we meet our old friend again. 哇,我们又遇到老朋友了woman2: what is she doing here? is she also coming here to change her hair style?她在这儿做什么?难道她也是来这儿换发型的?(当贵妇看见理发师剪了黛拉一撮长长的头发后不禁震惊了。)woman2: what an abnormal woman! why does she make this foolish dec

27、ision?(低声对woman1) 多不正常的女人呀!她为什么做了这么愚蠢的决定?narrator: the barber began to cut her hair. after half an hour, dellas hair became very short. she sat at the chair for a while and look at the mirror with sorrow.理发师开始剪了。过了半个小时,黛拉的头发就变得非常短了。她在椅子上坐了一会儿,伤心的看着镜子里的自己。barber: ( put away all the tools and took out

28、 40$) here is you money.(放下工具,拿出了40美元)给你钱。woman1: oh! she sold her hair for money!哦,她卖了她的头发!woman2: but she looks so strange.但是她看起来非常奇怪。(当黛拉接过钱的时候,她看见这两个贵妇后很尴尬)woman1: let me guess, are you sold your hair for money to buy a jewelry?if so, i think that you have make a ridiculous decision, because the

29、re is no use to wear jewelry since you are so ugly now.让我猜猜,你是卖了头发来买首饰的吗?如果是这样的话,我想你做了个非常荒唐的决定,因为你现在这么难看,已经没有戴首饰的必要了。(于是两个贵妇都嘲笑黛拉。而理发师则在一边静静地看着黛拉被嘲笑。黛拉一声不吭地出门去了。而贵妇则笑着看她的窘样。)act 第四幕time:christmas dayplace:jewelry shop / streetcharacter:della /jim /anny / yiqi / bossnarrator: della went in to the jew

30、elry shop to buy the watch chain for jim as a christmas gift. after she paid the money, her good friend anny came.黛拉进入了珠宝店去买那条表链作为给吉姆的圣诞礼物,当她付完钱时,她的好朋友安妮过来了。anny: oh, della, i can hardly recognize you. why you had your amazing hair cut?哦,黛拉,我几乎认不出你了。你为什么换了这么个奇怪的发型?della: i sold my hair so that i cou

31、ld have enough money to buy this beautiful watch chain as a gift for jim.我把我的头发卖掉了,这样我就有了足够的钱买这条漂亮的表链作为给吉姆的礼物了。anny: della, i think that i should tell you something about the truth.黛拉,我想我该告诉你一些事实。della: he he, about what?呵呵,关于什么的?anny: jim isnt the same man that he was in the pass. hes changed!吉姆和从前

32、的那个他不一样了。他变了。della: why you say like this?你为什么这么说?anny: della, you dont need to do so many things for him. it is unworthy!黛拉,你不必为他做这么多,这不值得!della: anny, since you are my good friend, tell me about it.安妮,你是我的好朋友,告诉我到底怎么了。anny: jim has been falling in love with another young lady, and now they are sho

33、pping in the next store.吉姆爱上了别的年轻女孩儿,现在他们正在旁边的店铺里购物呢。narrator: anny brought della to the store, and saw jim with a beautiful young lady.安妮带着黛拉去了那家店铺,看见了吉姆和一个年轻的女士在一起。anny: now you can trust me!现在你可以相信我了吧!della: how can you treat me like this? (黛拉看到吉姆和年经的姑娘在挑着头饰,就伤心气愤地走进去把表链拍在桌面然后说)你怎么可以这么对我?(而后跑出去。吉

34、姆也追上去。)jim: della, why you are so angry? there must be some mistakes between us.黛拉,你为什么这么生气?我们之间一定有什么误会。della: no! jim, all is true! i saw everything by my eyes.不!吉姆,这都是真的!我亲眼看到了一切!anny: della, dont believe him anymore.(也走到黛拉身边)黛拉,再也别相信他了。jim: oh,my dear wife ,how can you think that .you must have t

35、hought that the young lady and i have done something bad for you .but i want to insist that i love you and i always do.哦,我亲爱的妻子,你怎么能这么想呢?你一定认为我和那位年轻的女士做了什么对不起你的事情,但我必须坚持说,我爱你,我一直都爱你。della: jim, dont try to explain .i know that im not so good as she .shes young and beautiful .but i love you, i cant s

36、tand that you fall in love with another girl.吉姆,别尝试着解释了。我知道我没有她好,她又年轻又漂亮。但是我爱你,我不能忍受你爱上了别的女孩儿。anny: della, lets go!黛拉,我们走!yiqi: please wait a moment. my dear lady ,i believe that you must have made some mistakes .in fact,i dont know this gentle man at all .all that i know is that he sold his valuabl

37、e golden watch to my boss to buy the beautiful comb for his wife. you must be his happy wife .you shouldnt have misunderstood him.请等一下。(黛拉它们停止脚步,yiqi走上前对黛拉说)我亲爱的女士,我相信您一定是弄错了。事实上我根本不认识这位先生,我只知道他把他珍贵的金表卖给了我的老板来给他的妻子买这套漂亮的发梳。您一定就是他幸福的妻子,您不应该误解他的。della: is that true? (黛拉被吉姆紧紧抱着,吉姆听到年轻女孩为自己辩述后连忙点头。黛拉看了看女孩,然后目光转向吉姆)这是真的吗?jim: yes,


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