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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语四级模拟129公共英语四级模拟129Section Listening Comprehension Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are

2、 three parts in this section, Part A, Part B and Part C. Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answer in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 5 minutes to transfer all your answers from your test booklet to ANSWER SHEET

3、1. If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW, as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started. Now look at Part A in your test booklet. Part A You will hear a dialogue about a lost property. Listen and complete the sentences in questions 15 with the information youve heard

4、. Write not more than 5 words in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the table below. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Brighton is the largest seaside resort in the _.答案: southwest of England听力原文 1-5 Brighton is the largest seaside resort in the southwest of

5、England. For many people it seems a town of contrasts, a mixture of elegant eighteenth-century architecture and loud, modern places of amusement. The town was at first a fishing village, and didnt become popular until the eighteenth century, when doctors began to prescribe sea-bathing as a cure for

6、illness. Rich people began to visit Brighton in large numbers, and when the Prince of Wales, later George , arrived and decided to build a house there, its future as a tourist center was assured. The Royal Pavilion, as the house was called, was decorated in the Chinese style popular at the time, but

7、 completely rebuilt between 1815 and 1822 in its present Indian Style. The king continued to visit it until 1827, but queen Victoria didnt like it, and it was bought by the Brighton Local Government. It is open to the public every day and there is a special exhibition there in the summer. The other

8、side of Brighton, the popular seaside resort, grew up in the nineteenth century. It offers all kinds of entertainment, from concerts and plays in the theatre to the popular amusement centers and such local attractions as the Aquarium, established over 100 years ago, a waxworks and an electric railwa

9、y running between the Aquarium and the Black Rock. 2. The town became popular in _.答案:18th century3. The towns future as a tourist center was assured when it was visited by _.答案: the Prince of Wales/George 4. There is a special exhibition in Brighton in _.答案: the summer5. Brighton, as a popular seas

10、ide resort, offers all kinds of _.答案: entertainmentPart B You will hear a conversation about a crime. Answer questions 6-10 while you listen. Use not more than 5 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the questions. How many factors of a room influe

11、nce the behavior and attitudes of the people in it? 6 In what kind of rooms do people tend to give higher ratings to photographs of faces? 7 What color stimulated more activity, but the activity ended sooner? 8 What kind of room mentioned in the monologue is theugly room? 9 Which university is menti

12、oned in the passage? 10 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案: Two. 听力原文 6-10 At the University of Kansas art museum, investigators tested the effects of different colored walls on two groups of visitors to an exhibit of paintings. For the first group the room was painted white; for the second, dark brown. Move

13、ment of each group was followed by an electrical system under the carpet. The experiment revealed that those who entered the dark brown room walked more quickly, covered more area, and spent less time in the room than the people in the white environment. Dark brown stimulated more activity, but the

14、activity ended sooner. Not only the choice of colors but also the general appearance of a room communicates and influences those inside. Another experiment presented subjects with photographs of faces that were to be rated in terms of energy and well-being. Three groups of subjects were used; each w

15、as shown the same photos, but each group was in a different kind of room. One group was in an ugly room that resembled a messy storeroom. Another group was in an average room - a nice office. The third group was in a tastefully designed living room, with carpeting and drapes. Results showed that the

16、 subjects in the beautiful room tended to give higher ratings to the faces than did those in the ugly room. Other studies suggest that students do better on tests taken in comfortable, attractive rooms than in ordinary looking or ugly rooms. 2.答案: Tastefully designed rooms/Beautiful rooms/Comfortabl

17、e, attractive rooms.3.答案: Dark brown.4.答案: A messy storeroom.5.答案: The University of KansasPart C You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one. You will have time to read the questions related to it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After l

18、istening, you will have time to check your answer. You will hear each piece once only. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What was John Stuart Mill?A.A historian.B.A composer.C.A philosopher.D.A mathematician.答案:C听力原文11-13For centuries, people have been amazed by children of unusual talent. Pianist and compose

19、r Felix Mendelssohn has composed a fair amount of music by the time he was eleven. His forth opera was produced in Berlin, when he was only eighteen. John Stewart Mill, the nineteenth century British philosopher, read Greek at three and had worked his way through elementary geometry and a large body

20、 of literature and history by the time he was twelve. Even though there has been a fascination with prodigies for centuries, there has been little serious study of them until recently. Some surprising common characteristics have been identified. The vast majority are boys. They are usually first bor

21、n children of middle-class families. Often their parents are past the usual childbearing age. Many are born by operation rather than by natural child birth.They often have parents who seem to be trying to realize their own ambitions through their amazing children. And prodigies usually have a strang

22、e sense of humor. Although a child may be born with outstanding genetic potential, this potential will not necessarily develop. Just having the gene is not enough. says Harvard University psychologist Howard Gardener. Something in the environment must nourish the potential. And although many prodigi

23、es enjoy the satisfaction of the extraordinary achievement, public praise, and material wealth, even the most successful sometimes question the value of their lives and the accomplishment. I have a longing which grows stronger as I get older. confesses the famous American concert pianist Eugene East

24、man, to be ordinary.2. What has been found about children of unusual talent?A.Many of them are from middle-class families.B.There are more girls than boys among them.C.They are mostly born by natural childbirth.D.Their parents are usually ambitious and humorous.答案:A3. What can be inferred from the t

25、alk?A.Material wealth goes hand in hand with mental emptiness.B.Environment plays a decisive role in the development of prodigies.C.Success has not always brought happiness to prodigies.D.Public praise will help prodigies to find the value of their lives.答案:B (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4. Whose interests

26、does the Council of Ministers represent?A.The community interests.B.The interests of the foreign ministers from the member nations.C.The interests of the Council members.D.The national interests of the members.答案:D听力原文17-20 The main policy-making bodies of the EU are the Commission, the Council of M

27、inisters, and the European Parliament. The Commission has 17 members appointed by EU countries for four-year terms. It is an executive body with the right of proposing initiatives to the Council of Ministers. This Council is made up of the foreign ministers from the member nations. Although the Comm

28、ission represents community interests, the Council represents the national interests of the members. Members of the Council rotate the presidency with each holding the office for six-month terms. The European Parliament had 626 members in 1995. The representatives are elected by citizens of member n

29、ations. The number of representatives differs according to the size of each country. Germany for example, has 99 representatives, while Luxembourg has six. When the Parliament meets, the representatives sit in political groups, not by nation. Some of the political groups are: the Socialists, the Eur

30、opean Peoples party (or Christian Democrats), the Liberal Democratic and Reform Group, the European Democrats, and the Greens (an environmental group). Other EU institutions are the Court of Justice, the Court of Auditors, the Economic and Social Committee, and the European Investment Bank. The Cour

31、t of Justice, founded in 1958, reviews the legality of acts of the Commission and Council. The Court of Auditors, founded in 1977, monitors the revenues and expenditures of the EU. Since 1958 the Economic and Social Committee has revised the Commission and the Council on general economic policy. The

32、 Committee has 189 members representing employers, labor unions, farmers, professions, consumers, and small businesses. The European Investment Bank, founded in 1958, is an independent public institution that oversees long-term investment. 5. How many members did European Parliament have in 1995?A.1

33、89.B.626.C.99.D.17.答案:B6. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the political groups?A.Communists.B.Socialists.C.The Liberal Democratic.D.Reform Group.答案:A7. Whats the responsibility of the Court of Auditors?A.Reviews the legality of acts of the Commission and Council.B.Oversees long-ter

34、m investment.C.Monitors the revenues and expenditures of the EU.D.Advises the Commission and the Council on general economic policy.答案:C (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 8. What was the purpose of the professors experiments?A.To find out how clever monkeys were.B.To test the intelligence of different animals.C.

35、To compare the difference between man and the monkey.D.To find out how monkeys search for food.答案:B 听力原文 14-16 A university professor recently made several experiments with different animals to find out which was the most intelligent. He found out that the monkey was more intelligent than other anim

36、als. In one experiment the professor put a monkey in a room where there were several small boxes. Some boxes were inside other boxes. One small box had some food inside of it. The professor wanted to watch the monkey and to find out how long it would take the monkey to find the food. The professor l

37、eft the room. He waited a few minutes outside the door. Then he knelt down and put his eye to the keyhole. What did he see? To his surprise he found himself looking directly into the eye of the monkey. The monkey was looking at the professor through the other side of the door. 9. Why did the profess

38、or put the food in a small box?A.To give the monkey a surprise.B.To see how the monkey ate from a box.C.To see how soon the monkey could find it.D.To find out how the monkey would open the box.答案:C10. How did the professor watch the monkey?A.By waiting outside the door.B.By waiting inside the door.C

39、.By kneeling down at the door.D.By putting it in a small box.答案:ASection Use of English Read the following text. Choose the best word for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. Broadly speaking, the Englishman is a quiet, shy, reserved person who is fully 1 only among people he

40、 knows well. In the presence of strangers or foreigners he often seems inhibited, 2 embarrassed. You have only to 3 a commuter train any morning or evening to see the truth of this. Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or dozing in a corner; no one speaks. In fact, to d

41、o so would seem most unusual. 4 ,there is here an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior which, 5 broken, makes the person immediately the object of 6 It is a well-known fact that the English have a 7 for the discussion of their weather and that, given half a chance, they will talk about

42、it 8 Some people argue that it is because English weather 9 forecast and hence is a source of interest and 10 to everyone. This may be so. 11 Englishmen cannot have much 12 in the weathermen, who, after promising fine, sunny weather for the following day, are often proved wrong 13 a cloud over the A

43、tlantic brings rainy weather to all districts! The man in the street seems to be as accurate or as inaccurateas the weathermen in his 14 The overseas visitors may be excused for showing surprise at the number of references 15 weather that the English make to each other in the course of a single day.

44、 Very often conversational greetings are 16 by comments on the weather. Nice day, isnt it? Beautiful! may well be heard instead of Good morning, how are you? 17 the foreigner may consider this exaggerated and comic, it is worthwhile pointing out that it could be used to his advantage. 18 he wants to

45、 start a conversation with an Englishman but is 19 to know where to begin, he could do well to mention the state of the weather. It is a safe subject which will 20 an answer from even the most reserved of Englishmen. 1.A.passionB.fancyC.necessityD.judgment答案:A考查名词辨义与固定搭配。have a passion for为习惯搭配,指“酷爱

46、,喜欢”,符合题意。fancy 爱好,迷恋,想像力;necessity必要性,需要,必需品;judgment审判,判断(力)。它们都不合本题。2.A.at lengthB.to a great extentC.from their heartD.by all means答案:A考查固定搭配辨义与上下文理解。at length详细地;to a great extent在很大程度上;from their heart从心底里,打心眼里by all means尽一切办法地。由句意和常识可知,英国人喜欢谈论天气,如果有机会,他们就会谈起天气来。B、C两项明显不对;说他们“尽一切办法地”去谈论天气显然不合

47、常理。所以应选A,指“详细地谈论天气”。3.A.followsB.predictsC.defiesD.violates答案:C考查动词辨义与上下文理解。follow 跟随,理解,遵循;predict预知,预言,预报;defy违抗,藐视,不服从,不符合;violate违犯,违反,冒犯。由下文的描述可知,这里应当是指英国的天气难以预报,所以选defy,指“不好预报”。注意violate虽与defy近义,但其宾语一般是法律、规定、守则等。4.A.contributionB.deductionC.contemplationD.speculation答案:D考查名词辨义与上下文理解。contributi

48、on贡献,捐献;deduction减去,演绎;contemplation注视,沉思,打算;speculation猜测,推测。由空格前的and可知填入的词在内涵上应与前面的interest(兴趣)相同,所以只能选D,指天气是每个人感兴趣和乐于猜测的话题。5.A.StillB.AlsoC.CertainlyD.Fundamentally答案:C考查副同辨义与上下文逻辑。由下文对天气预报员预报不准确的描述及空格前一句This may be so可知,这里应当选certainly(当然),表示对英国人不信任天气预报表示肯定和理解。其余三项都不合逻辑。6.A.faithB.relianceC.honor

49、D.credit答案:A考查名词辨义与固定搭配。faith信任,信心;reliance 依赖,依靠(其后跟on);honor 荣誉,光荣尊敬(其后一般跟of);credit信任,信用,相信(其后跟to)。除A可用在本题构成固定搭配have faith in sb(信任某人)外,其余三项都不能如此搭配。7.A.ifB.onceC.whenD.whereas答案:C考查上下文逻辑关系。由句子结构分析,空格后的部分应当是一个状语从句,作全句的时间状语,所以选when。其余三项:if表假设;once表让步和条件;whereas表转折或原因。8.A.propositionsB.predictionsC.

50、approvalD.defiance答案:B考查名词辨义与句意理解。proposition主张,建议,陈述,命题;prediction预言,预报;approval 同意,赞成,批准;defiance违抗,蔑视。由句意可知,这里是将英国的普通人与天气预报人员进行对比。而前文一直谈论的是预报不准确,这里当然也是将两者预报的准确性进行对比了。C、D两项与文意无关。9.A.aboutB.onC.as toD.to答案:D考查介词固定搭配。reference后用介词to,指“谈及,参考”,引出谈论或参考的对象。10.A.replacedB.conductedC.executedD.proposed答案:

51、A考查动词辨义与上下文理解。replace代替,取代;conduct引导,管理,传导;execute执行,实 行;propose提议,建议。由下一句的例子对这一句的解释和补充说明可知,这里是指交谈双方的问候性话语被对天气的评论性话语所取代,故选replaced。11.A.SinceB.AlthoughC.HoweverD.Before答案:B考查上下文逻辑关系。空格所在句的前一分句说“外国人可能认为这很夸张、很有喜剧性”; 后一分句说“值得指出的是这可能对他(指外国人)会有好处”。很明显,两句之间应当是转折关系,故选 B注意however也表转折关系,但它用于第二个分句前。12.A.Even

52、ifB.BecauseC.lfD.For答案:C考查上下文逻辑关系。由句子结构分析可知,空格所在句中逗号前的部分应当是一个状语从句后面才是主句。由主从句的句意可以看出,前面从句应当是提出一种假设,即如果外国人想与英国人搭讪但又不知如何开始,就可以用谈论天气情况作为开场白。所以答案为C。13.A.at a lossB.at lastC.in factD.on the occasion答案:A考查固定搭配辨义与句意理解。at a loss困惑;at last最后,终于;in fact 事实上;on the occasion在的时候,在之际。由上一题的分析可知,此处应填入一个含否定意义的短语(空格前

53、的but 也提示了这一点),所以选A。14.A.stimulateB.constituteC.furnishD.provoke答案:D考查动词辨义。stimulate刺激,激励;constitute制定,建立,组成;furnish装备,布置,提供; provoke激怒,挑拨,引起。由于宾语是answer(回答),所以只能选D,指如果谈论天气,最保守的英国人也会对你的话做出回应。15.A.entertainedB.relaxedC.amusedD.enlightened答案:B考查形容词辨义与上下文理解。由空格后面的only与people he knows well可知填入的词应当与前面的qui

54、et, shy, reserved三个词的意义在整体上对立所以选relaxed(放松的)。其余三项都不能填入题中:entertained娱乐的;amused被逗乐了的;enlightened开明的。它们都属于动词过去分词转为形容词,都不合题意。16.A.yetB.otherwiseC.evenD.though答案:C考查副词与句子结构。由空格前后的inhibited(拘谨的)与embarrassed(尴尬的局促不安的)两个词可以看出,它们在意义上是递进关系(后者表达的语气比前者强)所以选用even(甚至)。其余三项都表转折,不合本题逻辑。17.A.experienceB.undergoC.tr

55、avelD.witness答案:D考查动词辨义与句意理解。由于空格后的宾语是a commuter train,所以应填入witness(目击,看见)。其余三项都不与train搭配:experience经历,体验;undergo遭受,经历;travel旅行(如果指坐火车旅行,travel与train之间要用介词by)。句意指看一看市郊往返列车就可以明白英国人的腼腆和拘谨。18.A.ObviouslyB.ContrarilyC.FrequentlyD.Practically答案:A考查副词辨义和上下文理解。由上下文可以看出,空格所在句是对前一句进行的说明。前一句说,“这样做似乎很不正常”,而这一句

56、说“这里有一条不成文但大家都理解得很清楚的行为规则”,因此,它们之间用obviously(显然)最合逻辑。contrarily反之,相反地;frequently经常频繁地;practically实际上,事实上(因为前文中已有in fact,所以这里不能再用)。19.A.unlessB.ifC.whileD.as if答案:B考查上下文理解。这道题需要考生仔细分析句子结构。which后的部分为code的定语从句,而空格所在的分句应当是定语从句的状语。如果不要这一状语,定语从句及整个句意就会出现逻辑混乱,所以该状语应当是表示一种假设的相反情况,而broken指的是打破这一行为准则,这样句意才合逻辑,故选if沣音if broken相当于if it(=code)is broken。20.A.suspicionB.oppositionC.attackD.study答案:A考查名词辨义与上下文理解。suspicion怀疑,疑心;opposition反对;attack攻击;study研究, 学习。由前文所述得知,英国人拘谨、腼腆,在陌生人多的地方如市郊往返火车上一般不说话,这已成了一条行为准则。这里说,如果打破这一准则,打破的人(也就是说话的人)立即就会成为_的对象。所以选用A最合适;B、C两项太过,也与前


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