八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you exercise(第1课时)New words and phrases教案 人教新目标版(2021年最新整理)_第1页
八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you exercise(第1课时)New words and phrases教案 人教新目标版(2021年最新整理)_第2页
八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you exercise(第1课时)New words and phrases教案 人教新目标版(2021年最新整理)_第3页
八年级英语上册 Unit 2 How often do you exercise(第1课时)New words and phrases教案 人教新目标版(2021年最新整理)_第4页
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1、(水滴系列)八年级英语上册 unit 2 how often do you exercise(第1课时)new words and phrases教案 (新版)人教新目标版(水滴系列)八年级英语上册 unit 2 how often do you exercise(第1课时)new words and phrases教案 (新版)人教新目标版 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(水滴系列)八年级英语上册 unit 2 how often do you exe

2、rcise(第1课时)new words and phrases教案 (新版)人教新目标版)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为(水滴系列)八年级英语上册 unit 2 how often do you exercise(第1课时)new words and phrases教案 (新版)人教新目标版的全部内容。12unit2 how often do you exercise。 new words and phrases (period

3、 1)teaching and learning goals:一、语言知识和语言功能:1。能争取学会使用下列词汇造句子(curriculum words) housework, internet, program, swing, coffee, health, result, percent, television, mind, body, writer, dentist, online, such, hardly, ever, once, twice, maybe, least, together, however, almost, less, although, than, through

4、2。 能争取学会使用下列常用短语和句子(useful expressions)hardly ever, swing dance, at least, junk food, such as, more than, less than3能就经常进行的活动这一话题进行问答交流,正确表达自己的情感。4。 understand, translate and retell a passage made up of the above curriculum words and phrases according to a mind map (理解、翻译并复述用本单元单词短语编写的故事.)二、学习策略1。 通

5、过观察比较发现规律,掌握新单词的发音和拼写2. 学会在语境中记忆单词三、情感目标:1.了解中西方中学生常进行的活动。2.了解一些健康小常识。teaching and learning steps:step 1. try to read the words.1. students try to read the words using the phonetics by themselves and underline the words they cant read.2. ask students to read the word together and then read aloud fre

6、ely。3. read after the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation。 4. students read the words with their partners in groups and talk about the difficult words。5. get some individual students to read the words and ask other students to correct the pronunciation。 (设计意图:八年级应该继续培养学生根据音标学习单词的能力,形成自主学习的习惯

7、。先让学生自己根据音标认读单词,把不会的标出来,然后再跟录音机读, 反复几遍,让学生注意一些难单词的发音然后通过同位或小组对难单词进行讨论,进行组内互帮互助解决。然后让不同层次的个别学生起来读,便于老师掌握学生的读单词情况。老师只在关键时刻进行指导点拨,真正做到以学生为主体教师为主导.)step 2. learn to remember the new words .一 learn the words by looking at the pictures. exercise (锻炼)the students exercise every day at school 。housework (家务

8、)the children help her mother with housework . internet (互联网)most young people like using the internet。television program (电视,节目)what television program do you like best?4。 coffee(咖啡)i dont like drinking coffee.junk food (垃圾食品)we shouldnt eat too much junk food dentist(牙科医生)i want to be a dentist 。二

9、learn the words by using them。 alwaysusuallyoftensometimeshardly ever never 100%(percent) 总是80通常 60经常40%有时20%很少,几乎不 0 从不1。 always means one hundred percent 。2。 she eats fruits once (一次) a month。 she hardly ever eats fruit. 3。 my father exercises twice(两次)a week. he sometimes exercises once a week。 三

10、learn the phase by matching itself with its meaning。1。 hardly ever 摇摆舞2. at least 少于3。 swing dance 几乎从不 4。 junk food 垃圾食品5. more than 至少,不少于,6。 less than 多于三:remember the words by their similar pronunciation and forms。 1. i sing wing king swing 2. ai kind mind rice twice 3。 but must such result 4。 e

11、 never ever internet less 5. one won once none四: remember the words by conversion( 转换 ),complex words( 合成词 ) and derivative( 派生词 ).1转换:would you mind exercising with me? exercise is healthy for the mind and the body。2合成:housework家务劳动 house(房子)+ work(工作) online 在线的,联网的 on(在上的)+line(线) however 然而,不过 h

12、ow(怎样)+ever(以前,曾经) maybe 大概,可能 may(可能,也许)+be(作助动词) 3。 派生:hardly 几乎不,几乎没有:hard + ly although 虽然,即使,尽管:al + though writer 作家,作者: write + r almost 几乎,差不多: al + most五remember the words by their chinese.1。 一次_ 2. 两次_ 3。结果_4。 这样的,那样的_ 5. 没有一个,毫无_ 6. 比_(设计意图:让学生通过图片根据实际应用来学习单词,并在句子中呈现,形象直观,简单易懂,也能激发学生的学习兴趣

13、。因为学生对于图像的东西比较感兴趣而且记忆更轻松深刻,比单纯记单词记忆深刻。词语匹配题能让学生进一步了解单词和短语的意义。通过发音相似掌握单词的发音规则,并学会利用规则来记忆单词.通过转换词,合成词及派生词使学生进一步了解单词之间的关系,并扩大学生的词汇量。通过汉语意思记忆单词能进一步巩固单词.这个环节多角度,多方位的对单词进行学习巩固,方法多变,也使学生学习起来不枯燥不乏味。)step 3 . consolidation of the words .get students a few minutes to memorize the words first。1. get students t

14、o read the words by chinese then look at chinese and say english.2. then get students to spell and write down the words with chinese. under line the words they havent grasped.3. get students to dictate the important words and phrases. if they cant, dictate after class in groups。(设计意图:让学生通过读英语说汉语,看着汉

15、语说英语,边读边拼写,标出不会的重点记忆,然后进行听写。有利于对单词的巩固。这种方法尽管很好,学生也只有三分之一的学生能够全写对,还有三分之一安排能在课下同位间或组内互相提问掌握。最后三分之一的同学需要老师及组长帮助督促反复记忆,才能掌握,所以老师要关注这一批学生使他们一个都不要掉队。)step 4: read the story and translate it into chinese.1. get students to read the story and underline the new words.2. translate the story into chinese in gr

16、oups.3. read the story by themselves lucy studies in a high school. she has many good and bad habits. she can do better than most of her classmates。 she likes milk, however, she hardly ever eats fruit. she likes coffee and chocolate very much。 she never go online on weekdays, but she often use the i

17、nternet on weekends. she watches television less than twice a week。 her favorite program is i am a singer. she also likes swing dance。 she usually helps with housework more than four times a week.one day she asked a magazine writer about how to keep in good health. the writer told her to drink more

18、milk and have less junk food, such as chips and cola .the writer relaxes through exercise。 it is also healthy for the mind and the body. the writer goes to see the dentist at least once a year.although she has different ideas with the writer, she thinks maybe she must do as the writer says. she thin

19、ks her bad habits will die.(设计意图:把本单元所有的新单词编成一个符合逻辑而又意义顺畅的一个简单小故事,为学生创造了一个真实的语境。让学生在具体的语境中掌握单词的汉语意思和用法,而且学生喜欢读接近自己,这样既提高了学习兴趣也降低了掌握单词的难度.不失为学习单词的好方法。)step 5 . mind map . 思维树1. get students to read the mind map and fill in it according to the story 2. let students try to retell the story using the mi

20、nd map. lucys bad habits1. hardly ever eat fruit2. use the internet on weekends3. watch tvlucys good habits1.like milk 2.never go online on weekdays 3.like swing dance 4.help with houseworkthe writers habits1.have less junk food 2.exercise everyday3.see the dentist at least once a monthhabits(设计意图:用

21、思维树的方式形象直观,简洁明了的表述了故事的内容,这样学生根据思维树就能很清晰的把握故事的内容,并能很容易的对故事进行复述,而且进一步对本单元单词进行了总结分类,巩固了单词意义及应用。这在单词学习中起到事半功倍的作用。)step 6. 当堂检测。一汉译英:1.几乎不_ 2.至少,不少于_3.一天一次_ 4。一周两次_5。一个月三到四次_ 6。 垃圾食品_7.喝牛奶_ 8.多于 _9。最受欢迎的_ 10.保持健康_二根据括号中的汉语意思写单词,并用其适当形式完成句子。1. there are many _(不同) between my brother and i。2。 _(或许) he is p

22、laying soccer with his friends.3. our teacher told us about the _(结果) of the exam yesterday.4. my favorite tv _ (节目)is animal word 。5。 i got good grades this time, but i want to get _(更好的) grades next time。6. tom _(几乎不) ever eats chocolates. 7. i like to surf the _(互联网) on sunday. 8。 i sleep _(大约) n

23、ine hours a night. 9. my father plays basketball _(两次) a week.10。 my grandpa is pretty healthy because he _(锻炼) every day。11。 dont eat too much _(垃圾食品). you are getting heavy.12。there are a lot of _(杂志) in our school library。13。_(当然了),i would try to work hard 。14. tom, _(多久) do you surf the internet

24、?-once a week.15。 we _( 必须)keep quiet in the reading room. (设计意图:单词反馈题型多样,翻译短语及根据汉语意思或首字母填单词,从多个方面对单词进行练习,有助于学生对单词的进一步掌握,总之学生对单词的学习是反复的螺旋式上升的一个过程.)step7. homework。 必做题:1。 dictate the words in groups。 2. preview section a.选做题:1. 总结单词的词类,词性,发音规则及用法.亮点:1. 让学生通过音标来自主认读单词,然后小组间进行合作互助,学生不会的,教师再进行指导,有助于培养学生的自主合作学习能力,真正的实现了学生的主体地位教师的主导作用。)2. 学习单词的形式多样。a.通过图片学习单词,形象直观,能调动学生的学习兴趣,学生在激情高涨中就轻松地掌握了单词的意义及用法,这种图片学单词的方法非常适合七年级学生特点,而且事半功倍。b.单词的词、意匹配,利用发音规则,及词类之间的转换,合成词 及派生词, 还有最后的根据汉语记忆单词,从多个方面多个角度对单词进行了学习巩固.这


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