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1、Unit 1 World News: Intern ati onal Relatio nsPart I Warmi ng upTap escri pts:1.The former American Defense Secretary William Perry has recommendeda radical cha nge of p olicy towards North Korea.2.Hundreds of thousands of mothers from across the United States gatheredhere in Washi ngton Sun day to p

2、 ush for tougher gun con trol laws.3.Theres bee n further fighting betwee n Macedo nian forces and EthnicAlba nian guerrillas in side the Maced onian border with Kosovo.4.A bomb dropped by the United States navy aircraft during training inKuwait has hit a group of military observers, killing six of

3、them.5. NATO is taking a number of steps to allay growing disquiet about thepo ssible health risks from ammun iti ons containing depl eted uranium,which it used in Kosovo and Bos nia.1. What is the summits stateme nt exp ected to call on UN members?To makecommitme nts to eradicate poverty, promote d

4、emocracy and educati on,and reverse the spread of AIDS.2. Which three cou ntries are admitted by ASEAN on Saturday?Burma, Cambodia, and the Laos.3. What happened on Friday about ten miles south of P earl Harbor?AU. S. nuclear submarine tore through a Japanese fishing vessel, sinkingit withi n minu t

5、es.How many people were on the vessel? And how many were miss ing? 35/9.4. What happened in the West Ba nk and Gaza?Gun battles between Israeli troops and P alestinian gunmen have beenraiding overnight5. What are the p roblems with the nu clear facilities and nu clear plantsin Japan?Some nu clear fa

6、cilities have breached many health and safety laws.More tha n half of the nu clear plants failed some basic tests, such ascheck ing radiati on measureme nts.Tap escri pts:1. With the final declaration on its role in the 21st century, the summitsstateme nt is exp ected to call on UN members to make c

7、ommitme nts toeradicate po verty, p romote democracy and educati on, and reverse thespread of AIDS. More than150 heads of state and government attended thesummit, the largest gatheri ng of world leaders in history.2. The Association of South-East Asian Nations has decided to invite Burmato join its

8、ran ks, shrugg ing off wester n denun ciatio ns of the militaryregime in Rangoon. ASEAN foreig n mi nisters voted on Saturday to admitBurma, Cambodia, and the Laos.3. The missing, four of them teenagers, were among35 people aboard a highschool fishing vessel from Japan. OnFriday, a U.S. nuclear subm

9、arine torethrough the ship, sinking it with in minu tes. The USS Gree nville, whichwas not seriously damaged, was p erform ing an emerge ncy surfaci ng drillwhen the collision occurred about ten miles south of Pearl Harbor.CoastGuard rescue teams plucked all but nine of the victims from the roughsea

10、s.4. Gun battles betwee n Israeli troops and P alesti nian gunman have bee nraid ing over ni ght in the West Bank and Gaza. The up surge in viole neecomesafter Israeli attack helicopterstargeted and killed a memberof an eliteP alest inian security force.5. Somenuclear facilities in Japan have breach

11、ed many health and safetylaws. Government inspectors checked 17 nuclear plants. More than half ofthem failed some basic tests, such as check ing radiati on measureme nts.Japanese nuclear regulators have been ordered to crack down followingthecoun trys worst nu clear accide nt in Sep tember. Sixty-ni

12、ne people wereIrela nd easily cap tured one of the two seats allotted to the wester nPart II News rep ortsSummary:This n ews report tells us that the Un ited Nati ons Gen eral Assembly has elected Columbia, Ireland, Mauritius, Norway and Singapore as its new non-permanentmembers of the Security Coun

13、 cil.Stateme nts:1. Columbia, Ireland, and Singapore won their seats as nonpermanent members of the Security Council on the first round of balloting whileMauritius and Norway won their seats on the fourth ballot.2. Suda n and Mauritius are two can didates for the sec ond seat for theAfrica n and Asi

14、a n group.3. There were three co un tries contending for the two seats allotted to the western in dustrialized group of n ati ons.4. The Security Coun cil is made up of 15 members, in clud ing five p erma nent members - China, France, Great Britain, Russia, and the UnitedStates-a nd 10 non-p erma ne

15、nt members.Tap escri pt:The Un ited Nati ons Gen eral Assembly has elected Columbia, Irela nd,Mauritius, Norway and Singapore as the new non-p erma nent members of theSecurity Coun cil. The vote follows several weeks of haggli ng and man euveri ng.Columbia, Ireland, and Singapore won the required tw

16、o thirds majority on the first round of balloting. But it took another three rounds of voting to decide on the remai ning two regi onal seats.Contention marked the voting for the second seat for the African and Asian group. The Un ited States lobbied inten sely aga inst Suda n, the can didate of the

17、 Orga ni zati on of Africa n Un ity. Mauritius, the can didate supp ortedindustrializedgroup of nations on the first ballot. But Norway and Italy campaigned vigorously for the second spot. King Harald of Norway came toNew York last week to p ress the case for his n ati ons rep rese ntati on on the S

18、ecurity Coun cil for the first time since 1982. Norway also won on the fourth ballot. The new membersbegin their two-year terms in January.The Security Coun cil is made up of a total of 15 members, in cludi ng five permanent members- China, France, Great Britain, Russia, and the UnitedStates - and 1

19、0 non-p erma nent members. Five non-p erma nent members are elected to two-year terms each year.SummaryThis news report tells us that the United Nations HumanRights Commission was going to hold an emerge ncy meet ing to deal with the crisis situati on betwee n Israelis and P alesti nia ns.An swers t

20、o the questi ons: 1.532. 483. 3_ 4. The Un ited States5. Can ada6. October 18th7. No more tha n three days8. To get the Israelis and P alesti nians back to the n egotiat ing table9. 4 / Bos nian war / geno cide in Rwanda / viole nee in East TimorTap escri pt:Forty-eight of the ( United Nations Human

21、Rights Commissions) 53 member n ati ons voted to hold the emerge ncy meeti ng. The Un ited States cast thesole dissentingvote and Canada abstained. Three other countries did notvote.The sp ecial meeti ng will beg in October 18th and will last for no more tha n three days.UN sp okeswoma n Marie Heuze

22、 says one purp ose of the meeti ng is to try tolearn how the cycle of violenee between Israelis and Palestinianscan be stopped.Whe n you have such a high-p rofile for a crisis which is so dan gerous, not only for the people in P alest ine and in Israel, but in the regi on.there is a fear - and this

23、is p robably why there was a large consen suson this meeting to discuss the issue - because the situationin this part of the world is so volatile, so dan gerous, so imp orta nt to con trol that everybody thinks that they have someth ing to con tribute.Ms Heuze says she thi nks the Un ited Nati ons a

24、nd the intern atio nalcommunity as a whole can play a constructiverole in the present situationand in trying to get the Israelis and Palestiniansback to the negotiating table. Officials from the UN Huma n Rights Commissio n will discuss the age nda toward the meet ing on Wed nesday.This is only the

25、fifth time the commissi on has gone into emerge ncy meet ing to deal with a crisis situation. Previous sessions dealt with the Bosnian war, the geno cide in Rwan da, and the viole nee in East Timor.Questio ns:1. How many members are there in the UN Huma n Rights Commissi on?2. How many of them voted

26、 to hold the emerge ncy meeti ng?3. How many of them did nt vote?4. Which country cast the disse nting vote?5. Which country absta in ed?6. Whe n will the meet ing beg in?7. How long will it last?8. Whats the purp ose of this meet ing?9. How many emerge ncy meeti ngs have bee n held before this one?

27、What were the three crisis situatio ns that they dealt with?Part III An ti-p iracy missi onEU s Naval OperationThe massive p roblem:Piracy off Somalia s waters 100 shi ps16ships more tha n 350 crew membersEU s mission:6 warshi ps3 surveilla nee planes? Aim: To deter, to p reve nt, to p rotect? Headq

28、uarters: Near London? Duratio n: At least a yearChinese Navy s Escort Mission against PiracyP rimary missi on:vessels, personnel and cargo,hit piracyTarget: To protect the ship and pers onnel pass ing through the area,tran sport ing huma nitaria n materialsNumber of crew members:800 in cl. 70 soldie

29、rs from the Navys special forcesDurati on of the first p hase:Three mon thsTime ready to receive p rotect ion app eals:Jan. 6Part IV Sp eechesExtract 1 (expressing an opinion): I believe that. I believe we shouldExtract 2 (paying a tribute): He said to those he touched and who soughtto touch him .Ex

30、tract 3 (ex press ing an opinion) - I have a dreamExtract 4 (ex press ing an opinion). America needs a full-time P residentcontinue to fight through the mon ths ahead for my personal vin dicati onand a full-time Con gress.Extract 5 (acce pting a p ost): I amprofoun dly grateful . for givingmethe cha

31、 nee to serve you.(making a promise): I will do everything I can to be worthy of . I promise you that I will Tap escri pt:1. I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal,before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moonand returninghim safely to the earth. No sin gle s

32、p ace p roject in this p eriod will be more imp ressive to mankind, or more imp orta nt for the Ion g-ra nge expIo rati on of sp ace; and none will be so difficult, or expen sive to acco mp lish.But, in a very real sen se, it will not be one man going to the moon .If we make this judgme nt affirmati

33、vely, it will be an en tire n ati on . I believe we should go to the moo n. (John F. Kenn edy 25/05/1961)2. As he said many times, in manyp arts of this n ati on, to those he touched and whosought to touch him: Somemensee things as they are and say Why?I dream thi ngs that n ever were and say Why no

34、 t? (Edward M. Kenn edy 08/06/1968)3. I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-ow ners will be able to sit dow n together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day, eve nthe State of Mississ ippi,a state swelteri ng wi

35、th the heat of in justice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little childre n will one day live in a n atio n where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. (

36、Rev. Martin LutherKi ng, Jr. 28/08/1963)4. America n eeds a full-time P reside nt and a full-time Con gress.would almost totally absorb the timeand atte nti onof both the P reside ntand the Congress in a period when ourentire focus should be on the greatissues of peace abroad and prosperitywithout i

37、nflationat home. (RichardM. Nix on 08/08/1974) 5. Thank you for opening up your minds and your hearts, for see ing the po ssibility of what we could do together for our childre n and for our future here in this state and in our n ati on. I am profoun dly grateful to all of you for giving me the cha

38、nee to serve you. I will. I will do everyth ing I can to be worthy of your faith and trust and to honor the po werful exa mple of Sen ator Daniel Patrick Moyn iha n . I pro mise you toni ght that I will reach across p arty lines to bring p rogress for all of New Yorks families. Today we voted as Dem

39、ocrats and Rep ublica ns.Tomorrow we begin again as NewYorkers . (HillaryClinton 07/11/2000)Unit 2Earth and EnvironmentPart 1Warming up1.impactof climate change damageto crops worse .2.2000 delegates northern Brazilthird United NationsConference on Desertificatio n.3.A huge oil spillMexico, .4. Wild

40、fires Florida containeda week.5. Greenland is melt ing around the edges50 cubickilometers raise global sea level .1.It attempts to balanee environmentai concerns and the needs of the com mun ity.2. Rep tilesp ecies are in greater troubletha n amp hibia n species.3. A newapproach in the fight against

41、 the illegal drugs trade.4. One in every eight sp ecies of plants is threate ned with ext in cti on.5. A new local directory for the environmentally-aware,calledthe “ Boulder County Green Pages ”Part II News Reportsdeteriorat ing.Washington the in formati on economy health of the planet in formatio

42、n economy com muni cati on education and en tertai nment p hysical exam vitalsig ns speciesclimate temperatureswater tablesglaciers forests fisheries to stabilize both climate and world popu lati on growthSummarythe severe shortage of water in some developingn ati ons. global solutio ns are found so

43、on.An swers to the questi ons1. 1502. Monday3. Almost one billio n people could suffer from a scarcity of water.4.5.MiddeEast,DartsofAfra,westernAsia,NortheasternChina, western and southern India, large parts of Pakistanand Mexico, parts of the Pacific coast of the United Statesand South America.6.5

44、 liters7.50 liters8.500 litersTo treat water as a precious resource.Part III City recycl ingA a. 2 b. 4 c. 3 d. 11. 130,000 / 80%2. Plastic / glass / tin cans / newspapers3. Recycle truck pick it up.4. One of community s recycling centers5. Each weekday6. Con ducts tours of the plant7. 3 / 48. Sod t

45、o other companies that makethem into differentproducts9. Made into new contain ers10. One of the top five in the USAUnit 3 World News: Econo mic Devel opmentsPart I Warming up1. Whohave been meeting in Hong Kong today to discuss the outlook forthe global economy?Cen tral Bank gover nors from more th

46、a n a doze n coun tries.2. What does UNCTADay about the worldwide total of foreign investment?It grew by 40% last Year to more tha n 600 billi on dollars.3. Whohas appro ved a cut in in come tax rates?The Un ited States House of Rep rese ntatives.4. Whohas announ ced job cuts after a fall in dema nd

47、 for its p roducts?IntelWhat is its plan?To reduce its workforce by5,000.5. What decisions have been made by EU, the U.S. and Canada after a caseof foot-a nd-mouth disease was con firmed in Fran ce?EU has imposed further restricti ons on the moveme nt of livestock.The U.S. and Can ada have issued te

48、mporary bans on the import of ani malproduce from EU.Tap escri pt:1. Cen tral Bank gover nors from more tha n a doze n coun tries have bee nmeet ing in Hong Kong today. One subject they likely discussed is the outlook for the global economy because of the U. S. slowdown and Japans struggli ng recove

49、ry. Ano ther top ic they may have discussed is how tostrengthen financialmarkets in emerging economies in Asia and elsewhere.2. A United Nations report says the worldwide total of foreign investmentgrew by nearly 40%last year to more than 600 billiondollars. The report by the UNConference on Trade a

50、nd Development, UNCTADays most of it took pl ace betwee n devel oped coun tries as big companies took one ano ther over.3. The Un ited States House of Rep rese ntatives has appro ved a cut in in come tax rates, the first part of a package of tax cutting measures put forward by P reside nt Bush. The

51、in come tax reduct ions will amount to n early 1 trillio n dollars over ten years.4. The worlds largest maker of compu ter ch ips, In tel,has announ ced job cuts after a fall in dema nd for its p roducts. In tel said it exp ected its reve nue in the first quarter of this year to fall by a quarter th

52、a n the same p eriod last year. The Califor ni a-based company plans to reduce its 85,000-stro ng work force by 5,000.5. The Euro pean Union has imp osed further restrictio ns on the moveme nt of live-stock after a case of foot-a nd-mouth disease was con firmed inFran ce. The Un ited States and Can

53、ada have issued temp orary bans on the import of all ani mal p roduce from EU coun tries.1. Foreign exchange rates:1 dollar = 1.733 Germa n marks=126.9 Ja pan ese yen1 pound =1.624 dollarsShare In dexDow Jon es (up to) 6,783 (+45)Electronic Data Systems (4quarter): $0.70 per share ($ 0.02 up)Nikkiec

54、losed2. Share In dex:Dow Jones10,116(+96)Sta ndrd and Poors 5001,254什 6)NASDAQ:(-1.5%)3. Share In dex:Dow Jones8,094 ( - 66 )NASDAQ1,662 (- 3 )FT100(-36 )CAC Quara nte(-33, -1% )DAX(-1% )4. Most active stocks:Cable and Wireless HKT up $ 0.45HSBCdown $ 0.50Hutchis ondow n $ 0.50Sha nglon gkai Prop er

55、tyup $ 2.25Chi na Telecomdow n $ 1.50Chang Kongdown $ 0.25Pacific Cen tury Cyberworlds dow n $ 0.10CCT Telecomdow n $ 0.275New World CyberBase dow n $ 0.075Hanong Hold ingsdow n $ 0.25Gold p rices:Hong Kong gold:HK$ 2,670London gold:US $ 2895. Earnings:Phili ps Electro nics (last year): $ 2.4 billio

56、 n ($ 300 million)Royal Dutch Shell (4th quarter): $ 3.6 billionTap escri pts:1. The dollar is trading at one Germanmark seventy-three point three and at 126.9 Japan ese yen. The pound buys one dollar sixty-two point four.In New York, the Dow Share In dex closed 45 higher at 6,783. EarlierLon do ns 100 Share In dex en ded 20 higher at 4,390. In Tok


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