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1、会泽县茚旺高级中学2019 年春季学期高二年级4 月下半月考试题英 语本试卷分第卷和第卷两部分,总分150 分,考试时间120 分钟 。第卷第一部分 :听力部分 ( 共两节,满分30 分 )第一节 ( 共 5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分7.5 分 )听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题 , 每段对话仅读一遍。1. When will the man pick up the woman?A. At 7:20. B. At 7:40. C. At 8:15

2、.2. What does the man suggest doing?A. Taking the subway. B. Driving to the airport.C. Finding a cheap parking place.3. Where is Mimi probably?A. At home. B. At school. C. In a hospital.4. What is the conversation mainly about?A. The weather. B. A plan for tomorrow. C. The traffic.5. What will the w

3、oman probably do next?A. Help the old man. B. Ask the old man the time. C. Mend her watch.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5 分)听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第6 至 7 小题。听下面一段对话,回答第6 和第 7 两个小题。6. Where are

4、 the speakers?A. At home. B. In a bar. C. In a bakery.7. What does the man want to make?A. Bread.B. Pizza.C. Sandwich.听下面一段对话,回答第8 和第 9 两个小题。8. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Their happy childhood. B. The change of the town.C. The life in the countryside.9. How do the speakers feel?A.

5、 Confused. B. Excited. C. Disappointed.听下面一段对话,回答第10 至第 12 三个小题。10.What animals did the mans friends have?A. Horses.B. Pigs.C. Sheep.11. When did the man become a vegetarian?A. At the age of 10. B. At the age of 12. C. At the age of 20.- 1 - / 1012. How did the mans parents react to his decision?A.

6、They disagreed with him about it.B. They gradually accepted the fact.C. They totally supported him.听下面一段对话,回答第13 至第 16 四个小题。13. What is the woman worried about?A.How to get to the Students Union.B. How to spend her university life.C. How to find a map of the university.14. How long are the computer

7、rooms open on weekdays? A. 8 hours. B. 9 hours. C. 11 hours.15.Where is the Students Union?A. On the right of the Science Block.B. Opposite the Chemistry labs.C. Beside Lab B.16. What does the man advice the woman to do?A. Get familiar with the university. B. Come to see him on Thursday. C. Remember

8、 his telephone number.听下面一段独白,回答第17 至第 20 四个小题。17. Who organizes the Winter Festival?A. The government. B. A team of volunteers.C. The businessmen around the town.18. How long are the opening hours every day?A. 4 hours. B. 6 hours. C. 10 hours.19. What is special about the art exhibition?A. It will

9、be held in a school.B. There are three opening nights.C. The painters are local students.20. What will be held in the Main Exhibition Hall?A. A music talent show.B. An art exhibition.C. A fancy dress.第二部分阅读理解(共20 小题,每小题2 分,满分40 分)第一节(共15 小题,每小题2 分,共 30 分)ALima, the capital of Peru (秘鲁 ), has countle

10、ss museums that tourists cantafford to miss. Nowstart packing up and prepare for your perfect Peruvian history exploration at these wonderful museums. Larco MuseumStepping inside, visitors get to learn the 5000-year history of Peru through anunbelievable collection of objects. The best thing about t

11、he museum is that it keeps the door to the Storeroom open to visitors so that they can admire its collectionclosely. Gold Museum of PeruIf you like shiny objects or precious metals, then plan a trip to Gold Museumof Peru, In ancient times, the Peruvian people were celebrated for their skills with me

12、tals. And the museum is aimed at preserving this heritage. Lima Art MuseumArt experts are much pleased as the city is also home to Lima Art Museum. Itspermanent exhibit of over 1,200 pieces is merely a small part of its amazing collection more than 17,000 artifacts. The highlight of the museum is it

13、s collection of Carlos- 2 - / 10Baca-Flormasterpieces,which isconsideredto be the most completeset in the world. Museum of Italian ArtThe only museum dedicated to European art in Peru, Museum of Italian Art is astorehouse of classical and contemporary paintings and sculptures (雕塑) belonging to the 2

14、0th century. The property is easily accessible by a short walk from Lima ArtMuseum. Museum of Natural HistoryLast but certainlynot the leastis the Museumof NaturalHistory.Givinga glimpseintothe richbiodiversityin Peru,the museumhas on displaythe skeletonsof a spermwhale and fossils of several mammal

15、s.21. In which museum can visitors enter the Storeroom?A. Larco Museum.B. Gold Museum of Peru.C. Lima Art Museum.D. Museum of Natural History.22. What makes Gold Museum of Peru different from other museums?A. Its exhibit of various animals.B. Its large collection of objects.C. Its classical painting

16、s and sculptures.D. Its display of Peruvian skills with metals.23. Which museum is the closest to Lima Art Museum?A. Museum of Natural History.B. Museum of Italian Art.C. Larco Museum.D. Gold Museum of Peru.BHave you ever been afraid? Do thunder and lightning makeyour heartbeat faster?Maybe your mou

17、th goes dry when your teacher says you will be given a test, or your palms (手掌) sweat when it s y our turn to give your report in front of the class.Perhaps you get butterflies in your stomach when you see the bully (欺负人的人 ) whochooses you.We all have fears sometimes. Thats true no matter how big we

18、 are or how bravewe can be. Fear of getting too close to a campfire may save you from a bad burn. Andfear of getting a bad gradeon a test may make you study hard. Beingnervous can alsosharpen your senses and helpyou performbetterduringa trackmeet. Some peopleevenenjoy being a little scared.That s wh

19、y they like to watch scary movies.Usually,our bodiesgo into fight only whenthere issomething to fear. However,sometimes thishappens when theredoesntseem to be anythingto be frightenedabout.When you feel scared but there doesnt seem to be a clear reason, thats calledanxiety. For some kids, the feelin

20、g of anxiety or worry can happen at any time. Forothers, it might appear only at certain times, like when they are leaving their homeor family to go somewhere. For some people, this feeling of anxiety happens almostall the time and gets in the way of what they want to do.Tell your parents if your an

21、xiety becomes strong and is getting in the way ofwhat you want to do. Your parents can take you to a doctor, who can help to find outif a medical problem is making you feel anxious. But you can also try these ways tokill the feeling yourself.24. What does the underlined phrase“get butterflies in you

22、r stomach” (Paragraph1) probably mean?- 3 - / 10A. Get angry.B. Get nervous.C. Get hurt.D. Get excited.25. What does the writer want to show in the second paragraph?A. Brave people won t feel fear whatever happens.B. Children are easier to show fear than adults.C. Fear is a sign of being sick and un

23、healthy.D. Fear can be good to people sometimes.26. According to the passage, we can learn that anxiety _.A. often appears before an important examB. appears when people face some frightening thingsC. can t be treated once it beginsD. sometimes doesn t seem to have a clear reason27. What would be ta

24、lked about in the next paragraph?A. The great harm fear does to peoples health.B. Who to turn to for help when people feel anxious.C. Some good ways to help people deal with fear.D. What kind of people can easily feel anxious.CBright blue City Bikes are becoming a fine sight in the New York street.

25、NewYorkers are gradually getting used to more pedaling(骑车的 ) passengers on thoseblue City Bikes. But what about local bike shops? Is City Bike booming at theirexpense? At Gotham Bikesin Tribeca,a manager who gave hisname as “Ben W.” saidtheshophasseenanincreaseinitsoverallsalesduetothebike-shareprog

26、ram. “It s getting more people on the road, more people learning about thesport and getting involved, ” he said. An employee at Dannys Cycles in Gramercysaid City Bike is a good option for people in a city famed for its traffic jamsand aggressive drivers.“They can try out a bike without buying one”

27、James Ryansaid.Rentals are not a big part of the business at either Gotham Bikes or DannysCycles. But for Franks Bike Shop, a small business on Grand St., the bike-shareprogram has been bad news. Owner Frank Arroyo said that his rental business hasdecreased by 90% since City Bike was launched lastmo

28、nth. Arroyo s main rentalcustomers are European tourists, who have since been drawn away by City Bikes.However, Ben said the bike-share is good for bike sales at his shop.“Peoplehave used the bike-share and realized how great it is to bike in the city, thendecide that they want something nicer for t

29、hemselves,” he noted.Christian Farrell of Waterfront Bicycle Shop, on West St. said at first hewas concerned about bike-share, though, he admitted,“I was happy to see peopleon bikes.”Farrells early concerns were repeated by Andrew Crooks, owner of NYC Velo,at 64 Second Ave.“It seemed like a great id

30、ea,but one that would be difficultto putintouse”Crookssaidof CityBike.He saidhe worriedaboutinexperiencedriders lack of awareness of bikingrules and strong negative reaction fromnon- cyclists. However, he said, its still too early to tell if his business hasbeen impacted (影响 ).- 4 - / 10While its po

31、ssible bike-share will cause a drop in business, Crooks agreedthat the idea is a positive step forward for New York City.28. What is the authors chief concern about the increasing use of City Bikes inNew York?A. Whether local bike shops will suffer.B. How non-cyclists will respond to it.C. Whether l

32、ocal bike businesses will oppose it.D. How the safety of bike riders can be ensured.29. What happened to Gotham Bikes as a result of the bike-share program?A. It found its bike sales unaffected.B. It changed its business torentals.C. Itsaw itsbikesaleson theriseD.Itrentedmore bikestotourists.30. Why

33、 is the bike-share program bad news for Franks Bike Shop?A. Its customers have been drawn away by City Bikes.B. It cannot meet the demand of the bike-share program.C. Its bike prices have to be lowered again and again.D. It has to compete with the citys bike rental shops.31. What is the general atti

34、tude of the local bike shops towards City Bike?A. Doubtful.B. Negative.C. Uninterested.D. Approving.DWhen I lived in Spain, some Spanish friends of mine decided to visit England bycar. Before they left, they asked me for advice about how to find accommodation. Isuggested that they should stay atbed

35、and breakfast houses, because this kindof accommodation givesa foreignvisitora good chance to speak Englishwiththe family.My friends listened to my advice, but they came back with some funny stories.“We didnt stay at bed and breakfast houses,” they said,“because we foundthat most families were away

36、on holiday.”I thought this was strange. Finally I understood what had happened. My friendsspoke littleEnglish,and theythoughtVACANCIESmeant holidays ,because theSpanish word forholidays ” isvacancies . So they did not go to house wherethe sign outside saidVACANCIES, whichin English means there are f

37、ree rooms.Then my friends went to house where the sign saidNO VACANCLES, because theythought this meant the people who owned the house were not away on holiday. But theyfound that these houses were all full. As a result, they stayed at hotels!We laughed about this and about mistakes my friends made

38、in reading other signs.In Spanish, the wordDIVERSION means fun. In English, it means that workmen arerepairing the road, and that you must take a different road. When my friends saw theword DIVERSIONon a road sign,theythoughttheywere goingto have fun.Instead,the road ended in a large hole.Englishpeo

39、plehave problems too when they learnforeignlanguages.Once in Paris,when someone offered me some more coffee,I said“Thank you ” in French. I meantthat I would like some more. However, to my surprise the coffee pot was taken away!Later I found out that“Thank you ” in French means“No, thank you.”32. My

40、 Spanish friends wanted advice about _.- 5 - / 10A. learning EnglishB. finding places to stay in EnglandC. driving their car on English roadsD. going to England by car33. I suggested that they stay at bed and breakfast houses because _.A. they would be able to practise their EnglishB. it would be mu

41、ch cheaper than staying in hotelsC. it would be convenient for them to have dinnerD. there would be no problem about finding accommodation there34. If you see a road sign that saysDiversion , you will _.A. fall into a holeB. have a lot of fun and enjoy yourselfC. find that the road is blocked by cro

42、wds of peopleD. have to take a different road35. When someone offered me more coffee and I saidThank you in French, I_.A. didn t really want any more coffeeB. wanted them to take the coffee pot awayC. really wanted some more coffeeD. wanted to express my politeness第二节 ( 共 5 小题;每小题2 分,满分10 分 )根据短文内容,

43、从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a betterstudent in several ways._36_.Second, your notes are excellent materials torefer to when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to h

44、old your interest.You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading atextbookor doing researchfora report._37_.Whenever or however you take notes,keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process._38_.The following methods may work best for you.Read the text quickly to fi

45、nd the main facts and ideas in it. Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts. Write your notes in your own words. _39_. Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速

46、记 ). When you do,be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time.40_A. Use words, not complete sentences.B. There are three practical note-taking methods.C. You must write your notes on separate paper.D. Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.E. You will

47、also want to develop your own method for taking notes.F. That means you must firstdecidewhat is importantenough to includein your notes.G. First,the simpleact of writingsomething down makes iteasierforyou to understandand remember it.第三部分英语知识运用第一节完形填空(共20 小题 ;每小题 1.5 分 ,满分 30 分)Two boys were on the

48、way home in the forest. They came upon a frozen river that- 6 - / 10blocked ( 阻塞 ) their way. They looked up and down the riverside, but saw no41ofa bridge to help them cross over safely. Both boys 42 placed a foot on the surfaceofthe iceand felthow slippery( 滑 )itwas. Then one gaveup butthefirstboy

49、 still43walking across.“What areyou doing? ” the other boy asked.“Youll44!”“ Bang” he felldown.“See? I toldyou so. ” The firstboy got up and carefullytooka few more 45 Hefell down again.“What are you doing? ” the other boy46 The first boy got upagain , 47veryquietly.The processrepeateditself, until4

50、8 ,thefirstboy,bruised (擦伤 ) and cold from the 49ice, crossed the river successfully.“Ive50it!” he proudlyshoutedand thenwaved to hisfriend.“Now itsyour51”“ Icant;Ill fallover. ” “Probably,Idid. ” “ButIll52 myself.Itsmuch safer here.” “Yes, but this is the53 that we wanted to get to.” “I know,but I

51、cant.” The first boy54his head.“Cant or wont,” he said to himself55he walked off in the direction of home.Sooner or later, we all come across frozen56like this one. And we have adecision to make. Do we take the risk and cross over, 57 that we could slip, falland suffer pain along the way?58 do we st

52、ay where we are, feeling safe, knowingthat we will59 get to where we want in life? In my 60, we should take chancesto cross the river and get success bravely.41.A. planB. signC. wayD. goal42.A. quicklyB. happilyC. impatientlyD. carefully43.A. triedB. agreedC. suggestedD. practiced44.A. break downB.


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