1、Examination Paper(For medical students)学号 _姓名 _分数 _I.Choose the correct meaning for each prefix or suffix. 8%1.masto A. breast. B. womb. C. menses. D. orary2.extra A. inside. B. outside. C. across. D. backward3.spleno A. cell . B. bone marrow. C. thymus. D. spleen4.ectomyA. cutting. B. stomy. C. cut
2、ting out. D. outletforming5.dermo A. skin. B. below. C. under. D. teo A. sweet. B. bile. C. protein. D. fat7.chromo A. time. B. color. C. for. D. disease8.necro A. life. B. colour. C. time. D. dead.II.Filling in the blanks with proper words. 8%9.We willuse the term_to refer to the data that
3、 can be gathered about anindividual patient, namely, symptoms, signs, and laboratory abnormalities.10._are those diseases characterized by structural changes withinthe body as the most basic abnormality.11.The surgeon should never leave the operating room area until the report is dictated,unless his
4、 or her _is required for an emergency elsewhere.12.The function of the_is to protect us fromorganisms that causedisease, and from other materials that would be harmful to the body.13.AIDS,abbreviationof_,is a viraldisease that impairs the immune system of the human body, leaving it prey to a great v
5、ariety ofinfections that would be readily suppressed by a functioning immune system.14.Approximately 10% of the patients _ breast cancer present with a history oftrauma.15.Obesity in childrenandadolescents may be associated withsociopsychologic_.16.Mostpeople whohaverecently been infected by HIVlook
6、andfeel perfect_.III.Choose the best answer to each of the following questions. 8%17.Genetic and developmental diseases _.a.cover a wide range of abnormalitiesb.are influenced by environment so as to appear early in lifec.are defined as injuries, inflammation, or even neoplasmsd.are caused by bioche
7、mical changes present at birth18.Structural changes within the body _.a.are the most basic abnormalityb.are usually at the microscopic or electron microscopic levelc.may be either biochemical or morphologicd.are difficult to classify19.Which of the following statements are not true?a.Structural dise
8、ases sometimes fall into more than one category.b.Structural diseases are not always to classify.c.Structural diseases usually fall into more of the three broad categories.d.Structural diseases are called lesions that may be biochemical or morphologic.20.The author suggests that all of the following
9、means be used to help childrenwithelevated blood cholesterol levels except _.a.formal nutrition counselingb.regular follow-up, including measurement of blood levels.c.dietary interventions as first therapyd.lipid-lowering medications21.The one thing that the author does not recommend is that _.a.you
10、ng people should be screened to detect elevated blood cholesterol levelsb.a low-fat, balanced diet should become the normc.efforts to lower fat in food should be encouragedd.dietary education should be promoted22.Which of the following is true of the students in the control of the DISC?a.They showed
11、 the same reductions in blood lipid levels.b.They made changes toward healthier behaviors.c.They were aware of the high risks of the study.d.They made information in this trial available to physicians.23.How does HIV damages the immune system?a.By integrating with and taking over RNA of cells.b.By i
12、nfiltrating and blood stream.c.By infecting and damaging helper T cells.d.By increasing the crucial activities of the killer T cells.24.The author believed that the best way to check the spread of the AIDS is _.a.to conduct global education about the diseaseb.to treat the known cases with AZTc.to li
13、mit the process of the diseased.to use condoms and other“ safe sex ” practicesIV.Reading comprehension. 30%Passage AHIV is spread or transmitted from the person to another by bodily fluids such as bloods, semen and vaginal fluid. This happened in two main ways:1. by sexual intercourse with an infect
14、ed person.The virus can be transmitted when an infected individual has sexual intercourse with another person. The lager the number of sexual partners and individual has, the more likely he or she is to have a partner who has HIV infection, thereby increasing the chances of becoming infected.The vir
15、us is passed on more easily by anal intercourse than by vaginal intercourse. The infection can be transmitted not only from man to man and man to woman, but also from woman to man.Although transmission is more likely to occur from males to females than from females to males, the risk of female to ma
16、ke transmission is significant.2. by infected blood and blood products.Although transmission of HIV has occurred through transfusions of infected blood and blood products in the past, donations to the Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service are now routinely tested for HIV antibodies. This screening and
17、 other measures introduced by the Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service make the chances of anyone being infected though this route very, very slim.a. Transmission through blood from a person infected with virus occurs when infected needles and / or syringes are shared by people using illicit drugs.b.
18、 There is absolutely no risk of blood donors acquiring HIV infection by giving blood to the Red Cross Transfusion Service.3. from mother to baby during pregnancy.The virus is very likely to be passed from an infected mother to her child during pregnancy. Thereis also a possibility of the virus being
19、 transmitted through breast milk. Women who intend to become pregnant should consider having an HIV antibody test.We do know how the virus is NOT spread:It is NOT spread through the air. You cannot become infected by breathing the air breathed out by an infected person or the air from an air conditi
20、oner.It is NOT spread through people swallowing infected liquids. HIV has been found in saliva, but infection does NOT take place through using cups, glasses, plates, other crockery or cutlery which has been used by people with AIDS. There is no evidence that HIV can be acquired by intimate kissing.
21、It is NOT spread by mosquitoes. Studies in the USA have NOT linked the spread of HIV with mosquitoes.25.HIV cannot be spread.a. by semenb. by foodc. by vaginal fluidd. by breast milk26.The virus is passed on more easily.a. by vaginal intercourseb. by anal intercoursec. by personal contactd. by mosqu
22、itoes27.HIV can be more easily transmitted.a. from male to femalesb. from females to malesc. from anmother to her childd, from saliva28.Women who intend to become pregnant should consider.a, having an HIV antibody testb. having blood testc. receiving a blood transfusiond. bread feeding29.HIV can be
23、spread.a. through using cups, glasses, platesb. breathing the infected airc. throughthe aird. during pregnancyPassage BOnline doctors offeringadvice based on standardized symptoms are the most obvious example.Increasingly, however, remote diagnosis (telemedicine) willbe based on real physiological d
24、atafrom the actual patient. A group from the University of Kentucky has shown that by using anoff-the shelf PDA (personal data assistance) such as a Palm Pilot plus a mobile phone, it isperfectly feasible to transmit a patient s vital signs over.Withethistelephonkindof equipmentin a first-aid kit, t
25、he cry asking whether there was a doctor in the house could well be a thing of the past.Other medical technology groups are working on applying telemedicine to rural care. And at least one team wants to use telemedicine as a tool for disaster response - especially after earthquakes. Overall, the tre
26、nd is towards providing global access to medical data and expertise.But there is one problem. Bandwidth is the limiting factor for transmitting complex medical images around the world - CT scans being one of the biggest bandwidth consumers.Communication satellites may be able to cope with the short-
27、term needs during disasters such as earthquakes, wars or famines. But medicine is looking towards both the second-generation Internet and third-generation mobile phones for the future of distributed medical intelligence.30. The basis of remote diagnosis will be _. a. personal data assistanceb. stand
28、ardized symptoms of a patient c. real physiological data from a patient d. transmitted complex medical images31. The sentence “ the cry asking whether there was a doctor in the house could well be a thing of the past ” means _.a. patients used to cry and ask if there was a doctor in the houseb. now
29、people probably would not ask if there is a doctor in the house c. patients are now still asking if there is a doctor in the housed. little kids often cried and asked if there was doctor in the house32. All the following statements are true EXCEPT that _.a. flood is not among the disasters mentioned
30、 in the passageb. it is now feasible to transmit a patient s vital signs over telephone c. telemedicine is being used by many medical teams as a tool for disaster responsed. the trend in applying telemedicine is toward providing global access to medical data33. The word “ problem ” in the fourth par
31、agraph refers to the fact that _. a. CT scans are one of the biggest bandwidth consumersb. there are not enough mobile phones for distributing medical intelligencec. communication satellites can only cope with the short-term needs during disasters d. bandwidth is not adequate to transmit complex med
32、ical images around the world34. A proper title for the passage may be _.a. The Online Doctor Will Be Inb. Improvement in Communicationsc. How to Make Remote Diagnosis.d. The Advantage of TelemedicinePassage CMedical researchers believe they may soon be able to prevent one of the world most feared di
33、seases, leprosy(麻风病) . The scientists studying leprosy have developed a vaccine that appears to prevent the disease in some animals. Later this year the doctors plan to carry out the tests of vaccine on humans in the United States, Norway and Britain.About fifteen million persons are victims of lepr
34、osy today. The disease produces skin sores and high body temperatures. It also deadens the nerve endings in the hands, feet and nose. Do many leprosy victims can not feel when their hands or feet get burned, cut or frozen.Doctors found that leprosy grows easily in armadillos ( 犰狳 ). The armadillos a
35、re chosen for the studies because its body temperature is similar to the cooler skin area of humans where leprosy spreads fastest, the fingers, toes and nose. One gram of infected armadillo liver can provide large amounts of leprosy bacteria. Doctors cook the bacteria until they are dead. The dead b
36、acteria then are made into the vaccine. So far the vaccine has successfully prevented the development of leprosy in mice and armadillos.35. Which of the following area is not included in the tests of the vaccine carried out on humans? a. Americab. Norwayc. Britaind. Asia36. _ is not the direct clini
37、cal manifestation of leprosy. a. High body temperatureb. Skin soresc. Deadening of nerve ending in the hands, feet and nose d. Infection37. Scientists choose armadillos for their studies because _?a.they are easy to feedb.they can be easily caughtc.their body temperature is similar to that of the le
38、prosy patients.d.they exist everywhere in the world.38.a. heartThe less likely to be attacked part of human body by leprosy bacteria is _. b. toes c. nosed.fingers39. Among the following statements, which is not true?a. About 15,000,000 persons are victims of leprosy today.b. Leprosy victims feel pain when their hands get burned.c. Scientists use dead bacteria in the vaccine.d. Leprosy is one of the world s most frightening diseases.V. Translations. 26%A. from Chinese into
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