



1、最新资料欢迎阅读 五年级英语上学期期末总复习资料 五年级英语上学期期末复习(一) 重点句型 1. What s your favourite season?你最喜爱的季节是什么? 2. What s the weather like in spring?lt s sunny and warm. 春天的天 气像什么样子?又晴朗又暖和。 3. Which seas on do you like best?Wi nter. I can make a sno wma n.你最 喜欢哪个季节?冬天,我可以堆雪人。 4.1 can play with snow.我可以玩雪。 5. Winter is be

2、autiful, but it s too cold for me.冬天时美丽的,但 是对我来说太冷了。 6. Why do you like win ter?Because I can sleep a long time.你为什么 喜欢冬天?因为我可以睡懒觉。 7. When is the best time to go to Beiji ng? Fall.去北京的时间是什么 时候?秋天。 8. What is the weather like in fall in Beijing? It s sunny and cool. 北京秋天的天气像什么样子?又晴朗又凉爽。 9. What ca n

3、 I do there?You can go to the Great Wall.我可以在那里做 什么?你可以去长城。 1O.Spri ng is from March to May.春天从三月到五月。 五年级英语上学期期末复习(二) 重点句型 1. When do you get up? 你什么时候起床? 2. What do you do on the weekend?周末你做什么? 3. This is my weeke nd timetable.这是我的周末日程表。 4. When do you play sports?你何时进行体育活动? 5. Tell us about your

4、day!告诉我们关于你的日子。 6. Which is Mike s timetable? 哪一个是迈克的日程表 打扰一下,我可以问 7. Excuse me. Can I ask you some questi ons? Sure. 你一些问题吗?当然。 8. What do you do?你是做什么的? 我在下午大约3点钟 谢谢你告诉我关于你的日 下个星期天让我们一起去远 9.I play sports at about 3:00 in the after noon. 进行体育活动。 10. Tha nk you for telli ng me about your day. 子。 11.

5、 Let s go hik ing together n ext Sun day. 足吧。 有时候我去看望我的祖父母 12.Sometimes I visit my gran dpare nts. 13. The weather report says it s going to rain tomorrow. I can t play football in the rain. I can t go hiking, either.天气预报说明天要下雨。 我不能在雨中踢足球,我也不能去远足。 14. Then come to my home.那就来我家吧。 15. Let s watch TV

6、together. 让我们一起看电视。 16.When do you do morning exercises? I usually do morning exercises at 8:00 . 你什么时候做早操?我通常八点钟做早操。 17.I usually get up at 12:00 at noon . 我通常在中午十二点起床。 五年级英语上学期期末复习(三) 重点句型 1. Which group does he belong to? 他属于哪个团队? 2. Are you having a picnic? No, wearen t. Weare doing an experimen

7、t. 你们正在举行野餐吗?不,没有。我们正在做一个实验。 3.Is he watching ants?他正在观察蚂蚁吗? 4. Are they collecting leaves?他们正在收集树叶吗? 5. Are they catching butterflies? No, they aren t. They are picking up leaves.他们正在捕捉蝴蝶吗?不,没有。他们正在采摘树叶。 6. What are you doing there?你在那儿做什么? 7. What do ants like to eat?蚂蚁喜欢吃什么? 8. Come and have a look at the an ts.过来看看蚂蚁。 9. Are they eat ing the hon ey? Yes, they like sweet food他们正在吃 蜂蜜吗?是的,它们喜欢甜食。 10. Do an experime nt on me, please.请对我做实验吧。 11. What is John doing? He s playing chess. 约翰正在做什么?他正在下 棋。 他们在一起玩。 告诉他我们走了 12. They are play ing together.


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