1、S6 unit1unit2阅读:aPeople are more likely to wash their hands properly after using the toilet if they are shamed into it or think they are being watched, scientists said on Thursday.Hand-washing is the cheapest way of controlling disease but less than one third of men and two thirds of women wash thei
2、r hands with soap after going to the toilet, a British study by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine showed.But when prompted by an electronic message flashing up on a board asking: Is the person next to you washing with soap?, around 12 percent more men and 11 percent more women used
3、soap.Health authorities around the world are stepping up efforts to persuade people to be more hygienic and wash their hands properly to help slow the spread of H1N1 swine flu, which was declared a pandemic(大流行病) by the World Health Organization in June.Hand-washing with soap has been ranked the mos
4、t effective way for the worldwide control of disease, the studys authors wrote.It could save more than a million lives a year from diarrhoeal diseases, and prevent respiratory(呼吸) infections - the biggest causes of child mortality(死亡)in developing countries.In developed nations, hand-washing can hel
5、p prevent the spread of viral infections like flu and sickness and diarrhea bugs like norovirus and rotavirus, as well as hospital-acquired infections like MRSA and C-difficile, the authors said.The researchers studied the behavior of a quarter of a million people using toilets at motorway service s
6、tations in Britain over 32 daysUse of soap was monitored by sensors.The study, published in the American Journal of Public Health to mark Global Hand-washing Day, showed that with no reminders, 32 percent of men and 64 percent of women used soap.1In which of the following situation can people wash t
7、heir hands properly?AAfter they going to toilet Bwhen they think they are being watched.CWhen they think their hands are dirty. DWhen they find soap nearby.2Which of the following is the main advantage of hand-washing?Apeople can always get their hands clean BPeople can save a lot of time and waterC
8、It is the cheapest way of controlling disease. DIt wastes no any time and energy.3What is the biggest cause of child death in developing countries?A.respiratory infections B .diarrhoeal diseases CH1N1swine flu D.hospital-acquired infections.4Which of the following is true according to the seventh pa
9、ragraph?AHand-washing is popular in the developed countries.BThey authorities persuaded the people to wash their hands daily.CMore and more people know to wash their hands properly.DThe spread of viral infections is a serious problem.5We can conclude from the passage that _.AMost people wash their h
10、ands after going to toilet B.Many people can not wash their hands properly.CFew people know Global Hand-washing Day. DH1N1 swine flu was declared a pandemic.II单选:6Will you join us in the game? Thank you, Abut why not? Bbut Id rather not. Cand I wontDand Ill join.7-Could you turn the TV down a little
11、 bit? -_.Is it disturbing you?ATake it easy BIm sorry CNot a bit DIt depends8Jim did very wellHe _ two goals before half-timeAhad scored Bhad kicked Cscored Dmade9If only we _ then the disease was curable.Aknew Bcould know Chad known Dwould have known10If you _ my advice, you _ your failure now You
12、_ your victory.Atook .wouldnt cry over .would celebrateBhad taken .wouldnt have cried over .would have celebratedChad taken .arent crying over .are celebratingDhad taken .wouldnt be crying over .would be celebrating11If the cat _the sparrow, it_ into the pond.Ahadnt teased, would not have fallen Bha
13、snt teased, would not have fallenChadnt teased, did not fall Dhadnt teased, wont have fallen 12What surprised me was not what he said but _he said it.Athe way Bin the way that Cin the way Dthe way which 13-Is that the small town you often refer to?-Right, just the one_ you know I used to work for ye
14、arsAthat Bwhich Cwhere Dwhat 14Five players _a basketball team.Amade up of Bmaking up of Cconsists of Dare consisted15Many English poems _Chinese _ wellAtranslated into; translate Btranslated into; didnt translateCtranslating into; didnt translate Dtranslated from; didnt translate16-How much longer
15、do you think we can _? -Ten days, maybeIm not sure.Ahold on Bhold up Chold onto Dhold down17-Do you think I can wear sports clothes for his wedding? -No, sports clothes are not_.Aproper Bright Cappropriate Dmatch18- What on earth are you doing here? - Cant you see Im trying to _the garage _ a recrea
16、tion room. Atransform; from Btransform; into Cchange; into Dturn; into 19I like reading poems, because poems can _certain _.Aconvey; emotion B。convey; emotions Cexpress; emotions Dexplain; emotions20With my money _, I went back home.Aran out of Bran out Crunning out of Drunning out. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分
17、,满分40分)A special lady lived on a farm in Grace, Idaho. To overe every 1 or struggle that came her way, she went far beyond the call of duty. She was a widow(寡妇) with 9 children. Instead of 2 of her hard life, she accepted her fate(命运) and 3 the ordinary into the extraordinary(非凡的).No matter how seri
18、ous things seemed to be, she found a(n) 4 side and a ray of hope. She taught her family the 5 of hard work and the importance of education, although she only went as far as fourth grade.Her children didnt have material 6 , but they certainly received the necessary and 7 things in life: love, spiritu
19、al guidance, concern for others, appreciation for a table filled with food, and 9 for the law. She was really a(n) 10 of all that good.I remember as a young man sitting at her feet while she 11 me, “If you cant say something nice, dont say anything at all.” And she said , “Ill 12 throw upon the floo
20、r a crust (面包皮) I cannot eat, for those who suffer from hunger would think it quite a 13 . Willful waste brings willful want, and I may live to way, Oh, I wish I had that crust that once I 14 .”This extremely courageous and 15 woman is my grandmother. My mother is a lot like her mother. Many times,
21、my mother went 16 a dress just so we could buy some great football shoes. Many times, my mother 17 that we should stay at home instead of going on a summer vacation, just so we could 18 on a baseball all-star team. My mother is the greatest cook on Earth, a spiritual 19 , a church and munity servant
22、, and the very best mom who ever lived. Ive never 20 her plain about her difficulties, headache, and pain. My dear sweet mother truly is a perfect example. It is the way it was and still should be.1. A. success B. task C. challenge D. job2. A. thinking B. plaining C. talking D. dreaming3. A. sent B.
23、 put C. cheated D. changed4. A. opposite B. positive C. wrong D. dark 5. A. value B. idea C. pain D. result6. A. if B. although C. unless D. since7. A. needs B. forts C. wealth D. hope8. A. important B. interesting C. strange D. natural9. A. fear B. love C. demand D. respect10. A. user B. speaker C.
24、 example D. corrector 11. A. taught B. charged C. encouraged D. judged12. A. usually B. never C. even D. also13. A. pleasure B. beauty C. reward D. treat14. A. gave up B. picked up C. threw away D. took away 15. A. strong B. curious C. intelligent D. attractive16. A. in B. beyond C. for D. without17
25、. A. insisted B. warned C. reminded D. persuaded18. A. go B. perform C. exchange D. play19. A engineer B. dancer C. guide D. worker20. A. noticed B. heard C. discussed D. forgottenIV七选五 Life in Death ValleyDeath Valley, in southeastern California, is the driest place in North America. 1 The highest
26、temperature ever recorded in the valley was 134F, and the temperature routinel reaches 115F in July. 2 This extremely low rainfall is caused by the rain shadow effect.Sources disagree on the exact size of Death Valley National Park but agree that it is more than 3.3 million acres. The park includes
27、the valley itself and the surrounding mountains. Although the name of the park has the word “death” and it has extremely bad climatic conditions, Death Valley is alive! 3 These plants include not only cactus(仙人掌), but also grasses, bushes, and even trees like pine and others. Most of the trees grow
28、in the mountains, where the air is cooler and there is more water. 4 Most are active at night. There are scores of bird species, as well as many reptiles and a few amphibians. Snakes, a few kinds of frogs and many others survive here, too. Small mammals, including mice, rats and squirrels, also live
29、 in the park. So do larger ones, like foxes, wolves, mountain lions, deer, and sheep. Horses, while not native species, also survive in Death Valley. 5 They live in the parks spring, streams, and ponds.A. More than 970 types of plants grow there.B. The park is alive with various animals, too.C. Its
30、also one of the hottest places known in the world.D. There is an even more surprising fact: there are fish in Death Valley!E. The valley is surrounded by mountains, while its surface is mostly flat.F. Parts of Death Valley receive fewer than two inches of rain in an entire year.G. This is very impor
31、tant in Death Valley as it provides its specific climate and geography. 短文改错 Last Monday, my classmate and I saw some people gathering in our way to school. In order to see what was happening, so we got close enough and found an old woman lie on the ground. The people around her just stand there, wa
32、tching and chatting. We were worried about her and decided to take her to the hospital immediate. It turned out that she lost her balance but fell. She had to stay in hospital, so we called her family. Soon his son came and thanked us by offering us money. We refused money and left. Hurried to schoo
33、l, we found we were late. To out delight though, our teacher praised us for that we had done and we felt very proud.BCADB. D单选:B B C C D .D A C A B 31-35 ACBBD七选五阅读 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了生活在美国加利福尼亚州东南部的死亡谷的生物。1. C 由该空后的The highest temperature . in july可知,死亡谷也是世界上最热的地方之一。2. F 由该空后的This extremely low rainfall
34、可知,划线处指“死亡谷的部分地区整整一年内只有不足两英寸的降雨量”。3. A 由该空后的These plants include . there is more water可知,有超过970种植物生长在死亡谷。4. B 由该段中的There are scores of bird species和mammals等可知,死亡谷里还生活着各种动物。5. D 由该空后的They live in the parks springs, streams, and ponds可知,D项内容符合此处语境。. 完形填空本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者的外祖母和母亲从不抱怨生活的艰难,依然教给自己的家人生活中最重要
35、的东西。1. C 由下文中的or struggle可知,她在生活中会遇到很多“挑战(challenge)”和困难。2. B 由下文中的she accepted her fate 和Ive never . her plain about .可知,她从不“抱怨(plaining)”生活的艰辛,而是将平凡“变得(changed)”不平凡。3. D 见上题解析。4. B 由下文中的a ray of hope可知,不论事情看起来多么严重,她总能看到“积极的(positive)”一面和希望的曙光。5. A 由下文中的the importance of education可知,她告诉家人努力工作的“价值(v
36、alue)”和教育的重要性。6. B 前后句之间是让步关系,故用“尽管(although)”。7. C 由上文中的hard life可知,她的孩子们在物质上并不“富有(wealth)”。8. A 由下文中的love, spiritual guidance .the law可知,这些是生活中“重要的(important)”东西。9. D 由上文中的love, spiritual guidance,concern for others可知,此处指对法律的“尊重(respect)”。10. C 根据文中对外祖母的描述可知,她是所有美好的典型“例子(example)”。11. A 由下文中的If you cant say somethingnice .可知,这是她“教给(taught)”“我”的道理。12. B 由下文中的for those who suffer from hunger would think it quite a .可知,“我永远也不会(never)把不吃的面包皮扔在地上。”13. D 对于很多饥饿的人来说,那却是一顿“美餐(treat)”。14. C 由上文中的throw upon the floor可知,“我真希望我有那些我曾经扔掉(threwaway)的面包皮。”15. A 由上文中的courageous可知,“我”的外祖母非常勇敢和“坚强(s
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