1、一、一般现在时练习题(1)改句子1.(pl ay) in the p laygo und. (get) up at six o clock.you(brush) your teeth every morningWhat(do) he usually(do) after school?Danny(study) En glish,Chi nese,Maths,Scie nee and Art at school.Mike sometimes(go) to the park with his sister.At eight at ni ght, she(wa
2、tch) TV with his paren ts.Mike(read) En glish every day?How many lessonsyour classmate(have) on Mon day?What timehis mother(do) the housework?We oftenHeDo you ofte n play football after school?(肯定回答)2.I have many books. (改为否定句)3.Gao Shan Sster likes playing table tennis (改为否定句)4.She lives in a small
3、 tow n near New York.(改为一般疑问句)5.I watch TV every day.(改为一般疑问句)6.David has a goal.(改为一般疑问句)7.We have four less on s(否定句)8.Nancy doesn t run fast 肯定句)9.否定句:My dog runs fast.一般疑问句:10. Mike has two letters for him.一般疑问句:否定句:11. I usually play football on Friday after noon.一般疑问句:否定句:一般现在时练习(2)1. He ofte
4、n(have) dinner at home.2. Dan iel and Tommy(be) in Class One.3. Wenot watch) TV on Mo nday.4. Nick(not go) to the zoo on Sun day.5. hey (like) the World Cup?6. Whathey often(do) on Saturdays?7.our parents(read) n ews papers every day?8. The girlteach) us En glish on Sun days.9. She and I (take) a wa
5、lk together every evening.10. Therebe) some water in the bottle.1、现在进行时练习(look for) a shirt,l looking for a tie.2、They(plant) flowers in the yard now.3、Miss Baker(drink) milk in the cafeteria now.4、What are you(do) now? I(eat) bread.5、It s nine o clock. My father(work) in the office.6、Look, the boy.
6、(put) the rubbish into the bin.7、he(clean) the classroom? No, he isnt. He(P lay).Where is Mak? He(run) on the grass.9、Liste n, who(sing) in the music room? Oh, Mary(sing) there.10、Who(sin g)a song? -Li Yi ng is.现在进行时练习(2)1、写出下例动词的现在分词形式1)give.2) use3)clea n,4) skate5) draw6) tell7) do.8) write9) get
7、10) put11) take.12) stop13)speak14) swim15) come16) lie.17) die.18) cook19) fly.20) help.21) close22) see23) run2、用现在进行时连写句子1) Li Ping;learn;to;speak;English;it;rai n;now3) they;watch;a football match;。n TV he;look;out of the win dow;look;the dog;slee p;liste n;the boy;talk;they;have lun ch;at seve
8、n oclock the stude nts;wnte;homework; now;3、将下例句子改成一般疑问句 1) Mike is climbing the hill。We are hav ing an En glish class nowLi Ping is jumping like a mon key。The stude nts are read ing books nowI am study ing En glish。He is closi ng the win dow。4、对划线部分提问 1) The baby is listening to the musicam look in
9、g for a jacket for my son。She is smiling to herself in the mirror。The boys are visiting their grand parentsThe old man is slee pin g right nowThe childre n are liste ning to the teacher。The cats arerunning_upthetrees5、将下例句子改成否定句 1) The woman is making a cake in the kitchenWe are hav ing lunch now。Th
10、e boy is wait ing for his mother un der the big treeYou are p layi ng the violi n。Mary is doing her best to study En glish well。The stude nts are doing their homework nowPI ease open the doo。6用动词的正确时态填空1) I(talk).You(listen)to me now.(run )fast.(do) my homework.2) Look,the boy3) -What are you doing?
11、4)the stude nts(read) En glish.-Yes,they are.5)Tom(not study)E nglish.He is study ing Chin ese.6)-Who(sin g)a song?-Li Ying is.7)The girl(not eat)ba nanas now.8)-Wherethey(stan d)?-They are sta nding over there.9)Look! The boy over there(pl ay) a model plane.10)-What is Meimei doing now?-She(watch)T
12、V with her parents11)He(study) En glish very hard.12)We often(buy)books and things like that in the shop.13)P oily.(not eat) a banana now.7、单项选择1) Jack iswith Jim.They are goodA:runnin g;frie nd;B:r unnin g;frie nds;C:runnin g;frie ndsD:run;frien ds2) Look! Marydoinghomework.A:is; on esB:is;her C:ar
13、e;his D:are;her3) The Greensbreakfast now.A:is hav ingB:are;havi ng C:is hav ing D:are;havi ng4) The children areTVA:watch B:see ing C:watchi ngD:readi ng 5) Are the boys looking at the blackboard? Yes,they.A:are ntB:doC:do ntD:are仿照例子写句子。1-What is the baby rabbit doing un der the tree now?-The baby
14、 rabbit is jumping un der the tree now.2-ls the baby rabbit jumping un der the tree now?-Yes, it is./No,it isnt.(小兔子正在树下跳)1.1.-妈妈在书房写信)2.1.-(艾米正在教室读书)3.1.-2.-(他们在看电视)4.1.-2.-(她在画画)三、一般将来时练习填空。1. 我打算明天和朋友去野炊。have a p icnic with my frie nds.have a p icnic with my frie nds.2. 下个星期一你打算去干嘛?我想去打篮球。Whatnex
15、t Mo nday?play basketball.Whatyou do n ext Mon day? Ip lay basketball.3. 你妈妈这个周末去购物吗?是,她要去买一些水果。your mothergo shopping thisYes, she.Shebuy some fruit.4你们打算什么时候见面。What timeyoumeet?改句子。5. Nancy is going to go camping.(改否定)Nancygoing to go camping.6. I ll go and join them改否定)gojoin them.7. I m going to
16、 get up at 6:30 tomorrow.般疑问句)to get up at 6:30 tomorrow?8. We will meet at the bus stop at 10:30.(改一般疑问句)meet at the bus stop at 10:30.9. She is goi ng to liste n to music after school.(对划线部分提问)sheafter school?10. My father and mother are going to see a play the day after tomorrow同上)going to see a
17、p lay the day after tomorrow.三用所给词的适当形式填空。11. Today is a sunny day. We(have) a picnic this after noon.12. My brother(go) to Shan ghai n ext week.13. Tom often(go) to school on foot. But today is rain. He(go) to school by bike.14. What do you usually do at weeke nds? I usually(watch) TV and(catch) in
18、 sects?15. It s Friday today. Whatshe(do) this weeke nd? She(watch) TV and(catch) in sects.16. What(d0) you do last Su nday? I(p ick) apples on afarm.What(do) next Sun day? I(milk) cows.17. Mary18. David(visit) her grandparents tomorrow.(give) a puppet show n ext Mon day.20. I(plan) for my study now
19、一般将来时练习(2)()1. Therea meet ing tomorrow after noon.A. will be going toB. will going to beC. is going to beD. will go to be)2.Charliehere n ext month.A. isn t workingB. doesn t workingD. won t workC. isn t going to working)3.Hevery busy this week, hefree n ext week.B. is; isD. is; will beA. will be;
20、isC. will be; will be)4.Therea dol phin show in the zoo tomorrow eve ning.A. wasC. will haveB. is going to haveD. is going to be)5.youfree tomorrow?-No. Ifree the day after tomorrow.A. Are; going to; willB. Are; going to be; willC. Are; going to; will beD. Are; going to be; will be)6.Motherme a nice
21、 p rese nt on my n ext birthday.A. will givesB. will giveC. givesD. give)7.-Shall I buy a cup of tea for you?A. No, you won t.B. No, you aren t.C. No, pl ease don t.D. No, pl ease.)8.-Where is the morning paper?if for you at once.A. getB. am gett ingC. to getD. will get)9.a concert n ext Saturday?A.
22、 There will beB. Will there beC. There can beD. There are)10. If they come, wea meet ing.A. haveB. will haveC. hadD. would have四、一般过去时练习(1)()1.The twojn the same class last year.A. areB. wasC. wereD. be()2.-Where.you?l went to buy some food for supper.D. will goA.are go B.did go C.do go()3. Whyshean
23、 gry? Because heat him just now.A. did get, shoutedB. has got shoutedC. did get has shoutedD. has got has shouted()4.that workerin a shoe factory a year ago?D. Does workA. Do, work B. Did, worked C. Did, work()5.youthe film before ? Whereyouit ?A. Have seen did sBe Did see die watchC. Have seen have
24、 seen D. Did seehaveseen()6.your motherto work last Saturday?A. Did, goB. Do, goC. Does, goD. Has, gone()7.They.not late the day before yesterday.A. didB. wereC. areD. do3. I(watch) a film with my frie nd last Friday.()8.A. DidB. WereC. DoD. Are()9. Youme wait ing for two hours. Ifor you since five.
25、A. kept waitedB. have kept waitedC. kept - - have waitedD. have kept have waited()10.youthe text yet ? Yes, weit two hours ago.A. Did -copydidB. Have copied - - haveC. Have copied didD. Didc opy hadthey away from school last October?一般过去时练习(2)一.用 “ am , is , wa填空”1.1a teacher no w. Ia stude nt five
26、years ago.2. Hea worker now. Hea little boy ten years ago.3. Whereit now?4. Whereit last Su nday?5. Yang Lingat home now. But sheat school yestday.I.Tom2. The twi ns.用所给动词的适当形式填空。(visit) a farm last week.(water) the flowers in the garde n yesterday morni ng.4. My father(be) in London last year.5. Wh
27、at(do) you do three days ago?6.(be) there any p arks here in 1950?7. What(do) you do just now? I(wash) my clothes.三.按要求改写句子。1.1 d likup of milk.(对划线部分提问)2. We are all happy.改成一般过去时)Weall happy.3. I visit my grandparents every week. 用 last week代替 every week)4. I played a lot of games with my friends
28、at a camp.对戈U线部分提问)5. Where are you now?用 just now 代替 now)6. There were some zebras in the zoo last year改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答 )7. Tom often does morning exercise.改成否定句)Tomofte nmorning exercise.改为一般疑问句作否定回答)8. Nancy ofte n has a big lunch with her family on Childre n四.用所给词的适当形式填空:2. It(be) there just now, b
29、ut it isnt there now.(is) there a mome nt ago.(is) there just now.4. Where s the camera? It5. Where( be ) the library now? It6. It(be) Helens birthday yesterday.7. It(be) on the ground just now, but it isnt there now.9. Tom(go ) to visit a farm last week.11. I(watch) a film with my frie nd last Frid
30、ay.12. My father(be) in London last year.13. What(do) you do three days ago?15. Where(be) you just now?(be) in the classroom.16. Whatyou(do) last Friday?We(water) trees on the farm.答案一、现在时练习(1)1. p lay 2.gets 3.Do;brush 4.does;do 5.studies 6.goes 7.watches 8.Does read 9.does;have 1O.does;do1. Yes,l
31、do. 2.1 dont have any books. 3.Gao Shans sister dose nt like p lay ing table tennis. 4.Does she live in a small tow n n ear New York? 5.Do you watch TV every day? 6.Has David got a goal? 7.We dont have four lesse ns. 8.Na ncy runs fast. 9.My dog dose nt run fast. 1O.Does Mike have two letters for hi
32、m?11.I dont usually play football on Friday afternoon.现在时练习(2) I 1、has 2、are 3 donwatch 4.doesntgo 5.Do like 6.do do 7.Do read 8.teaches 9.take 10 is二、现在进行时练习(1)1. am look ing for2. are planting3.is drinking4. do ing ;am eat ing5.is worki ng6.is pu tt ing7.ls clea nin g;is p layi ng8.is running9.is
33、si ngi ng1O.is singsing现在进行时练习(2)答案:1、giving ; 2、using; 3、cleaning; 4、skating; 5、drawing; 6、telling ; 7、doing; 8、writing ;9、getting; 10、 putting; 11、taking; 12、stopping; 13、speaking; 14、swimming ; 15、 coming; 16、lying ; 17、dying; 18、cooking; 19、flying ; 20、helping; 21、closing; 22、seeing; 23、running。
34、21.Li Ping is learning to speak English。2.lt is raining now。3.They are watching a football match on TV。4.He is looking out of the window。5.Look! The dog is sleep 6.Listen! The boy is talking。7.They are having lunchat seven o clo8kThe students are writing their homework now.3.1.ls Mike climbing the h
35、ill ? 2.Are we having an English class now ? 3.ls Li Ping jumping like a mon key? 4.Are the stude nts read ing books now? 5.Are you study ing En glish? 6.1s he closi ng the win dow ?4. 1.Who is listening to the music? 2.Whom/Who Are you looking for a jacket for ? 3.Where is she smiling to herself ?
36、4.What are the boys doing? 5.When is the old man sleeping? 6.What are the children doing ? 7. What are the cats doing?5.1、The woman is not making a cake in the kitchen 2.We are not having lunch now。 3.The boy isnt waiting for his mother under the big tree 4.You arent playing the violin。5.Mary is not doing her best to study English well。6.The students are not doing their homework now 7.PIease don t open the door6.1、am; talking ; are listening;
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