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1、 中考英语 初三英语听力训练一初三英语听力训练一说明:1 、本部分共四大题, 2页1,2 页请考生检查页数。本部分须在 20分钟内 完成。2、四大题均为客观性选择题,请在答题卡中按规定用铅笔作答。一、听句辨音 (共5 小题,每小题 1分)注意:你将会听到 5 个句子,请把你所听到的含下列单词或数字的编号在答题 卡中用铅笔涂黑。(1) A. like B. lightC. right D. night(2) A. poolB. pull C. poorD. push(3) A. narrow B. borrow C. followD. yellow(4) A. 83668217 B. 83566

2、817 C. 86681357D. 83662817(5) A. neither too light nor too heavy B. neither too high nor too heavy C. neithertoo heavy nor too light D. neither too high nor too short二、情景反应 (共5 小题,每小题 1分)注意: 你将听到一段特定的情景介绍,接着听到一句问话,请选出最佳答案, 并把其编号在答题卡上用铅笔涂黑(6) A. Thanks for telling me, Mike.B. How do you do, Dr Smith?

3、 Nice to meet you, Dr Smith.C. Hello, have you ever been to China? D. How are you these days?(7) A. But I dont think so. B. Im sorry to hear that. C. Its very kind of you totell me the news. D. Congratulations.(8) A. I dont know if I can. B. Thanks for asking me. C. No, Im afraid not. D. With pleasu

4、re.(9) A. Im sorry to hear that.B. Late is better than never.C. I afraid its too late. Shall we make it earlier?D. Either B or C.(10) A. Im afraid not. The water in the river is very dirty now.B. Yes, its much better than swimming in the pool.C. Its a pleasure to swim with you.D. Enjoy yourselves wi

5、th your friends.三、对话理解 (共 10 小题,每小题 2 分)注意: 你将会听到几段小对话,然后根据对话内容选择正确的答案,并把答案 的编号写在答题卡中用铅笔涂黑。第一段对话回答第 11 题(11) What colour does the woman like? A. Blue. B. Green. C. Brown. D. None of the above.第二段对话回答第 12-13 题(12) Whom does the woman want to speak to?A. Dick Green. B. Mr Caron. C. Marry. D. Mr King.(

6、13) What is the woman going to do?A. Make a phone call again next morning.B. Ask the man to pass her message.C. Call again in the afternoon.D. Talk to the teacher by herself.15 题 第三段对话回答第 14-(14) How often does the train start?A. More than ten minutes. B. Twenty minutes. C. Less than 30 minutes.D. M

7、ore than 30 minutes.(15) How is the woman going to Hong Kong? A. By plane. B. By train. C. By bus. D. By ship.第四段对话回答第 1617 题(16) What day is the girl talking to the boy? A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday. D. On Monday.(17) What does the girl ask the boy to do? A. To wear school suit. B. To

8、 wear old clothes. C. To plant trees. D. Both B and C.第五段对话回答第 1820 题(18) Where is the boy going? o A. The Childrens Palace. B. The Childrens Centre. C. The hospital. D. Her nephews.(19) What is the girl going to do this Sunday afterrcon? A. Go to the Childrens Centre with the boy. B. See Mary s nep

9、hew. C. Take care of Tom. D. See her mothers nephew.(20) How is Tom?A. He has a bad cold. B. He has a headache. C. His leg is hurting. D. We dont know.四、短文理解 (共5 小题,每小题 2分)注意: 根据你所听到的短文内容选择正确的答案回答问题,把答案的编号在答 题卡上用铅笔涂黑。(21) How many cities had the Kings visited before they got to Guangzhou?A. Four. B.

10、 Five.C. Six. D. Seven.(22) How long had they stayed in China then?A. Two weeks. B. Less than two weeks. C. Less than one week. D. IVbre than tvro weeks.(23) Mrs King liked_.A. Cats only. B. Dogs only. C. Cats and dogs. D. Birds only.(24) What did the waiter think Mrs King wanted to do?A. She wanted

11、 something to eat.B. She wanted him to give her dog something to eat.C. She wanted to eat her dog.D. She wanted him to make friends with her dog.(25) Which of these sentences is true?A. The waiter killed the dog because he hated dogs very much.B. Mrs King brought her dog to China.C. Mrs King thought

12、 her dog was eating in the kitchen.D. Mrs King liked to eat dog meat. 初三英语听力训练 1 答案 听力原文 ( 参考)1( Kelly saw strange color lights moving across the sky. 2( The daughter loved someone else, a poor farmer. 3( Maybe the loudspeakers should follow Chinese example and ridemore bicycles.4( Number, please. T

13、he number is 83662817.5( The wood must be neither too light nor too heavy.二(6( In the party , Mike says to you “This is Doctor Smith . It isthe first time to visit our city. Question: What would you say to Doctor Smith?7( Jack tells you before the Chinese exam I was afraid of failing in it,but the t

14、eacher told me that I had passed the exam.Question : What would you say?8( Your uncle says to you Could you post the letter for me on your way to school , please? Question: What would you say if you co uld?9( Mike told you “ Shall we meet at a quarter to eight at the bus stop?” Question: What would

15、you say if think it is too late?10( Linda saysI ll go to swim in the river in summer.Question: What would you say if you don t agree with her,11( A: what color do you like, green or blue?B: Neither . eh, Have you got any brown coat of this kind.?A:Yes, just a minute, please.12. 13A: Hello , is Mr Ki

16、ng in?B: I m sorry. He is out at the moment.A: Whos that?B: This is Mary s mother , Catherine Caron speaking.A:This is Dick Green., May I help you?B: That s very kind ofyou . You want to talk about my daughter.Id liketo talk to him as soon as possible.A: Shall I take a message for him?B No, I ll cal

17、l him this afternoon.14 ,15A: Which train to Hong Kong will come soon?B: No, it left ten minutes ago .A: And I have to wait here for 20 more minutes.B: You can take a bus to Hong Kong if you can t waitA: It s a good idea, but I d like to take a train instead oftaking a bus.Because trains will be muc

18、h safer than buses or planes.16 17A: What are you going to do this weekend?B: Nothing much , then come to school earlier tomorrow.A: What s happening? We don t have lessons tomorrow.B Of course we don t . So you can wear old clothes , not school suit.A What are we going to do? Are we going to have a

19、 football match?B No , we are going to plant trees in Baiyun mountain.18 19 20A: Mary ,Would you go to the Childrens Center with us this Sundayafternoon?B: Well, I d like to , but Mum asked me to see her nephew Tom at No. 1 People s Hospital.A: I t doesn t matter. What s wrong with Tom? Does he have

20、 a bad cold or have a headache?B: I was told to hurt himself in the left leg on the football game.A: I m sorry to hear that.B: How long has she been in the hospital?A: Three days . He was sent to the hospital as soon as his leg was hurt.四2125It was Mr. and Mrs King the first time to visit China. The

21、y traveled too manycities ,Hangzhou for 3 days , Nanjing for 2 days , Suzhou for 2 days , and Shanghai for 3 days, then they were visiting Beijing, and staying for 4 days , then theyll go to visit Guangzhou for 3 days after that theyll go to HongKong by train. Today was their last day in Beijing.Mrs King likes dogs and cats. She bought a young dog and was going to bring it to London.It s about lunch time. They were hungry andwanted to have somethingto eat. So they went to a


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