已阅读5页,还剩33页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 授授课课:XXXXXX 精實生產精實生產 簡介簡介 授授课课:XXXXXX Lets define Lean Lets define Lean ManufacturingManufacturing精實生產的定義精實生產的定義 For our discussion, we will define lean manufacturing as the “ process of identifying and eliminating waste within our operations including manufacturing, engineering and administration.

2、” 對於此次課程討論而言,我們將精實定義為:生產、對於此次課程討論而言,我們將精實定義為:生產、 設計與管理運作當中,找出並消除浪費的過程。設計與管理運作當中,找出並消除浪費的過程。 授授课课:XXXXXX Evolution of the Manufacturing Evolution of the Manufacturing SystemSystem The process of manufacturing and supplying products has evolved from simple craft production to a fast- paced, global-ori

3、ented arena.產品的產銷流程已經從手產品的產銷流程已經從手 工製造發展到快速、全球導向的競爭中。工製造發展到快速、全球導向的競爭中。 Evolution發展發展 Craft手工手工Mass量產量產Lean精實精實 Less individual control; Responsibilities distributed over many people. 個人管制較少,責任分佈於眾人身上。 Time and Resources force transition 時間與資源逼使時間與資源逼使 著轉變出現著轉變出現 授授课课:XXXXXX Customer demand is the u

4、niversal Customer demand is the universal driver in changedriver in change所有改變的驅動力是:所有改變的驅動力是: 客戶需求客戶需求 WAST E浪費浪費 Customer Order 客戶下單 Customer Order 客戶下單 Waste浪費浪費 Time時間 Time (shorter) 時間(變短) Lean Manufacturing helps to shorten the timeline between the customer order and the product shipment.精實生產有

5、助於縮短 客戶下單與出貨中的時間。 Conditions that were satisfactory yesterday are not acceptable today. Tomorrows demands will be even greater. 昨天滿意的條件今天未必被接受。明天的需求甚至會更多更大。昨天滿意的條件今天未必被接受。明天的需求甚至會更多更大。 授授课课:XXXXXX Why make the change to Lean Why make the change to Lean Manufacturing?Manufacturing? 為何要轉變到精實生產?為何要轉變到精

6、實生產? Lean Manufacturing implementation has been shown to aid companies in the following areas:精實生產已運精實生產已運 用在下列範疇中:用在下列範疇中: Improved productivity改善生產力改善生產力 People not wasting effort on non-value added tasks人們不會浪費時間在沒人們不會浪費時間在沒 有價值的工作上有價值的工作上 Predictable and stabile environment一個可知且穩定的環境一個可知且穩定的環境 Gr

7、eater Quality Assurance更好的品質保證更好的品質保證 Tools designed to achieve defect elimination, not detection工具是設計來以工具是設計來以 減少不良,而不只是用來檢驗。減少不良,而不只是用來檢驗。 Greater Flexibility更大的彈性更大的彈性 Quicker response to changes in customer orders快速反應以符合客戶要求的快速反應以符合客戶要求的 轉變轉變 Reduce Cost降低成本降低成本 授授课课:XXXXXX So, what is Lean Manu

8、facturing?So, what is Lean Manufacturing? 那麼,什麼是精實生產呢?那麼,什麼是精實生產呢? Remember our definition謹記我們的定義:謹記我們的定義: “The process of identifying and eliminating waste within our operations including manufacturing, engineering and administration.” 生產、設計與管理生產、設計與管理 運作當中,找出並消除浪費的過程。運作當中,找出並消除浪費的過程。 For this conv

9、ersation, we will limit our scope to the manufacturing operation.這裡,我們會將討論範圍限定這裡,我們會將討論範圍限定 在生產面。在生產面。 授授课课:XXXXXX How should we determine what How should we determine what “waste” is:“waste” is:我們如何定義浪費?我們如何定義浪費? Waste defined:浪費的定義是:浪費的定義是: Waste - anything that takes time, resources or space but

10、does not add to the value of the product or service delivered to the customer. 耗費時間、資源或空間,卻沒有 對客戶手上的產品或服務,增加 價值的一切事務。 授授课课:XXXXXX While products made in each factory While products made in each factory may be different, the typical wastes may be different, the typical wastes found in factories are s

11、imilar:found in factories are similar:雖說產品各有雖說產品各有 不同,但工廠裡出現的浪費卻是類似的:不同,但工廠裡出現的浪費卻是類似的: Correction修補修補 Conveyance輸送輸送 Motion動作動作 Over-production過量生產過量生產 Over-processing多餘制程多餘制程 Waiting等待等待 Inventory儲存儲存 WASTE浪費浪費 授授课课:XXXXXX Waste of Product DefectsWaste of Product Defects 產品不良的浪費產品不良的浪費 When defect

12、s occur at one station, operators at subsequent stations waste time waiting, thereby adding cost to the product and adding production lead time.當某工序出現瑕疵時,下工序的當某工序出現瑕疵時,下工序的 人就必須花時間等待,因此增加產品成本與等待時間。人就必須花時間等待,因此增加產品成本與等待時間。 Furthermore, rework may be required or the defective products are scrapped.不只如

13、此,可能還要返工或報廢該產品。不只如此,可能還要返工或報廢該產品。 If a defect occurs in assembly, additional labor is required to disassemble and additional parts are required to reassemble.如如 果成型出現一個不良,額外的動作就會被用作來拆裝;也需要另一個果成型出現一個不良,額外的動作就會被用作來拆裝;也需要另一個 新物件來重新組裝。新物件來重新組裝。 授授课课:XXXXXX Waste of ConveyanceWaste of Conveyance運送的浪費運送的浪

14、費 For Example範例:範例: Raw material being stored away from the place of use.原物料儲存處遠離現場原物料儲存處遠離現場 Result結果:結果: We must inform tracking personnel where to pick up material我們必須告知專門我們必須告知專門 運送人員去提領物料運送人員去提領物料 We will need additional storage location other than point of use我們需要在現場我們需要在現場 之外準備儲存區域之外準備儲存區域 We

15、 need additional material movement personnel and equipment我們需要額外我們需要額外 運送物料的人員與設備運送物料的人員與設備 Processing WasteProcessing Waste流程的浪費流程的浪費 Performing operations that are not required to manufacture or assemble the product to the customers quality expectations.係指,與符合客戶品質要求的生產裝係指,與符合客戶品質要求的生產裝 配無關的動作。配無關的

16、動作。 授授课课:XXXXXX Waste of MotionWaste of Motion動作的浪費動作的浪費 Whatever time not spent in adding value to the product should be eliminated as much as possible.與增加產品價與增加產品價 值無關的時間,都應該盡可能地消除。值無關的時間,都應該盡可能地消除。 Movement does not necessarily indicate value-added work.移動不必然表示它是個增加價值的工作。移動不必然表示它是個增加價值的工作。 Catego

17、ries of Work工作分類工作分類 Value Added - something the customer will pay for 附加價值-客戶願意付錢買 Incidental - something which has to be done 附加-某些本來不用作,但卻必須做的事。 Waste - provides no value or service 浪費-沒有價值或幫助的事 “Eliminate Waste: 消除浪費消除浪費 Reduce Incidental Work”減少附加動作減少附加動作 Motion 授授课课:XXXXXX Waste from Over-prod

18、uctionWaste from Over-production 過量生產所導致的浪費過量生產所導致的浪費 Created by producing goods above the amount required by the market.生產超出市場需求數量的產品會生產超出市場需求數量的產品會 導致:導致: Over-Production 過量生產過量生產 extra defects額外的不良額外的不良 extra handling額外的操作額外的操作 extra space額外的空間額外的空間 extra machining過度使用機器過度使用機器 extra paperwork多餘的文

19、書往返多餘的文書往返 extra people額外的人員額外的人員 extra overhead額外的經常性支出額外的經常性支出 授授课课:XXXXXX Waste of Excess InventoryWaste of Excess Inventory 過量儲存的浪費過量儲存的浪費 As shown with Over-production, excess inventory requires extra cost to handle and maintain.誠如過量生產所說,過量儲存需誠如過量生產所說,過量儲存需 要額外的成本來運作維持要額外的成本來運作維持 Excess invento

20、ry also covers problems in the operation.過量過量 儲存也會掩蓋住操作中的一些問題儲存也會掩蓋住操作中的一些問題 排程不良 機器故障 品質問題 運送途徑過長 供應商交期 生產線不平衡 設定時間 過長 曠工 溝通問題 欠缺日常管理 儲存之海儲存之海 成品 原物料 授授课课:XXXXXX Tools of Lean ManufacturingTools of Lean Manufacturing 精實生產的工具精實生產的工具 Pull System 後拉式系統後拉式系統 Standardized Procedures標準化流程標準化流程 Rapid Set

21、Up快速上線快速上線 Error Proofing防呆防呆 Total Productive Maintenance 全面設備保養全面設備保養 Visual Management目視管理目視管理 授授课课:XXXXXX Material MovementMaterial Movement 物料移動物料移動 In traditional manufacturing, all process departments receive schedules and produce to it.在傳統製造業,流程上所有的各單位接受安在傳統製造業,流程上所有的各單位接受安 排,並依此操作。排,並依此操作。

22、Each process produces their parts and forwards them to the next process. 每個單一流程各自生產,並將其交至下一流程。每個單一流程各自生產,並將其交至下一流程。 This is commonly referred to as the Push System. 這就是一般所謂的推式系統。這就是一般所謂的推式系統。 授授课课:XXXXXX Material Movement (cont.)Material Movement (cont.) 物料移動(續)物料移動(續) The Push System makes adapting

23、 to change very difficult.推式系統使得接受改變非常困難推式系統使得接受改變非常困難 The result is extra inventories of parts not needed accumulating in the producing departments.結果結果 就是,在生產線上堆積了不需要的物件,而需要額外儲就是,在生產線上堆積了不需要的物件,而需要額外儲 存。存。 And shortages of parts that are needed in the downstream processes.下游工序就開始缺料下游工序就開始缺料 授授课课:X

24、XXXXX Material Movement (cont.)Material Movement (cont.) 物料移動(續)物料移動(續) In contrast, a “Pull System” provides that only the downstream process receives the schedule.相反的,後相反的,後 拉式系統只依經過計畫後的產量安排,提供下游工序物件。拉式系統只依經過計畫後的產量安排,提供下游工序物件。 Each upstream process maintains a standard “in- process” stock level th

25、at the subsequent process withdraws from.前一工序依照下一工序所需,維持標準前一工序依照下一工序所需,維持標準 線上存貨的水準。線上存貨的水準。 This “pull” triggers the department to produce parts to replenish the stock level.後拉使得各單位只要生產後拉使得各單位只要生產 滿足存貨水準的半成品。滿足存貨水準的半成品。 The department withdraws stock from its supplying operations stock level, there

26、by initiating an additional “pull”各工序從只上游工序的存貨,獲得所需數量;因此各工序從只上游工序的存貨,獲得所需數量;因此 ,啟動另一個後拉,啟動另一個後拉 授授课课:XXXXXX Example of a Example of a Pull SystemPull System後拉式後拉式 系統範例系統範例 工序工序 A Schedule Schedule is provided to final production department生產計生產計 畫僅提供給最後一畫僅提供給最後一 個生產單位個生產單位 Each process upstream main

27、tains standard stock levels.每一上游工序維每一上游工序維 持標準存貨持標準存貨 Customer客戶客戶 工序工序 B 工序工序 D 工序工序 C 授授课课:XXXXXX Example of a Example of a Pull SystemPull System 後拉式系統範例後拉式系統範例 Schedule The final production department withdraws needed materials from its supplier operation最最 終生產單位從上一工序終生產單位從上一工序 拉來所需物料拉來所需物料 Cust

28、omer客戶客戶 工序工序 A 工序工序 B 工序工序 D 工序工序 C 授授课课:XXXXXX Example of a Example of a Pull SystemPull System 後拉式系統範例後拉式系統範例 Pull拉 Schedule Customer客戶客戶 The units are produced and shipped to the customer.貨物生產後裝箱貨物生產後裝箱 送至客戶手上送至客戶手上 The supplying department now produces to fill up its stock level. It withdraws t

29、he supplies it needs from the upstream process.供給單位現在的生產,是為了填滿供給單位現在的生產,是為了填滿 它的標準存貨水平。它向前一工序拉來它的標準存貨水平。它向前一工序拉來 所需要的半成品。所需要的半成品。 工序工序 A 工序工序 B 工序工序 D 工序工序 C 授授课课:XXXXXX Example of a Example of a Pull SystemPull System後拉式後拉式 系統範例系統範例 Schedule Customer客戶客戶 The customers needs are filled long before t

30、he initial department even knows about the request在第一個生產部門收到指令在第一個生產部門收到指令 前,客戶需求已經被滿足了。前,客戶需求已經被滿足了。 工序工序 A 工序工序 B 工序工序 D 工序工序 C 授授课课:XXXXXX Standardize Work PracticesStandardize Work Practices 標準化作業實務標準化作業實務 Standardized Work is the foundation for continuous improvement activities. 標準化作業是持續改善動作的基石

31、標準化作業是持續改善動作的基石 It is the tool that aides in achieving maximum performance with minimum waste. 它有助於最少浪費、最大成效的達成它有助於最少浪費、最大成效的達成 As people standardize on their work practices, new methods to improve performance will become evident. 當所有人在工作上都遵守摽准化時,有助於工作改善新方當所有人在工作上都遵守摽准化時,有助於工作改善新方 法將會清楚呈現出來。法將會清楚呈現出

32、來。 授授课课:XXXXXX Standardize Work PracticesStandardize Work Practices 標準化作業實務標準化作業實務 Standardize Work Practices 標準化作業實務標準化作業實務 Expose Problems 凸顯問題凸顯問題 Solve Problems 解決問題解決問題 Implement New Method運用新方法運用新方法 授授课课:XXXXXX Dont be fooled.Dont be fooled. 注意注意 Standardized Work Practices vary from tradition

33、al “Job- Instruction Worksheets”.標準化作業實務與傳統工作指導守則標準化作業實務與傳統工作指導守則 不一樣不一樣 Standardized Worksheets are oriented toward improvement activities.標準化守則有助於工作改善標準化守則有助於工作改善 Their purpose is not to institute rigid work standards.其目的並不其目的並不 在於形成僵化的工作標準在於形成僵化的工作標準 The Standardized Worksheet is a “living docume

34、nt” that must be routinely reviewed and updated.標準化守則是個活的文件標準化守則是個活的文件 ,表示它必須定期檢視並隨時修正。,表示它必須定期檢視並隨時修正。 Is should be developed with the operators involvement as well as the Group and Team Leader as well as other staff personnel. 它必須接納它必須接納TL/GL、其他幕僚單位和操作者的意見而進行修正其他幕僚單位和操作者的意見而進行修正 授授课课:XXXXXX Error

35、ProofingError Proofing 防呆防呆 The prevention of making errors, which would result in defects and lost time. 係指,防止那些會造成不良品與浪費時間的錯誤。係指,防止那些會造成不良品與浪費時間的錯誤。 Allows the operator to concentrate on his/her work without paying unnecessary attention to preventing mistakes. 可以使得員工專心於工作,而不必花其他不必要的時間和可以使得員工專心於工作,

36、而不必花其他不必要的時間和 注意力,去避免錯誤出現。注意力,去避免錯誤出現。 Eliminates the need for inspection. 減少檢驗(多餘)的需求減少檢驗(多餘)的需求 授授课课:XXXXXX Error Proofing IllustratedError Proofing Illustrated 防呆實例說明防呆實例說明 Fixture固定配置固定配置 Workpiece部件部件 Chuck卡筍卡筍 Correct Position (can be loaded) 正確位置(可以裝好)正確位置(可以裝好) Wrong Position (cannot be load

37、ed) 錯誤位置(不能裝好)錯誤位置(不能裝好) 授授课课:XXXXXX Rapid Changeover ProceduresRapid Changeover Procedures 快速轉換流程快速轉換流程 Team-based improvement activity that significantly reduces setup and changeover time. 以團隊為基礎的改善動作,可以明顯地減少設以團隊為基礎的改善動作,可以明顯地減少設 定與轉換時間。定與轉換時間。 A changeover is not completed until the machine or pr

38、ocess consistently produces good products, at the required speed. 直到機器或流程可以在既定時間內,持續地生直到機器或流程可以在既定時間內,持續地生 產出完好的產品,轉換才算完成。產出完好的產品,轉換才算完成。 授授课课:XXXXXX Setup time is typically composed Setup time is typically composed of four functions:of four functions: 換線工時一般由四個功能所組成:換線工時一般由四個功能所組成: Preparation of m

39、aterials,Dies, and fixtures. 物料、模座與固定設備的準備物料、模座與固定設備的準備 Clamping and removing dies and tools. 拴緊與調整模座和工具拴緊與調整模座和工具 Centering and determining dimensions of tooling. 工具定位與決定使用範圍工具定位與決定使用範圍 Trial processing and making needed adjustments. 試轉與適當地修正試轉與適當地修正 授授课课:XXXXXX Example of Improved Example of Impro

40、ved Changeover TimeChangeover Time轉換時間改善範例轉換時間改善範例 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 5/37/238/138/3010/910/25 11/911/10 12/82/3 Improvement of Internal Setup 內部換線工時的改善內部換線工時的改善 History of Setup Time Reduction at Household Goods Manufacture Household Goods 製造廠換線工時降製造廠換線工時降 地的歷史地的歷史 Setup Time (minutes) 換線工時(秒)換線工

41、時(秒) Source: The New Manufacturing Challenge by Kiyoshi Suzaki 資料來源:資料來源:新式生產轉換新式生產轉換。Kiyoshi Suzaki著。著。 授授课课:XXXXXX So, once we understand the intent of Lean Manufacturing, and have learned some of its tools, the remaining questions is where to begin. 所以,一旦我們瞭解精實生產的內涵,而 且也學習到精實生產中的一些工具,剩下 的問題就是:從哪裡

42、開始? 授授课课:XXXXXX First Step: First Step: Know your what your customer Know your what your customer demand is.demand is. 第一步:瞭解你的客戶要什麼第一步:瞭解你的客戶要什麼 Customer demand is typically indicated by “takt time”. 客戶需求一般係由節拍時間所導引客戶需求一般係由節拍時間所導引 Takt time is a reference number that gives you a sense for the pace

43、at which each process needs to be producing. 節拍時間是個參考數,它可以幫你察覺每一生產節拍時間是個參考數,它可以幫你察覺每一生產 流程進度。流程進度。 授授课课:XXXXXX How to calculate Takt Time:How to calculate Takt Time: 如何計算節拍時間:如何計算節拍時間: Divide the available time by the customer demand根據根據 客戶需求分割所有可得時間客戶需求分割所有可得時間 Takt time(節拍時間) = Your available work

44、 time你的可用時間 Customer demand客戶需求 Example範例: 27,000 seconds 455 pieces = 59 seconds秒 Results: The customer is buying this product at a rate of every 59 seconds.顧客購買的產品耗時59秒 Target rate for producing a product and its components.生產一件成品和其物件的目標時間 授授课课:XXXXXX Step 2: Illustrate the process Step 2: Illustr

45、ate the process detailing each operation.detailing each operation. 第二步:示範流程中細微的操作第二步:示範流程中細微的操作 機器加工處理焊接組裝 原料原料 5 天天 20,000 A 15,000 B 25,000 A 18,000 B 15,000 A 8,000 B Schedule 授授课课:XXXXXX Focus activities to diminish impact of Focus activities to diminish impact of the major constraintthe major c

46、onstraint 將焦點放在減少重點限制的衝擊將焦點放在減少重點限制的衝擊 While all operations show that they function below the calculated takt time, the biggest impact will be made on the Treatment operation.當所有的操作都根據當所有的操作都根據 節拍時間時,最大的衝擊會來自於處理動作。節拍時間時,最大的衝擊會來自於處理動作。 However, as this is the major process causing delay in production

47、, you may want to test your abilities on a less critical operation.然而,當這成為造成生產延誤的然而,當這成為造成生產延誤的 主要流程時,可以在較小的關鍵操作上試試你的能力。主要流程時,可以在較小的關鍵操作上試試你的能力。 Remember, production pays the bills. Shutting down an operations to improve it may not be the wisest course of action.謹記,生產要花錢。停工改善可不是個謹記,生產要花錢。停工改善可不是個 最聰明的作法。最聰明的作法。 授授课课:XXXXXX Once customer demand is Once customer demand is assured:assured: 一旦確認了客戶的需求:一旦確認了客戶的需求: Begin continuous improvement


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